An Extraordinary Day
[[New Game->Name Character]]
(set: $player to (dm:
"Name", (a:),
"Level", 1,
"EXP", 0,
"NextEXP", 10,
"MaxHP", 50,
"BaseOffense", 5,
"BaseDefense", 5,
"BaseSpeed", 5,
"HP", 50,
"Offense", 5,
"Defense", 5,
"Speed", 5,
"Inventory", (a:
"Hand", "None",
"Body", "None",
"Arms", "None",
"Other", "None"
(set: $flag to (dm:
"FrankAllisaWalk", false,
"SaveJeff", false,
"BullyFight", false,
"HangWithJeff", false,
"Detention", false,
"AlienFight", false,
"OtherWorldEnd", false,
"ResearchEnd", false,
"GoodDayEnd", false,
(set: $enemy to (dm:
"Bully", (dm:
"Name", "Bully",
"MaxHP", 100,
"BaseOffense", 10,
"BaseDefense", 3,
"BaseSpeed", 1,
"HP", 100,
"Offense", 10,
"Defense", 3,
"Speed", 1,
"DropRate", 0,
"DropItem", "None",
"Alien", (dm:
"Name", "Alien",
"MaxHP", 50,
"BaseOffense", 5,
"BaseDefense", 5,
"HP", 50,
"Offense", 5,
"Defense", 3,
"Speed", 1,
"DropRate", 0,
"DropItem", "None",
(set: $opponentparty to (a:
(set: $currentenemy to (dm:))
(set: $battlearea to "None")
(set: $attacksuccess to false)
(set: $enemyattacksucc to false)
(set: $user to (dm:))
(set: $target to (dm:))
(set: $userdamage to 0)
(set: $turnend to false)
(set: $multscore to 0)
(set: $caps to true)
(set: $invfull to false)
(set: $battle to false)
(set: $gameoverexcept to false)
(set: $hour to 0)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
(set: $totaltime to 0)
(set: $arghour to 0)
(set: $argminute to 0)
(set: $argAMPM to "A.M.")
(set: $argtotaltime to 0)
(set: $timefuctresult to false)What's your name?:
(print: (text: ...$player's Name))
(if: $caps is true)[[Lower]<Lower_key|](else:)[[Caps]<Caps_key|] | [Backspace]<Backspace_key| | [Enter]<Enter_key| |(if: $caps is true)[
[Q]<Q_key| | [W]<W_key| | [E]<E_key| | [R]<R_key| | [T]<T_key| | [Y]<Y_key| | [U]<U_key| | [I]<I_key| | [O]<O_key| | [P]<P_key| |
[A]<A_key| | [S]<S_key| | [D]<D_key| | [F]<F_key| | [G]<G_key| | [H]<H_key| | [J]<J_key| | [K]<K_key| | [L]<L_key| |
[Z]<Z_key| | [X]<X_key| | [C]<C_key| | [V]<V_key| | [B]<B_key| | [N]<N_key| | [M]<M_key|
(else:)[[q]<qq_key| | [w]<ww_key| | [e]<ee_key| | [r]<rr_key| | [t]<tt_key| | [y]<yy_key| | [u]<uu_key| | [i]<ii_key| | [o]<oo_key| | [p]<pp_key| |
[a]<aa_key| | [s]<ss_key| | [d]<dd_key| | [f]<ff_key| | [g]<gg_key| | [h]<hh_key| | [j]<jj_key| | [k]<kk_key| | [l]<ll_key| |
[z]<zz_key| | [x]<xx_key| | [c]<cc_key| | [v]<vv_key| | [b]<bb_key| | [n]<nn_key| | [m]<mm_key|
(click: ?A_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'A')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?B_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'B')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?C_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'C')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?D_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'D')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?E_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'E')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?F_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'F')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?G_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'G')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?H_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'H')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?I_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'I')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?J_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'J')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?K_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'K')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?L_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'L')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?M_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'M')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?N_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'N')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?O_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'O')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?P_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'P')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?Q_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'Q')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?R_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'R')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?S_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'S')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?T_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'T')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?U_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'U')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?V_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'V')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?W_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'W')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?X_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'X')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?Y_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'Y')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?Z_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'Z')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?aa_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'a')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?bb_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'b')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?cc_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'c')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?dd_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'd')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?ee_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'e')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?ff_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'f')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?gg_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'g')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?hh_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'h')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?ii_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'i')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?jj_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'j')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?kk_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'k')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?ll_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'l')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?mm_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'm')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?nn_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'n')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?oo_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'o')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?pp_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'p')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?qq_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'q')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?rr_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'r')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?ss_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 's')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?tt_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 't')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?uu_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'u')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?vv_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'v')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?ww_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'w')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?xx_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'x')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?yy_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'y')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?zz_key)[(set: $player's Name to it + (a: 'z')) (goto: "Name Character")]
(click: ?Caps_key)[
(set: $caps to true)
(goto: "Name Character")
(click: ?Lower_key)[
(set: $caps to false)
(goto: "Name Character")
(click: ?Backspace_key)[
(if: $player's Name's length is 1 or $player's Name's length is 0)[
(set: $player's Name to (a:))
(set: _i to 1)
(for: each _i, (range: 1, $player's Name's length - 1))[
(set: $tempname's (_i) to ($player's Name)'s (_i))
(set: $player's Name to $tempname)
(goto: "Name Character")
(click: ?Enter_key)[
(goto: "Confirm Name")
(set: $tempname to (a:))Ah (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), is this your name?
[[Yes->Waking Up]]
[[No->Name Character]]{
(set: $hour to 6)
(set: $minute to 50)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
*ring ring ring ring ring *
Uhhhhhh, Mondays.
You wake up from your bedside and turn off your alarm. It's roughtly around 6:50 A.M. You get up from the bed and wash your face as your eyes felt sealed from all of the sand in the eyes. You got plenty of time until school starts so breakfast might be a good idea. Although, you could just skip breakfast and go to school early to beat traffic and all of the kids.
What to do, what to do...?
[Eat Cereal]<Cereal| | [Make Peanut and Jelly Sandwich]<PBAndJ|
[Reheat Pizza]<Pizza| | [Skip Breakfast]<Skip|
(click: ?Cereal)[
(set: $minute to it + 30)
(goto: "Eat Cereal")
(click: ?PBAndJ)[
(set: $minute to it + 30)
(goto: "Make Peanut and Jelly Sandwich")
(click: ?Pizza)[
(set: $minute to it + 30)
(goto: "Reheat Pizza")
(click: ?Skip)[
(set: $minute to it + 10)
(goto: "Skip Breakfast")
(display: "Player Stats")Player is an elementry school kid.
Player wakes up, 7:00
Choose breakfast:
- (Cereal, Peanut and Jelly Sandwich, Microwave Pizza, or Nothing)
- Cereal, Increase Speed by 4 (+30 Min)
- PB&J, Increase Defense by 5 (+30 Min)
- Pizza, Increase Attack by 5 (+30 Min)
- Nothing, Decrease HP by 10 (change to 5) (+5 Min)
Walk to school
Choose interaction:
- Talk to friends, Increase Speed by 10 (+10 Min)
- Option disabled when doing nothing
- Take the scenic route, Incrase HP by 10 (+10 Min)
- Watch the birds eat a sandwich, Increase Defense by 5 (+10 Min)
- Option disabled when doing nothing for previous choice
- Take the shortcut, Nothing (+5 Min)
Arrive to school
- If arrived to school before 7:30, Player observes bully picking on some kid:
- Intervene, Fight bully
- Each action takes 2 minutes. Battle continues until 7:30
- Ignore, Decrease HP and Defense by 5
- If player lose all HP, then wake up at nurse room at 10:00
- If player last until 7:30, then teacher will intervene situation
- Both player and bully gets detention.
- Kid becomes friend, name of kid is Jeff.
- If player beats bully, then player gets detention and becomes friends with Jeff. Increase Defense and HP by 10, Attack by 5
Attend class, 8:30 (changed to 10:00)
Classmate pass notes to you, it's for you:
- Open note
- If beat up bully, meet him at lunch in blacktop
- If talk to friends, then meet them at lunch at the lunchtable
- Additional note inside if successfully beaten up bully
- Jeff wants to talk to you before meeting up with bully
Lunchtime, 11:30
Get lunch and meet up:
- Eat lunch alone, Recover all HP
- Meet with friends, Recover 10 HP and Increase HP by 10
- Meet with Jeff
- Jeff offers you his pen as a thanks. Has his name on it.
- If equip or use in battle, increase Attack by 10
- Meet with bully
- Fight bully again.
- If Jeff gives you pen, then option to use it on bully appears.
Stabs bully on arm and you get suspension.
Afterschool, 3:00
Go home
- Walk with friends home, Increase 10 HP
- Walk Jeff home, Increase Defense by 5
- Walk home alone, Increase Speed by 5
- Stay at school for a bit
- If you don't know Jeff, then you see him in the hallways going into the detention room.
- Go to detention
- If you didn't recieved detention during the day, then you see no one in. As you walk out, you see Jeff. If you don't know Jeff, then you introduce yourself to him.
- If you recieved detention, Jeff visits you.
Detention, 4:00 [3:15]
- You talk with Jeff about school stuff that happens.
- If you recieved detention, then Jeff will thank you.
- Jeff will show you something in his backpack. Alien technology.
- Light grows and an alien appears in the room from the device.
- Fight alien
- If you win fight, then alien will kidnap Jeff and use device.
- If you lose fight, then blackout and Jeff and alien will disappear.
- Alien device on the ground
- If you use the device, then you will be teleported
- If you don't, then you go home.
~End of Chapter 1~---
(display: "Update Time")\
(print: "Name: ")(print: (text: ...$player's Name))
(print: (text: ...(a: $hour, ":", $strminute, " ", $AMPM)))
(if: $battle is true)[
| (print: (text: $player's HP) + " HP")
(click: ?AttackOption)[
(set: $turnend to true)
(goto: $battlearea)]
(if: $minute > 59)[
(set: $minute to it % 60)
(set: $hour to it + 1)
(if: $hour > 12)[
(set: $hour to it - 12)
(if: $AMPM is "A.M.")[
(set: $AMPM to "P.M.")
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
(if: $minute < 10)[
(set: $strminute to (text: ...(a: 0, $minute)))
(set: $strminute to (text: $minute))
]}You grabbed the milk in the fridge and the cereal on the counter. The bowls are in the dishwasher and the spoons in the silverware drawer. Combine them all together and you have yourself the cuisine of the common man's morning.
[[Walk to School->Paths to School]]
(display: "Player Stats")You grabbed the bread loaf on the kitchen counter and the Peanut Butter & Jelly jar from the fridge. The spread knives are in the silverware drawer. With the swift stab in the jar and the delicate spread on the bread, your PB&J sandwich is done.
[[Walk to School->Paths to School]]
(display: "Player Stats")You forage through the fridge to get the pizza box and layed it on the kitchen counter. Inside there's half a pizza left, about four slices. It would be great if you could kill the pizza, but maybe mom and dad wouldn't be happy with that.
You decide you wouldn't be selfish and grab just a slice and microwave it.
[[Walk to School->Paths to School]]
(display: "Player Stats")You felt that eating breakfast would impede your leisure walk to school, although having breakfast would be the better option. You left through the door with your stomach growling and pass beyond the front porch to the sidewalk.
[[Walk to School->Paths to School]]
(display: "Player Stats")As you walk the way to school, you are reminded that yesterday was hectic along this path. Cars beeping other cars because people were late to school or to drop off their kids, traffic lights wouldn't work for some reason, and the bus driver was not having it that day with the kids.
You were thankful that your mom and dad didn't get you a school bus pass.
With all of this thinking, you daydreamed so long that you were at the fork of the paths to school. Lots of roads that leads to school, but you're worried of the time that it'll take to get there.
{(set: $arghour to 7)
(set: $argminute to 1)
(set: $argAMPM to "A.M.")
(display: "Time < ArgTime")
(if: $timefuctresult is true)[
[[Take the Shortcut]]
[[Scenic Route]]
[[Scenic Route]]
[[Long Path]]
[[Walk with Friends]]
[[Watch Birds]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 20)}\
The path that's along the park with the pond seems like a good choice to go today. You can get to see the ducks waddle their bodies as they go and take their morning bath. The geese always bully the ducks if they get too close to them, but such is life in the animal kingdom.
As you have your head turned to the pond, you hear a faint qacking sound in front of you. You stop and see a tiny duck looking up at you. Your foot overshadows the duck's body. One more step and you could've squashed it. The duck's stares at you as if it wants something. You wonder if it was possible to pet it, but knowing that it's a while duckling might mean that it'll probably bite you. You give it a try and surprisingly it allowed you to pet it.
You crack a smile, but then you thought it probably was separated from its family. You look around trying to see if there was a group nearby, but it only seems like there's grown duck couples. Maybe this duckling was the only child? You can't help but feel sympathetic to it, like you can relate to the situation the duckling was in.
You reassured the duckling that its mom and dad would be back. There's a nearby bench and so you sat down with the duckling waiting. You held out your palm and the duckling embrassed the exchange. You sat the duckling down on your lap, petting it occasionally.
As the duckling napped, you start to close your eyes and think about the life at grandma and grandpa's house. A lot of farm animals to take care of: chickens, sheeps, goats, horses, ponys, cows, and dogs. Those were the good days, having to wake up to the hen's crow and the dogs sleeping nearby. Grandma would always make breakfast and you helping out grandpa with the animals. During playtime you would run with the dogs out on the field rounding up the sheeps grazing and the bothering the cows.
Then mom and dad got back together again and took you here for kindergarden. Instead of animals for friends, I got new people friends like Frank and Allisa. It's different having people friends instead of animal friends, but they're friends nonetheless.
All of this thinking almost put you to sleep, but your thoughts got interrupted by a duck honk. You open your eyes and see a duck couple honking loudly and the baby duckling quacking loudly too. The duckling got off of your lap and waddle fast to the duck couple and swam off into the pond together. It was sad that you didn't get to say your goodbyes to the duckling, but such is the life in the animal kingdom.
With that problem out of the way, you made yourself back on the road to your school hoping that Frank and Allisa were there today.
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 30)}\
The park was unusually empty at this time of day. You would see the old lady throwing bread crumbs along the walk path where a young couple would jog. But today though, there's nobody here.
Kind of peaceful honestly. No one to disturb you and you can get to see the birds and the squirrels going about their day. Far beyond the hills you see the pond that the ducks and geese bath in the morning.
You continue along the path and admire the sky. The blue sea sky spotted with the bubble like clouds and the bright white sun as the center piece in the display. You wonder how ancient artists even make the sky realistic. Or maybe it was Renaissance artists that did that? You weren't sure and threw away the thought topic.
You wonder how mom and dad were doing. They probably were sleeping by the time you left the house and maybe they're up and going to work? They're probably be like:
"Honey, where's the blow drier?"
"What do you mean? I never touched your drier?"
"Well, it isn't where I put it last time."
"Sorry, I never touched it. So I won't be any help."
"Could you help me find it at least?"
"Pretty busy at the moment."
"Well I'm gonna be pretty busy kicking your @#$ if I can't find my blow drier!"
You can't help but laugh out loud just the thought of it. Even though they argue, they love each other very much. With this being their 2rd time being remarried, you know that they're trying their best to help support you. Although because they have their own interest, it sort of sucks that they can't be there with you most of the time. It's not that they don't care for you, they do, but you wish that they focus more time to support you on your academics and personal projects. Actually, you might not want them to know that you're spending lunch money on Monster Pal booster packs. You know what dad would say?:
"Son, let me tell you about gambling."
Yeah, he'll give you a two hour lecture on that. You wonder what mom would say?:
"(print: (text: ...$player's Name)), let me tell you about gambling."
Yeah... No matter what they'll both say the same thing. Well, it's kind of cool that they're giving you independence on what you want to do, you just got to becareful of not to cause your parents trouble.
You look at the time and it seems like 30 minutes has passed. Looks like you're close to school. Nice.
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $flag's FrankAllisaWalk to true)
(set: $minute to it + 10)}\
You run up to Frank and Allisa catching up on what they were just talking. They mentioned about how they spitballed each other in class when the subsitute was out of class.
"Yeah, the class was pretty crazy. I can't believe that you wad up your shot pretty good Allisa."
"Well, that's because I don't need glasses to get a good aim. Nerd!"
"Shut up! I should've used my giant wad at you."
"Even if you did try to throw it at me, you'd just miss."
You can tell that they were really having a fun time. Kind of sucks that you were separated from them this year. You couldn't experience the type of craziness they were having and felt a little sad.
"Oh, come on (print: (text: ...$player's Name)) it wasn't that crazy. We got a little detention for it that's all."
"The only reason why we got detention is because you hit Jeff and then he told on us."
"Well, he should've dodge it."
"You hit him behind his head..."
"Well... He should've dodge it."
"Whatever. Don't worry too much (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), you really didn't miss much."
Their graditude and compassion remedied your sadness. The duo really impacted your social school life. They were the ones that approached you in kindergarden that wanted to be your friends. It feels since to have friends you thought and if you didn't had them, you wouldn't have been able to have a normal school life.
Looks like no one is talking, you should bring up another conversation.
[["Hey Frank, you got more of those Monster Pal cards?"->Frank Convo]]
[["Hey Allisa, how's that YouTube channel going?"->Allisa Convo]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 20)}\
As you thought about where to go to school, a car came passing by and a ham sandwich was thrown out the window. Its thud on the pavement distrubed your thinking and you took a glance at it. Soon after, birds came over the sandwich and started to peck at it. Some of the birds were fighting over pieces of the sandwich.
You laughed because it remined you of chickens going around and pecking at rice and wheat grains when you used to live at the farm. Holding one of the fat hens and pretending that you could fly with them reminded you of happier days. You wonder if you could do that same with those birds, although they're much smaller and they could easily maneuver through your actions.
You watch the birds eat the sandwich as time went by and you almost forgot that you had school. You hurried yourself over hoping that school hasn't start!
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 5)}\
"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me, I gotta get you your cut."
Frank gave you two rare Monster Pal cards. You thank Frank for finding these since the pull rate for these cards is abysmal.
"Took a while to get them, but I hope that you're happy with it"
"What are you nerds talking about?"
"Nothing that you're interested in."
"Frank, you always know I'm nosy in people's business. I'm just gonna pester you until you break."
"Fine... You want to show her (print: (text: ...$player's Name))"
You nod and show Allisa your cards you got from Frank. She plucks one card out of your hand and holds it near to her nose.
"O.M.G! This thing is sooooo cute (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! Can I keep it?!"
"Hey, come on. I had to go through at least like 5 people to get that card. "
It seems like Allisa really likes that card alot. So much it annoys Frank because he can't bear to hear cutesy squeeks from Allisa.
Do you want to give Allisa your copy of the card?
[[Sure->Give Allisa Card]]
[[Sorry, but no->Refuse Allisa Card]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 10)}\
"Oh that, it's going great! I have my gaming set up and running and my channel is growing huge like!"
"It's not that huge (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). She only has like, 20 subscribers."
Allisa hears this and gives Frank a smug smile.
"Oh, and how much subscribers you have Frank?"
"More than you that's for sure!"
"It's ok to be insecure about your subscriber count Frank. There's no shame."
"At least I care for my subscribers and not treat them like numbers."
Allisa comes close to your ear and whipsers
"Don't worry (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), he only has one subscriber and it's his mom."
"Hey! I heard that!"
You reassured Frank that it's cool that his mom is supporting in what he does. You tell that you wish your mom and dad were the same, but they're too busy with work. Frank's blushing looking embarassed and pouting.
"Well, thanks (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). At least you care."
"Ah come on Frank, you know I support you too."
"Yeah, whatever..."
You can't help but smile while those two are bickering each other. Although they do continuously argue alot, just being there watching and listening to what they say is relaxing. Looks like it'll only take a couple of more minutes until school.
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 10)}\
"Oh thanks (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! I'll keep it in my binder where it's safe."
"I don't believe it. She's probably gonna keep it in her pocket where it'll bend and rip."
"You don't believe me? Fine, I'll show you!"
Allisa grabs a binder out of her backpack and inserts the card on the binder's sleve.
"There, see! Safe and sound."
"Just becareful with it, it's worth like $10"
"Don't worry Frank, you know I'm careful with my stuff."
"I don't believe it. You broke your glass vase while streaming, remember?"
"W-Well, that's because there was a bug on my desk!"
"Sure, sure. I'll believe that."
"Whatever. I'll keep this card safe. Besides, it's so cute!"
You acknowledge Allisa's promise. It'll probably make her feel bad if you take your card back now. Besides, you only needed one anyways. The other copy was a backup just in case if the first one got mishandled somehow.
School was just up ahead and you couldn't wait to start off the day.
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 10)}\
"Oh come on (print: (text: ...$player's Name))!" I'll keep it safe, I promise!"
"Allisa, it's (print: (text: ...$player's Name))'s card. If he says no, it's a no."
"Fine, here."
Allisa gives you back your card.
"How about if it buy it off of you?"
"Oh come on Frank, you know I was joking."
"Like I'll believe that."
Allisa's always a tricky person to get across. You don't know if she's being serious or just playing around. It's great to have Frank around to decipher what she really means. You're still trying to get used to how they are even though you know them for five years.
They kind of remind you of mom and dad. Always arguing and joking, feels very much like you're at home even though you're at school. Well, school's nearby and time to start the day.
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 5)}\
Even though it's early in the morning and you have time to get to school, the shortest path to school is the ideal choice to evade all of the traffic that's usually here.
You started off to the alleyways and narrow paths between buildings, weaving through those areas with your backpack in hand. It almosts feel like you're being chased by the police running away from robbing a bank.
You sidle youself along the wall waiting for police to pass by, checking both sides of the road to hurry pass though the other side and hide in a bush. As a car passes by, you tiptoed to the next alleyway and make the next decisive move. Just a bit further more and you've reached the school. You rushed with all of your stamina and touched the gated fence.
[[Rush to the Safe House->School: Early Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 5)}\
You gave yourself a congradulated hi-five as you accomplished to make it to the safe house.
As you come back to reality, you see two kids standing by and talking. You didn't think it was your business to intervene, but you couldn't resist and got closer where they wouldn't see you.
Upon closer inspection, you see a short nerdy kid and large kid. You overhear their conversation.
Large Kid:
"Stupid! Didn't think I was catch up, huh?"
The short kid didn't say anything back. The large kid looked he wanted a response, but with nothing to say back he shoved the short kid to the wall. The impact threw his glasses to the ground. The large kid pickup the glasses and chucked it.
Large Kid:
"Have fun being blind!"
You weren't sure if they were friends or not since Frank and Allisa always rag on each other, but they were neven this physical. Part of you wanted to walk up to them and see what's wrong. Although, if they were friends and this is how their dynamic worked then why should I bother.
[[Confront Bully]]
[[Mind your own Business]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 5)}\
You walked up to the two of them and ask what was the matter?
Large Kid:
"Bother someone else dumb%$#$"
A dumb%$#$? You've only heard that used when mom drives to Wal-Mart and buys toys for you. Well, in a more very fustrated tone:
"Mother $*#*, look where you're going stupid $*(#. Holy %$%#, what a dumb%$#$."
Maybe this guy's just angry about the kid doing something? Or maybe for you to butt in on what they were doing? But you wanted to make sure that the short kid was alright.
You walk to where he threw the glasses and gave it back to the kid. The kid looks up and takes the glasses back.
Large Kid:
"Alright ($&$#, do you want to get hurt?"
There he goes again with the bad words. Why does he say them? Is he angry all the time? Maybe he should just take a time out or something?
What should you say?
[["Take a time out you big baby!"->Bully: Time Out]]
[["Are you his mom or something?"->Bully: His Mom]]
[["It's not nice to throw people's stuff."->Bully: Throw Stuff]]
[["..."->Bully: Say Nothing]]
(display: "Player Stats")Although you do see a quarrel happening between these two, it wasn't in your best interest to get involved. Why should an outsider interject with a friendly disagreement. Although throwing the short kid's glasses wasn't the kindest of gestures to a friend, maybe the short kid had done something to the large kid?
As you rationalize about this situation, it's best to not get invovled and return back to the front of the school. Maybe Frank and Allisa will be here soon.
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 5)
(set: $user to $player)
(set: $target to $enemy's Bully)
(set: $flag's SaveJeff to true)
Large Kid:
"I need a time out? How about I knock you out little #(($"
You didn't anticipate to make the kid mad, all you thought was that he probably need to chill out for a sec. You tried to explain to him that you didn't mean it, but he doesn't take your apology sincerly.
[[Fight->Bully: Fight]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 5)
(set: $user to $player)
(set: $target to $enemy's Bully)
(set: $flag's SaveJeff to true)
Large Kid:
"Do I look like I'm his mom stupid?"
You tell him that your mom uses those kinds of words at people when she's angry. Also adults tend to use those words alot and if that was the case then why is a short, fat adult in an elementry school bullying a kid?
Large Kid:
Why don't you go and )#($ off or else you know what's coming to ya?
You gently tell him that there's no need to get violent, you're only telling the truth about something he doesn't realize for himself.
Large Kid:
"I hate smart #@( like you!"
[[Fight->Bully: Fight]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 5)
(set: $flag's SaveJeff to true)
Large Kid:
"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?"
You wanted to tell him that you'll sock his nose so that he'll turn to his other cheek, but you think that he wouldn't get the reference so instead you repeated back what he said.
Large Kid:
"Wha-? You stupid #($#. Are you coping me?"
You didn't intend to copy what he said. All you wanted to do is to try and make him taste his own medicine. You answer the kid that he's the stupid one that didn't realize you were coping him and it makes sense why he's even asking that question.
Large Kid:
"Shut up!"
OOOOOOOF! Right in the gut. You wince and tear up as the pain swells in your abdomen. You feel like throwing up, but it'll make a mess that the costodian will have to clean up. You blacked out.
[[Wake Up->School: Nurse's Office]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 5)
(set: $flag's SaveJeff to true)
Large Kid:
"If you don't have nothing to say, then &#$^ off $%&%$."
Geez, what's with this kid? He's acting like your little cousin who learns new curse words every week from uncle Jerry. You want to squeeze him hard so that he doesn't say those words again, but your arms wouldn't even wrap around him. It'll look more like an awkward hug if anything. You slightly giggle at the thought.
Large Kid:
"What's so funny %#^&#?"
You thought it was messed up if you told him what you were really thinking so you just kept quiet while smiling at his face.
Large Kid:
"Stupid &#($, you're annoying. #(#$ off."
The large kid went away. As you turn to greet yourself to the short kid, he disappeared. Oh, well that was lame. You got cursed off and the kid didn't even thank you for what you've done. What a way to start the school...
[[Arrive to School->School: Morning]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $battle to true)
(set: $flag's BullyFight to true)
(set: $battlearea to "Bully: Fight")
(set: $minute to it + 2)
(set: $gameoverexcept to true)
(set: $arghour to 7)
(set: $argminute to 30)
(set: $argAMPM to "A.M.")
(display: "Time = ArgTime")
(if: $timefuctresult is true)[
(goto: "Bully: Stall Fight")
(if: $turnend is true)[
(display: "Battle Message")
The Bully sizes up on you! He's preparing a fist!
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $battle to false)
(set: $flag's BullyFight to false)
(set: $gameoverexcept to false)
(set: $player's HP to $player's MaxHP)
(set: $flag's Detention to true)
(set: $turnend to false)
You both and the bully suffer major damage from the ordeal. Dealing blows to each other as time passed by, you wonder how the heck you even last this long with a kid significantly larger than you.
"Hey, both of you! What are you doing?!"
You look towards your left and see Mr. Smith rushing to you two. Deep in your heart, you understood what was going to happen--detention. You thought of running, but thinking about it what was the point? You were caught red handed and ditching school would automatically result in a suspension.
You froze in fear as the thoughts come into mind, but from the other direction you hear the bully running away.
Mr. Smith:
"Larence! I know that's you, don't think I know who you are! And as for you (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), I don't know what this was all about, but you're getting detention!"
You tried to explain all of what was happening with the bully and the short kid, but Mr. Smith didn't want to hear it.
Mr. Smith
"I don't want to hear your excuses (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), you know well that fighing is a bad thing to do. Come along with me and we'll have a talk with your homeroom teacher."
You couldn't believe this at all. You were trying to enact justice and be brave to stand up a bully from a kid and this is the thanks you get?
[[Attend Class->School: Homeroom]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $battle to false)
(set: $flag's BullyFight to false)
(set: $gameoverexcept to false)
(set: $player's HP to $player's MaxHP)
(set: $turnend to false)
You lose all of your senses while your body collapse onto the hard blacktop. Your eyes are unable to open as you fell into a deep sleep. You faintly hear running noises from the Bully and someone yelling
"Larence! Stop right there, don't even try to run away!"
Darkness surrounds you now.
[[Wake up->School: Nurse's Office]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 8)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
(if: $flag's SaveJeff is true and $flag's FrankAllisaWalk is false)[
You return back to the front of the school and wait until school starts. Some minutes later, you see your friends Frank and Allisa coming up the stairs.
"Yo, (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! How long where you here for? I thought we were walking together today?"
"Yeah, we even waited for you for a minute, but you didn't show up so we figured that you left with your mom and dad."
You apologized to both of them for forgetting your promise. You told them about a short kid being bullied by the large kid, but you didn't know their names.
"O-Oh! That guy! Uh, what's his name...?"
"You mean Jeff? The short kid?"
"Yeah! That guy! He always gets picked on by Larence for some reason. Kind of sad to see to be honest. You'd think that he'll stand up for himself when getting picked on?"
"Well, maybe he just doesn't have friends to hang out with? I see him alone most of the time during lunch. He's kind of a loner."
"Yeah, I mean I think he's a cool guy? But I don't know if he is or not."
You expressed that it might be beneficial to allow Jeff to be in your guy's circle group so he won't get picked on anymore.
"Ehhh... I mean. Maybe? It's not like I don't like the guy, I just don't know him that well. Also, I'm not sure if our group dynamic will work. Look (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), we're not sure what he likes or not or if he's a weird guy. I mean, what if he's really into staples and only talks about staples? He'll drive me nuts!"
"To add to that, he seems like the kid that people don't want to hang around intentionally. I mean no disrespect to him, but you'd figure that at around this age you'd find someone to talk hang around right? I mean, we're in fifth grade. If you don't have friends now, who will hang around with you during middle school."
"What I'm saying, is that people are avoiding him purposefully. Maybe he brings bad luck or something, but if no one wants to hang around with you, then it's probably for the best to not bring bad vibes to others. And I don't mean it like that (print: (text: ...$player's Name)) cause I know what you're thinking right now. But I'm saying that he's some sort of hero in his own world. Trying to not bother others about his own weirdness. It's admirable."
You get the feeling that they just don't want to be friends with Jeff because of what happened yesterday in their class. Jeff's in their homeroom class, they have the perfect opportunity to talk to him at any time, but they choose not to. You understand how they feel and that the group might not always be the same if Jeff was invovled, but you can't help but feel for Jeff as well since you were just like him in kindergarden when you were alone. Frank and Allisa were the ones to approach you when you were by yourself and they introduced you to their lives. They showed unconditional love to you, but I guess as you guys grown up the group sort of took shape and now it's only the three of you guys that are really tight with each other.
You displayed disappointment, but understanding to both of them and said your goodbyes for now as Frank and Allisa went to their classes.
(if: $flag's SaveJeff is false and $flag's FrankAllisaWalk is false)[
As you walk up the steps to the school, you see Frank and Allisa there waiting for you.
"Yo (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), where were you?"
"Yeah, where were you? Thought we were gonna walk together?"
You apologized for forgetting the promise you made with them yesterday. Waking up early from the weekend was your only excuse.
"Oh, don't worry about it. It's understandable. The only reason why I woke up was because Allisa was calling me."
"Yeah cause you suck at sleeping."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"It would've made sense if you've slept early."
"Sure, sure. Whatever. Anyways (print: (text: ...$player's Name)) we're gonna head to class now. See ya later at lunch!"
"Yeah, see ya (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). I've heard that Frank has a huge surprise or something for the class. This'll be fun."
With those two dashing through the hallways, it was time for you to head to class too.
(if: $flag's SaveJeff is false and $flag's FrankAllisaWalk is true)[
As you walk up the steps to the school, you say your goodbyes to Frank and Allisa.
"See ya (print: (text: ...$player's Name))"
"See you later (print: (text: ...$player's Name))."
[[Attend Class->School: Homeroom]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $totaltime to 0)
(set: $argtotaltime to 0)
(if: $AMPM is "P.M.")[
(set: $totaltime to it + 12)
(if: $argAMPM is "P.M.")[
(set: $argtotaltime to it + 12)
(set: $totaltime to it + ($hour * 60) + $minute)
(set: $argtotaltime to it + ($arghour * 60) + $argminute)
(if: $totaltime < $argtotaltime)[
(set: $timefuctresult to true)
(set: $timefuctresult to false)
}(set: $hour to 6)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $arghour to 7)
(set: $argminute to 0)
(set: $argAMPM to "A.M.")
(display: "Time < ArgTime")
(if: $timefuctresult is 1)[
(print: "Time is less than argument")
(print: "Time greater than argument")
(set: $totaltime to 0)
(set: $argtotaltime to 0)
(if: $AMPM is "P.M.")[
(set: $totaltime to it + 12)
(if: $argAMPM is "P.M.")[
(set: $argtotaltime to it + 12)
(set: $totaltime to it + ($hour * 60) + $minute)
(set: $argtotaltime to it + ($arghour * 60) + $argminute)
(if: $totaltime is $argtotaltime)[
(set: $timefuctresult to true)
(set: $timefuctresult to false)
(set: _targetSpeed to 1)
(set: $userdamage to 0)
(set: _variate to (random: -25, 25) / 100)
(if: $target's Speed > 0)[
(set: _targetSpeed to $target's Speed)
(set: _userhitrate to (round: ($user's Speed / _targetSpeed) * 100))
(if: _userhitrate > (random: 0, 99))[
(set: $userdamage to ($user's Offense * 2) - $target's Defense)
(if: $userdamage < 1)[
(set: $userdamage to 0)
(set: $userdamage to (floor: it + (it * _variate)))
(set: $target's HP to it - $userdamage)
(set: _temp to $user)
(set: $user to $target)
(set: $target to _temp)
}(if: $userdamage > 0)[
(print: (text: ...$user's Name) + " attacked " + (text: ...$target's Name) + " for " + (text: $userdamage) + " HP!")
(print: (text: ...$user's Name) + " misesed!")
(display: "Calculate Damage")
(display: "User Attack Message")
(display: "Swap User and Target")
(display: "Calculate Damage")
(display: "User Attack Message")
(display: "Swap User and Target")
(set: $player to $user)
(if: $player's HP < 1)[
(if: $flag's BullyFight is true)[
(display: "Bully: Game Over")
(if: $flag's AlienFight is true)[
(display: "Alien: Game Over")
(goto: "Game Over Screen")
(set: $player's HP to 0)
(if: $gameoverexcept is true)[
(if: $flag's BullyFight is true)[
(set: $arghour to 7)
(set: $argminute to 27)
(set: $argAMPM to "A.M.")
(display: "Time < ArgTime")
(if: $timefuctresult is false)[
(set: $minutes to it + 2)
(goto: "Bully: Stall Fight")
(set: $minutes to it + 2)
(goto: "Bully: Lose Fight")
(goto: "Game Over Screen")
(display: "Reset Game Flags")
Ouchies! It looks like your journey ends here. You'll have to start a new game to come back. This does not reset your completed endings
[[Wake up->Waking Up]]{
(set: $hour to 9)
(set: $minute to 30)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
You see a bright light, your head feels like it's floating into the sky. Your vision is blurry as you open your eyes and could distinguish a figure. You're not sure who it is so you call out to it.
"Are you awake (print: (text: ...$player's Name))?"
You repsond with a confirmation.
"Good, looks like it's time for you to go to class."
Class? You thougth you were in heaven, not at school? You shake your head and return to reality. You're in the nurse's office lying on the bed table. You now have a headache with a couple of patches on the side of your head.
"You were on the ground lifeless. Mr. Smith thought you were dead or had fainted from the cold. You should be more careful, and I know you know that."
You knew that.
"Well, since you're up. You might as well rush yourself to class now. You are a big kid to walk yourself to class right?"
She kids around alot with her gentle sarcasm, but you reassured her that you will be fine going to class.
"Alrighty then, I hope I don't have to see you again all beaten up."
You smile as you exit the door and enter through the hallways. Just the third left was your class. You felt anxious as all of the kids watching you as you enter the room as Mrs. Gardner welcomed you back to class.
Mrs. Gardner:
"Oh, (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! I hope you aren't hurt. We were just practicing our multiplication tables. Please, sit yourself down."
You went to your seat while everyone watches you slowly went to your desk. The day can't get any worse, could it?
[[Attend Class->School: Homeroom]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 10)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
Mrs. Gardner:
"Ok class, we are now going to practice our multiplications. Please don't turn over your sheets until I start the timer."
Mrs. Gardner sets down a sheet for each student. Each sheet contains about 50 questions. Most of them are repeatative so you figured that this would be easy. You ready yourself as the teacher was setting up the timer up for 5 minutes.
Mrs. Gardner:
"Ok class, turn over your papers!"
[[Start the Test->School: Homeroom Test]]
(display: "Player Stats"){(set: $minute to it + 3)}
You easily finish the test with two minutes left to spare. You set your head down to let the teacher know that you were done. She collects your paper and stts down at her desk.
You hear shuffling under your desk and see that your neighbor kicked a piece of paper under you. You thought they might've dropped their test on the ground and so you picked it up. Looks like a paper from Frank. You already could tell without looking at the contents becuase of his weird affinty for liking blue line paper.
"Hey (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), let's hang out at the usual spot. I forgot to tell you where we're gonna hang out in the morning."
You thought that he didn't really need to send you a note. You already knew where to go during lunch anyways.
(if: $flag's SaveJeff is true)[
\Just as you put your head down again, you hear another shuffle under your desk. You look down to see another note. You read it's contents:
"Hey man, I want to thank you in the morning. I got really scared when you showed up because I thought you were going to pick on me too so I ran away. Sorry for that, my name's Jeff by the way. I know where you were because I know that you're friends with Frank and Allisa. Come by at lunch around the grass area, I want to thank you properly."
What a kind gesture. He actaully wanted to thank you for interviening with him and the bully. You were kind of excited about meeting Jeff and all the things you wanted to ask of him.
Dang, who to hang out with? You want to hang out with Frank and Allisa because their antics always make you laugh. But you wanted to see Jeff so that you can know him better.
[[Hang out with Jeff->School: Before Lunch 1]]
[[Hang out with Frank and Allisa->School: Before Lunch 2]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 2)
(set: $flag's HangWithJeff to true)
You decided that you'll hang out with Jeff. You hope that Frank and Allisa will understand, plus they got each other to hang with. Well, time to wait until lunch starts.
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 2)
(if: $SaveJeff is true)[
Although you wanted to hang with Jeff and all, Frank and Allisa might wonder about you not hanging around with them. To them, it'll kind of feel like you want to distance yourself from them, which would be the opposite of how you feel.
You decided that you want to hang with Frank and Allisa and so you put your head down and wait until lunch starts.
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 11)
(set: $minute to 30)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
(if: $flag's HangWithJeff is true)[
After you got your lunch, you look for Jeff in the grass field. There's alot of kids here playing kickball and football. Kids sitting down and watching other kids playing as well. Kind of hard to see where Jeff might be.
Not to long you see Jeff by himself. You waved to Jeff and he waves back. He looks relieved that you were here.
"Hey (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). I didn't think that you would come honestly. I asked Frank what class where you from since I see Frank, Allisa, and you hang around each other alot. I expected him to lie to me since I ratted him out yesterday about his spitwad hitting my head."
You apologized to him for Frank's behavior. He's really careless, much more so than Allisa. You tell him stories of how Allisa has a youtube channel and she livestreams games like BlockyCave and those weird Simulator games. You also tell Jeff about Frank and his knowledge of the Monster Pal card game. He's number one in the school and so people would challenge him during lunch to cliam that spot. They always butt heads with each other, but that's what makes it fun to hang around with them.
"Wow. I wish I had friends like those two. I always thought they were loud and obnoxious. I mean, they're still are, but I guess they're really cool people."
But enough about what you know about others, you asked Jeff what does he like or what his life is. You tell Jeff that your interest in people's lives deters people from you becuase people think you're nosy.
"Oh no, don't worry (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! I don't mind sharing. It's just that no one asked me and so I always thought I'm too boring as a person. Who wants to know a life of a loner, right?"
You tell Jeff that you felt the same way in kindergarden, but it was until Frank and Allisa that introduced themselves to your life that made you not socially awkward anymore. You're more open to people and understanding for people's decisions.
You and Jeff went on and on about how his life as a son of a reknown governmental agent that spends most of his time reasearching about aliens and space. Creepy, but nonetheless interesting. You inquired about Jeff's feelings towards his father and how he's not home at much. He expressed his contempt toward his dad for not being home for him most of his life.
"Hey (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), can you keep a secret? I want to show you something, but only to you. It was something that my dad was working on currently and I want to see what's inside."
He brought his backpack close to you and you could see a small box. It has all of these scientific labels on it.
"I haven't opened it yet, but my dad said that it took him three years to make something like this. I tried playing around with it, but it seems to do nothing. Maybe it's a puzzle of some kind? Not sure. I was wondering if you could help me solve it."
With all the talk about his life and stuff, it would be awkward to not accept his invitation. You agreed.
"Cool, thanks! I was hoping that you said yes. Let's meet up after school in the detention room. I don't think no one has detention and it's always open for some reason."
You reaffirmed. Looking at the time, you tell Jeff that it's almost time to head back to class. You notified Jeff that you'll have more to talk aobut after school.
"Alirght, for sure (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! I'll see you after school!"
After you got your lunch, you headed out towards Frank and Allisa to catch up on the day. Both of them were at the corner table in the cafeteria as usual. You waved to them and the noticed back. You sat down with them.
"Hey (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). Wanna see something cool?"
Frank pulled out a giant pencil from his backpack and showed it to you. It was about a foot long, longer than your forearm. You thought about what would it be like if you were to play baseball with this.
"Frank was showing it off in class while we were doing our division test. Didn't even make it pass question 20 what that giant thing."
"Yeah, cause it's a really feaking awesome pencil."
"Sure, whatever."
"Anyways. That's all what I have to show you (print: (text: ...$player's Name))."
What, that's it? Just a giant pencil? You'd figure that he would've shown you a secret rare Monster Pal card or a secret path in the Dungeon Figher game. You expressed that Frank's pencil is lame.
"Ha! Told you (print: (text: ...$player's Name)) would think your pencil is lame."
"Shut up, I know both of you are jealous."
"Hey, why don't I get to showcase it on my livestream Frank? It'll be a good idea to make the other people jealous."
"Yeah, no thanks Allisa. I know that you'll just try to snap it in half with your fake karate chop."
"But wouldn't that make a fun livestream though?"
"Not for me!"
"Ah come on, stop being a baby! Let me see that pencil!"
You see both of them struggle for the pencil. You can tell that Allisa is jokingly trying to get the pencil by teasing Frank's funny bone and pinching his cheeks. Frank does the same and they both start to laugh at each others ridiculousness. You laugh with them, seeing that both of them are having a good time.
You checked the time, it seems like it's almost time to head back to class. You notified both of them about it and left the table.
"Alright (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), we'll see you after school!"
"Yeah (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), see ya!"
With that said, Allisa bonks Frank on the head.
"Shut up!"
[[Head Back to Class->School: Afterschool]]
(display: "Player Stats")I should've made each passage function like a routine in assembly and have registers as inputs and outputs. When reworking chapter 1, I'll have to eventually do this. DO THIS BEFORE WORKING ON CHAPTER 2!!!
(set: $hour to 3)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $AMPM to "P.M.")
As school concludes for the day, you thought about what games to play when you got home. Maybe some Dungeon Fighter for a few hours? You could always play with your dog Betsy, she's gotta be lonely. Or you could go to Frank's house and watch Allisa's livestream? So many possibilities.
(if: $flag's Detention is true)[
As you walk down the steps, Mr. Smith catches you by the ear.
Mr. Smith:
"Where do you think you're going (print: (text: ...$player's Name))? Don't think I've forgotten about what happened this morning."
Oh, that's right. You were caught fighting against Larence.
Mr. Smith:
"What would your mom or dad think if you decided to skip on your responsibilities?"
You thought about what would mom say.
"I'm slightly disappointed in you (print: (text: ...$player's Name))."
She'd be disappointed in you definitely, but you hoped that she'd understand your situation and why you did what you did. What about dad?
"Good job kicking his @%# (print: (text: ...$player's Name))."
You giggle at the thought.
Mr. Smith:
"Alright (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), follow me to the detention room."
You followed Mr. Smith through the halls. You see most of the younger graders rush out to the front of the school waiting for their parents, walking to home, or boarding the bus. You see your freedom slowly disappearing as you continue with Mr. Smith. A left, two rights, and then you appear infront of the detention room. Mr. Smith opens the door.
Mr. Smith:
"Your friends Frank and Allisa were here yesterday so I expect you to know the rules for detention. Now go on and sit down. You only have to be here for one hour."
As you enter the room, Mr. Smith closes the door behind you. There's 15 different desks to choose from, but you decide that you should sit in one of the desk in the back. You put your head down and wait until time was over.
[[Lay your head down->School: Detention 1]]
(elseif: $flag's HangWithJeff is true)[
You just remembered! Jeff wanted you to hang out with him afterschool about his dad's alien thingy. You weren't so sure that it was an alien technology thing, but more just like a toy of some sorts that he wanted to show you.
Although, you do want to go back home early to play some games and relax. But doing so might make Jeff not trust you anymore. Hmm, what to do?
"Hey (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), you good?"
Frank's inquiry broke your thought process. You apologized for not seeing him there earlier. You told him that you were thinking about what should you do when you got home.
"Easy, do nothing!"
Allisa slapped your back as a reassuring gesture.
"I know what I'm doing, and that's gonna be streaming all afternoon!"
"What are you going to play this time?"
"That's a secret. you'll just have to watch me play."
Allisa then does a cutesy motion like those female japanese anime character you seen.
"Ew. With that face, no thanks."
"Stop lying Frank, you know you like it."
"I do, and I hate it. Let's go (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), I don't like being near her."
[[Yeah, let's go!->Afternoon: Walk Back Home]]
[[Actually, you guys go ahead->School: AfterSchool 2]]
It's probably best that you go home and play games honestly. No homework, mom and dad will be there in two hours, and Betsy's there to keep you company.
"Hey (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! Waiting for us?"
Your thought process was interrupted by Allisa's slap on the back. Frank's beside her anxiously wanting to go home.
"Come on (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), let's go home. School sucks!"
"Yeah, what he said. Let's go!"
Both of them pulled your arms, leading you along their journey back home.
[[Follow them->Afternoon: Walk Back Home]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 3)
(set: $minute to 15)
(set: $AMPM to "P.M.")
(set: $user to $player)
(set: $target to $enemy's Alien)
You wake up to a knock at the door. You hide under the desk as quickly as possible to not get detected. You see that a kid was entering. You feel as though you seen him before, but couldn't make it out.
"Hey come on out of there. I know you're there becuase your shoe is showing."
Freak, your shoe is out in the blue ready to be spotted even to a blind person. Their voice is vaguely familar, although you couldn't make out their name. You stand up and show yourself and to your surprise, it was Jeff.
(if: $flag's HangWithJeff is true)[
"Oh, (print: (text: ...$player's Name))! It's you! I thought you were just some random kid that happen to played hide and seek. It's pretty common that other kids use this room to hide in."
You sigh a relief knowing that it was Jeff. You told him that you were happy that he came or else you would've just left.
"Sorry, had to use the bathroom. Anyways, do you want to see what this thing is?"
"Oh! It's you! You're the kid that stood up to Larence. I-I wanted to thank you properly, but I guess my note didn't get to you. My name's Jeff by the way, what's your name?"
You exchange names and asked him what's here doing in the detention room.
"Ah yeah, that. If you would've gotten my note, I would've shown you what's in my backpack."
Jeff pulls out a silver cylindrical shape container out of the box. Lights can be seen on the sides pulsating different colors.
"This is what my dad keeps close to him. Not sure what it is really, I was hoping that you could take a crack at this. Maybe someone who's not really scientifically inclined. No offense."
You didn't mind and grabbed hold of the canister. You felt the cold metal surrounding it, the machinery groves it had, and the smooth glass protecting the light. Holding this reminds you of an alien capsule in one of those movies your parents watched. You thought of an alien incubating inside of it, but just thinking that gives you the shivers on your back.
You continue to poke and prod around the container, but nothing happens for five minutes. You gave it back to Jeff telling him that there's nothing that you could do. The canister doesn't have any noticable opening so you couldn't pry it open.
"Ah dangles. Well, I guess it'll just remain a mystery for now."
Jeff puts back the canister back into his backpack.
"We'll that was a bust. I thought you holding it would make it do something. Reason why was because a long time ago, my dad's partner was handling it and suddenly light filled the entire room. After the light subsided, his partner was no where to be found. At least that's what my dad's notes says. I don't really believe that happened anyways since we just debunked it. Thanks for proving my dad wrong (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). I'll be leaving now. I'll see you tomorrow if you're available."
You said your goodbyes to Jeff as well as he grabbed his backpack, but suddenly a flash of light appeared to be inside of it. Jeff opened his backpack and the flash filled up the room. You were blinded by it and fell to your stomach.
A couple of seconds passed and the light subsided. You looked up and saw something there. You couldn't relate the being to any other animal you knew, it had 8 arms, a two legs, an oval head, an exoskeleton body with a mixture of dark blue and black shades. It's body hunched over Jeff, his face full of fear. You stood up and shout out to the alien, it's head darts at your direction as it approached you. You prepared for the worst.
[[Fight->Alien: Fight]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 3)
(set: $minute to 30)
(set: $AMPM to "P.M.")
(set: $flag's GoodDayEnd to true)
All three of you laughed your way back home. Frank as usual would bother people in their cars as you guys walked by becuase of the traffic.
"Hey, is that Terry in there? TERRY! YOU STINK!"
"Who are you?"
You guys continued to laugh at Frank's antics as you continued along the sidewalk. Crossing through the intersection and the park up until you reached your house. You waved bye to Frank and Allisa.
"Alright (print: (text: ...$player's Name)), see ya tonight!"
"Come watch me stream! I'll be on tonight!"
You agreed to both of them and head inside your home. Betsy eagerly hears you near the door and scratches it. You enter through the door and Betsy slobbers over you, running around and through your legs as you pet her. You were glad to be home and the first thing you do is to open up YouTube and wait until Allisa streams.
[[End the Day->Post Game]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $minute to it + 5)
You let Frank and Allisa know that you have to do something at school. You had to meet someone in private.
"Oh, are you in a club or something?"
"No you idiot, I bet (print: (text: ...$player's Name)) has a certain someone special to meet up with."
You could see Allisa's big grin on her face, as if she think you have a secret relationship with someone they don't know. You explain to her that wasn't the case.
"Suuuuurrree (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). We'll leave you alone for today."
"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow or tonight (print: (text: ...$player's Name)). Don't forget Allisa's streaming tonight!"
You waved back to them as you enter the school. You'd faintly remember that Jeff wanted to meet you in the detention room. Kind of odd that no one keeps watch in that room, it's unlocked all the time too. Kids could just sneak out of there becuase no one supervises them.
You open the door, but no one seems to be inside. Just 15 desks layed out similar to other classes. You'd hope that Jeff didn't forget about meeting up or else this would be a waste of time. You sat in the back and put your head down to rest for a bit until he arrived.
[[Lay your head down->School: Detention 1]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $battle to true)
(set: $flag's AlienFight to true)
(set: $battlearea to "Alien: Fight")
(set: $gameoverexcept to true)
(set: $minute to it + 2)
(if: $target's HP is < 1)[
(goto: "Alien: Win Fight")
(if: $turnend is true)[
(display: "Battle Message")
The Alien analyzes your movements!
(display: "Player Stats"){
(display: "Reset Game Flags")
(set: $player's HP to $player's MaxHP)
~ End of Chapter 1 ~
True Ending: (if: $flag's "OtherWorldEnd" is true)[Completed](else:)[Not Completed]
Research Ending: (if: $flag's "ResearchEnd" is true)[Completed](else:)[Not Completed]
Normal Ending: (if: $flag's "GoodDayEnd" is true)[Completed](else:)[Not Completed]
(if: $flag's "GoodDayEnd" is true and $flag's "ResearchEnd" is true and $flag's "OtherWorldEnd" is true)[
Congradulations! You completed all of the endings! I'm planning on a chapter 2, but that won't be for a while. Not because of the storyline, I have some idea of how the story will go. It's more on the programming side of things that I have to rewrite.
In Twine, there's no "functions" as in modern languages. They're more like routines in assembly. If I had planned better, I wouldn't have specific variables for specific passages to do all of the calculations. I would've just generalize a passage with input parameters like registers to those passages. Similar to how you would pass data to routines in assembly.
Again though, thanks for playing and exploring the endings. There's more to come so stay tuned!
You can explore other possibilities if you wish. Do you want to use the same name or do you want to change your character's name? Changing your character's name won't reset your previous ending completions.
[[Keep the same name->Waking Up]]
[[Start a new character->Name Character]]
(set: $player's HP to 0)
(if: $gameoverexcept is true)[
(goto: "Alien: Lose Fight")
(goto: "Game Over Screen")
(set: $battle to false)
(set: $turnend to false)
(set: $flag's AlienFight to false)
(set: $gameoverexcept to false)
The Alien screeches as you deal the last blow to it's head. It held two of its hand to its head trying to recover from the attack. It backed up as you approached it, cowarding in fear.
You see Jeff standing up holding the canister over it's head, readying it bash the alien. But one of the Alien's arms wrapped around Jeff's body while another one wrapped against his mouth. Jeff screamed as loud as he could, but no sound would come out. The Alien grabbed the canister and held it high. White light engulfed the room again, blinding you a second time.
Some seconds passed and both them disappeared, leaving the canister behind on the ground. You couldn't believe your eyes, an actual alien like monster was here and you were kicking it's living @$#, but it escaped with Jeff as its hostage. You felt guilty, you left Jeff get taken from that monster. You gazed at the canister and thought of getting him back, but how could can you? How the alien held it probably was how it disappeared, so did that partner probably. You wonder if you could do it too.
You grabbed the cylinder and mentally prepared yourself. You wonder what would mom and dad thing about you leaving them, what would Frank and Allisa would thing? Are you sure you really want to do this?
[[Raise the Container->School: Travel to Other World]]
[[Not yet->School: Detention 3]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $battle to false)
(set: $turnend to false)
(set: $flag's AlienFight to false)
(set: $gameoverexcept to false)
You hit your head against the back of the wall as the alien threw you. Your limp body fell to the ground with a thud. Sensory details became blurry to you as the alien approached. Its heavy steps creaked the floor under it. You look up, the alien's face was close to yours. Just behind the alien, you see Jeff hold the capsule above his head ready to strike it on the alien's head.
Suddenly, one of the alien's arms wrapped around Jeff's body and another one grabbed the canister. It let out a cry as it held the canister in the air. A white flash of light lit up the room. It became to bright to see what was going so you closed your eyes.
A few seconds pass by and it was just you in the room. The canister fell to the ground that reverberated the room. You couldn't believe what had happened and immediately fell to sleep.
[[Wake up!->School: Detention 4]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 0)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $AMPM to "A.M.")
(set: $flag's OtherWorldEnd to true)
You raise the container as high as you can. The can vibrated rapidly as it gradually released bright lights. Your body started to get sucked into the can as if your were near a black hole being spaghettified.
You screamed as you were being transported through a worm hole, seeing space just beyond the barriers of it. The journey lasted for around 10 seconds, then white light lit up again at the end of the worm hole.
You open your eyes and see that you were in a grass field, although the grass felt plasticly and the color was different shades of red. The sky was blue and just beyond the hills you can see yellow trees with brown trunks. You didn't know what happened and just assumed you were just dreaming, but also your color sense might've been wonked.
You hear screeches of animals grazing on the grass. Oddly shaped, nothing you've seen on Earth too. Quadrupedal, with noses like elephants and necks like giraffes. You weren't sure if you were dreaming or not, but you knew that you're defintely on Earth anymore.
You thought about the logical possibility that the capsule might've teleported you to an alien world where that thing orginated. You remembered that it had taken Jeff too and his dad's partner. Maybe if you can find both of them, then probably you guys could head back home. You ready yourself to go and find them on this weird world. What an extraordinary day.
[[Begin your Adventure->Post Game]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $flag's ResearchEnd to true)
You didn't know what to do. Even if you raised the canister, you weren't sure what it will do. Will it kill you if you weren't that thing? Where does it take you? Will you survive even if you traveled to an alien world? You need more answers to make sense of things.
You took the canister and rushed backed home. No traffic or cars could be seen so you swiftly ran pass the intersection to the shortcut. You quickly unlocked the door to your house and ran upstairs. You layed out the canister near your computer and went to research on Jeff's dad and how the heck he even got this thing.
[[Investigate->Post Game]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $hour to 4)
(set: $minute to 0)
(set: $AMPM to "P.M.")
(display: "Update Time")\
You lift your eyes as quickly as possible and saw only youself in the room. You checked the time and it was (print: (text: ...(a: $hour, ":", $strminute, " ", $AMPM))). You must've been knocked out as the alien threw you. Jeff was behind the alien too and both of them were teleported? You weren't sure if they were teleported, just only on that suspicion. You were terrified of what might've happened to Jeff. He could've been eaten by that thing, or probably have his body researched by groups of aliens.
You need to save him, but you weren't sure if rushing to save him might be the best option.
[[Save Jeff->School: Travel to Other World]]
[[Do more research->School: Detention 3]]
(display: "Player Stats"){
(set: $flag's FrankAllisaWalk to false)
(set: $flag's SaveJeff to false)
(set: $flag's BullyFight to false)
(set: $flag's HangWithJeff to false)
(set: $flag's Detention to false)
(set: $flag's AlienFight to false)