Cold...You feel it radiating through the concrete floor into your face. You roll around awhile with a throbbing headache before deciding to [[get up]].The room you are in is completely dark. There is no visible [[wall]] in sight but you can feel the leg of a small [[table]] with your foot.You slowly make your way to the end of the room and find the wall. A low hum radiates from behind the wall. You slowly run your hand across the wall until you feel what appears to be a [[light switch]]. You shuffle your trembling hands across the table in hopes you find something useful. You hear the sound of small objects falling to the ground when finally you come across a [[box of matches]].With the light switch on the incandescent lights above flicker a few times before popping on. The room you are standing in isn't much bigger than what you would consider livable conditions. It has a queen size bed, a [[pantry shelf]], a tv, and a [[door]]. You also notice that the ground is littered with syringes labeled 'Memory Eraser^^TM^^'.You go over to the pantry and pull out a can. The expiration date reads: “3/14/2089”. Your headache is starting to get to you and you need [[sleep->sleep2]].The door sits in the corner of the room. It is unlike anything you have witnessed before. It’s made of solid steel with a single [[button]]. You strike a few matches before one actually lights. In the dimly lit room, you can make out a [[light switch]] and go to turn it on.The door creaks open slightly and you have to pry it the rest of the way. Behind is a long [[tunnel]] with dim lights that give off an ominous glow.Once you reach the end of the tunnel there is a ladder at the end that you climb. At the top of the ladder, there is a [[hatch]].There is a lever on the hatch that you throw. The hatch lets out a loud *Psssssst* and you [[climb out]].The sun blinds you. It's almost like you haven't been outside in years. You look around and see almost nothing but desert. Far in the distance is something glistening off of the sun. You think about [[walking after it]] but at the same time, you are exhausted and need [[sleep]].
(if: $x is 1) [You see [[something]] a few feet from you but can't tell what it is.]You go stumbling through the desert for a few hours before reaching the source of the glistening, it was the window of a [[convenience store]]. The convenience store is part of a small town, all abandoned. You notice [[something move]] out of the corner of your eye.You go back inside and go to the [[bed->sleep2]].You begin to fall asleep before feeling a large lump under your pillow and decide to see what it is. You lift up the pillow to find a [[revolver]]. With a quick glance, you think that it is a good idea to [[put it back]] but you can't shake the feeling that you've seen it before.With a closer examination, you notice that one of the bullets is missing from the cylinder and there is a little bit of blood on the end of the gun. You're torn whether you should [[take it]] or [[leave it->put it back]]. (set: $x to 1)You slide the revolver back under the pillow and sink into a [[deep sleep]].You sleep some more and then go for the [[door]].You quickly jam the gun in your pants pocket and [[get up->get up 2]].
(set: $y to 1)You walk into the convenience store and go inside. You find a few bags of chips and some water inside. In the corner of the room is a [[newspaper stand]].You chase after whatever you saw. Once you get to where you saw it, it manages to turn another corner. You continue in pursuit. Finally, you catch up to it. Sitting on the pavement is a small [[dog]] smiling back at you.You want to [[pet]] the dog but get a bad feeling from it. Besides your starving and the [[convenience store]] looks like it has some food in it.You reach down to pet the dog but before you can even react it jumps up and bites your arm. You scream in agony and try to [[pull it off]].Pulling it off made it worse. Its teeth were sunken in and it tore through your skin like a knife through butter. With your arm spurting blood you manage to make it back to the [[convenience store->convenience store2]].Once inside you dive behind the counter and look around. There is a [[shotgun]] taped under the counter and a [[roll of paper towels]].With the shotgun, you walk back outside and immediately swarmed by a pack of dogs. You point the shotgun at the dogs like you are going to [[fire]] but you're surrounded and almost [[nothing]] could change the outcome now.The paper towels are no match for the gushing blood so you reach for the [[shotgun]] and hear dogs barking outside.You start firing. Soon there is this orange mist in the air and a stench like no other. After a few seconds, you hear a click, your out of ammo. The dogs charge and begin to bite you, slowly tearing you to pieces. You feel yourself slowly fade to nothingness...You stand there frozen in fear. The dogs charge and begin to bite you, slowly tearing you to pieces. You feel yourself slowly fade to nothingness...You pick up the first newspaper and read the headline: “Millions Dead After Virus Outbreak.” You're shocked and stumble away from the stand. You know what this means but your too scared to admit it. You [[leave]] the store and continue walking.Walking down the street you hear the sound of an engine behind you so you [[turn around]].You see a guy on a motorcycle wearing a helmet. He quickly turns around and rides off. You don't think much of it and [[keep walking]].You pass by abandoned houses. You don't know really know what you are looking for. Any sign of civilization possibly? Maybe you should check out one of the [[houses]] but at the same time you know that there is probably nothing in there and should [[keep walking->keep walking2]].The house is run down with plants growing on the outside. The door is wide open like someone left in a hurry. As soon as you get inside you hear the sound of squealing tires outside so you decide to [[look out the window]].You continue walking down the street. A little while later a black van pulls up next to you. The driver side window rolls down. The last thing you see is a masked figure with a dart gun. *Thwack* Everything goes dark… You wake up who knows how long later, days, weeks maybe? Something doesn't feel right though. You look down to see a small [[object]] on the ground.You go sprinting through the house to the back door. Once you reach it, you throw it [[open]].*Thwack* Everything goes dark… You wake up who knows how long later, days, weeks maybe? Something doesn't feel right though. You look down to see a small [[object]] on the ground.You pick it up. It’s a small syringe that reads “Virus-223.” It then hits you. You look down at your arms and they are covered with huge oily cysts. Suddenly they all start bursting. You feel as if someone lit you on fire. You slowly feel yourself fade into the nothingness[[...->...2]]You wake up to the feeling of cold steel against your skin. You look around to see a room similar to the underground place you started in. You look down at your arms the cysts are no longer there. Was it all a dream? Was it just in your head? All of a sudden you feel sharp yank from your neck and see this tube slither back into the wall. One of the masked figure from your dream... hallucination… or whatever you want to call it walks into the room. For the time being, you can do nothing but just sit there [[frozen]].He goes over to a panel on the wall and starts reading something. Out of nowhere a robotic voice says, “Test failed, restart required” The masked figure lets out a sigh and walks over to you. He pulls out a syringe and is about to stick it in your arm but decide to [[fight back]].You grab his arm and give him a solid kick to the chest. He goes flying to the other side of the room. You quickly run to the other side of the room where he entered. You run down the tunnel behind it and up the ladder to the surface. You can feel it. You are finally free.You see a black van pull up outside and masked figures start flooding out of it. Your first instinct is to [[run]].You take one last glance around before going for the [[door]].You walk over to what appears to be a huge pile of rocks. Inscribed on a rock is “In loving memory of…” The name has been scratched off. Who was this person… Your friend… soul mate… You just may never know now. You look off into the distance and see the sun start to set. You turn around to see a fire far in the distance and start [[walking]] towards it.By the time you are near the fire, the sun starts to rise and it goes out. You continue walking in the direction of the smoke pillar just to find some ashes but no sign of where whoever was just here could have gone. You decide to [[keep walking->keep walking3]] in the same direction.You continue wondering into the desert. The hot sun beats down on you and soon you feel dehydrated. You try to continue but you can’t. You slump down onto the ground. Not long after this blurry figure bends down to give you some [[water]].You quickly gulp down the water. It's surprisingly cold. After a few seconds, you look up at whoever gave you this water. He is dressed exactly how you would imagine a cowboy, spurs on his boots, pistol at his hip, and even a horse by his side. He instantly cuffs you to a rope attached to his horse and forces you to [[walk with him]].
(if: $y is 1) [He only cuffed one of your hands and the other is within reach of your [[revolver->revolver2]].]You walk through the desert to what feels like hours until you come across a western looking town. The man uncuffs you and as you both wander into the town you start seeing more and more people. You accept this as your new reality and decide to live with these people. But is it truly your reality?You pull out your pistol but he is a faster draw. He pops of one shot in your leg as you pull it out and one in your hand as you pull out the revolver. A few of your fingers fall to the floor and you scream in agony. Blood starts to gush out of you your leg. You know that you've lost too much blood and the man provides no aid. You slowly feel your self fade to nothingness...
↶↷Cold...You feel it radiating through the concrete floor into your face. You roll around awhile with a throbbing headache before deciding to get up.