,,,,,,,,,,,,(background: "#FF8282")[Today's the big day.
Hiro Kobayashi, a fairly fit 20 year old who's currently attending college. He's a second year in his community college attempting to transfer to a four year university and trained archer.
That's not important.
What's important is that he has a date today. The important question is what is he going to wear?
(if:$dateMissed is not true)[[He has to put on clothes?]] ](background: "#FF8282")[Of course!
He's going to wear clothes! His wardrobe isn't that big, but at least what he wears makes him look nice.
Hiro was a fairly small boy, 5'3" to be exact. A lot of the clothes he has are from the kids section, he just doesn't tell people though.
Regardless it's time to go to the park.
[[Go to the Park]] ]
(background: "#FF8282")[Hiro arrives, and he sees him.]
(background: "#D36A6A")[The tall elf with athletic tights and shorts, tall, a cute shirt, tall, skilled in magic, and a jacket. There's no mistaking it, it's him, Yuki Fuyu.
Hiro remembers how he met him, it was his first day in class, Foundations of Game Design of course, he stood there looking for a seat, and he offered it to him.
Yeah it's not that romantic, but they got lunch at least and that's where it really kicked off. Turns out the guy was into doing swimming.]
(background: "#FF8282")[*"That's hot"*, Hiro thought. And that's how their relationship started.
[[Anyways back to the present.]] ]Star rushed by the park and looked at all of the locals vibing out. There were kids having fun. The elderly laughing with each other. Students studying. A cute couple having a great time.
That is until they heard the sirens and they all jumped and stared at the car rushing on by.
Not his fault. Whoops.
When he got to the place it looked like a mess. A window was shattered, there was a worker at the counter standing still, not doing much.
[[Star walked in on the scene to investigate]]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Sure, why not?"]
(background: "#FF8282")[As they approached the store they noticed a police car parked outside. One of the windows was shattered. But it definitely didn't stop people from getting some good ass coffee!
Not even the lovebirds cared about waiting for a couple of minutes. Hiro noticed someone in the front, next to the police car,](background: "#C7CD69")[ [["Hey isn't that the Shooting Star?"]] ](background: "#FF8282")[Hiro and Yuki sat down at the camper, they too ordered the macaroni salad.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Hey there Hiro!" Nate greeted Hiro.]
(background: "#FF8282")["The usual! But make it two!" Hiro mouthed "for my boyfriend" winked and pointed at him.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate put in a little extra, Hiro was one of his favorite customers.]
(background: "#282E64")[(text-style: "rumble")["HEY, SHORTIE!!!"] Dasom yelled at Hiro.]
(background: "#FF8282")[ [[Hiro pointed to himself, smiling, leaning on his date.]] ]
(background: "#C7CD69")["Whats up?"
"Go to your favorite coffee place Star, there's been an incident."
An incident? Like a murder? An explosion? A stabbing?
"I'm on my way." Star slammed his foot on the gas and turned on his siren. He was driving as fast as he could. [[Sirens blared as a police car rushed in]] to the scene.](background: "#C7CD69")[The human had a rough night, as it is for detectives.
Granted he don't solve mysteries or anything. Mostly theft. Only theft. Murders are too scary, he's only human, in a world filled with elves, werewolves, dragon-kins, pescians..., well you know.
Star De La Cruz, or more appropriately named, "Shooting Star", to refer to reputation. Any wish he gets, he'll grant it.
The good thing is that Star had the ability to see the perspective of whoever he looked at.
It looks like it's time to [[Go to Work]].](background: "#C7CD69")[It's the same as every day, Star comes in every day with a long trench coat and covers his face with his hat. You could practically hear the jazz.
"You alright there Star?" the receptionist asks.
"Y-Yeah... It's... It was a long night." Star replied back.
As edgy as he tried the real reason why it was a long night was because he was up all night binge watching a show.
"Let me guess, you started a new show?" the receptionist giggled.
"SHHHH" De La Cruz wanted to keep it down. He tried to look cool in the office but everyone knew he was a big softy.
[[Walk in the office]]
](background: "#FF8282")[Yes.
He's not going into this date naked.
What are you going to do? [[Sleep in and miss your date?]]
Now go put on some [[Clothes]] . ](background: "#FF8282")[(set:$dateMissed to true)
He messed up.
He missed his date.
Are you happy?
His date's angry, he's sad. What did you expect.
Shame on you. He deserves better.
[[Hiro Start]] ](background: "#C7CD69")[
He walked into his office and looked at the cases he solved through the newspapers showcased his name.
He chuckled to himself softly, "It ain't much but it's honest work."
Not much was happening around so he got in his car and his radio squeaked.
"Star? Are you there? You're gonna wanna hear this... It's bad..."
[[Pick up the Radio]] ](background: "#FF8282")[Hiro was excited, he's never seen a famous person before.
"Sweetie, you know that guy?" Yuki chuckled at Hiro.
Hiro's face lit up, *"Sweetie?!"* he thought to himself.
*"We're already to* **NICKNAMES??***"*
A soft wheeze came out of Hiro as he flustered around.
[[Star walked up to them overhearing his name.]]](background: "#C7CD69")[Star walked around the shop, looking for any clues.
It was clean. No finger prints turned up, security footage was destroyed along with the cameras, the only lead they had was the broken window, but even then that wasn't enough.
He started to ask around, maybe someone knew something.
[[He stepped over the broken glass in attempts to talk to the worker at the counter]] ]
(background: "#C7CD69")["Yeah thats me!", then immediately stared at the Christmas tree looking boy.
"Y-You alright there?" Star looked slightly concerned, but he doesn't know what love is so it was okay, at least he thought it was.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Sorry about that, I guess I said something to work him up," Yuki laughed hugging Hiro tight, "So what happened? Was there a murder?"]
(background: "#C7CD69")["Murder!? No! I don't do those cases young man, I solve theft. Murder is scary, I don't do scary."]
(background: "#FF8282")[ [["Oh."]] ]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate panicked, there was always shady cops who would go after him like this. They made him pay fines even though he did nothing wrong.
It's also the reason why he got in an argument with his boyfriend.
It was the middle of the day and they were hanging out at his camper, a cop walked by.
"Hey I have a warrant for this camper, we're pretty sure you have some stolen items," the cop had a smug look on his face.
His boyfriend looked concerned.
"I didn't officer now leave, you guys do this all the time. If you want my money then leave," He had it with the officers.
They just yelled back and louder, his boyfriend was so distressed.
[[Nate lost control]] ](background: "#585858")["WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG!!" A man yelled in the crowd of people.]
(background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki looked confused too. Usually the coffee is made pretty quickly since everyone was trained pretty well.]
(background: "#585858")["Excuse me, I ordered a CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE. Mocha is COFFEE." Another customer yelled at the new guy.]
(background: "#FF8282")[Hiro looked at Yuki, "You guys sell chocolate milkshakes?"]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Not... that I know of... Hold on I think..."
[[Yuki noticed he hasn't met that coworker before.]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[Just like any other morning.
Nathaniel, a small young adult werewolf who owns his own food camper. It's like a food truck and a camper. Does it violate health regulations? Probably. Do people care? The foods good!
He yawned and stretched as his tail wagged and ears twitched.
[[Get ingredients]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[A day as a food worker always starts off getting ingredients.
Nate was a simple man, he went around, waved, got his ingredients, had a chat, and left. Relationships with people were important, he cherished that about his job.
Making food to connect people together? Chef's kiss muwah!
Well... that is...
[[Go back to the food truck]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[Two of the regulars came in today, werewolves from the opposing packs. To be even more specific, they were both the alphas of each pack.
Nate thought about yesterday.]
(background: "#282E64")[(text-style: "rumble")["You look stupid today!"] The werewolf with long beautiful white hair, Dasom
, yelled out.]
(background: "#286460")[(text-style: "rumble")["Well... You look dumb!"] The werewolf with the chocolate brown pony tail, Hyun-a, yelled back.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Soon as you know it both of them turn and one slashes right through the damn camper.
Back to the present, everything is all set up.
[[Go to the next stop]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[Nate drove his camper to the next spot, his favorite one in fact. There was a great coffee store that had his favorite drink.
It was a mint mojito coffee, who knew mint could go so good with coffee! And the cream? Delish, chef's kiss.
He heard distant yells, it was the alphas. At this point it was just she said this and she said that. It almost sounded like a glass shattered too.
That's because it did, the alphas broke the window to the coffee shop and then noticed Nate's food camper.
A shadowy figure rushed into the coffee shop, but he couldn't see it.]
(background: "#282E64")[(text-style: "rumble")["HEY GIVE ME FOOD."] Dasom yelled at Nate.]
(background: "#286460")[(text-style: "rumble")["NO, GIVE ME FOOD."] Hyun-a yelled at Nate.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED COOKING YET." Nate yelled back. This constant bickering was like they were together.
[[Start cooking]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[ While he heard the two constantly bicker in the background, it was all drowned out.
The knife cut through the onions and garlic as he placed it in a bowl to marinate with the pork.
The grill turned on, flames bursts with the intense heat. Nate's tail wagged as he started to mix the meat. He pierced it with a skewer, the meat was thick today.
The music playing only helped to drown out the two yelling, he was vibing.
He slaps the meat down onto the grill engulfing it with fire. Shortly after, he rotates, he cooks, and he pulls it out. A scoop of rice and macaroni salad and done.
Two meals.
For the two wolves.
He tucked it to the side until they stopped arguing.
Suddenly, Nate overhears, [["There's that one werewolf who sells food over there"]] and gets ready to serve customers.](background: "#23ACD8")["Hey!! Stop barking!!"]
(background: "#286460")[Hyun-a and Dasom stopped, turned to Nate.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["I get it, people fight, but holy shit please calm down. Let those two enjoy their love." He looked down. When was the last time he contacted his boyfriend?]
(background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki looked at Nate, [["What about you sir, do you have a partner?"]] ]
(background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki started to each but Hiro was just in shock.]
(background: "#FF8282")["Y-You love me?" Hiro muttered.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Of course I do. We're on a date after all." Yuki replied mouth full of food.]
(background: "#FF8282")["I LOVE YOU TOO!" He hugged Yuki tight. Yuki giggled and rubbed his head onto Hiro.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Alright sweetie time to eat your food."]
(background: "#FF8282")[They ate the food together and laughed. It was a good time all around.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["I'm kinda thirsty, do you still want coffee?" Yuki said.]
(background: "#FF8282")[ [[Go to the coffee shop]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[As the two digged in the two alphas were barking at each other, but this time they were both stuttering at each other.]
(background: "#282E64")[(text-style: "rumble")["N-NO! I-I DON'T L-LOVE HER!!!"] Dasom also barked back.]
(background: "#286460")[(text-style: "rumble")["I-I... U-US???"] Hyun-a barked.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Uhh...huh..." Nate knew, the only reason they started fighting is because one of them complimented the other and then the other complimented the other and it just snowballed out of control.
He handed them one bowl.
[["Alright have fun you two."]] ]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Sooo... What does my boyfriend want today?"]
Hiro lit up, again, and mumbled, "caw...cawwfeee"
The date was going so well. Yuli seemed to be really into Hiro. And Hiro, well he was very clearly into Yuki too. So much so that he was hugging Yuki tight and holding onto him.
(background: "#D36A6A")[ [[Yuki dragged his date over into the line for coffee]] ](background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki walked up to the front, "Hey are you new? Do you need any help? I work here too so I-" He was interrupted.
(background: "#D36A6A")[That was the name of his boyfriend.
"Hey wait a minute... you're not my boyfriend!" Yuki knew something was wrong and his instincts instantly kicked in.]
(background: "#FF8282")["BOYFRIEND?!" Hiro stood in shock, first he was trying his best to keep him getting a job a secret. They were pretty good friends so working together would've brought them closer together. But also BOYFRIEND?]
(background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki jumped on the counter and that's when he noticed something off, a trail of black smoke trailing from the back of his shirt.]
(background: "#1F142E")[There was something wrong with the [[New guy at the coffee shop]].](background: "#C7CD69")["Huh? What no, I'm just here to ask questions about the coffee store." Star replied.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["H-Huh? You're not gonna try to get a free meal out of me?" Nate replied.]
(background: "#C7CD69")["What?! No. Wait, did someone do that to you?"]
(background: "#23ACD8")["The police always did that to me..."]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ [[Star comforts the crying werewolf]] ](background: "#C7CD69")[ "Hey, look up pup. Whoever it is I'll catch them, is that your wish?" ]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Y-Yeah... I guess."]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ "Well they don't call me Shooting Star for nothing. I'll grant your wish. But also I need your help, have you seen anything weird about that coffee shop down the street?" ]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Yeah... Well the glass was shattered because of some of my regulars getting into a fight. But thinking about it... there was a shadowy figure walking in. I didn't think much of it but the person they hired was one of my regulars."]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ "So seems like there's a [[New guy at the coffee shop]]..." Star dragged the werewolf with him.](background: "#C7CD69")[Star and Nate rushed in on the scene.
"Hold it right there!"]
(background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki turned around and was confused but the shadow creature gave up his disguise and grabbed Yuki.]
(background: "#FF8282")["YOU SON OF A BITCH LET HIM GO!" Hiro got angry and pulled out his compact bow.]
(background: "#1F142E")[(text-style:"blur")[MaKE ONe MoRe MoVe aNd He'S DoNe. I'm SteAlinG thE ReciPes a NEW BeTttEr CoffEe ShoP,"] the shadow creature garbled.]
(background: "#FF8282")[Nates hands trembled, if he shot now, Yuki would be done for. That would be awful for a first date.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate turned his hands into paws getting ready for battle. Star swapped perspectives with the shadow creature and grabbed on the werewolf pulling him back a bit.]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ [[Star whispered something in his ear]] ]
(background: "#BB0000")[ **CASE CLOSED** ]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ Another one for Star. The criminal has been captured and he finally got his god damn coffee.
"You!! If it wasn't for you I would've had good coffee all the damn time!!" The criminal was yelling as he was dragged to the police car.
He tipped his hat and said, "You could've just asked." and handed the recipe back to Yuki and Hiro.
He spent the rest of the day chilling out at the coffee store instead of you know, going back to the office. He deserved it after a long day.
He marked his next case on his notebook.
**"Corruption in the police force, justice for Nate."**
[[Star De La Cruz Start]] ](background: "#FF8282")[Hiro and Yuki went back home together. It was a bit of a day, they went out, helped solve a crime, and got some coffee together. You normally don't do those kinds of things.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Hey... Can I stay the night?" Yuki said to Hiro.]
(background: "#FF8282")[Hiro nodded and pulled Yuki inside. They spent the rest of their night watching shows, playing games, and leaning on each other.
It's almost as if they were destined to be. Finally, they went to sleep in a small, double bed, meant for one person. They squeezed them both together.
[[Hiro Start]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[Nate ended up cleaning up his camper when he heard howling.]
(background: "#282E64")[The two alphas were sitting on top, along with some cash, and a... mechanic?
"Hey! We owe you one. For you know scratching your camper..." Hyun-a nuzzled Dasom.]
(background: "#286460")["Don't worry we paid for it! We even brought the mechanic to help wheel it in!" Dasom went to pick up Nate and put him on her back for easy transport.
"ME C HAN IC T IME!" The mechanic yelled out, wheeling the camper back to their shop.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate spent the rest of the night talking with Hyun-a and Dasom and even gave them their last bowl of food. While his camper was being worked on he walked outside and looked at his phone.
[[**MY LOVE, MISSED CALL 4:20 PM** He dialed back and his boyfriend picked up.]] ](background: "#D36A6A")[Yuki got up and hugged Hiro.]
(background: "#FF8282")["Well, it's your first day officially I guess." Hiro chuckled and started to take down orders.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate and Star looked at each other.]
(background: "#C7CD69")["Coffee?"]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Coffee."]
(background: "#23ACD8")[They walked with Hiro and Yuki and ordered some. All of them had a collective laugh as the couple pumped out drinks for all the customers and the other two sat down and talked about the police problem in the city.]
(background: "#C7CD69")[Star texted back to the office group chat, "[[Case Closed]]"]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate walked out and waved goodbye to everyone. He went back so he could [[Clean up his camper]]. ]
(background: "#FF8282")[After their long shift ended, Hiro [[Goes back home with Yuki]] for the night](background: "#FF8282")[Hiro ran over to hug him.
"Yuki!" He jumped to hug his date, and also to reach his shoulders.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Hey there cutie, how are you today?" Yuki gave him a peck on the cheek and held him up like a big baby.]
(background: "#FF8282")["I-"]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ [[Sirens blared as a police car rushed in]] stopping their romantic moment.]
(background: "#FF8282")[They looked at the car and both laughed.
"I'm good." Hiro smiled.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Well, what now you said you wanted to make plans didn't you?"]
(background: "#FF8282")[ [["Uhh, how about that coffee shop you work at?"]]
[["There's that one werewolf who sells food over there"]] ](background: "#C7CD69")["Yeah... Hey, have you seen anything? Maybe a person running around with a recipe? It seems like they stole my favorite recipe and the new guy over there doesn't know how to make it."]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Nothing that I can think of Mr. Star. Maybe you can ask that werewolf over there, my boyfriend overe here said he works some crazy hours."]
(background: "#C7CD69")["I see... Thanks for the info kiddo. I'll be on my way."
[[Star walked towards the werewolf hoping for answers.]]]
(background: "#D36A6A")[While [[Yuki dragged his date over into the line for coffee]] ](background: "#C7CD69")["Watch out for that core in the middle, that's where he's looking from. If you can knock it out so the archer right there can shoot it, it'll be killed."
He stood back hands in his long coat with his hat tipped down.
The one thing he noticed when he swapped was the way the smoke was flowing right before he was interrupted. It acted like a blob, it can stretch and move in certain ways, but you only have a finite amount of it.
That's when he made his gameplan.
"Hey pup, I can see what he sees, he's constantly switching between you and the the dragon over there, he's not entirely focused. If you make any moves towards him he'll focus on you and not the other." ]
(background: "#23ACD8")[ [[Nate nodded in response and rushed on in. ]] ]
(background: "#282E64")[They both stared at each other blushing.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Oh and one last thing" Nate grabbed their wrists and tied spoons to it, "You gotta feed each other, enjoy!"]
(background: "#282E64")[(text-style: "rumble")[So they did, begrudgingly, but fed each other. The good thing is that the food was so good they just stopped arguing and went for it. They laughed with each other and talked with each other.]
(background: "#282E64")[When their meal was done they kissed each other on the cheek and just started to laugh. They waved goodbye and held hands as they walked off.]
(background: "#23ACD8")["Fucking finally..." Nate was washing the dishes and noticed someone coming by.]
(background: "#C7CD69")[ [[Star walked towards the werewolf hoping for answers.]] ](background: "#23ACD8")["Well... I have a boyfriend... we got into a fight before he had to transfer hospitals, he's nurse so... we don't get to see each other that often," Nate sorrowfully said.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Well then check up on him! I'm sure he misses you. And whatever you said can be resolved," Yuki smiled. "What about you two, how long have you been together?" he said looking at the alphas.]
"WHAAAAAAAT?!" Hyun-a and Dasom barked.
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate handed the couple their food.]
(background: "#D36A6A")[ [[Thank the werewolf for the good meal and dig in]] ]
(background: "#23ACD8")[ [[Comfort the regulars]] ](background: "#286460")[(text-style: "rumble")["DON'T DRAG HIM INTO THIS DASOM, HEY TALLIE!"] Hyun-a yelled at Yuki.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Yeah?" Yuki replied with a smile.]
(background: "#286460")[(text-style: "rumble")["DO YOU KNOW WHAT LOVE IS?"] Hyun-a back at Yuki.]
(background: "#D36A6A")["Yeah of course! It's this!" He pointed to his date pecked his forehead.]
(background: "#FF8282")[Hiro became flustered. Nate laughed. Yuki laughed. Hyun-a and Dasom just growled ferally. Then shortly after started barking at each other.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Nate, in attempt to keep the vibes clean, decided he should [[Try to interrupt the regulars]]. ](background: "#C7CD69")["Hey! Excuse me, I have a couple of que-" Then something happened. His watched beeped.
**10A.M. Coffee time!!**
That's when he saw it, the rush of people flooding into the coffee shop ordering everything on the menu.
It was unreal, typically the line was this long, but something seemed really... off.
Even when the line was this long that one handsome elf who worked here would get through the orders extremely quickly. And even if it WASN'T him, every other one would be extremely efficient, but whoever was working was fumbling around.
[[Star used his power to see what was going on.]] ](background: "#C7CD69")[What he saw shocked him. It was horrifying.
The worker didn't know the recipes at heart. It was fair game, the recipe book was always near them. He did hear news about a new trainee, but leaving him alone all like this?
It wouldn't make sense for the shop to shoot themselves in the foot like this.
*"Wait a minute is tha-"*]
(background: "#FF8282")[Suddenly, he heard someone call out, [["Hey isn't that the Shooting Star?"]] ](background: "#23ACD8")["Hey Hiro, get ready to shoot!" He ran up the monster dodging the shadowy tentacles. The agility with his wolf form allowed him to sprint faster than the smoke tendrils can hit him.
Nate zig zagged all over the place, includding the walls and eventually bouncing off them.
"If I can get that core, Hiro can hit it!"
The shadowy figure was too occupied to deal with the wolf that it forgot about Yuki and it was too late as Nate ran up and hit the core right out of the shadowy mist.
It was sent right into the air.
[["Hiro! Take the shot!]] ]
(background: "#FF8282")[Hiro hit the core and it shattered into bits, with a piece of paper falling down.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[Hiro panicked as Yuki fell the moment the shadowy monster was reduced to a small compact blob, but he fell into Nate's big paws while Star grabbed the paper.]
(background: "#452A14")[ **RECIPES** ]
(background: "#C7CD69")[He tucked it away before he could read them.]
(background: "#D36A6A")[ [["Looks like someone is going to have to run the store"]] said Yuki.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[He growled and transformed into wolf form. Hopped over the counter and jumped at the police officer.
"LEAVE ME AND MY BOYFRIEND ALONE. I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF YOU PEOPLE." He pinned them against the floor with his teeth right in front of the officer's head.
(text-style:"blurrier")["Nate stop! Leave him alone! Please It's not worth it!!"] He couldn't hear anything other than his heartbeat. He couldn't even hear him.
(text-style:"blur")["Nate please! Get off of him!"] Nothing else mattered, he was tired. Tired of people kicking him around like he was nothing, he was tired of
**"NATE!"** His boyfriend yelled.
[[Nate got off the police man.]] ](background: "#23ACD8")[The officer ran away in fear promising to never come back again.
His boyfriend was horrified and that's when he left.
"Hey I'm sorry Nate, but I think I just need some time off from you." was the last text he got from his boyfriend.
He was just a monster.]
(background: "#C7CD69")[(text-style:"blur")[ "Hey kid." ]]
(background: "#23ACD8")[He was a monster.]
(background: "#C7CD69")["Hey kiddo?"]
(background: "#C7CD69")[The detective walked closer.]
(background: "#23ACD8")[ With tears in his eyes, he yelled out [["I didn't steal anything!"]] ](background: "#23ACD8")["Hey sweetie. I'm sorry about everything I-... I... I love you too.."
[[Nathaniel Start]] ]