Eye (for each eye) |
0 Normal |
+1 Cells in vitrous &/or anterior chamber only |
+2 Vision 50% |
+3 Vision 30% |
+4 able to see few feet |
+5 Blind |
Skin and mucous membrane |
oral ulcer |
0 No ulcers |
+1 1-3 minor ulcers |
+2 1-3 major ulcers or more than 3 minor ulcers |
+3 More than 3 major ulcers |
- Genital ulcers |
0 No ulcers |
+1 1-3 minor ulcers |
+2 1-3 major ulcers or more than 3 minor ulcers |
+3 More than 3 major ulcers |
Frequency (episodes /mouth) |
+1 1-2 episodes |
+2 More than 2 episodes |
+3 Continuous (status aphthaticus) |
+1 Erythema nodosum |
+1 Papulopustular& acne form |
Epididymoorchitis |
+1 Involvement of one side |
+2 Involvement of both side |
Vascular involvements |
+1 Unilateral limb DVT&/or SVT |
+2 Bilateral venous thrombosis |
+3 Vein thrombosis requiring bed rest |
+4 Thrombosis of superior /inferior vena cava |
+5 Thrombosis of both SVC&IVC or arterial occlusion |
Rheumatological involvements |
+1 Arthritis for each joint |
+1 Arthralgia (irrespective of number of joints involved ) |
Neurological involvements |
+2 Intracranial hypertension |
+4 Multiple sclerosis – like syndrome |
+5 Pyramidal & / or cerebellar involvement |
Sum: |