Welcome to the beta build of Lying to Your Boss Simulator 9000! The object of this game is to avoid your boss and thus avoid having to do more work. Isn't that the dream?
To start the game on Normal difficulty click [[here]]
[[Content warning and keywords]]
[[Click here to adjust difficulty]]
Created by Zack SheehanYou wake up and you're late for work already. Do you:
[[Get up and rush to work]]
[[Think of an excuse for your boss]]
[[Do nothing, go back to sleep]]You throw on your clothes and run out the door to your car.
You are speeding down the road pulling up your phone to call your boss.
In your distraction, you fail to notice that a deer jumped out into the road and you have no time to adjust. You strike the deer and stop the car.
Do you...
[[Call the police]]
or instead
[[Continue uninterrupted]]You call your boss and:
[[Make up a sickness, say you can't come in]]
[[Say you are on your way but stuck in traffic]]
[[Tell him you have been kidnapped by pirates]]
[[Tell him you are late because you hate the job]]The deer is dead. You call the police.
Shaken by the events, you come clean to your boss about your lateness. He fires you.
Maybe you should try getting better at lying to your boss...
[[Go home]]You tell your boss you are bleeding from the eyes with a rare disease from the Amazon.
He is so impressed with your lie he gives you the rest of the week off.
With your week off you:
[[Are lazy]]
[[Discover the cure for cancer]]You call your boss to tell him there was a horrible accident and you are now stuck in traffic.
As you continue on your way things start to slow down... you are now actually stuck in traffic.
Wait 10 mins to simulate waiting in traffic.
[[Then click here]]Time has gone by you and you now have another job.
[[Time to celebrate!]]Uh oh... another long night and you slept in too late.
You're late to work again... you know what to do this time right?
[[Think of an excuse for your boss]]
[[Get up and rush to work]] That was boring huh?
You have now arrived at work. Your boss yells at you for being late.
You hate your job.
[[You sit miserably at work another day]]A duffel bag full of $100,000,000 cash falls into your backyard. Had you not been home being lazy someone else surely would've gotten to it before you.
[[Congratulations you have won the game]]You work your entire week off to discover the cure for cancer.
After tireless work you have finally cured cancer.
[[You start your own company]]You go home and spend all night thinking about how much you hate your job.
Maybe if you get better at lying to your boss you can get a better job...
If you're ready to try again click [[here]]Your employees now lie to you.
You hate it.
[[Descend into madness]] [[END]]You skip work for the day.
The next day your boss asks you where you were the day before.
You tell him:
[[I overslept]]
[[I was kidnapped by pirates]]You are rushing to get dressed and out the door, explaining to your boss a dramatic tale of your pirate kidnapping when...
You walk into something... you look up and the pirate captain is looking down at you.
Your house is surrounded and you have no choice but to go with them as a hostage.
[[Go as a hostage]]
...actually there is no other option. He is a big scary pirate and will kill you if you do not come as a hostage.You are fired.
Not a problem, that job sucked anyway
With your newfound free time you:
[[Are lazy]]
[[Discover the cure for cancer]] You explain to your boss a long dramatic story about how you had been kidnapped by pirates only to be interrupted by a tapping sound...
The beard and the hook for a hand are unmistakalbe. Actual pirates have actually come to actually kidnap you.
You have no choice but to follow the pirates to their pirate ship as a hostage.
[[Go as a hostage]]Years of tireless work put you at the head of a multinational healthcare corporation.
Your position of Founder/CEO is full of glamour and accolades.
[[You are now the boss]]
But is it everything it's cracked up to be?The pirates are mean but fair with you as you adapt to your crewmember duties.
Upon your travels you gain the respect of the pirates and they adopt you as one of their own.
They give you the option to join their crew or return to your old life. From here you...
Accept their offer and [[Become a pirate]] to sail the seven seas as a member of their pirate crew.
[[Return to your old life]] of monotony where you are forced to lie to your boss to get byA pirate's life for me!
You finally made the right decision.
[[Congratulations you have won the game]]What? Why?
Being a pirate would be awesome. You lose.
To try again click [[here]]He respects your honesty. He gives you a promotion.
[[Time to celebrate!]] Thank you for playing!
To play again click [[here]]You call the police.
They write you a ticket for distracted driving and you continue on your way.
You show up to work late and are chastised for your tardyness.
Try lying, we don't want any more innocent deer deaths.
Click [[here]] to try againYou make it to work on time thank god.
Time goes by but something seems off...
You see hoofmarks in your yard. You see antlers around corners.
The ghost of the deer you killed and ignored in your rush to work is haunting you.
[[Descend into madness]]Your descent into madness causes you to lose your job.
Aim lower.
To try again click [[here]]Easy - [[Become a pirate]]
Normal (RECOMMENDED) - office job, click [[here]] to start
Hard - [[You start your own company]] Mild violence content warning
Keywords: deer, traffic
To begin click [[here]]