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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Santa Barbara

The Cycle of Bias: Skin Tone Biases in Algorithms and the Implications for Technology Diffusion

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This research seeks to understand how skin tone bias in image recognition algorithms impacts users’ adoption and usage of image recognition technology. We employed a diffusion of innovations framework to explore perceptions of compatibility, complexity, observability, relative advantage, trialability, and reinvention to determine their influence on participants' utilization of image recognition algorithms. Despite having more susceptibility to algorithmic bias, individuals with darker skin tones perceived these algorithms as having greater levels of compatibility and relative advantage, being more observable, and less complex and thus used them more extensively compared to those with lighter skin tones. Individuals with darker skin tones also displayed higher levels of reinvention behaviors, suggesting a potential adaptive response to counteract algorithmic biases.

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This item is under embargo until August 8, 2024.