//A Choose Your Own Adventure by Jordan Wong//
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ZhW7cmQC98-81rueihn2oUoFs99ZBxkb" width=400 height=400 alt="knight">
[[Begin your journey.->1WakeUp]]You stand up to draw your sword, ready to fight. Better to be safe than sorry.
The peasant immediately comes to a stop and throws his hands up.
"Please milord! I only come bearing urgent news!"
[[You sheathe your sword and return to your throne.->6TellNews]]You relax, staying put on your throne. No sane peasant would dare lay their hands on you after all.
The peasant throws himself at your feet.
(live:3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You shift your feet.](stop:)]
(live:5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[While clearly out of breath, he manages to get out a few words.
"Please milord... we need your help!"
[[Concerned, you listen.->6TellNews]]](stop:)]<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1s_7qruyHnX7u3gPCp5ebH0B7Yx3BV85R" width=400 height=400 alt="castle doors">
SLAM! goes the sound of large wooden doors, smashing against the walls of your great hall. An unsightly peasant sprints towards you at full tilt, knocking over the guards who try to stop him. With your guards on the ground and no way of knowing the mad man's true intentions, what do you do?
[[Draw your sword. Better safe than sorry.->5ADrawSword]]
[[Relax. No peasant would dare lay their hands on you. Should they want to keep them, that is.->5BRelax]]"Well, spit it out then," you tell the peasant.
"The Carlsens! They're marching their foot soldiers towards us, sire! They've already ransacked and burned a village, and I'm afraid if you don't do something soon, the same will happen to mine."
Carlsens! Obviously, we must retaliate, but how...
Your closest advisor leans in to whisper into your ear.
"Milord, we can send the cavalry, which will get to the Carlsens sooner, but our foot soldiers will be better equipped to deal with those Carlsens."
[[Send the cavalry. We can't let the Carlsens take any more lives.->7ACavalry]]
[[Send the foot soldiers. Slow and steady wins the race.->7BFootSoldiers]]
[[Why not both? We must wipe these godforsaken Carlsens off the face of this planet.->7CBoth]](set: $armySent to "Cavalry")
You decide to send the cavalry. We can't let the Carlsens take any more lives.
[[Continue.->8Defenses]](set: $armySent to "Foot Soldiers")
You decide to send the foot soldiers. Slow and steady wins the race.
[[Continue.->8Defenses]]You decide to send both. Why not, right?
"Hey! You can't do that! That's cheat- I mean... it'll leave you open to counterattack!" says your advisor.
[[Try again.->6TellNews]]While we wait to hear back from our ''$armySent'', we should prepare some defenses.
You ask your advisor what he suggests.
"We should focus on fortifying the castle here, milord."
"Or we could send some forces out into the countryside to protect the neighboring villages," interjects one of your guards.
[[Fortify the castle.->9Castle]]
[[Protect the countryside.->9Countryside]]The sun shines brightly into your eyes, as you begin to wake up.
You, the protagonist, stretch your arms out and hop out of bed, ready for another day of benevolent ruling.
After getting dressed, you walk down the hallway from your room towards the grand hall.
You pass by one of your servants carrying an impossibly large basket of linens. He trips, spilling clothes and towels all over the floor. Embarrassed, the servant immediately begins picking it all up.
[[Help the servant.->2AHelp]]
[[Laugh and carry on.->2BLaugh]](set: $samuelHelp to true)
You decide to help the servant.
"Here, let me help with that," you say as you bend down to help out.
"Oh my goodness. I'm- I'm so sorry, milord! I promise it won't happen again."
"What's your name?" you ask.
"Sa- Samuel, milord."
"Samuel, it's quite alright. Just try your best to not let it happen again," you say with a chuckle and a smile on your face.
Samuel nods.
[[You continue your journey to the grand hall.->3GrandHall]](set: $samuelHelp to false)
You laugh at the servant and think to yourself, what a moron.
[[You continue on to the grand hall.->3GrandHall]]Within the grand hall, you look around to see your guards at the front entrance and your advisor waiting for you by your throne.
[[(1) Take a second to look around.->3.5ALook]]
[[(2) Speak to your guards.->3.5BGuards]]
[[(3) Speak to your advisor.->3.5CAdvisor]]
Your advisor waves at you.
[[Sit in your throne.->4PeasantEnters]](set: $defend to "Castle")
You decide to fortify the castle.
This is where you'll make your last stand, should the Carlsens best your away force anyway.
[[Continue.->10BattleResults]](set: $defend to "Countryside")
You decide to protect the countryside.
If we don't protect our people, what's it all for anyway?
[[Continue.->10BattleResults]]You head out to the castle's courtyard, eagerly awaiting any news from your ''$armySent''.
Your soldiers are also now fortifying the ''$defend''.
(if:$armySent is "Cavalry")[[[A lone cavalry man rides in through your gates.->11ACavalrySent]]]
(if:$armySent is "Foot Soldiers")[[[The foot soldiers run in through your gates.->11BFootSoldiersSent]]]
](stop:)]The lone cavalry man has a grim look on his face.
"The Carlsens were too strong. We managed to buy enough time for the villagers to run, but the Carlsens burned down the village and are on their way here now."
[[Ready the defenses!->12SpotCarlsens]]The foot soldiers have grim looks on their faces. One steps forward.
"We were too late. By the time we got there, the Carlsens had burned down the village and none of the villagers had survived. The Carlsens on their way here now."
[[Ready the defenses!->12SpotCarlsens]]You stand upon the outer wall of your castle, easily spotting the attacking Carlsens in the distance.
Only having a limited time, you ready yourself and your men for combat.
[[Continue.->13Battle]]The Carlsens throw everything they've got at your gates.
(if:$defend is "Castle")[Since you fortified the castle, archers rain fire upon the invading Carlsens.]
(if:$defend is "Countryside")[You regretfully wish you had fortified the castle, instead of the countryside.]
You ready your sword for the moment the Carlsens enter.
(live:1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[The gate holds...](stop:)]
(live:3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[The gate holds...](stop:)]
(if:$defend is "Castle")[(set: $CarlsenNumber to 5)]
(if:$defend is "Countryside")[(set: $CarlsenNumber to 20)]"They've broken through!" says a soldier.
An arrow zips past your head.
The soldiers valiantly attempt to fend off the invaders, but the Carlsens outnumber you $CarlsenNumber to 1.
Blood everywhere.
Bodies everywhere.
It's a massacre.
[[Continue.->16Retreat]]"Fall back to the inner keep!" you shout.
The Carlsens give chase, causing you to get separated from the rest of your soldiers. You are forced back into a tower overlooking the carnage.
As you fight alone, you fight like never before.
Carlsen after Carlsen, swing after swing, you begin to tire.
Just... keep... fighting...
One Carlsen left.
And it's King Carlsen.
He gets the best of you and you're on the ground now...
[[Continue.->17Summary]]WHAM! Suddenly, King Carlsen is tackled to the ground.
You quickly pick up your sword and you realize your savior is Samuel, the servant you helped earlier. As he hops off Carlsen, you hold the sword to Carlsen's neck and you say...
(live:6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[["Checkmate." (Extra Best Ending)->20EpilogueWin]]](stop:)]King Carlsen drags you to edge of the tower, where you can look down to see everything.
(if:$armySent is "Cavalry" and $defend is "Castle")[Most of your men have fallen, but it looks like some villagers on horseback are arriving to help fight the Carlsens. (Medium Ending)](if:$armySent is "Cavalry" and $defend is "Countryside")[Some villagers on horseback and what appears to be every villager from the countryside arrive to overwhelm the Carlsens. (Good Ending)](if:$armySent is "Foot Soldiers" and $defend is "Castle")[Most of your men have fallen and it looks like no one's coming... (Worst Ending)](if:$armySent is "Foot Soldiers" and $defend is "Countryside")[Most of your men have fallen, but it looks like the villagers from the countryside are coming to help. (Medium Ending)]
[[Continue.->18LastChance]]<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1QpkWj3EQaaBtnlR-GeQX5PuTHrRN5uHx" width=400 height=400 alt="checkmate">
"That's bullshit! That's not mate!" says bigcheeseeater6969.
"Bro, look! My calvalry dude keeps you from going there and my castle guy keeps you from going there!"
The end.<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1mjywaU1S0lGV7zqIvUEOgy_da3x3ndhn" width=500 height=400 alt="checkmate">
"It's over for you, man," says King Carlsen, holding a sword to your neck.
(if:$samuelHelp is true)[[[Continue.->19Saved]]](if:$samuelHelp is false)[[["Checkmate."->20EpilogueLose]]]<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1CyoLSoL-FhvtHbzidy-0K_ch37G-85yj" width=400 height=400 alt="checkmate">
"ggez loser," says bigcheeseeater6969.
"Whatever man."
The end.You take a minute to admire the beautiful architecture of the room. You see the exquisite patterns to the stone arches and the stained glass windows which let the light shine in.
[[(2) Speak to your guards.->3.5BGuards]]
[[(3) Speak to your advisor.->3.5CAdvisor]]
[[Return to the grand hall.->3GrandHall]]"How is it going soldiers? Anything going on I should be worried about?" you ask.
"Fine, milord. Nothing to worry about."
[[(1) Take a second to look around.->3.5ALook]]
[[(3) Speak to your advisor.->3.5CAdvisor]]
[[Return to the grand hall.->3GrandHall]]"Good morning, milord," says the advisor.
"Good morning. Any news for me?" you ask.
"Nothing at this very moment. The Carlsens from over the hill may be gearing for war, but I don't expect them to attack any time soon."
[["Tell me about the Carlsens."->3.75Advisor]]
[[(1) Take a second to look around.->3.5ALook]]
[[(2) Speak to your guards.->3.5BGuards]]
[[Return to the grand hall.->3GrandHall]]"The Carlsens are our distant neighbors, milord. They descend from the chess god, Magnus Carlsen. Though, chess skill runs in their veins, they are even more skilled at physical combat," says your advisor.