Background: Erythrasma is a benign dermatosis thattypically occurs on intertriginous skin. Purpose: Wedescribe a series of nine men with erythrasmathat were successfully treated with mupirocin 2%ointment monotherapy. Methods and Materials:We reviewed PubMed for the following terms:erythrasma, mupirocin, ointment, treatment. Wealso reviewed papers containing these terms andtheir references. Results: Complete resolution oferythrasma occurred following monotherapywith twice daily application of mupirocin 2%ointment. Conclusions: Several topical andoral treatments are available to successfullymanage erythrasma. Our series of patientswith erythrasma experienced resolution withmupirocin 2% ointment treatment within 2 to 4weeks of therapy. Monotherapy with mupirocin2% ointment should be considered as a primarytreatment alternative for erythrasma.