"I have to do it today."
While getting ready, Hana Dixon has made her decision. She needs to make a name for herself in the charming little fishing town she calls home, and the only way she can do that is by catching the legendary Koi.
According to the legend, the giant Koi fish has been around since the start of this settlement, going back centuries. It was the one that helped the first fisherman build the town from the ground up. Apparently, this fish grants one wish to those that can catch it, although it has never been seen by anyone today. And that is why Hana feels the need to capture it.
Before leaving, she collects all the things she thinks she needs, which consists of a small sack of regular bait, her old fishing rod, and some sandwiches to last her the rest of the day.
Should she head to [[the docks]] and start trying with the tools she has at hand or go into [[the town]] and gather more supplies?{
(set: $waited to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set: $dockWork to 0)
(set: $dmChat to (a: "I hope the townspeople aren't giving you too much trouble. I mean, I don't really think you should be trying so hard to catch that fish too, but some of those people are real bullies! You let me know if any of them are giving you a particularly hard time.", "I saw the prettiest heron outside my window the other day. We even held eye contact! It seemed so wise, like it knew something I didn't. I felt like it was reading my soul...", "How's the baking going? I know you were trying to make some new baked good right? I hope it's going well!"))
(set: $giantNet to false)
(set: $shrinkPill to false)
(set: $magicPotion to false)
(set: $chumBucket to false)
(set: $friendPts to 0)
(set: $bakerWork to 0)
}The docks are fairly modest, nothing too spectacular. Few boats are still moored at this hour, as most fishermen have already left to go into the harbour and do their work. A small brick building sits at the entrance of the docks, and an office is apparent through the window.
It's a beautiful day, the skies are clear, and the water is calm.
//A perfect day for catching a big fish!//
Hana can get in her [[rowboat]], go to [[the town]], or enter the [[brick building]].As she walks into town, she passes by the [[alleyway shop]] that always creeped her out a little. Hana has never seen anyone go in and has never gone in herself. The doors are rarely open, but today they are, and Hana suddenly feels filled with curiosity at what is inside.
Everything else is bright and cheery. The monthly outdoor [[market]] is taking place in the town square. Hana's senses are invaded by the delicious scents, colorful decorations, and lovely music coming from the traveling band's concert. Children run around the streets with streamers and candy, playing various games together. Adults wander about, chatting and visiting the various stalls set up, all of which sell interesting things from far and wide.
The(if: $chumBucket is false)[ [[bait store]]](else:)[ bait store] is open, as it always is. This is a fishing town, after all, and people still need somewhere to get their daily fishing supplies. (if: $chumBucket is true)[Hana doesn't need anything else from that dreadful store, though.]
The quaint [[bakery]] that Hana loves is open too. More people than usual can be seen inside, and the patio is full.
She could also always go back to [[the docks]].Hana throws her things into the boat and climbs in. In the legend, the fish lives in a hidden cove on the far right end of the harbour. It takes a little while, but eventually, Hana finds her way there. It's a beautiful setting, the shore lined by pretty trees that the sunlight hits in just the right way. The water is so clear that Hana can see a few groups of fish swimming around. She also notices how unnaturally deep the water seems in this cove, as even though the water is extremely clear, she can see no bottom.
After she is finished admiring the scenery, Hana begins to sort out her supplies. She has:
- a [[fishing rod]]
- a small bag of bait
(if: $giantNet is true)[- a giant net]
(if: $chumBucket is true)[- a [[bucket of chum]]]
(if: $shrinkPill is true)[- a shrinking pill]
(if: $magicPotion is true)[- a magic potion]Hana walks into the small brick building, a soft bell ringing as she opens the door. It's cozy inside, with a few framed photos hanging on the walls and books scattered here and there. A fireplace sits empty to her left with some comfy looking chairs in front of it. A window opens up to a beautiful view of the harbor, and she can see a few boats in the distance.
She finds Tad, the dockmaster, sitting at his desk on her right, working on his computer. He looks up when he hears the bell ring, smiling when he sees it's Hana.
"Hey, Hana, what's up?"
Should she [[chat]] with Tad or go back out to [[the docks]]?Hana starts setting up her fishing line, and attaches the entire sack of bait to her fishing pole, thinking that the giant Koi would probably want more bait at once than one tiny little bit. She throws it to where she thinks the deepest part of the cove is and settles down in her boat.
Now comes the [[waiting]]...Hana throws the bucket of chum around her boat and watches carefully, looking for any bigger than usual shadows coming up from below. Suddenly, she sees it circling: the legendary Koi! It's coming up, and quickly at that. Hana hastily checks to see what she can do.
(if: $giantNet is true)[Remembering the [[giant net]] she received from the dockmaster, she starts gathering it in her hands.](else:)[She tries to search the boat for something, anything that could help her catch this fish, but finds nothing that could be of use. She can see [[the mouth]] of the Koi opening to swallow the chum around her boat...]Hana tosses the net over the side and quickly rows the boat back to avoid getting knocked over by the giant fish. It swims up, up, and...
Right into the net! It starts thrashing around, tangling itself further in the net. Hana grabs at the net and tries to drag it in, but the fish is too big and too strong. Suddenly, for a brief moment, the fish's mouth comes up above the water.
(if: $shrinkPill is true and $magicPotion is true)[Thinking fast, Hana realizes that she can throw either the [[shrinking tablet]] or the [[magic potion]] into it and see what happens. But which to choose?](elseif: $shrinkPill is true)[Thinking fast, Hana realizes that she can throw the [[shrinking tablet]] into its mouth. Will it even work? No time to question...](elseif: $magicPotion is true)[Thinking fast, she remembers the [[magic potion]] she got from the which. Didn't she mention something about the Koi?](else:)[But, it means nothing to Hana as she is preoccupied with still pulling in the net. Try as she might, the fish somehow manages to wiggle out of the net. It [[escaped]]...]Quickly, Hana grabs the shrinking tablet and tosses it right into the mouth of the fish. It swallows the pill whole and instantly starts shrinking.
The fish is stunned, confused at what's happening, and stops thrashing so hard. Seizing the opportunity, Hana uses the empty chum bucket and dumps it under the water before pulling it up with the now mini Koi [[inside->caught]].Quickly, Hana grabs the magic potion and tosses it right into the mouth of the fish. The vial breaks upon contact, but nothing seems to happen.
//Great. 4 silver I'll never get back.//
Then suddenly, Hana hears a voice.
"What the... Get this thing off!! How do I get out?!! You piece of... Face me like a man!"
//Is that... the fish? I guess I'll try [[talking]] to it...?//The giant fish comes up very fast, swallowing all the chum, but also Hana's boat with it. As she falls into the void of its mouth, she stares up at the disappearing sky, getting one last glimpse of the sun and the trees before the mouth closes and the fish dives back underwater.
//Maybe this wasn't my greatest idea...//
(link-reveal: "The End.")[
Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed. This game was inspired by the <a href="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ba87b6b2-3818-4012-9547-42dc1e3d3317/ddn2jam-9ce6d044-4b15-4320-a4ab-45fc9b3415b3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1183,h_676,q_70,strp/016_by_wanbao_ddn2jam-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmE4N2I2YjItMzgxOC00MDEyLTk1NDctNDJkYzFlM2QzMzE3XC9kZG4yamFtLTljZTZkMDQ0LTRiMTUtNDMyMC1hNGFiLTQ1ZmM5YjM0MTViMy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTUwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.-uMD1t5FDqG1ppJ9APCWgEjE7Yyj8UOjEhlyBDSo8KI" target="_blank">linked image</a>. Have a good day!
- Frances](if: $waited >= 5)[It was well into the day by now. Hana had been waiting for hours and had only caught one small fish. She decided that it was just time to [[go back]] home.](elseif: $waited is 3)[She woke up with a start. Something was pulling on the line! Hana leaped into action, grabbing the fishing rod and tugging the hook back in. Even though it was a struggle, she finally pulled up a... tiny fish. Sighing, she fell back into the boat and drifted back to sleep. Man, this was a lot of [[waiting]]... (set: $waited to it + 1)](elseif: $waited >= 1)[She woke up with a start. Still, nothing much was happening. She decided to take another nap to pass the time, [[waiting]] for something interesting to happen... (set: $waited to it + 1)](else:)[Nothing much was happening. She decided to take a nap to pass the time, [[waiting]] for something interesting to happen... (set: $waited to it + 1)]Hana heads home to her bed, beaten down and disappointed that she was unable to catch the giant legendary Koi fish. It's right before she falls asleep that she takes a moment to reflect.
Is it really worth it to (link:"keep trying")[(reload:)]?
Or is it time to [[give up]]?//You know what. Maybe it's time.//
Hana realizes that she doesn't actually enjoy fishing. This is not what she was meant for in this life, and failing to catch this giant fish was only the final pushing point. She came to discover her true passion was baking. So, Hana decided to work at the bakery in town. She started creating shaped loaves, which helped the bakery flourish. Soon, she was known around town for her beautiful doughy creations. She really did achieve her goal of making a name for herself, just not in the way she thought she needed to.
(link-reveal: "The End.")[
Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed. This game was inspired by the <a href="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ba87b6b2-3818-4012-9547-42dc1e3d3317/ddn2jam-9ce6d044-4b15-4320-a4ab-45fc9b3415b3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1183,h_676,q_70,strp/016_by_wanbao_ddn2jam-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmE4N2I2YjItMzgxOC00MDEyLTk1NDctNDJkYzFlM2QzMzE3XC9kZG4yamFtLTljZTZkMDQ0LTRiMTUtNDMyMC1hNGFiLTQ1ZmM5YjM0MTViMy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTUwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.-uMD1t5FDqG1ppJ9APCWgEjE7Yyj8UOjEhlyBDSo8KI" target="_blank">linked image</a>. Have a good day!
- Frances]"Um, hello?" Hana timidly asks, but the giant Koi doesn't hear Hana over its own yelling and thrashing.
"Helloooo" she says, a little louder this time. Still, nothing. The fish continues to thrash around and get even more tangled in the net.
//This is starting to get annoying.//
"HEY, CAN YOU STOP MOVING FOR A MOMENT!" Hana yells. It freezes.
//[[Stupid fish.->convo part 1]]//She did it. She really did it.
//I guess the shrinking pill really worked.//
Hana grins wildly before whooping and jumping around her boat. She hurriedly paddles back to the docks, Koi safely stored in the bucket. But, it's when she gets to the docks that she realizes: does the shrinking tablet wear off? She decides to wait and (link-reveal: "see.")[
She sat by the dock all day with the bucket, watching the Koi swim in furious circles. Nothing had changed. So, she put some food in the bucket and left it for another day. The next day, still nothing. The Koi now seemed to realize that this was its life now, and was calmly swimming. Hana realized that no one would ever believe that this was the giant mythical Koi. It looked like any old fish.
//Guess I gotta wait till next outdoor market. Maybe he sells an expanding pill?//
(link-reveal: "The End.")[
Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed. This game was inspired by the <a href="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ba87b6b2-3818-4012-9547-42dc1e3d3317/ddn2jam-9ce6d044-4b15-4320-a4ab-45fc9b3415b3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1183,h_676,q_70,strp/016_by_wanbao_ddn2jam-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmE4N2I2YjItMzgxOC00MDEyLTk1NDctNDJkYzFlM2QzMzE3XC9kZG4yamFtLTljZTZkMDQ0LTRiMTUtNDMyMC1hNGFiLTQ1ZmM5YjM0MTViMy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTUwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.-uMD1t5FDqG1ppJ9APCWgEjE7Yyj8UOjEhlyBDSo8KI" target="_blank">linked image</a>. Have a good day!
- Frances]]"(either: ...$dmChat)"
"But, anyway, how can I help you?"
Ask to [[work as dock hand]].
See if Tad has any (link-reveal: "tips.")
[(if: $giantNet is false)
[(set: $giantNet to true)
"Well, I really have no idea, and I still think it's a fairytale." Hana sighs and looks down. "But, someone left this giant net on the dock the other day and I have no use for it. Maybe it'll help you?" She thanks him and takes the net.](else:)[
"I already gave you a net, what more do you need? Besides, it's still a myth Hana..." He shakes his head and turns back to his computer.]]
Go back to [[the docks]]."Did a human just try yelling at me? God, the nerve of these creatures." It seems to not realize that Hana understands every word it says.
She shrieks. "Y-You can talk?!"
"Well, of course, I ca- wait, you can understand me?!"
Both the fish and Hana sit in stunned silence. She nods her head, although confused about how this happened.
After a moment, the fish blubbed. "How in the world did this happen?"
"I think it was the potion I threw at you? ^^...But I thought it was fake...^^"
"... Where did you get it from?"
"Some alleyway shop. An old lady was working there, but I don't think I ever got her name."
The fish whispers to itself, "That darned woman. Always meddling around, why can't she just leave me alone." Hana, still stunned, misses what it says as she's completely in her own world. She snaps back when she hears the fish yelling.
"Hey! Human! Can you please just take me out of this net? I will talk to you more, as it's been a long time since I've last spoken to a human, so you can rest assured I won't swim away. I promise!"
(link: "I guess that's okay...")[(set: $friendPts to $friendPts + 1)(goto:"convo part 2")]
(link: "What? No, I caught you fair and square!")[(set: $friendPts to $friendPts - 1)(goto:"convo part 1.1")]The fish grumbles a bit as he swims out of the giant net that Hana cut a gap in. //I hope Tad didn't want this net back any time soon...//
As promised, the giant Koi does not swim back down to the depths of the cove. It simply swims in little circles around Hana's boat, occasionally popping its head out to speak.
"So, if you're here, I guess you've heard the legend then, right?"
"Of course I have...
(link: "It was my favorite story as a kid, and still is!")[(set: $friendPts to $friendPts + 1)(goto:"convo part 3")]
(link: "Everyone in town has, although I'm probably the most serious about it.")[(set: $friendPts to $friendPts - 1)(goto:"convo part 3")]"Oh really?" The fish responds. "Well, at least someone still cares. Man, it's been so long since someone last came out here..."
Somehow, the fish almost looks sad. Hana can see the loneliness in its eyes, but before she can say anything, it speaks again.
"Well then, you've caught me. What greatness can I bestow on you?"
(link: "Success and recognition!")[(set: $friendPts to $friendPts - 1)(if: $friendPts > 0)[(goto:"successfully befriended")](else:)[(goto:"koi doesn't like Hana")]]
(link: "Happiness and good fortune for my town.")[(set: $friendPts to $friendPts + 1)(if: $friendPts > 0)[(goto:"successfully befriended")](else:)[(goto:"koi doesn't like Hana")]]Hana watches as the fish waves its fin nonchalantly and says, "Okay, I've done it. Now I shall be on my way."
"Wait! I... don't even know your name."
The Koi looks at Hana inquisitively. "Why do you want to know my name? I gave you what you wanted. Shouldn't you be on your way?"
"Well... I guess so..." Hana's cheeks were tinged pink. "^^But you seemed so lonely......^^"
It's now the fish's turn to blush, which Hana didn't even think was possible. "It's hard to pronounce. It's in fish-tongue."
"I've got all day! But first - My name's Hana." Hana smiled. She had forgotten all about what she asked for now. And, thus was the start of a life long friendship...
(link-reveal: "The End.")[
Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed. This game was inspired by the <a href="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ba87b6b2-3818-4012-9547-42dc1e3d3317/ddn2jam-9ce6d044-4b15-4320-a4ab-45fc9b3415b3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1183,h_676,q_70,strp/016_by_wanbao_ddn2jam-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmE4N2I2YjItMzgxOC00MDEyLTk1NDctNDJkYzFlM2QzMzE3XC9kZG4yamFtLTljZTZkMDQ0LTRiMTUtNDMyMC1hNGFiLTQ1ZmM5YjM0MTViMy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTUwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.-uMD1t5FDqG1ppJ9APCWgEjE7Yyj8UOjEhlyBDSo8KI" target="_blank">linked image</a>. Have a good day!
- Frances]"Okay, it's done."
"What? You didn't even do anything?"
"Sure I did, I'm a magical fish. Go back home and see. Now, I will be on my way. Have fun with whatever you got." With that, the fish disappeared into the void of the bottomless cove.
//Huh. Well, I hope it worked.// With that, Hana rowed back to the docks. She passed a few people while walking home and expected them to say something, but nothing happened. When she got home, she found a note on her porch.
Dear Human,
I didn't like you so I didn't grant your wishes. Have a nice life!
- Koi
//Dang it.//
(link-reveal: "The End.")[
Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed. This game was inspired by the <a href="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ba87b6b2-3818-4012-9547-42dc1e3d3317/ddn2jam-9ce6d044-4b15-4320-a4ab-45fc9b3415b3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1183,h_676,q_70,strp/016_by_wanbao_ddn2jam-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmE4N2I2YjItMzgxOC00MDEyLTk1NDctNDJkYzFlM2QzMzE3XC9kZG4yamFtLTljZTZkMDQ0LTRiMTUtNDMyMC1hNGFiLTQ1ZmM5YjM0MTViMy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTUwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.-uMD1t5FDqG1ppJ9APCWgEjE7Yyj8UOjEhlyBDSo8KI" target="_blank">linked image</a>. Have a good day!
- Frances](if: $magicPotion is false)[Something pulls Hana to the hidden store, and she decides not to fight it. She enters and is overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things inside. Even though it's a bit dark inside, Hana can still see the walls lined with books and other various bits and bobs. A few tables are stacked with vials, jars, crystals, and things Hana doesn't even know what they are.
//Is that a skull? ...You know what, I don't want to know.//
A small voice calls out from the back. "Oh, hello, what can I help you find on this day?"
A shriveled woman sits behind an old counter, petting a cat and watching Hana with twinkling eyes.
Hana responds:
"Um, do you have anything to help me catch a [[big fish?]]"
"Oh, nothing, I'm heading out actually." She turns to leave and go back to [[the town]].] (else:)[Somehow, Hana can't seem to remember which alley the store was in. She checks every single one in town and can't seem to find it. Very [[curious...->the town]]]Well, she is supposed to go fishing today, right? Hana enters the bait store and walks around. The boy working the cash register glances up when the door opens, but says nothing and goes back to his phone. Hana frowns a little. Sure, she may sound a little crazy when she talks about catching a mythical fish, but she deserves the same respect as other customers in the store, does she not?
"Excuse me, could I get some help?" (link-reveal: "She asked.")[
The boy looks up and rolls his eyes. "Yeah lady, the giant fish bait is out the door, across the rainbow bridge, and then on your right."
Hana sighs, annoyed at having to deal with this kid again. (link-reveal:"\"I'd just like a bucket of chum please.\"")[(set: $chumBucket to true)
"Sure thing." The boy picks up a bucket from behind the counter, then smirks. "Here, it's on the house. You'll probably waste it on nothing anyway."
She swipes the bucket out of his hands. "Thanks," she says in a monotone voice before marching out of the store back to [[the town]]. //I'll show him.//]](if: $dockWork >= 3)["Thanks for all the help, but that's all the open jobs I had today. Why don't you go back to [[the docks]]?"
Tad turns back to his desk, waving his hand dismissively.] (else:)[(set: $money to it + 1)(set: $dockWork to it + 1) Hana walked around the dock helping fishermen unload ships and performing various maintenance jobs on the marina. She got a silver coin for her help.
When she finished, she decided to go back to the [[brick building]].](if: $shrinkPill is false)[Since she's already here, might as well look around. The outdoor market is one of Hana's favorite events in town. Somehow, it always happens on a perfect day. Everyone comes to join the festivities, and the stalls are always stocked full of fun trinkets and delightful meals. One stall, in particular, catches Hana's eye.
The person running it is a lanky man, and he appears to be selling medicine. On closer inspection, however, none of these are normal pills.
"It's all alchemy, darling," he drawls in a strange, distant accent. "They all have unique uses and effects."
One in particular that catches Hana's eye is a jar labeled ''Slim Down''. "What does that pill do?" She points.
"Oh, this one? Well, it hasn't quite been tested thoroughly yet, but early trials have shown that this pill will make you smaller in every sense of the word!" The man grins nervously, and Hana lifts an eyebrow.
He sighs and leans down closer to her, whispering, "Look, the boss designed it to make people thinner, but I'm pretty sure it just makes people shrink. Do you want it or not? I'll give you a pill for 1 silver."
(if: $money >= 1)[(set: $shrinkPill to true)(set: $money to it - 1) "Okay, I'll take it!" //I really hope it actually works.//
"Great! Here you go." He hands her a tiny jar with a single pill. "Put it to good use, miss!"
The man turns to another customer, and Hana [[leaves->the town]] the stall.](else:)["Sorry, I don't have enough silver on me right now."
"Just come back later then, I'll still be here!" The man turns to another customer, and Hana [[leaves->the town]] the stall.]](else:)[Since she's already here, might as well look around some more. The outdoor market is one of Hana's favorite events in town. Somehow, it always happens on a perfect day. Everyone comes to join the festivities, and the stalls are always stocked full of fun trinkets and delightful meals.
She grabs a few treats from a couple of different stalls and enjoys them while watching the crowd.
//Time to [[get back->the town]] to work.//]//I let it go...//
The fish managed to escape the netting, and now Hana has nothing to bring home. She failed today. After a while of sitting in her boat and staring at the sky, thinking of what she could've done differently, she sits up.
It's time to [[go back]].Hana walks into the bakery. Various baked goods surround the store on wooden shelves placed neatly throughout. An awning covers a little patio outside with some tables and chairs for customers to relax at. There's a few tables indoors as well, but on such a lovely day who would want to stay in?
The smell of cookies and cakes fills the store, and everyone there is always friendly and welcoming. Shelly, the main chef and Hana's closest friend, kneads some dough at the counter. She looks up when the door opens.
"Welcome to- Oh, hey Hana! How's it going?"
(link-reveal: "Grab a quick coffee.")[
//Mmm, delicious!// Hana feels refreshed and ready to go!]
Ask if Shelly needs any [[help at the bakery]].
Go back to [[the town]]."What do you mean? Fair and square, I'm a living creature too! How would you feel stuck in a net when you're just trying to have a conversation?! C'mon girl, my fins are getting cramped in this net, and I seriously won't swim away, I swear!"
After a bit of back and forth, Hana finally decides to cut the fish (link: "free.")[(goto: "convo part 2")]"Oh, you must be Hana then."
Hana nods hesitantly, although a little weirded out this strange woman knows her name.
The old woman smiles and clasps her hands. "I have just the thing for you!" she says, hobbling over to a curtain and disappearing into the back.
As she waits for the woman to come back, Hana looks at a few of the items on the shelves. Although afraid to touch anything, she gazes at the pretty plants and flowers that decorate the tables. The cat that had been sitting on the counter was now purring and rubbing against her legs. This place isn't actually as scary as she thought. It was quite pleasant actually.
"Alright, here you go." Hana walks over to the counter when she hears the woman come back. In the old woman's hand is a small vial with a mysterious blue liquid. "It's a magic potion. You'll know when to use it; I have faith." The woman whispers and grins before handing it to Hana. Hana smiles nervously. //This woman is crazy.//
"That'll be 4 silver please!"
(if: $money >= 4)[(set: $money to it - 4)(set: $magicPotion to true)//Sheesh. That's a lot for something that probably doesn't even do anything.// But, for some reason, Hana feels another pull to buy it. "Okay, done." She takes the vial and carefully places it in a pocket on her bag.
"Thanks for coming! Now hurry along, you don't want to waste the day, do you? And have fun with the Koi." She winks and shoves Hana out of the store.
//Weird. Did I even say anything about the big fish being the Koi?// Hana shakes her head and turns away from the doors, pausing for a moment before going back to [[the town]].] (else:)["Oh, shoot, I don't have enough. I'll come back later." //Maybe.//
"Well, I'll be here darling!" The old woman sits back on her stool, and Hana goes back to [[the town]].](if: $bakerWork >= 2)[Shelly laughs.
"I really appreciate all the help, but I think we've got it handled now. Why don't you go back to [[the town]]? Have fun at the market for me!"] (else:)[(set: $money to it + 1)(set: $bakerWork to it + 1) This was not her first time helping out at the bakery.
Hana had a certain love for baked goods, and baking them was like icing on the cake (literally and figuratively). She helped Shelly with kneading dough, cutting cookies, and stocking the shelves, and got a silver coin for her help.
When she finished, Hana decided to go back to [[the town]].]