You walk out onto the deck of your new ship. Yesterday's mutiny went off without a hitch and as the leader you are now in charge. Looking around you see see something.
[[You spot a mysterious object out in the distance]]
[[You notice something in the water]] As an experienced sailor you know that the depths hold some things that are better not triffled with. Do you investigate further or do you return to the deck.
[[Look Closer]]
[[the deck]] The ship noticing that pirates are tailing it veers off course hard towards Zephyr Point. Sailing through Zephyr Point this time of the season would almost be certain death, almost...
[[Abandon the Chase]]
[[Pursue them ]] Dark shadows emerge from the deep water and you recoil when you were realize that you were face to face with a...
[[Kraken]] The most beautiful face that you have seen emerges from the water and you panic when you recall the stories of these monsters becoming the end of many a sailor.
[[They begin so sing]] Massive tendrils of darnkess swirl underneeth your ship and as they explode out of the water you see that they are the tremendous tentacles of the legendary Kraken and you know you are not getting out of this one.
[[bad luck]] As you return to the wheel you spot something suspicious in the water
[[Look Closer]] They must have something valuable if they are willing to take such a huge risk veering into such treacherous waters.
[[the chase]]You have barely been chasing them an hour when the storm rains start to patter down on the deck around you. The waves arounnd you turn more treacherous and even some of the experienced crewmembers begin to look a bit paler than usual. You can not tell if it is from sea sickness or fear of the infamous locaton. The stormy sea gives you one advantage though. Your larger ship is quickly able to close the distance between you and the smaller one struggling with the size of the waves.
[[Board them]] The tales of mermaids make it clear what you should do but the song is so nice and legendsa re always overblown anyways so how bad could it really be?
[[Cover your ears]]
[[listen to them]] Pushing aside caution you lean over just a bit to hear the lovely song. You realize your mistake right as...
[[They pull you overboard]] you safetly make it through the siren's territory
[[back to work]] You hit the water and the cold drives the air from your chest and seeps in to your bones. Do you
[[fight them]]
[[fight briefly and accept your fate]] You thrash about in the water desperatly trying to stay on the surface. You are about to give up when you are
[[rescued]] You have no hope against these creatures of the sea in their natural domain. You watch bubbles esacpe from your mouth as you are dragged into the depth.One of the crew was able to throw a rope around you in the breif moment you breached the surface and yanked you back to safety.
[[back to work]] As mush as you would like to rest you force yourself to return to your post. No rest for the wicked and all.
[[the deck]] As captain you are the first person to get onto the deck of your victim's ship. The moment that your boot touches wood a man rushes at you with his weapon drawn. You reach for your cutlass and brace yourself.
[[Fight]] It is too far out to tell what it is. Pulling out your spyglass you see a...
[[Port]]A few days of relaxastion couldn't hurt. Plus you are low on groag and have some extra money. You spend some time in the port relaxing and spending your plundered gold but no good things can last forever.
[[back to work]] Your cutlass still is not fully out of the sheathe but the man is shockingly fast and is already upon you. What do you do?
[[Swing]] You sword was not even out of the scabbard before he was swinging at you.
[[you died]] His blade whizzes throught the air right where your neck was just a fraction of a second earlier. This guy is tough and it is maybe not a good idea to try and fight him.
[[Reason with him]]
[[counter-attack]] You and your men fan out searching for goods to plunder
[[Loot the ship]] You plead with him to calm down and maybe make mention that there is no way he can beat you and your entire crew. He still seems hesitant and a little jumpy but...
[[he listens]]His blade sinks into your chest and as you stagger back you trip overboard and into the waves.your cutlass makes quick work of the madman but further inspection reveals that the ship is barren aside from some mmeager food stores and you return to your ship empty handed.
[[back to work]] while he is no longer trying to kill you it quickly becomes obvious that he is very poor and quite insane. You decide to let him go and return to your ship pennyless
[[back to work]] The kraken wraps around the entirety of you ship demolishing it within seconds. The beast takes its' newfound dinner into the depths thus dragging your remains to the bottom of the sea.