(set: $date_name = "Celine")
(set: $date_color = #FFFFFF)
(set: $peach_color = #ecb0ac)
(set: $late to false)
(set: $first_convo_beautiful to false)
(set: $first_convo_tour to false)
(set: $water_counter = 0)
(set: $pasta to false)
(set: $activity_counter = 0)
(set: $cash = 0)
(set: $tokens = 0)
(set: $inventory to (a: "driver's license", "Chase credit card"))
(set: $plushy to false)
(set: $ps5 to false)
(set: $sofa to false)
}{(set: $late to false)
(set: $first_convo_beautiful to false)
(set: $first_convo_tour to false)
(set: $water_counter = 0)
(set: $pasta to false)
(set: $activity_counter = 0)
(set: $cash = 0)
(set: $tokens = 0)
(set: $inventory to (a: "driver's license", "Chase credit card"))
(set: $plushy to false)
(set: $ps5 to false)
(set: $sofa to false)}
You wake up and see that the sun has already peeked through your dark blue curtains--what time is it?
1 PM, shoot!
You have a date today at 2 PM! You must have been so excited last night that you can't even remember sleeping.
What was your date's name again?
(link: "Sarah")[(set: $date_name = "Sarah")(goto: "date-name-chosen")]
(link: "Melody")[(set: $date_name = "Melody")(goto: "date-name-chosen")]
(link: "Celine")[(set: $date_name = "Celine")(goto: "date-name-chosen")]You go into the bathroom and look into the mirror, quickly looking over your disheveled brown hair and messy pajamas.
While you don't look the best, you look passable. Do you:
(link: "Take a shower. You have to smell good, right?")[(set: $late to true)(goto: "shower")]
(link: "Leave anyway. You can't be late to your first date, right?")[(set: $late to false)(goto: "early")]You climb into the shower and take a nice hot bath, starting to [[daydream|shower-daydream]] about your date with $date_name.
You climb out of the shower and notice that it's already 1:50 PM. You quickly [[get ready|get-ready]]. You climb out of bed and [[get ready|get-ready]].
You're met with a wide, carpeted red corridor leading to a massive room. In the corridor you see a door leading off of it to the left, with a small [[sofa|sofa]] next to it and the sign [["Movie Theater 1"|theater]] above the door. To the right, you see a [[water fountain|water-fountain]] and some [[restrooms|restrooms]].
Down the corridor, you are lead to a massive, [[bustling expanse|expanse-description]].
Looking around, you see that most of the room is filled with games. To the left are countless various arcade games, including air-hockey, a Pacman machine, a DDR mat, etc. Along the wall to your left are various [[claw machines|claw-machines]]. Straight ahead of you are several [[token machines|token-machines]] for buying tokens. To the right you see a [[bar|bar]] that stretches along the wall.
View [[wallet|view-inventory]].
(if: $activity_counter < 1)[[[Leave.|exit-not-yet]]]
(else:)[[[Leave.|exit-outside-1]]]Walking up to the machines, you see several options for buying tokens. You currently have $$cash.
[[Purchase 5 tokens? ($5)|tokens-buy-5]]
[[Purchase 20 tokens? ($10)|tokens-buy-20]]
[[Purchase 50 tokens? ($20)|tokens-buy-50]]
[[Back.|main-room]]Upon walking up closer to the sign, you see that the movie currently playing is "The Emoji Movie". You grimace and walk away. It's probably not $date_name's taste...
[[Back.|main-room]]You see the women's bathroom to the left of the men's bathroom.
[[Enter men's bathroom.|men-bathroom]]
[[Enter women's bathroom.|women-bathroom]]
[[Back.|main-room]]You arrive at the bar, which is dimmer and a bit more quiet than the rest of the room. A row of tall barstools sit along the bar table, and you decide to take a seat. A bartender greets you and offers you a drink.
"No thanks, I'm just looking around."
[[Leave.|main-room]](if: $water_counter < 2)[//Why'd I come in here? I don't really need to pee.//]
(else:)[//Hmm I guess I sorta need to pee.//
[[Leave.|main-room]]//Hello? Why would I go in the women's bathroom?//
[[Leave.|main-room]]Which of the claw machines would you like to play? (5 tokens per play)
A small [[machine|machine-duckies]] filled with rubber duckies; you see some ducks wearing PJs and some wearing nurse outfits...
A brightly lit [[machine|machine-tech]] filled with miscellaneous tech-y gadgets; you see a PS5 and a USB-C cord...
A large [[machine|machine-plushies]] filled with plushies; you see some cute pandas and chickens inside...
[[Back.|main-room]](if: $water_counter is 0)[You take a sip of water from the water fountain. It is very cool and refreshing.]
(else:)[You take another sip of water from the water fountain. You feel less thirsty.]
(link: "Back.")[(set: $water_counter to $water_counter + 1)(goto: "main-room")](if: $sofa is false)[The sofa is made of soft gray fabric. You sit there and it is comfortable, although it is worn out and has suspicious looking [[stains|sofa-stains]].]
(else:)[The sofa is made of soft gray fabric. You sit there and it is comfortable, although it is worn out and has suspicious looking stains.]
[[Back.|main-room]]$date_name props herself on one arm and looks into your eyes.
The soft orange lighting radiating from the table lamp behind her leaves a warm glow around her, her face shaded but still [[delicate|bad-ending-2]].
(set: $pasta to true)You arrive at "Lilian's Italian Restaurant".
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You order a spaghetti with meatballs and she orders ravioli.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[The food is good, but you barely taste it. You're too absorbed in [[laughter and conversation|pasta-convo]] with $date_name.](stop:)]
You arrive at "I Love Sushi".
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You both order bentos with rice, beef katsu, and various sashimi.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[The food is good, but you barely taste it. You're too absorbed in [[laughter and conversation|sushi-convo]] with $date_name.](stop:)]The exterior looks massive and well-polished.
You and $date_name enter the set of tall, glass double doors to a small lobby with a front desk. You pay the [[entry fee|entrance-fee]] and start walking toward the main corridor to the right of the desk.
[[Enter the main corridor.|main-room]]You and $date_name glance at each other and smile as you walk out the arcade's double doors.
It's dark and cold, a light breeze brushing across your faces. There's an awkward tension as you both uncomfortably pace around, wondering what to do [[next|exit-outside-2]].
You arrive at her house and park at the curb. The two of you walk silently to the door.
As she unlocks the door you shift your feet in [[anticipation|anticipation]].You offer to leave, but $date_name looks at you with pleading eyes.
"We haven't been here that long yet, can we at least please play some more of the claw machines?"
You smile, glad that she's enjoying her time with you: "Of course."
[[Back.|main-room]]You realize while gazing at her how weird you must seem, and nervously shift your glance away. You both awkwardly smile and greet each other. You say:
(if: $first_convo_beautiful is false)[[["You look beautiful."|first-convo-beautiful]]] (else:) [$date_name seems happy that you complimented her.]
(if: $first_convo_tour is false)[[["Your house looks really neat, can I have a tour?"|first-convo-tour]]] (else:) [She seems ready to go eat.]
[["Soo... what do you want to eat?"|first-convo-eat]]
//I've never been to a girl's place before. What do I do?
Do I make a move? Is it too soon? Shoot, I don't want to mess this up. Do I just go back home now?//
[[//What should I do?//|anticipation-choice]]"Come on in, what are you waiting for?" $date_name looks at you standing at the [[doorway|enter-doorway]] and laughs.
$date_name smiles radiantly and looks away shyly: (text-colour: $date_color)["Thanks. You look great too."]
(link: "Back.")[(set: $first_convo_beautiful to true)(goto: "first-convo")]
(if: $late is true)[$date_name checks her phone and says politely, "Hmm, it's getting a bit late. I can give you a tour next time."
She smiles and you nod.
(link: "Back.")[(set: $first_convo_tour to true)(goto: "first-convo")]]
(else:)[$date_name checks her phone and says politely, "Hmm, I suppose we have some time."
She smiles and gestures for you to enter with her.
(link: "Back.")[(set: $first_convo_tour to true)(goto: "first-convo")]]You arrive outside her door and knock.
(live: 0.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Knock.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Knock.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[The door opens.](stop:)]
(live: 4.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[As you look into the doorway, your breath leaves you for a moment.](stop:)]
(live: 6.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[$date_name stands at the doorway, dressed in an elegant white blouse and dark blue jeans. Her long beautiful brown hair is slightly curled, her face is soft and clear, her hazel eyes warm and kind, and her (text-colour: $peach_color)[peachy] scent pleasantly [[envelopes you|first-convo]]...](stop:)]
<audio src="https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/play-mp3/2941" autoplay>"Hmm, why don't you pick? I'm not really hungry."
You want to ask her to pick the place, but don't want to nag too much. You decide:
"Let's get [[pasta|pasta]]!"
"Let's get [[sushi|sushi]]!"You talk for hours and realize it's already 6 PM.
You've loved talking to her and feel so at ease with her. You suggest doing something after, hoping to [[spend more time|after-food-plans]] with her.(live: 0s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 0.3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 0.6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["I want to get a dog too!! But I've been busy with work."](stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Oooh, what's your favorite breed?"](stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Hm, probably shibas."](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 3.3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 3.6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["You sleep with your socks on??"](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Yeah haha I get cold really easily."](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Well... we're not socks but I think we'd make a great pair~"](stop:)]
(live: 8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You internally cringe at your terrible pick up line, but you both laugh it off.](stop:)]
(live: 9.3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[[...|after-food]]](stop:)]
(live: 0s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 0.3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 0.6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Hm... I have an older brother, but we don't really keep in touch."](stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["I see."](stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Yeah, how about you?"](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 3.3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 3.6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Did you actually want sushi?"](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Of course, I love Asian food."](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["I'm so glad haha, I really wanted to 'mak-i' this date special~"](stop:)]
(live: 8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You internally cringe at your terrible pun, but you both laugh it off.](stop:)]
(live: 9.3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[[...|after-food]]](stop:)]//Hmm, $date_name... I bet she'll be all dressed up and cute today! I hope she'll think I look good too.
I wonder what we'll do today...//
[[Back.|shower]]It takes you some time to decide what to wear. You wear a dark blue button-down and jeans. Formal--but not too formal, casual--but not too casual. Should be good right?
[[Back.|get-ready]]You spray on a bit of "Creed Aventus", which smells a bit fruity and smoky. It was a gift from your mom before you moved out to college, but you've never had to use it until now...
[[Back.|get-ready]]Your wallet has your driver's license, Chase credit card, and about 20 bucks.
[[Back.|get-ready]]You get [[dressed|morning-dressed]], put on some [[cologne|morning-cologne]], grab your [[wallet|morning-wallet]], and drive over to her house that's ten minutes away.
You feel [[butterflies|drive-butterflies]] in your stomach as you drive over.
(if: $late is true)[[[You arrive a few minutes late.|date-house]]]
(else:) [[[You arrive pretty early.|date-house]]]
//$date_name is so cute and sweet, I can't believe I get to go on a date on her.
I've never done this before though--I hope I don't mess this up!
What do I do when I see her? What if I stutter or say something dumb?//
[[Back.|get-ready]]To the left there is the staircase with light wood rails, at the entrance is the small living room with a small sofa and table.
Further in is a round dining table with napkins on top and two chairs on either side. To the right of it is a small kitchen. To the left of it is what seems to be a closet door.
[[Back.|start-tour]]The upstairs consists of a small sitting area with a [[bedroom|tour-upstairs-bedroom]] to the left, a [[bedroom|tour-upstairs-bedroom-2]] to the right, and a [[bathroom|tour-upstairs-bathroom]] straight across the entrance. The area is carpeted and has lots of natural light.
[[Back.|start-tour]]"You wanna go somewhere fun?"
"Sure, you know any places?"
"Hm, well I picked where to eat. Why don't you pick what we do next?"
"Sure haha. How about the arcade? It's pretty close by and I love that place."
[[Drive to the arcade.|entrance]]The room is filled with bright colors and lights, blasted with the sounds of cheering, shouting and laughing, bells and whistles blowing, a basketball bouncing on the floor, glasses clinking, and pop music in the background.
<audio src="https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/play-mp3/6982" autoplay>//The rubber duckies are pretty cool, maybe you can get some to start your own collection.//
(if: $tokens < 5)[You don't have enough tokens to play.
(else:)[[[Play.|play-duck-machine]]]//Some of the gadgets in this machine are definitely a scam. The PS5 looks pretty good though...//
(if: $tokens < 5)[You don't have enough tokens to play.
(else:)[[[Play.|play-tech-machine]]]//The plushies are pretty cute and soft looking. You see that there are pandas, foxes and chickens.//
(if: $tokens < 5)[You don't have enough tokens to play.
(else:)[[[Play.|play-machine-plushy]]]Thanks for playing~You have a nice pee.
On the way out, you see [[$10|bathroom-dollars]] on the floor.
(link: "Leave.")[(set: $water_counter to 0)(goto: "main-room")]You pick it up and put it in your wallet.
(link: "Leave.")[(set: $cash to $cash + 10)(goto: "main-room")]They only take cash, and you only have $20 cash...
It's enough to get you in, but that's all you got. A bit ashamed, you say nothing to $date_name.
[[Back.|entrance]](if: $cash >= 5)[(set: $tokens to $tokens + 5)(set: $cash to $cash - 5)[You've successfully received 5 tokens. You now have $tokens tokens and $$cash.]]
(else:)[Not enough money to purchase. You have $tokens tokens and $$cash.]
[[Back.|main-room]](if: $cash >= 10)[(set: $tokens to $tokens + 20)(set: $cash to $cash - 10)[You've successfully received 20 tokens. You now have $tokens tokens and $$cash.]]
(else:)[Not enough money to purchase. You have $tokens tokens and $$cash.]
[[Back.|main-room]](if: $cash >= 20)[(set: $tokens to $tokens + 50)(set: $cash to $cash - 20)[You've successfully received 50 tokens. You now have $tokens tokens and $$cash.]]
(else:)[Not enough money to purchase. You have $tokens tokens and $$cash.]
You currently have $inventory.
(if: $cash is 0 and $tokens is 0)[You have no money or tokens. Surely there must be some change lying around somewhere, right? Maybe in the bathroom?]
(else:)[You have $$cash and $tokens tokens.]
[[Back.|main-room]]$date_name: "You are so adorable and sweet."
Your cheeks warm up, and you start daydreaming about where the night is going: "Haha... thanks. Today was [[amazing|bad-ending-3]]."$date_name's face seems to fall, with some disappointment and annoyance: "Why couldn't you always be like this? Why can't you always be this sweet?"
Confused with her sudden change of tone, you [[pause|bad-ending-4]]: "What do you mean?"
"Oh you've taken me on a bunch of dates already. We had one yesterday where we went to eat (if: $pasta is true)[sushi](else:)[pasta]. You don't remember?" She laughed.
Even more confused, you uncomfortably glance around her room, which starts to look oddly familar. You furrow your brow, trying to get a hold of what's going on. You [[grip|bad-ending-5]] the side of the bed.
$date_name grabs your arm firmly: "You should just stop trying to run from me. Since the first time you saw what was in my closet, you won't stop trying to run from me. It's a real shame, you know? Our dates are so perfect and it's obvious you love me so much..."
Your head spins and you feel light-headed.
(text-style:"blur")["I... [[who|bad-ending-6]] are you?"]
Her grip tightens and your body freezes with pure confusion and fear as she reaches towards her nightstand and covers your face with a thick, foul-smelling cloth and you fall deep, deep asleep.
(live: 4.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[[Wake up.|wake-up]]](stop:)]You give the panda plushy to $date_name.
$date_name is overjoyed and holds your hand.
[[The two of you live happily ever after.|good-ending]]You aim for one of the plushies, not really caring which one you get. You push the joystick to an edge where a panda sticks up and hit the red button to drop the claw.
(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 1.4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 1.8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 2.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(set: $win to (random: 0, 1))(if: $win is 1)[(set: $inventory to $inventory + (a: "panda"))(set: $plushy to true) You actually got it! Sweet!](else:)[You try your best, but you lose.]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(link: "Leave.")[(set: $tokens to $tokens - 5)(set: $activity_counter to $activity_counter + 1)(goto: "main-room")]](stop:)]Good ending!
(will be expanded upon)You aim for a cute blue rubber ducky with a sailor hat, pushing the joystick to the far right corner and hitting the red button to drop the claw.
(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 1.4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 1.8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 2.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(set: $win to (random: 0, 2))(if: $win is 0)[(set: $inventory to $inventory + (a: "rubber ducky")) You actually got it! Nice!](else:)[You try your best, but you lose.]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(link: "Leave.")[(set: $tokens to $tokens - 5)(set: $activity_counter to $activity_counter + 1)(goto: "main-room")]](stop:)]You try to get the PS5, as everything else in the machine looks uninteresting. You push the joystick towards it and hit the red button to drop the claw.
(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 1.4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)](live: 1.8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 2.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(set: $win to (random: 0, 7))(if: $win is 2)[(set: $inventory to $inventory + (a: "PS5"))(set: $ps5 to true) You actually got it! Woohoo!](else:)[You try your best, but you lose.]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(link: "Leave.")[(set: $tokens to $tokens - 5)(set: $activity_counter to $activity_counter + 1)(goto: "main-room")]](stop:)]Upon closer inspection, you see a [[$10|sofa-dollars]] bill in the crack of the sofa.
[[Back.|main-room]]You take the $10 and put it in your wallet.
(link: "Leave.")[(set: $cash to $cash + 10)(set: $sofa to true)(goto: "main-room")]You hand $date_name the panda plushy that you won and say, "Hey, I actually want to head back home, but I wanted to give this to you first. I thought you'd like it."
(live: 3.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[$date_name's face falls, and she looks a bit confused.](stop:)]
(live: 6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")["Oh... yeah I love these. Are you sure though? I really enjoyed our date." $date_name looks at you, clearly disappointed.](stop:)]
(live: 8.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[["Hmm, I guess I can stay a bit."|enter-doorway]]](stop:)]
(live: 9.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[["Yeah, I'm a bit tired."|good-ending-2]]](stop:)]
"I'm a bit tired. I think we should sleep soon," $date_name sits on top of her sheets and gestures that you sit next to her.
You're a little disappointed that you're sleeping so soon, but lay next to her in bed and make small talk about the day, getting comfortable and [[relaxing|bad-ending-1]].Right, (text-colour: $date_color)[$date_name].
[[//Go to the bathroom.//|bathroom]]
You're oddly drawn to the closet door, and notice that there's a slight odor as you near it.
[[Take a peek inside.|tour-closet-open]]
[[Go back.|tour-downstairs]]You pull at the door handle, which seems a bit jammed.
[[Tug harder.|tour-closet-open-2]]
[[Go back.|tour-downstairs]]While touring the upstairs, $date_name excuses herself to use the bathroom.
[[Wait until she's done.|tour-upstairs-wait]]
[[Go downstairs.|tour-downstairs-2]]To the left there is the staircase with light wood rails, at the entrance is the small living room with a small sofa and table.
Further in is a round dining table with napkins on top and two chairs on either side. To the right of it is a small kitchen. To the left of it is what seems to be a [[closet|tour-closet]] door.
[[Back.|start-tour]]Her [[house|start-tour-house]] is a small, square-shaped two-story, very clean and well-furnished. The walls are a light beige, lined with white trim and soft white carpet that covers the floor.
You and $date_name walk around the [[bottom floor|tour-downstairs]], making a small circle, then making your ways up the staircase to the [[upstairs|tour-upstairs]] sitting area.
You make small talk about when she moved in, how she enjoys living alone, the neighborhood...
[[Back.|first-convo]](text-colour:#a61c1c)[(text-style:"blur")[You died.]]After a few minutes, $date_name comes out of the bathroom.
"Hey, thanks for waiting," she smiles.
[[Back.|start-tour]]You tug harder and the door flies open.
There is a loud crack as a pungent, deathly odor floods the room and your body freezes with absolute [[terror|tour-clost-open-3]] as your eyes graze over the closet's contents in disbelief. (live: 0s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 0.8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 1.6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 2.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[A cold chill runs down your spine and your heart pounds as you stare into the dark room, where lies a pile of limp, bloody [[bodies|tour-closet-open-4]]...](stop:)]"I guess I'll take you back to your place?"
She shyly and slowly nods, then asks: "Do you want to stay... the night?"
Slightly flustered, you feel your cheeks warm up as you try to keep your cool: "U-uh yeah sure. I'd love to."
[[Go to her place.|date-house-2]]This is her bedroom. It is modestly furnished with a medium-sized bed, dresser, nightstand, and desk. There are plushies covering the dreseser and her closet seems to be full of them too. Most of them seem to be repeats of some panda or fox. She must really like those.
This seems to be a small guest bedroom. There are also plenty of plushies in this room, along with several bottles of (text-colour: $peach_color)[peach]-scented air refreshener, and some old photo albums.
[[Back.|tour-upstairs]]Each body looks to be a male of your age.
(live: 2s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You try to collect yourself, starting to close the door, when you hear a woosh behind you as something heavy [[collides|tour-closet-death]] with your skull. ](stop:)]
Upon entering her house, you smell the familiar (text-colour: $peach_color)[peach] scent. Before you can stop and think about what to say, she gently takes your arm and guides you upstairs.
Upstairs, you're led to her [[bedroom|enter-bedroom]]. She thanks you for the panda and you part ways.
(live: 1.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You head home and immediately jump into bed, exhausted.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[It was long day, and the date was great, but there's nothing like sleeping in your [[own bed|good-ending-3]].](stop:)](if: $ps5 is true)[You can't wait to play with your new PS5 tomorrow.]
(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:#98eba9)[The end.]](stop:)]
(live: 3.5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Audio: https//www.fesliyanstudios.com](stop:)]//You got this.// [[Go in.|enter-house]]
(if: $plushy is true)[//Maybe I should go home.// [[Leave.|good-ending-1]]]
The house is comfy and cozy, and feels oddly familiar.