(text-style: "bold","shadow")[Beeeeep Beeeeep]
(text-style: "bold","shadow")[Beeeeep Beeeeep]
(live: 3s)[(text-style: "blurrier","sway")+(text-colour:#6495ed)[Hey.. hey] ]
(live: 5s)[ [[..?]] ](text-colour:#6495ed)[Well that's good to hear.]
(link: "So what happened?")
[(text-colour:#6495ed)[You got into a car crash, the other guy fled and left you to die..]
(text-colour:#6495ed)[C'mon, let's get you to the hospital.]
[[//Walk to the hospital with this stranger//->hospital]]]
[[I'm good. I'm going to call an Uber home. -> uber]](text-colour:#6495ed)[Do you think you can walk?]
(link: "Yea, I think so")+
(text-colour:#6495ed)[Good, cus an ambulance ride is gonna cost ya.
Follow me, there's a hospital right down the street.
(text-colour:#8fbc8f)[[[//Follow stranger//-> Follow stranger]]
[[//I think I'll take a cab instead// -> cab]]]][(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:#6495ed)[I'm surprised you're still concious after that]]
(text-colour:#6495ed)[Are you hurt?]
[[No, I'm fine. -> Fine]]
[[Yea, I think I broke something -> Hurt]](text-style:"bold")+(text-colour:#6495ed)[Can we get some help over here?
They just got into a really bad car crash. We need some medical assistance over here!]
(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[[Yes, I can check you in ->hospital]](text-colour:#f0e68c)[Hop on in, you heading for the hospital?]
(click: "Yea")
[(text-style:"bold")+(text-colour:#6495ed)[And make it quick!]
(text-colour:#f0e68c)+(live: 1s)[Try not to die in the back, 'kay?]
[[//The cab speeds off to the nearest hospital as you slip in and out of consciousness//->hospital]]
(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Name and date of birth?]
(live: 2s)[(link-reveal: "My name is..")[
(live:3s)[I can't remember..[]]
(live:4s)[(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Okay, don't worry about it. I'll have the doctor come take a look at you right away.]
[[//Enter the hospital room//-> room]]
[[//Make a run for it, I can't afford to pay for any of this//->run]]]](stop:)]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Wow, you're in pretty rough shape, did this guy beat you up?]
(text-colour:#6495ed)[Ha Ha.. they got t-boned by some drunk driver who ran off right after I pulled over to help.]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Jokes aside, the nurse told me they don't know their name?]
(text-colour:#6495ed)[It would seem so; I never got the chance to get their name.]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Hmm.. well it would seem that they have amnesia. It would be best to run some test to see if there are any other complications from the car accident.]
[[//Follow the nurse to get some tests done// -> tests]](text-colour:#e0ffff)[How are you doing today? I'm Doctor Hibbert and I'll be having you do a few brain scans as well as an X-ray to make sure you don't have any broken ribs or anything else that would call for an emergency surgery.]
[[Ok, thanks. Do I have amnesia? -> amnesia?]]
[[No thanks, I just want to go home. ->internalbleeding]](text-colour:#e0ffff)[It's really hard to say right now, for all we know, this memory loss could be very temporary. I'll have our specialist come see you after you're done with your tests.]
[[//Get tests done// ->MRI]](text-style:"smear")+(text-style:"sway")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[You died;
Cause of death: Internal bleeding.]
[[Agree to take the tests ->MRI]]
(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"fidget")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[[[Game Over ->End]]](text-colour:#6495ed)+(text-style:"blur")[I hate to have to do this, but this is for your own good]
(text-style:"blurrier")+(text-colour:#6495ed)[[[Alright, let's get you to the hospital.->hospital]]]Thanks for playing this game!(text-colour:#fff8dc)[The scans show that you have a brain hemorrhage. An artery in your brain bursted and we need to take you in surgery right now.]
(text-style:"fade-in-out")+(text-style:"blur")[Can you hear me? Stay with me..]
(live:5s)[(text-style:"superscript")+(text-colour:#ff0000)[Beep . . Beep . . Beep . . .]]
(live:7s)[(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Ah, you're finally awake! How are you feeling? Do you have your memories back?]]
(live:9s)[[[You're.. the nurse from earlier. What happened?->surgery]]]
(live:10s)[[[Where am I? What have you done to me?! Are you trying to drug me??->psycho1]]](text-style:"smear")+(text-style:"sway")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[You died;
Cause of death: 2 hit and runs in a row]
[[Don't run ->hospital]]
(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"fidget")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[[[Game Over ->End]]](text-colour:#ffb6c1)[You remembered! Yes, your surgery was successful with no complications. You should be fine now.
Also, your family members are on their way here right now to pick you up.]
(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[They should be here any minute now, the doctors have concluded that your amnesia is only temporary and your memories should gradually return over the next few weeks.]
[[That's great to hear. ->End]]
(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Calm down, you just came out of surgery-]
Surgery? For what? I didn't consent to anything!
(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[We had no choice, it was a life or death situation so we-]
[She's lying. There was nothing wrong with you. They're trying to kill you.]
That voice again..
(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[What voice? There's no one here. Come with me, I'll take you to Dr. Hibbert.]
[It's a trap. Follow her and it will surely lead to your death. Kill her first.]
(text-style:"bold")[[[Grab the scalpel and lunge at the nurse. ->killnurse]]]
[[//Follow the nurse//->follownurse]]
(text-colour:#dc143c)[Blood splatters across the floor.]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[What on Earth-
[[Ah, shit. (Drop the weapon and surrender) ->dropweapon1]]
[[Try to kill the security guards ->killguards]] (text-colour:#fff8dc)[Your surgery was successful.]
Is there anything else I need to do?
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Well, luckily there will be no more surgeries. However, it's been determined that you do have amnesia.
There is a new experimental drug that has shown some improvement in our patients with amnesia if you would like to participate in the trial.]
[Don't participate in the drug trial. They're tricking you. They're trying to kill you. Get out of here before it's too late and they force you to take the drug.]
[[Ok, I'll participate in the drug trial->drug]]
[[//Make a run for it//->run1]](text-colour:#fff8dc)[We'll have you stay in the hospital for a few months so we can monitor your progress with the drug.]
How much will this cost? I don't think I have a lot of money..
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Haha.. don't worry about it. Because this is a drug trial, the cost of your stay and everything else is covered. Let me know if you have any other questions.]
[[What is that strange voice in my head telling me everyone is trying to kill me?->strangevoice]]
[[Have any of my family members contacted the hospital yet? Maybe I can remember something if I meet with them.->family?]]
You run out of the room and get inside the closest elavator.
Frantically, you run outside the parking lot into the main street.
You lose your footing, the world starts spinning and you faint.
(text-style:"smear")+(text-style:"sway")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[You died;
Cause of death: Stitches broke open when you hit the floor after fainting and you bled out.]
[[Back to the hospital->follownurse]]
(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"fidget")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[[[Game over ->End]]]
[SHHHH! Don't tell them anything about me. They will use it against us. You don't want to die, do you?]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Strange voice..? Did the voice talk to you before the surgery? What is the voice saying?]
[[The voice has been telling me that everyone is out to kill me, the nurse, you, the man from earlier, and even the drugs from the drug trial. I think the voice started speaking to me after the surgery.->spill]]
[[Nothing, nevermind. I must've overheard someone talking in the next room.->lie]](text-colour:#fff8dc)[Unfortunately, no one has contacted the hospital regarding your whereabouts. However, if this drug trial is successful, you should be able to regain all of your memories. At the very least, you'll recover bits and pieces, so let us know if you do recall anything.]
Okay, thanks.
[[//Weeks go by.//->weeks]](text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Well, how are you doing today? Have you made any progress?]
Yes, I remember that I was on my way to work before the accident happened. I also recall that I had a dog and lived with my best friend.. but..
(text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Any progress is good for now, don't feel too pressured to remember everything. We'll continue the drug trial if that's fine with you.]
[[Okay, could I be moved to a room with a big window? It's too stuffy in here; I would like some fresh air.->bigroom]]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)[Hmm.. that's very odd. Looks like we'll have to run a few more tests. It sounds like it could be Schizophrenia. If that is the case, we might have to send you to a nearby psychiatric hospital.]
[[Okay, I just want to regain my memories and get this voice outside of my head. ->psychiatric]]
[[Psychiatric hospital..? Actually.. nevermind. I lied about the voice inside my head. ->lie]](text-colour:#fff8dc)[Alright then, let me know if anything changes.]
[Quick! Kill the doctor and escape. They're trying to keep you here forever.]
[[Kill Dr. Hibbert->killhibbert]]
[Kill him
Kill him
I.. don't want to.
(text-colour:#fff8dc)+(text-style:"blur")[What's going on? What are you talking about?]
[[//Kill Doctor Hibbert//->hibbertdead]]
[[Doctor, I need help. There's a voice inside my head that keeps telling me to- ->help]](text-colour:#ffb6c1)[Of course, follow me.]
A few days pass.
[You're worthless.
Everyone forgot about you.
Why do you think your family hasn't come to visit you?
You can just end it and be free.]
[[//Jump out the window// ->windowsplat]]
[[SHUT UP!! You don't know anything about me. ->live]](text-style:"smear")+(text-style:"rumble")+(text-style:"shudder")+(text-colour:#fff8dc)[UGH! What the hell?
[[//Drop the weapon//->dropweapon]]
[[//Refuse and try to kill the security guards// ->killguards]](text-style:"rumble")+(text-style:"shudder")+(text-colour:#ba55d3)
[I warned you.. You just had to go and tell them about us.
You should have listened to me . .
It's a shame that it had to come to this . . .
Goodbye, friend.]
[You died;
Cause of death: Heart attack]
(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"fidget")[[[//Go back// ->strangevoice]] ]
[[//Game Over//->End]](text-colour:#c0c0c0)[You're under arrest for attempted manslaughter.
You'll be transported to the county jail.
The medical staff there will see to you.]
[[//Go to jail for the rest of your life//->jail]]
[[//Go back to confessing to Dr. Hibbert//->strangevoice]]
[[//Go back to strange voice telling you to kill Dr. Hibbert//->killhibbert]](text-colour:#ffffff)+(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"outline")
(text-colour:#c0c0c0)+(text-style:"blur")[Doctor Hibbert, are you alright?]
(text-colour:#fff8dc)+(text-style:"blurrier")[Ugh.. I should be fine. They definitely won't be. .]
[You died;
Cause of death: 2 Gunshot wounds to the chest]
[[//Go back and ask Dr. Hibbert for help//->help]]
[[[//Game Over// ->End]] ]You are sentenced to life without the posibility of parole.
You live the rest of your life out with the strange voice still inside your head making you severely paranoid and depressed.
[You died;
Cause of death: Suicide]
[[//Go back//->strangevoice]]
(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"fidget")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[[[Game Over ->End]] ](text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"shadow")+(text-colour:#ffffff)[ S P L A T !]
[You died;
Cause of death: Suicide]
[[//Go back ->bigroom]]
(text-style:"bold")+(text-style:"fidget")+(text-colour:#8b0000)[[[//Game Over ->End]]]I'm going to tell Dr. Hibbert about you.
He'll help me get rid of you once and for all.
You have done nothing but make me paranoid and feel like shit.
[[//Tell Dr. Hibbert about the strange voice//->strangevoice]]
You won't do it.
You're too scared to tell anyone.
Do you really think they'll believe you??]You get the mental help you needed at the psychiatric hospital.
The voice no longer exists inside your head.
Your memories have returned.
Everything returns to normal;
[[You live the rest of your life with your family and loved ones.->End]]
(text-colour:#c0c0c0)[You're under arrest for attempted manslaughter.
You'll be transported to the county jail.
The medical staff there will see to you.]
[[//Go to jail for the rest of your life//->jail]]
[[//Go back to the conversation with the nurse//->psycho1]]