[[''Lost or Found''->choice1]]
Written by Ricardo Gonzalez
Music by my dear friend John Lompa Jr.
The music will only work on Google Chrome.
(set: $drink to 0)
(set: $glutton to 0)
(set: $end1 to 0)
(set: $end2 to 0)
(set: $end3 to 0)
(set: $end4 to 0)
(set: $end5 to 0)
(set: $end6 to 0)
(set: $end7 to 0)
(set: $end8 to 0)
(set: $magicNumber to 0)
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.src = 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnopwckiz7o1t2i/the%20moon%20song.mp3?dl=1';
audio.loop = true;
</script>(if: $end1 is not 1 or $end2 is not 1 or $end3 is not 1 or $end4 is not 1 or $end5 is not 1 or $end6 is not 1 or $end7 is not 1 or $end8 is not 1)[Mom persists on holding your hand as you walk through the parking lot due to your habit of running off without reason. //This is worse than having one of those leash backpacks,// you think.
As you get closer to the store you see an old lady in tattered clothes. She is screaming ''$magicNumber is the magic number!''
Mom steers you clear of her and takes you through the other entrance.
[[Enter the store.]]](else:)[As you approach the store, an old lady hobbles in front of you and your mom. She looks as old as time itself. You look at Mom because you are unsure of what to do.
The lady points her cane at you and mutters words in what seems to be another language.
[[A beam of blue light shoots through you]]
You decide to grab a small bottle of your favorite soda from a refrigerator. //This should come in handy later... or now.//
[[Drink the soda.]]
[[Hold onto it.]]//I'm hungry,// you say to yourself. You see your favorite type of chips up on a shelf out of your reach. Do you
[[try to climb the shelves.->try to climb the shelves]]
[[grab a lesser brand of chips.->grab a lesser brand of chips]]As you climb, you use shelves as ladders. You place both feet on the fourth shelf off of the ground in order to obtain the cheesy goodness of your favorite snack.
[[Time to get down.->Time to get down]][[//Maybe I should look for Mom.//->begin the search]](colour: red)[''CRACK'']
The shelf supporting you wasn't as strong as you thought.
Your immature mind does not understand the concept of death as your soul slips into the ''void''.
(colour: red)[''LOST'']
(set: $end8 to 1)//I wouldn't have survived without Teddy!// You remembered to bring your beloved teddy bear with you.
[[Get out of the car.]]Once you get to aisle eleven, mom reaches for something. Its pretty high up, so she lets go of your hand for a split second. //This is my chance.// You run to get
[[chips.->chips]](set: $drink to 1)
You open the zesty drink and take a gulp. You feel energized, but at what cost?
[[What else can I grab?]]//I'm not that thirsty.// What do you do next?
[[Grab more snacks.->What else can I grab?]]
[[Find Mom.->begin the search]]//If I were Mom, where would I be?//
[[Soup aisle.]]
[[Frozen foods.]](set: $glutton to 1)
You are overtaken by gluttony. You see donuts. //Take them.// You see chocolate bars. //Must have.// Bubble gum? //Yes.//
[[Head to aisle 6?]]
[[//Maybe I should look for Mom.//->begin the search]]You run into an older looking man. You instantly notice his odor. //Hey, stinky.// Your nose is invaded by his smell so you don't break eye contact. He notices you staring at him. (if: $drink is 1)[He is drawn to the open bottle of soda in your arms, among other things. Do you
[[try to hide it?]]
[[smile at him?]]
] (else:)[
[[Smile at him.->smile at him?]]
]The man frowns. It seems that you did not cover up your crime successfully. (colour: red)[''HEY, KID! You know you have to pay for that.'']
[[Come with me.]]The man smiles back and goes about his business. //(if: $drink is 1)[I guess he doesn't see the open soda... That was a close one. ]Maybe he can help me out?//
[[Ask the man to help you find Mom.]]
[[Head to aisle 10.]]You arive at the grocery store. Mom reaches over to you to unbuckle your car seat. Once the opressive straps are off of your body, you
[[kick the car door open and jump out.->parking lot]]
(if: $end1 is not 1 or $end2 is not 1 or $end3 is not 1 or $end4 is not 1 or $end5 is not 1 or $end6 is not 1 or $end7 is not 1 or $end8 is not 1)[or
[[remember to grab something important.]]
(set: $drink to 0)
(set: $glutton to 0)
(set: $magicNumber to (8 - ($end1 + $end2 + $end3 + $end4 + $end5 + $end6 + $end7 + $end8)))
</script>The man brings you to the checkout stations at the front of the store. He uses a landline phone at the cash register. ''Hello all customers. A child has been found alone. Please come to register 3 if you know them.''
[[Now what, criminal?]]You come across a child who seems to be the same age. She, too, is without an adult. You approach her. (if: $drink is 1)[If your soda wasn't already open, youd offer to trade it to her for the sour gummies she is holding]
[[Ask where her parents are.]]
(if: $drink is 0)[or
[[Trade for the gummies shes holding.->Trade for the gummies.]]]//Can you help me find my mom?// you ask. The man sees youre in a predicament and offers to help you carry your goods. He says (colour: green)[''You've found the right guy, kid. I happen to own this store. I'll make sure you get home.'']
[[Come with me.->Come with me.2]]The man brings you to the checkout stations at the front of the store. He uses a landline phone at the cash register. ''Hello all customers. A child has been found alone. Please come to register 3 if you know them.''
Mom rushes over from the soup aisle and lets out a sigh of relief. She says to you (colour: green)[''I love you. Please don't run off like that again.'' You agree.
(set: $end3 to 1)As you walk through the parking lot, Mom grabs you by the hand like you hold on to Teddy-holding on for dear life. You say //I won't try to run off, Mom.// Just as you say this, you let go of Teddy.
[[Bend over to pick up your toy.]]
[[Forget the toy you love and enter the store.->Enter the store.]]You rip your hand out of Mom's grasp and crouch to pick up Teddy. //Now I've got you.//
You see bright red lights. A car does not see you and backs into you. Your immature mind does not understand the concept of death as your soul slips into the ''void''.
(colour: red)[''LOST'']
(set: $end1 to 1)The girl tears up but manages to say ''I live with my grandparents. I miss my mommy and daddy.'' She begins to cry. You remember Teddy, the toy you left in the car. //If I remembered the bear I could have cheered her up.//
[[She sounds like a siren.]]Now with the gummies in your possesion, you decide to devour them. The copious amount of sugar gives you the energy to run throughout the entire store.
[[Gotta blast.]]Mom rushes over and notices the angry man. He explains that you have to pay for the soda you opened. The experience of stealing has left a void in your soul at the tender age of 8. Try being nicer next time.
(colour: red)[''FOUND'']
(set: $end2 to 1)You realize you're not the only person who can hear the girl cry. Soon enough, Mom shows up and knows that you had something to do with this. You apologize and tell her you love her knowing that even if she is upset, you're glad to have her.
(set: $end4 to 1)You find Mom, and she rolls her eyes upon seeing the half eaten bag of gummies. ''That's gonna be $2 off your allowance,'' she says. You're just happy to see her again, //I love you, Mom.//
(set: $end5 to 1)You found Mom. She says, ''I figured you'd come here. You know I love soup. You can't keep running off like that.'' (if: $glutton is 1)[''Go put those things back on the shelf.''
On your way to put the items back, you feel like someone is following you. You shake the feeling, however.
Found, but hungry.
(set: $end6 to 1)You haven't found Mom yet, but you have found your favorite ice cream flavor. You decide to indulge yourself. (if: $glutton is 1)[You place all your things on the floor.] The problem is that the ice cream you like is all the way into the freezer.
[[Reach in.]]
[[Go to soup aisle.->Soup aisle.]]The cold air of the freezer surrounds your arm. You feel some force from behind.
(colour: red)[''SMACK'']
The freezer door has closed in on itself and you can't get out.
You manage to look back and see the old lady from the front of the store pointing her cane at you. She is saying something, but you can not tell what it is she is saying.
Your immature mind does not understand the concept of death as your soul slips into the ''void''.
(colour: red)[''LOST'']
(set: $end7 to 1)Suddlenly all you see is white. You look left and right. Up and down. You realize that you do not have a body. You aren't even sure if you can move. You try to run–or what feels like running. Below where your feet should be, you see videos. It seems as if the floor was made of many tv screens.
[[Stop and look.]]
document.body.style.backgroundColor = "White";
In the distance you see a body. You run towards it while still on the path of many tv screens. As you near the person, you see a woman dressed in white and blue garments. You try to speak, but nothing comes out. You mouth the words:
//[[Where am I?]]//
//[[Who are you?]]//You see videos that are filmed from the first person. Upon closer inspection, you see things you recognize. Your room, school, and Mom's face. In others, you see people and places you do not recognize.
[[Keep running.]]''You're in purgatory. ''
//[[Who are you?]]//
//[[I'm dead?]]//''I am your soul's guide. I was the older woman at the store. I was keeping an eye on you.''
//[[Where am I?]]//
//[[My soul?]]//''Yes you are dead. You've died 242 times if my calculations are correct. Your soul remains intact, however.''
//[[Who are you?]]//''Yes, your soul. That is what you are in this moment. Do you realize that you are no longer who you were in the store? In the store, you were in the mind of your eight year old self. You thought and acted as a child. Here, you understand, the concept of death and much more. Here you are currently 4,840 years old''
//[[Does that mean I am reincarnated?]]//''Yes.''
//[[What is the meaning of all this?]]//''You are waiting for time to flow. There is no real "reason" for anything. As time goes by, you will rise back into existence and back into where your mortal body resides. You live the same life over again, but with variation. Your name may be different. Your interests may change from life to life. What remains same is who you are at your core, your essence.''
//[[What was the point of the grocery store?]]//''Like I have stated before, there is nothing that decides anything other than randomness. In some lifetimes, your purgatory was your house. You were in a state of holding, reliving past experiences.''
//[[Why did you kill me in the freezer?]]//''I was preparing you for the next life... Which reminds me. Its about time you get going. Your current average lifespan is 20 years... You seem shocked. I shouldn't be surprised, you give me the same look every time I tell you this. For the record, most people's averages are 15 years. Let's see if you can improve.''
Lost or Found
Written by Ricardo Gonzalez
Music by my dear friend John Lompa Jr.
The music will only work on Google Chrome.