EUV lithography (EUVL) is a candidate technology for patterning of ever shrinking feature
sizes in integrated circuits. There are several challenges to high volume manufacturing
of devices using EUVL in a cost-effective manner, which include limited source power, mask
defects and non-idealities in the photoresist, the imaging medium. Focus of this thesis is on
photoresists. Specifically, influence of absorption shot noise on the final LER was studied
experimentally through comparative analysis of LER obtained with EUV (92 eV photons)
and 100 keV e-beam lithography. The key contribution here is that the lithography experiments
were performed with matched imaging conditions between EUV and e-beam, which
allowed for a fair comparison between the LER values measured using the two patterning
technologies. In scenarios where the e-beam spatial resolution was better than that for EUV,
the technique of gray-scale e-beam lithography was experimentally demonstrated to result in
closely matched image gradients between e-beam and EUV patterning. It was shown that the
measurable parameter known as the exposure latitude is a good parameter to test whether
the aerial images between two experiments have identical gradients for idential materials and
processing conditions.
With matched imaging conditions, resist materials and processing conditions, lithographic
data showed that the incident flux needed to pattern 50 nm half-pitch lines and
spaces for a leading chemically amplified resist was 10.7 photons/nm2 for 92 eV photons,
and 4.44 electrons/nm2 for 100 keV electrons. Measurements of absorption of 100 keV electrons
estimated through an EELS measurement with 120 keV beam showed that despite having
access to core levels in the material (e.g., 284 eV edge in carbon), these electrons mostly just
excite the energy levels less than 100 eV in the resist, with a mean deposited energy of 35 eV.
Results showed that the probability of an energy loss event in a 45 nm thick resist film with
100 keV electrons was 0.4, about 2.35x larger than that for EUV (0.17). By combining the
incident flux and the absorption probabilities, the absorption flux was found to be similar
between the two patterning technologies. A possible reason is that either the secondary
electron spectra created in the material through ionization events are similar for EUV and 100 keV e-beam exposures, or that there are only small differences which ultimately do not
matter from the standpoint of acid generation statistics. With matched imaging conditions
and matched absorption density, the mean LER for e-beam was found to be larger by about
1 nm.
Influence of various material contributors in determining the resist LER was also studied
from a modeling standpoint. Reaction/diffusion parameters in a stochastic resist model were
calibrated to resist contrast curve data and line/space patterns. With the best fit reaction
and diffusion parameters, the contributions of absorption shot noise, acid generation statistics
and the base counting statistics on the resist LER were determined. Shot noise was found
to account for 46% of the total LER, while the acid generation and base loading statistics
were found to account for 22% and 32% of the LER respectively.
Interactions of low energy electrons in EUV resists were studied from both experimental
and modeling standpoint. Low energy (< 92 eV) electrons are primarily responsible for
initiating chemistry that leads to image formation in EUV resists. Thus key to controlling
EUV exposure efficiency is understanding low energy electron radiation chemistry efficiency
as a function of electron energy. Thickness versus exposure dose measurements were made
with incident electron energies ranging between 29 eV and 91 eV. Thickness removed was
much larger than the average secondary electron range and was bake temperature dependent
and thus is a useful indicator of de-protection blur introduced by the bake process. The
dissolution volume per eV deposited energy was nearly similar for 29 eV to 91 eV energies,
although there is some indication that incident electrons with lower energies are slightly
more effective at causing chemistry. The volume removed per eV was about 0.1 nm3 per 1
nm2 area.
The well-known dielectric model for inelastic scattering was used to develop a stochastic
model for simulating trajectories traversed by secondary electrons in the resist. Electron
energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) was used to measure the dielectric function for a leading
chemically amplified resist. Analytical expressions for the Mermin dielectric functions which
account for energy and momentum transfer were then fit to the measurement to build a
complete dielectric model for the resist. Stochastic simulations were then performed with
the scattering parameters determined by the dielectric model to calculate energy deposition
and acid generation statistics. These results were used to quantify the net acid generation
blur, which was found to be between 1.8 nm and 2 nm from the point of origin of the electrons.
The radial distribution of acid generation sites was fit using a Rayleigh distribution and the
best fit sigma parameters in the distributions were found to range between 1.2 nm at 30 eV and
1.41 nm at 91 eV. The net acid yield calculated by the simulator was found to be 1.6 for an
80 eV electron.