Welcome to the safe house. It's time to choose your team for the heist of the century.
[[It's time to go over the choices you can make for the heist|Heist Locations]]
So here is the choices to choose from. You don't need to confirm your choice yet. Go over each description and decide, which one you would like to attempt.
[[Jewerly Heist|Jewelry Description]]
[[Bank Heist|Bank Description]]
[[Fort Knox Heist|Fort Knox Description]]
[[Go to Character Descriptions|Heist Team Members]]
[[Go back to heist choices|Heist Locations]]
[[Go to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
1. After you climb on to the roof, our team needs to find a way to break in. We can carve a special hole on the roof, or simply break through the glass, but that most likely wont be a good idea.
2. Once in the jewelry store, we need to find a way to get rid of the cameras inside. This can be done in a few ways, we can hack into them or break the cameras, which breaking them is not recommended.
3. After the cameras are broken we need to deal with the laser tripwires by either sneaking through the laser and shutting them off or we can try and destroy the lasers, but this method is highly not recommended.
4. Dealing with the glass covers on the jewelry cases is going to be tricky. We should turn off the sensors with a hacker, or simply break the glass, but that could cause us problems.
5. Now we need to find a way to escape the jewelry store. Our team can use a professional driver, or we can try and make due on our own.
[[Go back to heist choices|Heist Locations]]
[[Go to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
1. When we enter the bank, we need to find a way to control the people in the bank whether it's by force or by inimidation we need everyone to lay on the ground so there's no hero's trying to stop us.
2. The next issue is dealing with the cameras. We can use brute force or we can find a way to get into the camera room, so we aren't being tracked by the police potentially. Brute force may cause some problems.
3. After we deal with that issue, we need to break open the vault. We can intimidate the bankers to open the vault, blow it up, or cut into the vault. Cutting into the vault or blowing up the vault could cause us issues.
4. Once inside we need to deal with the lasers inside the vault. We need someone with acrobatic skills because these lasers aren't hackable.
5. Next is deciding how to escape the vault. We can sneakily make a tunnel underneath the vault to make an escape route. If we try to escape from the entrance it could cause problems, but is possible.
[[Go back to heist choices|Heist Locations]]
[[Go to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
1. This is mostly likely an impossible mission with the available resources. First, we need to find a way to break in, but this place is incredibly locked down. The front door is blast proof, the roof is impenetrable, so really the only way in is underground.
2. Once in, we still have problems, we can take out surveillance, but the number of military soldiers around won’t really matter if we take out the surveillance.
3. The vault is heavily guarded by soldiers; we would need to find a way to take out most if not all the soldiers in the fort. This doesn't seem like a good idea.
4. If the vault is cleared of soldiers, then there's still the problem with opening the vault. The vault is 27 inches thick and is atomic bomb proof, meaning there's no way of blowing up the vault to break in. We would have to have someone get the access codes, but I don't know if that's possible.
5. Somehow if we succeed, then we need to make our escape, again there's no way we won’t be detected, so we will have to find a way to fight off military foes well trying to get back to our underground entrance.
This guy is the classic dodging tripwire lasers sort of person. Has the ability to disable some mechanics, and has the tools to tunnel underneath places.
[[Go back to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
[[Make Choices|Choose Heist]]
Any electronics in the area can be turned off, or taken control of. This means cameras, lasers, and sensors wont be a problem during any heist.
[[Go back to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
[[Make Choices|Choose Heist]]
If you need someone to inimidate people this is your guy. Not only that, but if there's something in your way this guy will easily move it or destroy either way the job will get done.
[[Go back to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
[[Make Choices|Choose Heist]]
Not only can this person do crazy stunts and driving manuevors, but they are also good at giving speeches. If someone is going to convince you to do something it's this guy.
[[Go back to heist team members|Heist Team Members]]
[[Make Choices|Choose Heist]]
Here is a list of the people availible for the job, you may only choose two of the people for the job, so choose wisely.
[[The Hacker|Hacker Description]]
[[The Tough Guy|Tough Guy Description]]
[[The Sneaky Guy|Sneaky Guy Description]]
[[The Stunt Man|Stunt Man Description]]
[[Go back to heist descriptions|Heist Locations]]
[[Choose Heist]]
Choose a location fo the heist.
(link:"Jewelry Heist")[(set: $location to "Jewelry")(goto:"Choose First Team Member")]
(link:"Bank Heist")[(set: $location to "Bank")(goto:"Choose First Team Member")]
(link:"Fort Knox Heist")[(set: $location to "Knox")(goto:"Choose First Team Member")]
[[Look at Character Descriptions again|Heist Team Members]]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Choose First Team Member]]
(set: $Hacker to "false")
(set: $Tough to "false")
(set: $Stunt to "false")
(set: $Sneaky to "false")
Choose Two Team Members:
(link:"Hacker")[(set: $Hacker to "true")(goto:"Choose Second Team Member")]
(link:"Tough Guy")[(set: $Tough to "true")(goto:"Choose Second Team Member")]
(link:"Stunt Man")[(set: $Stunt to "true")(goto:"Choose Second Team Member")]
(link:"Sneaky Guy")[(set: $Sneaky to "true")(goto:"Choose Second Team Member")]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Choose Second Team Member]]
Choose One More Team Member.
(if: $Hacker is 'false')+(link:"Hacker")[(set: $Hacker to "true")(goto:"Confirm Heist")](else:)[~~Hacker~~]
(if: $Tough is 'false')+(link:"Tough Guy")[(set: $Tough to "true")(goto:"Confirm Heist")](else:)[~~Tough~~]
(if: $Stunt is 'false')+(link:"Stunt Man")[(set: $Stunt to "true")(goto:"Confirm Heist")](else:)[~~Stunt~~]
(if: $Sneaky is 'false')+(link:"Sneaky Guy")[(set: $Sneaky to "true")(goto:"Confirm Heist")](else:)[~~Sneaky~~]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Confirm Heist]]
Confirm Heist and Characters?
[(if: $location is 'Jewelry')[Jewelry Heist](else:)[~~Jewelry Heist~~]]
[(if: $location is 'Bank')[Bank Heist](else:)[~~Bank Heist~~]]
[(if: $location is 'Knox')[Fort Knox Heist](else:)[~~Fort Knox Heist~~]]
[(if: $Hacker is 'true')[Hacker Guy](else:)[~~Hacker Guy~~]]
[(if: $Tough is 'true')[Tough Guy](else:)[~~Tough Guy~~]]
[(if: $Stunt is 'true')[Stunt Man](else:)[~~Stunt Man~~]]
[(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[Sneaky Guy](else:)[~~Sneaky Guy~~]]
[[Not Ready|Choose Heist]]
[(link:"Begin Heist")+(if: $location is 'Jewelry')[(goto: 'Jewelry Heist 1')](link:"Begin Heist")+(if: $location is 'Bank')[(goto: 'Bank Heist 1')](link:"Begin Heist")+(if: $location is 'Knox')[(goto: 'Fort Knox Heist 1')]]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Heist 1]]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Heist 1]]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Fort Knox Heist 1]]
(set: $Counter to 0)You climb the roof of the jewelry store with your team. Find a way in:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[[[Cut a hole through the roof|Jewelry Heist 2]]](else:)[~~Cut a hole through the roof~~]
[[[Break Glass on the roof|Jewelry Heist 2 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]Your team walks into the bank with masks. How do we take control of the bank crowd:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Tough is 'true')[[[Intimidate everyone in the bank to get on the ground|Bank Heist 2]]](else:)[~~Intimidate everyone in the bank to get on the ground~~]
[[Tell everyone to get on the ground|Bank Heist 2 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]You get to Fort Knox:
Was there a tunnel pre made:
(set: $time to 10)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[[[Use the pre-made tunnel|Fort Knox Heist 2]]](else:)[~~Use the pre-made tunnel~~]
[[Try to break in from the outside|Fort Knox Heist Fail]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Fort Knox Time Ran Out]]Your team makes it into the store with no problem.
Now we need to deal with the cameras:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Hacker is 'true')[[[Hack the cameras|Jewelry Heist 3]]](else:)[~~Hack the cameras~~]
[[[Shoot the cameras|Jewelry Heist 3 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]Your team succesfully dealt with the cameras with no problems.
Now we need to deal with laser tripwires:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[[[Sneak through lasers and re-wire them|Jewelry Heist 4]]](else:)[~~Sneak through lasers and re-wire them~~]
[[[Smash the lasers|Jewelry Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1]]
[[[Try to dodge the lasers|Jewelry Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]Your team finessed the laser trip wires.
Now we need to get the jewerly out of the glass case:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Hacker is 'true')[[[Hack the weighted sensors|Jewelry Heist 5]]](else:)[~~Hack the weighted sensors~~]
[[Replace jewerly with weights|Jewelry Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to ($Counter + 1))]
[[Break the glass|Jewelry Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]Now your team has the goods!
How do we get out of here:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Stunt is 'true')[[[The Stunt Man drives up in style getting you back to the safe house|Jewelry Heist Success]]](else:)[~~The Stunt Man drives up in style getting you back to the safe house~~]
[[Clumblsy drive away from the store|Jewelry Heist Success]][(set: $Counter to ($Counter + 1))]
[[Just sit there and wait for your driver|Too Many Mistakes]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]
The glass drew a lot of attention towards you.
Now we need to deal with the cameras:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Hacker is 'true')[[[Hack the cameras|Jewelry Heist 3]]](else:)[~~Hack the cameras~~]
[[Shoot the cameras|Jewelry Heist 3 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]Your team clumbsly dealt with the cameras, which could be a problem.
Now we need to deal with laser tripwires:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[[[Sneak through lasers and re-wire them|Jewelry Heist 4]]](else:)[~~Sneak through lasers and re-wire them~~]
[[Smash the lasers|Jewelry Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Try to dodge the lasers|Jewelry Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]Your team struggled to get by the laser trip wires.
Now we need to get the jewerly out of the glass case:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Hacker is 'true')[[[Hack the weighted sensors|Jewelry Heist 5]]](else:)[~~Hack the weighted sensors~~]
[[Replace jewerly with weights|Jewelry Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to ($Counter + 1))]
[[Break the glass|Jewelry Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]
Your team made too many mistakes. You've alerted the police and you're now surrounded.
(link: 'Restart')[(goto: 'Safe House')]Now your team still managed to get the goods!
How do we get out of here:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Stunt is 'true')[[[The Stunt Man drives up in style getting you back to the safe house|Jewelry Heist Success]]](else:)[~~The Stunt Man drives up in style getting you back to the safe house~~]
[[Clumblsy drive away from the store|Jewelry Heist Success]][(set: $Counter to ($Counter + 1))]
[[Just sit there and wait for your driver|Too Many Mistakes]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Jewelry Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Jewelry Time Ran Out]]
You successfuly robbed the Jewerly Store!
(if: $Counter is 3)[(goto: 'Too Many Mistakes')]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Too Many Mistakes]]
(link: 'Restart')[(goto: 'Safe House')]We didn't deal with the lasers correctly hopefully this isn't bad.
Now we need to escape the bank:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[[[A pre-made tunnel is now accessible to escape with|Bank Heist Success]]](else:)[~~A pre-made tunnel is now accessible to escape with~~]
[[Clumblsy drive away from the bank|Bank Heist Success]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Just sit there and wait for your driver|Too Many Mistakes]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]
Your team keeps everyone under control.
Now we need to deal with the cameras:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
[[Shoot the cameras|Bank Heist 3 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(if: $Stunt is 'true')[[[Kick down door to camera room|Bank Heist 3]]](else:)[~~Kick down door to camera room~~]
[[Leave the cameras|Bank Heist 3 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]Your team has to deal with a hero, hopefully this doesn't backfire on us.
Now we need to deal with the cameras:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
[[Shoot the cameras|Bank Heist 3 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(if: $Stunt is 'true')[[[Kick down door to camera room|Bank Heist 3]]](else:)[~~Kick down door to camera room~~]
[[Leave the cameras|Bank Heist 3 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]All the cameras are taken care of successfully.
Now we need to get the vault doors open:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
[[Blow up the vault|Bank Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Cut into the vault|Bank Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(if: $Tough is 'true')[[[Intimidate the bankers to open the vault|Bank Heist 4]]](else:)[~~Intimidate the bankers to open the vault~~]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]The cameras may present a problem later.
Now we need to get the vault doors open:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
[[Blow up the vault|Bank Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Cut into the vault|Bank Heist 4 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(if: $Tough is 'true')[[[Intimidate the bankers to open the vault|Bank Heist 4]]](else:)[~~Intimidate the bankers to open the vault~~]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]We successfully got the vault open.
Now we need to deal with the lasers in the vault:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Stunt is 'true')[[[Jump through the lasers with acrobatics|Bank Heist 5]]](else:)[~~Jump through the lasers with acrobatics~~]
[[Destroy the lasers|Bank Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Shoot the lasers|Bank Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]
We barely got the vault open.
Now we need to deal with the lasers in the vault:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Stunt is 'true')[[[Jump through the lasers with acrobatics|Bank Heist 5]]](else:)[~~Jump through the lasers with acrobatics~~]
[[Destroy the lasers|Bank Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Shoot the lasers|Bank Heist 5 Mistake]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]
We successfully get through the bank lasers.
Now we need to escape the bank:
(set: $time to 15)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
(if: $Sneaky is 'true')[[[A pre-made tunnel is now accessible to escape with|Bank Heist Success]]](else:)[~~A pre-made tunnel is now accessible to escape with~~]
[[Clumblsy drive away from the bank|Bank Heist Success]][(set: $Counter to $Counter + 1)]
[[Just sit there and wait for your driver|Too Many Mistakes]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Bank Time Ran Out]]
You successfuly robbed the Bank!
(if: $Counter is 3)[(goto: 'Too Many Mistakes')]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Too Many Mistakes]]
(link: 'Restart')[(goto: 'Safe House')]The Military floods in from every direction.
(set: $time to 10)[You have |amount>[$time] seconds left!]
[[Try to fight them|Fort Knox Heist Fail]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: $time is 0)[(goto: "Bank Time Ran Out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$time]
(if: $location is 'Fake Link')[[Fort Knox Time Ran Out]]The military arrests your team.
(link: 'Safe House')[(goto: 'Safe House')]
You failed the bank heist...
(link: 'Restart')[(goto: 'Safe House')]You failed the Jewelry Heist...
(link: 'Restart')[(goto: 'Safe House')]Your team was caputred quickly at Fort Knox...
(link: 'Safe House')[(goto: 'Safe House')]