this is your [[home]].
cw: references to drugs, alcohol, sex, and the concept of selftwo bedroom apt with large [[windows]].
[[the boys room]]
[[your room]]
[[common areas]]
don't [[go out]]
much different than the queen size at home.
it's lonely. try not to think about it too much.
great. now you can't [[sleep|slept]].[[satiate|eaten]]
(either: "darius milhaud -- saudades do brasil - corcovado", "haley heynderickx -- the bug collector", "chet baker -- i fall in love too easily", "of a thursday -- michael cera")
[[return|your room]] the educational system reeks of control, competition, hierarchy, and bureaucracy. classes are full, prerequisites are added to weed out students, and excess requirements are added to suck more money from undergrads.
school should be a network of student teachers, learning from each other and teaching each other. online classes have proved that the teacher is not some hierarchical figure, but just another box on a screen.
current education trains you to confirm and become an employee. the extent of problem solving is being confused in lecture, and going to tutoring to get the answers to the homework so you can pass the class.
maybe you're just disillusioned because it's hard to absorb information in online classes.
[[return|your room]] welcome, and remember
making yourself forget will not make others forget
do you wish to continue?
[[yes|do drug]]
[[no|desks]]politics, joe biden, horny, wall street bailout, corporate hardship, lying, gofundme medical bills, memes, screenshots from either facebook, reddit, instagram, twitter, or tumblr on each other
it's like biting your nails
[[go home|you]]
your roommate has gone to sleep, the TV is dark.
you stare at it. the void.
remember phineas and ferb?
there were a couple weeks where you would just watch phineas and ferb all the time with friends at college. so much that you developed a critical theory on the backstory and societal norms of the phineas and ferb [[universe]].
''24 push-ups'' (done in sets of 4, 6, or 8), real ones with elbows back, not out
''80 sit-ups'' (with the calculus and econ textbooks), [[your roommate|the boys room]] standing on your feet
''64 lunges'' (32 each leg, stacks of books in each hand)
''48 squats'' (2 stacks of books), core engaged
''3 minute abs'' (plank, flutter kicks, leg lift)
"that was good!" he says. you both drink water.
facetiming your parents. the lag makes it difficult to understand. you love them and want to be at home yet you don't get angry at anyone but them.
what do you say? nothing goes on in either of your lives.
[[end call|home]]where would you like to go?
[[shopping for supplies]]
[[visit parents]]standing in the line at trader joes on the x's on the sidewalk. the man in front of you is old, around 60 or 70, wearing a [[green|shopping for supplies]] plush knit sweater, and khakis, his hands holding each other behind his back as he peers around, through his rimless glasses at the parking lot and line around him.
he was young in 1970, an entirely different time to grow up in. he used to be young and lively and now people pay him no mind. he's lived through every single day of being however old he is, and is still alive today, still doing ordinary regular things.
you're going to have to cook for yourself the rest of your life, you're going to have to grocery shop for yourself. you're going to live alone and your parents are going to die and even crazier shit is going to happen when you're old and you'll feel so different about it then than if it happened when you were twenty.
you will be a completely different person and you have no idea why.
[[your turn in the store|go out]]
the only thing that keeps your apartment from being dark all the time.
sometimes you can see yourself more than you can see outside
your neighbor walks by sometimes
{(if: (history:) contains ("text neighbor"))[
i wonder what they're up to. maybe i'll text them.
[[text neighbor]]
what do they do all day[[?|home]]
it's difficult being away from people. you've posted stuff, asked around to see if anyone's still here, but seemingly only clingy guys have responded. or maybe you like the idea of social interaction but are hestitant to put it in place with strangers. your roommates talk to their girlfriends all the time, and it makes you [[sad]].
your roommate is lying on his bed on his laptop. your other roommate is probably at his desk, shielded from your view.
[[ask to exercise|exercise]]
[[ask to drink|drugs]]
[[go away|home]]
empty. messy, claustrophobic room with one occupant.
the only decorations are random crap. the wifi router box, a TI-89 calculator manual,,
you look at it all the time, but without being in the room, you struggle to remember what you actually look at
too much furniture.
many choices for your [[bed]]
different [[desks]] for different purposes, reasons unknown
[[instrument cases|instruments]] under the bed and on shelves
[[back|home]]the table where everything is. gets cluttered very fast.
would you like to clean it?
[[yes, i will clean the table|cleaned the table]]
[[no|common areas]] not much to talk about, [[eh|home]]?
walk in, look to your left
a [[kitchen]], with a [[pet]]
living [[room]]
polyeurethaned dining 'room' [[table]]
[[the box]]
[[back|home]]don't you remember? when you pull all nighters and see the [[mouse|common areas]] run across the floorshit, you forgot your phone. there aren't any shampoo bottles in here either. guess you'll read the toilet paper stolen from a dorm janitor's closet
tork advanced,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,tork advanced,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,tork advanced
[[wash hands|common areas]]
thanks for eating
it's hard to keep track sometimes
please don't [[forget|common areas]]//The Office//, airing nightly from 7pm to 3am, courtesey of your roommate's chromecast
[[watch one episode]]
[[watch four episodes]]
[[watch twelve episodes]][[text neighbor]]
[[call parents]]
[[social media]]
[[return|your room]] a box full of your roommates things. lives under the couch.
[[back|common areas]] "bright and old and young and new
the ghost of you is wearing shoes
he kicks you down right to the ground
tells you ur a fuckin clown"
[[return|your room]]
it's always hard to sleep at first until you fall asleep
[[wake up|your room]](if: (history:) contains ("call parents")) [''here's what you've done:''
command F, search for how many times you've "eaten". and "slept" and "cleaned the table"
is that enough?
(else:)[you should call your parents before you visit, to let them know you're coming.
[[call parents]] ]
[[continue watching?|watch four episodes]] (four more)
[[stare into void]]not bad- only an hour and a half
[[another four episodes?|watch four episodes]]
[[get up|common areas]]it's cozy, melding into the sofa for almost six hours.
or is it icky?
[[get up|common areas]](align: "==>")[''hey, doing anything later?'']
(align: "<==")[''yeah, i was just gonna get fucked up
with my roommate. wanna come over?'']
(align: "==>") [''sure'']
you walk over to their house
[[alone]] or [[with a bottle of vodka]]
(align: "==>")[''hey, doing anything later?'']
(align: "<==")[''yeah, i was just gonna get fucked up
with my roommate. wanna come over?'']
(align: "==>") [''no thanks'']
[[go back to whatever you were doing before|home]]it's difficult being away from people. you've posted stuff, asked around to see if anyone's still here, but seemingly only clingy guys have responded. or maybe you like the idea of social interaction but are hestitant to put it in place with strangers. your roommates talk to their girlfriends all the time, and it makes you sad.
you're neighbors. you see and interact with each other often enough, it's silly to not talk to them.
they posted about being single the other day. think you have a chance?
[[send text]](align: "==>")[''hey, doing anything later?'']
(align: "<==")[''yeah, i was just gonna get fucked up
with my roommate. wanna come over?'']
(align: "==>")
(align: "==>")
[[no thanks]]you knock on their door with your right hand. 12345. no answer. 1234567. no answer.
open snapchat, swipe and text:
(align: "==>") [''hey i'm outside'']
they open the door, and you help yourself to some cheetos in the room. they offer some weed to you too.
(align: "<==") [//"i wish we had more alcohol"//]
[["i have some"]]
[[stay quiet]]bottle in your left hand, you knock on their door with your right. 12345. no answer. 1234567. no answer.
open snapchat, swipe and text:
(align: "==>") [''hey i'm outside'']
they come out and greet you, give you a glass for your mango juice, and invite you into the room. you help yourself to some cheetos.
the more tipsy you are, the easier it is to dance, to move to the music. but eventually people wind down, after all, it's easy to get nauseous like that
most everyone is on their phone now.
(if: (history:) contains ("with a bottle of vodka"))[you can't tell if it's more boring here or back at your apartment. should you leave? [[yes]] [[no]]]
(else:)[you and your neighbor make eye contact, then quickly look away. nobody is saying anything, or doing anything. you look at them again, and they're on their phone. :)
should you just leave?
you get a [[text]] on your phone](align: "==>") [//"hey guys, i think i'm going to head back to my apartment. i'll talk to you later.//]
(align: "<==") [//"okay see you tomorrow"//]
[[return to apartment|home]]sticking it out? for what? are you trying to sleep with them? they don't want to be with you.
[[go home,, please|home]]from: your neighbor
(align: "<==") [''wanna come to my room?'']
[[no, i should get going]](align: "==>") [//"i should get going"//]
you leave their apartment,
you weren't feeling so tipsy as you were nauseous but it was getting late.
but what would've happened? what did they want to do in their room?
did you miss out on something?
[[go home, you've already made your decision|home]]they lead you into their room. a bottom bunk by the window, pictures on the wall, lights around their bed. perfectly made bed. laundry piled on a chair in the corner.
(align: "<==") [//"sorry it's kind of a mess in here"//]
(align: "==>") [//"messy? you should see my room"//]
they chuckle. you both sit down on the bed and share an awkward laugh.
(align: "<==") [//"so yeah,,this is my room,,,, i don't know, i invited you in here to see if you wanted to [[do anything]]"//]
they lead you into their room. a bottom bunk by the window, pictures on the wall, lights around their bed. perfectly made bed. laundry piled on a chair in the corner.
(align: "<==") [//"sorry it's kind of a mess in here"//]
(align: "==>") [//"messy? you should see my room"//]
they chuckle. you both sit down on the bed and share an awkward laugh.
(align: "<==") [//"so yeah,,this is my room,,,, i don't know, i invited you in here to see if you wanted to do anything"//]
[[yeah, i'm down, if you're okay with it]]
[[sorry, i don't think it's such a good idea]]they chuckle. you both sit down on the bed and share an awkward laugh.
(align: "<==") [//"so yeah,,this is my room,,,, i don't know, i invited you in here to see if you wanted to do anything"//]
(align: "==>") [//"yeah, i'm down, if you're down, of course.. i've never been with a, like, , "//]
(align: "<==") [//"yeah, no, i've never really been with anyone, like ,,"//]
you both laugh and nod. sitting cross legged across from each other on their bed, you lean in for a kiss, feeling how small their face is in your hand. such a warming feeling, being close to them.
[[skip the graphic parts and fall asleep]]
[~~the uncensored bits~~]they chuckle. you both sit down on the bed and share an awkward laugh.
(align: "<==") [//"so yeah,,this is my room,,,, i don't know, i invited you in here to see if you wanted to do anything"//]
(align: "==>") [//"sorry, i don't think it's such a good idea.
we're both not completely sober, and i'm not feeling too hot tonight. i'll talk to you tomorrow."//]
(align: "<==") [//",,okay,. i'll see you later"//]
[[go home|home]]
hot night, sleeping next to someone with all the covers. you were finally able to sleep into 10, a factor you attributed to not feeling immense sadness upon waking up and realizing your place in the world.
(align: "<==") [//"i've gotta go grocery shopping
in like fifteen minutes, so you should
probably get going,, i don't
mean to kick you out"//]
(align: "==>") [//"it's cool, i should probably
start my day by now too"//]
(align: "<==") [//"at least your walk of
shame is short"//]
why would i be ashamed of this?
[[walk home|home]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.[[end game|start]]after your [[pet]] ate a beauty blender and left it behind the couch, you rearrangedthe furniture to make it look more like a home
[[couch and TV]]
rug, recycling bins, bike, guitars, plants, posters, vacuum, binsyou knock on their door with your right hand. 12345. no answer. 1234567. no answer.
open snapchat, swipe and text:
(align: "==>") [''hey i'm outside'']
they open the door, and you help yourself to some cheetos in the room. they offer some weed to you too.
(align: "<==") [//"i wish we had more alcohol"//]
(align: "==>") [//"i have some"//]
you go back to your apartment and grab more alcohol.
most everyone is on their phone now.
(if: (history:) contains ("with a bottle of vodka") or ("alone"))[you can't tell if it's more boring here or back at your apartment. should you leave? [[yes]] [[no]]]
(else:)[you and your neighbor make eye contact, then quickly look away. nobody is saying anything, or doing anything. you look at them again, and they're on their phone. :)
should you just leave?
you get a [[text]] on your phone]most everyone is on their phone now.
you can't tell if it's more boring here or back at your apartment. should you leave? [[yes]] [[no]][[good job!|common areas]]the core family, two divorcee parents with three total kids combine, live in a two story cape cod house, with a lawn, have a pet. pretty representative of the american dream.
perry and candace are both snitches, the cops of the show. but perry is the pet of the american dream. dr. doofenshmirtz is not as evil as he thinks he is; he is, in fact, just challenging the status-quo, against his politician brother and landlord ex-wife, while trying to provide a better future for his daughter vanessa.
[[return|common areas]]