''Space Subterfuge''
You are a professional spy for The Federation, the outer space peacekeeping force.
Space pirates are common in space, ravaging and looting anything in their path.
A new mission awaits you.
[[Walk into the briefing room for your next mission.->Time]]
(track: 'background', 'loop', true)
(track: 'background', 'volume', 0.10)
(track: 'background', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'background', 'stop')
(track: 'background', 'fadein', 1)Mission Objective:
(live:1s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Hello Agent,](stop:)]
(live:2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[We have identified a space pirate organization that has looted and destroyed many civilian ships in Sector 7.](stop:)]
(live:5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[We have received intelligence that they are planning to attack a critical Federation outpost.](stop:)]
(live:8s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your task is to sabotage their leader's spaceship and escape before the aftermath.](stop:)]
(live:11s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You will be undercover working as a mechanic on the spaceship. Keeping your cover is vital to the mission in order to take down this group as they already suspect a spy among them.](stop:)]
(live:16s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Do you have any Questions?](stop:)]
(click: "Questions?")[
[[Why do they already suspect a spy is amongst them?->Suspect]]
[[Who exactly are these pirates I will be taking down?->Pirates]]
[[Why is the federation outpost being targeted?->Target]]
[[What is sector 7?->Seven]]
[[No More Questions->Choose Identity]]
background: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c46x444fircchoe/1054523211.mp3volumeDisplay: true
debug: trueYou are hard at work fixing a broken CO^^2^^ Scrubber when a fellow space pirate mechanic comes up to you. His tattoos and bulky build makes you slightly (link-reveal: "intimidated.")[
"Hey $name, you excited for the big raid tomorrow?"
[[Yessir, I am ready to get all those creds!->Yes]]
[[I don't know, are you sure The Federation doesn't know about this?->Unsure]]
(set: $suspoints to 0)You have successfully made your way into the spaceship by working as a mechanic.
While working, you have overheard that a big attack is going down in 7 days.
You have recieved a encrypted message from the Federation asking you to upload the pirate's database to the Federation. You will recieve a bonus 5000 credits.
[[Decide to gain more intel and covertly upload the database.->Intel]]
[[Deny Side Mission and start sabotaging the day of the attack.->Start Work]] (live:0.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Good Luck, Agent.](stop:)]
(live:1.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Choose Your Cover Identity:](stop:)]
(live:2)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(link: "Zeon")[(set: $name to "Zeon")(goto: "More Time")]](stop:)]
(live:2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[or](stop:)]
(live:2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(link: "Arisa")[(set: $name to "Arisa")(goto: "More Time")]](stop:)]
(live:99999999s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[[More Time]](stop:)]They noticed that other space pirates have just disappeared without a trace. We have many other saboteurs working to get rid of space pirates. Looks like they are catching on.
[[Continue Conversation->Questions]]Do you have any more Questions?
[[Why do they already suspect a spy is amongst them?->Suspect]]
[[Who exactly are these pirates I will be taking down?->Pirates]]
[[Why is the federation outpost being targeted?->Target]]
[[What is sector 7?->Seven]]
[[No More Questions->Choose Identity]]They call themselves the Pirates Coalition. They consist of 50+ cruiser sized spaceships. They are not a highly organized group so we expect their organiation to fall apart after their leader is killed.
[[Continue Conversation->Questions]]They are targeting our Federation Headquarters to hinder our peacekeeping operations. We have intel that they have obtained antimatter missiles and are going to use them to destroy the outpost.
Only the leader's ship is going to attack as to avoid suspicion of a strike.
You must prevent this from happening.
[[Continue Conversation->Questions]]Sector 7 is located at Proxmia Centauri, the human race's most populous sector. Stopping the ship before it reaches sector 7 will also mitigate any collatoral damage from the potential wreckage they could cause.
[[Continue Conversation->Questions]]Almost everyone is asleep in their crew quarters during Downtime hours. You have a chance to sneak out of your quarters.
[[Sneak out of your quarters.->Sneaked]]
[[Wait till it is time to work->Start Work]]The crew quarters is (text-style: "smear")[littered] with clothes and junk, with holes in the floor patched with rusted scrap metal. You get out of bed and walk slowly to avoid waking anyone up from their beds.
As you press the button to open the doors...
"Comrade, what are you doing up"
(link: "I'm just going to take a leak.")[
(set: $snackgiven to true)
(goto: "Hallway")
[[I'm going to grab a snack.->Snack]]
[[I'm going to hack your database, For The Federation!->LifeorDeath]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You are in the hallway, it is all white walls with rusted scrap
metal patches here and there.
[[Head to the communications room->Comms Room]]
[[Cancel Side Mission: Go Back and Sleep->Sleep]]"Get me one too, here's some credits, I like the crunchy ones."
He transfers over 20 credits to your account from his arm computer.
You walk out of the crew quarters and you are in the hallway.
(set: $snackgiven to true)
[[Go get a snack from the dispenser and go back to give the snack to him->Get And Retrive]]
(link: "Head to the communications room")[
(set: $snackgiven to false)
(goto: "Comms Room")
(live:99999999s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[[Comms Room]](stop:)]
The crew wakes up, the lights turn on, and a bag is put over your head. Your legs and arms are restrained.
A voice says, "Easy way or Hard way?"
[[Hard->Torture]]"Easy Way, Please"
Too bad there is only HARD way!
[[Hard Way->Torture]]You are dragged into a dark room and bound to a metal chair and they lift the bag over your head.
You see two men, one of them is skinny with goggles that make him look like a mad scientist and the other is brawny with muscles that make you fear for your life.
The skinny one asks, "Who are you, and what are your true intentions?"
[[Taunt]]"I am just a mechanic, I got this job from a friend of a friend, Please don't kill me! I am innocent!"
Skinny: "Yeah right, HA HA HA"
He takes a flamethrower and melts your face off.
"HA HA Have fun being on fire."
[[Next Day->TempDeath]]"Please don't kill me, I have a family. Wife and 7 kids, a few aunts and uncles too. PLEASE!"
Brawny: "Aw thats so sad, maybe this wrench will save your family."
He bashes your head in with a wrench until you have no more head.
[[Next Day->TempDeath]]"I am an agent for The Federation, I was here to infiltrate your operation and blow up this ship. So you will let me go right?"
Skinny: "Ok thanks for the information, we will take your confession into careful consideration."
A bag is put over your head again and your chair is dragged into another room, it is freezing cold. Then you feel your sweat freeze on your skin and the air get sucked out of your lungs.
You have been sucked out of an airlock.
[[Next Day->TempDeath]]"Do your worst, I will never surrender."
Brawny: "If that is the case, then we have no use for you"
He takes a nailgun and puts a bunch of nails through your neck.
[[Next Day->TempDeath]](text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You get to the dispenser and transfer the credits.
You hear a churning sound and the latch drops open.
The snack is revealed. A generic corn cubes snack.
You walk back to the crew quarters,
"Here's your corn cubes!"
Him: "Thanks! *Crunch*"
[[Hallway]]You head to the Comms room, you look through the door window and you
see someone working in the comms room.
[[Throw something across the hallway to make a distraction->Distract]]
[[Knock on the Door->Knock]]
You decide not to upload the database and sleep.
You are now going to start your sabotage mission.
[[Start Work]]You find a toolbox and hide behind a corner, then you throw it across the hallway.
It makes a ''loud'' sound.
The person inside the comms room comes out of the room and walks toward the toolbox, with his back facing you.
(if: $snackgiven is true)[
[[Walk Into Comms Room->InsideComms]]
[[Walk Into Comms Room->Caught]]
]You knock on the door and the comms guy stands up and opens the door.
"What are you doing here? What do you want?"
[[Inject him with a memory knockout drug->Inject]]
[[Choke him out to render him unconsious->Choke]]
[[Shoot Him in the head->ShootComms]]You walk inside the comms room, it is filled with screens built into the desks and monitors.
You only have a few seconds.
[[Start uploading the database->Upload]]
[[Lock the Comms Room Door->Lock]]As you are about to sneak into the comms room, you hear footsteps behind you.
It is the guy you were supposed to give a snack to.
"Hey! What are you doing in the comms room?!"
The communications room guy turns around and sees you.
It is obvious that you are doing something you are not supposed to do.
[[Surrender->LifeorDeath Action]]
[[Take your plasma pistol out and shoot them->FireFightDeath]]
You go to a desk and start furiously typing in commands to start the upload. You quickly put the program in the background to cover your tracks and avoid suspicion.
The pirate's database is now being uploaded to The Federation servers.
Side Mission Success!
You quickly run out of the comms room without the comms guy noticing you and head back to the crew quarters as if nothing happened.
[[Sleep (Start Sabotage Mission)->Start Work]]"Traitor!"
They immediately run towards you and restrain your arms and legs with magcuffs.
"Easy way or Hard way?"
[[Hard->Torture]]You draw your pistol and shoot the comms guy in the arm and in the chest, he now has two holes.
The guy behind you already has his weapon drawn and he shoots you in the chest before you could aim your gun at him.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]As you lock the door, the comms guy alerts the entire crew.
[[You are Caught->LifeorDeath Action]]You take your autoinjector syringe and put it in his neck and he goes down.
He will not remember the past five minutes.
[[Walk Into Comms Room->InsideComms]]You quickly put the guy in a chokehold and he goes unconsious in a minute.
[[Walk Into Comms Room->InsideComms]]You shoot the guy in the head with your plasma pistol.
Unfortunately, you don't have a silencer on your gun, the crew has now surrounded the room.
[[Surrender->LifeorDeath Action]]"Hey $name, you [excited]<exci| for the big raid tomorrow?"]
(click: ?exci)[
You: No
]"We are going to be rich after this and we won't have the Federation on our backs for a while! Unless you are the spy that will ultimately take us down? Are you?"
[[Shoot Him in the Head->Shot1]]
[[I'm no Spy!->Deny]]
[[Ha ha, I confess, I am the spy.->Funny]]"I am pretty sure only us, the all mighty Pirates Coalition, knows about this. But, there could be a //spy// among us. You are probably that spy huh?"
[[Shoot Him in the Head->Shot1]]
[[I'm no Traitor!->Deny]]
[[Ha ha, I confess, I am the traitor.->Funny]]Your plasma pistol does not have a silencer.
You have alerted everyone.
There is no way to run.
[[Surrender->LifeorDeath]]"Okayyyy, I hope so, well I'll let you get to work on that scrubber.
(set: $suspoints to it + 1)
[[Continue->Roam]]Him: "Ha Ha, it's a very funny joke huh."
Him: "Alright, I better let you get back to work."
[[Continue->Roam]]You are alone.
You should start sabotaging.
[[Head over to the Engineering Deck->Engineer]]
[[Head over to the Bridge->Bridge]]
(live:99999999s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[[Head over to the Server Room->Servers]](stop:)]You are in the Engineering Deck, there are no one here.
[[Sabotage the Engines->Engines]]
[[Sabotage the Oxygen->Oxygen]]
[[Hack the Navigation System->Navi]]You walk into the bridge with a hacked access card. The pirate leader and his lieutenants look at you with a confused aggressive look.
You are not stealthy anymore.
You have to either talk your way out or shoot your way out.
[[Shoot the Pirate Leader and all his 15 lieutenants.->ShootAll]]
[[Take cover and try to shoot only the Pirate Leader->FocusShot]]
[[Lie and say that a Federation Fleet is right behind them cloaked and ready to strike->LieStrike]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You sabotage the engines to overheat them.
(if: $suspoints is 1)[
[[Set Engines to explode in 2 minutes, Start Running->RunCaughtGen]]
[[Set Engines to explode in 2 minutes, Start Running->RunGen]]
[[Set Engines to Explode in 10 minutes->LongExplode]]You sabotage the oxygen to stop producing oxygen for the whole ship.
In 2 minutes the whole ship will be unbreathable.
(if: $suspoints is 1)[
[[Run to the Escape Pod->RunCaught]]
[[Run to the Escape Pod->Run]]
[[Walk to the Escape Pod->Walk]]You are in the Navigation room.
[[Direct the Ship into asteroids->Asteroids]]
[[Direct the Ship into a black hole->BlackHole]]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew having trouble breathing, the air is getting thinner.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->Escape]]You speed walk your way to the escape pod, you pass by some crewmembers and they are having trouble breathing.
Your vision gets (text-style: "blur")[blurry] and (text-style: "blurrier")[blurrier].
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->Escape]]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew having trouble breathing, the air is getting thinner.
However, you see the guy that that asked you if you were a spy, he is suspicious of you based on the response you gave him.
He shoots you in the leg and alerts the crew.
They turn on the emergency oxygen generators.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You activate the Escape Pod and look through the window as the space pirate crew slowly dies of asphyxiation.
The ship will float in deep space forever.
Mission Success!You gave yourself some time to escape.
[[Hack the credit vaults in the spaceship.+20,000 Credits->HackCredits]]
[[Walk to the Escape Pod->WalkGen]]You walk to the server room, and meet some other mechanics along the way.
You talk about antimatter missles for 8 minutes.
(if: $suspoints is 1)[
[[Run to the Escape Pods and forget about hacking the credit vaults-Run->RunCaughtHack]]
[[Run to the Escape Pods and forget about hacking the credit vaults-Run->RunGen]]
[[Start hacking the Credit Vaults->CreditDeath]]You start hacking the credit vaults and as the credits start transfering to your account, you hear an explosion.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]You change course of the ship to an asteroid belt that will surely destroy the ship. You change the map to make it look like the ship is still on course.
You should escape before anyone notices.
(if: $suspoints is 1)[
[[Run to the Escape Pod->RunCaughtAster]]
[[Run to the Escape Pod->RunAster]]
[[Walk to the Escape Pod->WalkAster]]You change course of the ship to a black hole that will surely destroy the ship. You change the map to make it look like the ship is still on course.
You should escape before anyone notices.
(if: $suspoints is 1)[
[[Run to the Escape Pod->RunCaughtBlack]]
[[Run to the Escape Pod->RunAsterBlack]]
[[Walk to the Escape Pod->WalkAsterBlack]]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
However, you see the guy that that asked you if you were a spy, he is suspicious of you based on the response you gave him.
He shoots you in the leg and alerts the crew.
They fix the engines.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
However, you see the guy that that asked you if you were a spy, he is suspicious of you based on the response you gave him.
He shoots you in the leg and alerts the crew.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You speed walk your way to the escape pod, you pass by some crewmembers.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeExplosion]]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeExplosion]]You activate the Escape Pod and look through the window as the space pirate ship explodes.
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]You activate the Escape Pod, however the black hole's gravity is too strong and the black hole also pulls you in and engulfs you and your escape pod along with the pirates ship.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
However, you see the guy that that asked you if you were a spy, he is suspicious of you based on the response you gave him.
He shoots you in the leg and alerts the crew.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeAster]]You speed walk your way to the escape pod, you pass by some crewmembers.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeAster]]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
However, you see the guy that that asked you if you were a spy, he is suspicious of you based on the response you gave him.
He shoots you in the leg and alerts the crew.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeBlackHole]]You speed walk your way to the escape pod, you pass by some crewmembers.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeBlackHole]]You activate the Escape Pod and look through the window as the space pirate ship explodes on impact into asteroids.
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]What do you think would happen? You would magically shoot 16 people without them shooting back?
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You quickly take cover behind a console desk, they immediately start firing their plasma rounds into the metal desk.
[[Throw Grenade at Pirate Leader]]
[[Peek and shoot the Pirate Leader->Peek]]Pirate Leader: "Really? We did not see anything with our scans."
You: "We just interrogated a spy just now and he confessed."
Pirate Leader: "Ok, then go to Weapons bay and charge up the antimatter missiles!"
You: "Yessir!"
[[Head to Weapons->Weapons]]You throw your grenade at the pirate leaders feet, but the timer is a bit slow and he throws it back at you and it explodes.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You quickly peak out after some of the pirates have to reload, and take a shot at the pirate leader, the plasma round goes straight through his head.
[[Run->Run Out]]
[[Throw an explosive charge at the center console->ExploCharge]]You run out of the bridge and there are already many pirates with their guns aimed at you.
[[Surrender->LifeorDeath]]You throw an explosive charge at the center console.
[[Run and set off the bomb remotely->Run Out]]
[[Sacrifice Yourself for the Mission and detonate the bomb.->Valor]]You detonate the bomb and there is a big explosion and it creates a hole in the ship that ejects everything into space.
You recive the Medal of Valor post-mortem from The Federation.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]You go to Weapons and now you have access to the antimatter missiles.
[[Fire Antimatter missles into itself->Itself]]
[[Fire Antimatter missles into itself with a 4 minute delay->DelayMissles]]You fire the antimatter missiles at the ship while you are in it. The ship explodes in a great ball of particles (There is no fire in space).
You receive the Medal of Valor post-mortem from The Federation.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]You set the missiles to fire upon itself in 4 minutes.
(if: $suspoints is 1)[
[[Run to the Escape Pod->RunCaughtmissile]]
[[Run to the Escape Pod->Runmissile]]
[[Walk to the Escape Pod->Walkmissile]]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
However, you see the guy that that asked you if you were a spy, he is suspicious of you based on the response you gave him.
He shoots you in the leg and alerts the crew.
(text-style: "rumble")[(css: "color: red;")[YOU ARE DEAD]]
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Failed]You run to the escape pod and pass by the space pirate crew.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeMissile]]You speed walk your way to the escape pod, you pass by some crewmembers.
[[Get in Escape Pod and escape->EscapeMissile]]You activate the Escape Pod and look through the window as the ship explodes in a great ball of particles (There is no fire in space).
(text-style: "emboss")[Mission Success!]