Welcome to ***A Marvelous Adventure***!
This game has you quite literally choose your own adventure, and work around the fantasy city of Senea as you uncover bits and pieces of a conspiracy! You are encouraged to replay as much as you want to discover more of the underlying plot.
[[Begin your adventure!->Character Select]]
*Content warning: death, violence, gruesome depictions of undead, etc.*You're a drunk, a fighter, and you would be a rogue or a thief if you followed your friends Carmen and Jethro. However, you've never been interested in whatever shady business they're dealing in, and till now have preferred simple bar fights to theft and who knows what else.
(set: $weapon to "fists")
[[I'm a fistfighter, with some friends in low places.->Looking for adventure]]Since childhood, you've dreamt of being a knight, powerful and skilled with a sword. However, you're lowborn, and that means the only way to become a knight is to be granted it for your noble deeds. To tide yourself over, you became a guard, volunteering every day to protect the people of Senea.
(set: $weapon to "sword and shield")
[[I'm ready now. I can go on adventures and become a knight!->Looking for adventure]]For years, you've studied magic and alchemy, training to become a great mage. You're still inexperienced and have a lot to learn, though.
(set: $weapon to "wand")
[[But now, I'm ready to get some *real* experience.->Looking for adventure]]With your $weapon handy, you can finally embark on your very first adventure. Now, how does one go about finding adventure, anyway?
(if: $weapon is "wand")[[[Your alchemist friend is always hiring people to do stuff for him.->Alchemist's Shop]]](else:)[[[The nearby alchemist might have something for you to do.->Alchemist's Shop]]]
(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[[[There's always something exciting going on at the guardhouse.->Guardhouse]]](else:)[[[The guards might need some help.->Guardhouse]]]
(if: $weapon is "fists")[[[To the tavern!->Entering the Tavern]]](else:)[[[All good adventures start in a tavern, right?->Entering the Tavern]]](if: $weapon is "fists")[You swagger over to your favorite tavern and stop outside the door. You suddenly think that maybe your drinking is why you never have much money, but quickly dismiss it.](else:)[You manage to find a tavern that looks useful - meaning that gruff-looking mercenaries and soldiers are walking in and out of it. Surely you might find something to do here.]
(link-reveal: "You open the door and step inside,")[== immediately noticing the stench of ale and the cacophany that you would expect from a tavern full of very large and very drunk people.
(if: $weapon is "fists")[[[One round for me!->Barkeep]]](else:)[[[The bartender probably knows something I can do.->Barkeep]]]The city of Senea is home to a very peculiar man, an alchemist from faraway lands. (if: $weapon is "wand")[You've dealt with him many times to purchase various elixirs and ingredients, and might even say that this man, Gilvack, is your friend. From visiting his shop so many times, you know that](else:)[You've heard of him around town, and hear that] he sometimes needs adventurers to gather ingredients for him, among other things.
[[It's probably not the most glamorous work, but it's a start.->Gilvack]](if: $weapon is "fists")[You saunter over to the barkeep, greeting and joking with all of your drinking buddies on the way over.](else:)[You wade through the mass of bodies, most of them staggering around and making it very difficult to move.] Eventually, you make your way to the counter and grab the (if: $weapon is "fists")[barkeep's](else:)[bartender's] attention.
(if: $weapon is "fists")[[[Order your first ale of the day.->Drinking]]](else:)[[[So, anything interesting going on?->Talking to the Bartender]]]You begin this day exactly like you begin every day, getting completely wasted with all of your favorite drinking buddies.
(link-reveal: "Of course, this also means a barfight has to happen,")[== and it's not long before you stumble into a rather large man. He turns around and starts yelling something in your face.
(link-reveal: "'I can take you with one arm!'")[== you yell, and before you can remember to actually tie one arm behind your back, you lunge at the brute.
[[Time to Fight!]]The bartender eyes your $weapon. 'If you want work, you'd best talk to Carmen, in the back.' He motions to a door on the other side of the bar.
(link-reveal: "A few other patrons look your way and quickly go back to what they were doing.")[==
[[Nothing suspicious about this at all, right?->Carmen]]You enter the back room, and immediately notice it's completely dark, save for one candle. Inside are three people sitting around a table playing cards. There's a gruff-looking woman in patchy clothing, a gaunt man that reminds you of a rat, and a young girl in rags who looks much too clean to be from this part of town.
(link-reveal: "'I was told Carmen had jobs for adventurers?'")[== you ask, wondering which of them is Carmen. The gruff woman guffaws. 'Adventurers? Sure, why not. I'm Carmen, and yeah, I've got things that need doing.' The young girl makes a whistling noise and an obscene gesture, to which the rat-like man punches her shoulder.
[[Very mature.->Carmen 2]]You step inside and... he's nowhere to be seen. At least, you can't tell if anyone is here through the mountains of books and miscellaneous alchemical supplies.(unless: $weapon is "wand")[ At least, that's what you assume those strange objects are for.]
(link-reveal: "'Hello? Is anyone here?'")[== You call out. Suddenly, you hear crashing noise from the back of the shop. A few seconds later, (if: $weapon is "wand")[Gilvack, a veritable twig of an old man,](else:)[a wizened old man with very little hair on his head] staggers into the room, a large bruise clearly visible on his head.
[[Are you alright?->Gilvack 2]]'Oh?' (if: $weapon is "wand")[Gilvack](else:)[The old man] looks puzzled.
(link-reveal: "You explain that you're looking for an adventure,")[== and his face lights up.
'Well, it just so happens that I have the perfect thing in mind! Come here, follow me,' He beckons and starts off towards the back of the shop.
[[You wonder what he needs help with...->Helping Gilvack 2]]You follow him through a door and see the aftermath of that crashing noise. A pile of books and broken glass lies on the floor in front of you. 'Ah, do be careful. I'll have to clean this up later. Anyway, look here.' He grabs a book off of a shelf and opens to a page with a drawing of a creature, part-bird, part-reptile.
(if: $weapon is "wand")[(link-reveal: "'That's an ichneu!'")[ You've read about these creatures.
[[What does he want with this?->Helping Gilvack 3]]]](else:)[(link-reveal: "'What is that?'")[ you ask. 'This,' he points to the image, 'is an ichneu. They're rare, rather dangerous, and,' he says gleefully with a mad glint in his eye, 'incredibly fascinating.'
[[How so?->Helping Gilvack 3]]]]'Thank you! Now, I've heard from a reliable source that an ichneu has appeared in the forest outside the south gate of the city. Beyond that I have no idea, but I'll pay you if you return with the beast's carcass.'
(unless: $weapon is "wand")[(link-reveal: "Sounds good, I'll be back.")[==
'Ah, I forgot to mention, my name is Gilvack of Serrawen, alchemist extraordinaire. Pleased to meet you.'
[[Nice to meet you, too. I'll be on my way now.->Walking to the Forest]]](else:)[[[Sounds good, I'll be back.->Walking to the Forest]]]'Good. The cart will have Vermenne's coat of arms, three white stars on a red field painted on it, and it's headed to the center of the city. I don't care how you do it, just get the box and get back here.(if: $weapon is "fists")[ If you get into trouble, we'll be right behind you.]'
[[Begin the operation.->Main Road]]You turned down that adventure, so you re-orient yourself and look at all your options again.
(if: $gilvackChecked is 1)[[[I want to hunt that ichneu.->Return to Gilvack]]](else:)[(if: $weapon is "wand")[[[Your alchemist friend is always hiring people to do stuff for him.->Alchemist's Shop]]](else:)[[[The nearby alchemist might have something for you to do.->Alchemist's Shop]]]]
(if: $isaacChecked is 1)[[[I should go help the captain of the guard.->Return to Isaac]]](else:)[(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[[[There's always something exciting going on at the guardhouse.->Guardhouse]]](else:)[[[The guards might need some help.->Guardhouse]]]]
(if: $carmenChecked is 1)[[[I'll go back to Carmen.->Return to Carmen]]](else:)[(if: $weapon is "fists")[[[To the tavern!->Entering the Tavern]]](else:)[[[All good adventures start in a tavern, right?->Entering the Tavern]]]](if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[You make your way to the guardhouse and notice that it's more deserted than it usually is. This isn't that unusual, since the guards in Senea are actually normal citizens who volunteer for service on whatever day they like. However, you've noticed that there have been less volunteers in general lately.
You easily find the captain of the guard, a very tall knight by the name of Isaac.](else:)[You make your way to the guardhouse and notice that it's more deserted than you'd expect of a large city.
You notice a guard who looks substantially more important - and taller - than the others, probably the captain of the guard, and approach him.]
(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")['Ah, I was looking for you!'
[[What for?->Isaac's Office]]](else:)['Yes?'
[[You explain that you were looking for an adventure.->Isaac's Proposition 1]]]'Excellent! Now, the noises are supposedly coming from underneath the center of the city, so starting in the sewers would be your best bet. Sorry, but that's the only lead I have.'
(link-reveal: "*Sewers? Really?*")[== you think to yourself.
'Actually, there's one more thing. The old Dwarven ruins run underneath the sewers there, near that giant mansion, so be careful. They might be Dwarven handiwork, but they're ancient.'
[[You set off for the sewers.->Entering the Sewers]]You realize that there is really only one main road a cart could go to get to the center of the city, so the simple thing to do would be to look there. There's only one question though: actively look for the cart or wait for it to appear?
[[Look for the Cart.]]
[[Wait.]]The early bird gets the worm, it seems. You see a cart standing still, stuck behind a carriage with a broken wheel. Painted on its side is a red shield with three white stars. The driver, a dwarf woman, is hurling obscenities at the poor man trying to fix his carriage. Now's your chance!
[[Jump onboard.]]
[[Try to sneak onto the cart.]]
(if: $weapon is "wand")[[Put the driver to sleep with a spell.]]Stealth be damned, you jump onto the cart. The guards immediately raise their weapons and the driver stops the horses. You are outnumbered three-to-one.
[[Prepare to fight.]]
[[I don't like these odds...->Run.]]While the driver is distracted, you quietly climb onto the cart.
On the cart there 3 crates, two of which are open. The driver hasn't noticed you yet, but she might if you take too long.
(set: $timer to 3)
[[Look through the first open crate.]]
[[Look through the second open crate.]]
[[Investigate the closed crate.]]You quietly cast a spell on the guards and driver as the cart passes by. They fall asleep and you jump on. Thankfully, the horses keep moving.
[[Now, where could the box be?->Found Box]](set: $timer to it - 1)(if: $timer is 1)[The driver has not noticed you yet. ]There is nothing of interest in this crate.
(if: $timer is 0)[(link-goto: "Out of time!")](else:)[(link-goto: "Look through the second open crate.")
(link-goto: "Investigate the closed crate.")](set: $timer to it - 1)(if: $timer is 1)[The driver has not noticed you yet. ]There is nothing of interest in this crate.
(if: $timer is 0)[(link-goto: "The driver notices you!", "Out of Time!")](else:)[(link-goto: "Look through the first open crate.")
(link-goto: "Investigate the closed crate.")](set: $timer to it - 1)(if: $timer is 1)[The driver has not noticed you yet. ]The crate is shut tight, but you can open it with (if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[your sword](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[a spell](else-if: $weapon is "fists")[your hands]. She will probably notice you, though.
(if: $timer is 0)[(link-goto: "Out of time!")](else:)[(link-goto: "Open the crate.")
(link-goto: "Look through the first open crate.")
(link-goto: "Look through the second open crate.")]The driver noticed you! She yells and gets up from her seat, and starts coming after you with her hammer.
[[Stand and fight!]]
[[Run.]]The gate opens with a loud *crack*, and inside you can see a very ornate box. The driver turns around and shouts, and you barely have enough time to grab it before her hammer almost meets your face!
[[Time to go.]]With your $weapon ready, you steel yourself against the driver.
(link-reveal: "She swings her hammer at you.")[==
[[Block it.->Block 1]]
[[Dodge.->Dodge 1]]It's time to leave, and you don't want to get hurt.
(link-reveal: "You jump off the cart and make a dash to the nearest alley.")[==(if: $weapon is "fists")[ The sounds of fighting can be heard from the cart as you run away. It's probably Carmen and Jethro, and you feel bad for leaving them behind.] The streets, alleys, and people become a blur, and eventually you somehow find yourself at the mansion of the count of Vermenne.
(link-reveal: "A few minutes later,")[== the cart thunders into view, horses running as fast as their legs could carry them to the *crack* of the driver's reins. It slows to a stop as the cart reaches the front of the mansion.
[[You keep watching.->The Noble's Mansion - Onlooker]](if: $weapon is "fists")[You prepare to grapple her when suddenly, Carmen appears out of nowhere and simply grabs the hammer out of the driver's hand!](else:)[(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[You block the hammer with your shield, actually knocking it out of her hand. Go you!](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[You quickly cast a shield spell, stopping the hammer in its path. The driver is surprised and lets go of it!]
(if: $weapon is "fists")["You deal with the rest of this, we've got places to be." Carmen and Jethro jump out of the cart and run through the crowd out of sight.]
[[The fight is over.]]You successfully dodge the blow, and the driver loses her balance.
[[Counterattack.]]It's not strange for some nobles to have a residence in Senea, as it is an incredibly opulent city - in certain areas - but Vermenne is a great distance away, and the count's mansion is one of the finest in Senea, a massive complex with its own gardens, right in the middle of the city. That is not normal.
(link-reveal: "The driver gets up,")[== grabs a box out of one of the crates in the cart, and walks to the front gate. The count himself, you assume, waits for her with who appears to be his daughter by his side.
(link-reveal: "The driver bows and hands the box to the man,")[== and then gives him a letter. The man bows to her, and he and the girl walk through the gate and into the mansion.
[[Strange.->The End.]]The driver is unarmed and at your mercy. You take your time and find the box while onlookers gawk at the spectacle.
(link-reveal: "You find the box,")[== and look inside. It's a scaly egg, blue with white and purple veins running all along it.
(link-reveal: "You think you see something else in the crate,")[== but you spot guards already showing up to investigate the commotion.
[[Time to go.->Laura]](if: $weapon is "fists")[You prepare to strike when suddenly, Carmen appears out of nowhere and simply grabs the hammer out of the driver's hand!](else:)[(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[While she's off-balance, you easily knock the hammer out of her hand with your sword.](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[You don't feel like setting her on fire, so you simply make her hammer fly off into the distance with a spell. You only realize later that it might have hit someone. Oops.]
(if: $weapon is "fists")["You deal with the rest of this, we've got places to be." Carmen and Jethro jump out of the cart and run through the crowd out of sight.]
[[The fight is over.]]You make your way back to the tavern, carefully protecting the box. When you enter the back room, you see Laura dressed in a noblewoman's clothes, brightly colored and probably very expensive.
(link-reveal: "Before you can recover from the shock,")[== she grabs the box from you and rushes out of the door and into a waiting carriage outside.
(if: $weapon is "fists")[(link-reveal: "As far as you knew,")[== she was no more than a poor child off the streets, same as you, Carmen, and Jethro.
[[What's going on here?->The End.]]](else:)[(link-reveal: "You never expected that,")[== but appearances aren't everything, apparently. Anyway, a coin pouch full to bursting sits on the table. You grab it and walk out.
[[What's going on here?->The End.]]]Box in hand, you leap out of the cart and run off to a nearby alley, the driver hot on your heels.(if: $weapon is "fists")[ Carmen and Jethro jump in front of her to buy you time, and you thank them in your mind as you leg it through the alleys.] After taking many random turns and dashing through crowds, you lose her.
You take the time to look inside the box and see an egg. It's scaly, blue with white and purple veins running all along it.
[[Time to take this to Laura.->Laura]]While you did have a marvelous adventure, you get the feeling you've stumbled upon something rather important. Sadly, you don't have all the details. If only you could go back and make different choices, you could find other clues as to what is actually happening in the city of Senea.
[[In the meantime, try again?->Character Select]]
This game was made by Antonio Alegria for CMPM 80k, Winter 2020.You notice the guards are both just city guards, that is, regular citizens who volunteer for service some days. As such, they just wear regular clothing and only carry what weapons they can afford, even if that means no weapon at all.
(link-reveal: "You can probably trick them into thinking you're one of them.")[==
You casually walk up to the cart and introduce yourself as another guard. The driver and the two guards look a bit relieved when you jump on.
[[Make some conversation.]]The odds are not in your favor. The two guards and driver all come at you at once. (if: $weapon is "fists")[You're ready to dodge when suddenly, Carmen and Jethro appear out of nowhere and join the fray, surprising everyone in the fight!](if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[You raise your shield and somehow block all three of them!](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[You cast a spell faster than you ever have in your life, creating a magical barrier around yourself that blocks all three attacks!](else-if: $weapon is "fists")[You expertly dodge all of the attacks, and somehow manage to wrest one guard's weapon away from him! You throw it away, of course. You don't need weapons.]
(link-reveal: "After this first strike,")[== you've noticed they all seem to be protecting one of the open crates. That must be where the box is!
[[Rush towards the crate.]]
[[Get rid of the guards first.->Counterattack 2]]You suddenly grab the box out of the crate and jump out onto the street. The guards are bewildered for a moment, then realize what's happened and give chase.(if: $weapon is "fists")[ Carmen and Jethro jump in front of her to buy you time, and you thank them in your mind as you leg it through the alleyways.] After taking many random turns and dashing through crowds, you somehow manage to lose them.
(link-reveal: "You take the time to look inside the box.")[== Inside is an egg, scaly, blue with white and purple veins running all along it.
[[Time to take this to Laura.->Laura]]A rich mansion with well-equipped, uniformed guards patrolling around comes into view, and you realize that you can't escape, not from these professional guards armed with brand new, shiny, and probably very sharp spears and swords.
[[I should be fine if I just keep up the disguise.->The Noble's Mansion - Guard]](if: $weapon is "fists")[Carmen and Jethro are keeping the guards busy.] You rush towards the crate and jump around the driver and out onto the street, grabbing what you can out of the crate. It's the box.
The guards are bewildered for a moment, then realize what's happened and give chase.(if: $weapon is "fists")[ Carmen and Jethro jump in front of her to buy you time, and you thank them in your mind as you leg it through the alleyways.] After taking many random turns and dashing through crowds, you somehow manage to lose them.
(link-reveal: "You take the time to look inside the box.")[== Inside is an egg, scaly, blue with white and purple veins running all along it.
[[Time to take this to Laura.->Laura]]'We need someone to grab a box from a cart coming into town today. If you can get it, bring it back to Laura here,' she gestures to the girl, who currently appears to be looking at Carmen's cards while she's distracted.
(link-reveal: "'Why?'")[== you ask.
'Why? Because I'll pay you, that's why. You've got a $weapon, you can handle yourself. Just get in and out and get back here.'
[[Sounds exciting, and I'm getting paid. I'm in!->Accepted Carmen's Offer]]
(link-reveal-goto: "No way, I'm not breaking the law.", "Refused Adventure")[(set: $carmenChecked to 1)]'Oh, you're back!' Carmen seems fairly suprised. 'Did you change your mind?'
[[I'll take you up on your offer.->Accepted Carmen's Offer]]
[[Uh, nevermind.->Refused Adventure]](if: $weapon is "fists")[You prepare to strike when suddenly, Carmen appears out of nowhere and simply grabs the hammer out of the driver's hand! Jethro appears as well and attacks one of the guards, brandishing his knives. You then easily dispatch the remaining guard with a solid punch to the face.](else:)[(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[You look up from your shield and realise that the two guards are actually only armed with clubs! You easily disarm them and they go running. The driver proves more difficult, however. You manage to hook her hammer onto your shield and *yank* it out of her firm grip. Unarmed against your sword, she submits.](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[Setting everything on fire would be a bad idea, so you simply blast them all out of the cart with a force spell.]](if: $weapon is "fists")["You deal with the rest of this, we've got places to be." Carmen and Jethro jump out of the cart and run through the crowd out of sight.]
[[The fight is over.]]Unfortunately for the man you're fighting, you are an expert in drunken fistfighting. You easily dodge all of his strikes, and with a couple well-placed punches, he's knocked onto the floor, to much cheering from the rest of the bar.
(link-reveal: "Then, you see a familiar face on the opposite end of the tavern.")[==
[[Hey, Carmen!->Friendly Talk]]You walk over to Carmen and see she's playing cards with Jethro. Carmen dwarfs Jethro in size by a huge margin, and certainly has the look of someone dangerous. Jethro looks intimidating in his own right, like someone who's equally likely to sell you some canossa powder or stab you in the gut.
(link-reveal: "You sit down next to them and start drinking when you notice another card player,")[== a young girl in rags you haven't seen before. She couldn't be older than fourteen, and was certainly acting like it. You hadn't even taken your first swig before she stole Jethro's mug *while* looking at his cards.
[['Who's this, then?']]The cart stops in front of the front gate, and right in front are the count of Vermenne himself and a young girl beside him, wearing a brightly-colored and expensive-looking dress.
(link-reveal: "You and the guards get off the cart,")[== and the driver stands up and grabs a box from one of the crates, along with a letter. She jumps off and walks over to the count.
'A gift, from the Order. You'll find further details in this letter.
[[The End.]]'Who's this, then?' you ask Carmen, gesturing to the girl.
'That's Laura. She's a friend from the other side of town, and she's helping us with something right now. Want in?'
(link-reveal: "You're wary of the dealings Carmen and Jethro get into,")[== but you remember you were determined to do something exciting today. That is, before you got distracted by alcohol.
[[Alright, tell me more.]]'Oh, you've come back!' The alchemist seems ecstatic to see you again. 'Have you reconsidered?'
[[I'll take you up on your offer.->Accepted Gilvack's Offer]]
[[Uh, nevermind.->Refused Adventure]]'Ah, you're back!' The captain of the guard abandons the paperwork he was doing to talk to you.
'Have you changed your mind?'
[[I'll take you up on your offer.->Helping Isaac]]
[[Uh, nevermind.->Refused Adventure]]You jump onto the cart, and the driver turns around and shouts, pulling out her hammer, but she's too late. You have the initiative.
(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[(link-reveal: "You have your sword at her throat.")[ You tell her to drop the hammer, and she complies.
[[You're free to search the cart.->The fight is over.]]]](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[(link-reveal: "Your wand pointed at her, ready to cast a spell.")[ You tell her to drop the hammer, and she complies.
[[You're free to search the cart.->The fight is over.]]]](else:)[(link-reveal: "You grab the hammer out of her hands and toss it off the cart.")[ She is at your mercy.
[[You're free to search the cart.->The fight is over.]]]]
The driver suddenly falls asleep, much to the surprise and relief of the man fixing his carriage. You take this opportunity to casually climb aboard the cart, and you see a number of crates.
[[Now, where could it be?->Found Box]]You put your mug down and Carmen begins to explain.
'There's a cart coming into town today, bringing a special delivery to this noble, the count of Vermenne. Laura tells us that it's something real dangerous, and that the count should not get his hands on it. We don't know what exactly it is, though. It'll be lightly guarded, so you can get in and out with no problem. You in?'
[[I'm in!->Accepted Carmen's Offer]]
(link-reveal-goto: "No, sorry.", "Refused Adventure")[(set: $carmenChecked to 1)]Good things come to those who wait, it seems. After dozens of carts pass by, the one you're looking for appears, with two guards riding along. Its driver, a dwarf woman, seems rather upset and is muttering to herself.
[[Jump onto the cart.]]
[[Try something clever.]]
(if: $weapon is "wand")[[Put them to sleep with a spell.]]You can take your time searching the cart, and not only do you find the box, but also a letter addressed to the count of Vermenne!
[[Open the Letter.]]Firstly, from your studies you know that phrase, *Verach ain Korim etyn Aerin* is ancient Dwarvish, meaning 'Verach is the god of Dwarves'. This phrase is only used in official documents by the Dwarven church, the Order of the White Hammer.
Secondly, basilisci are incredibly powerful creatures capable of killing instantly, and due to their magical nature they grow extremely fast once hatched out of their egg.
What could this nobleman want with a basiliscus? Why is the Dwarven church helping him? And how are your employers involved?
[[Not like it matters, you're getting paid.->Laura]]They start talking to you about a broken carriage that blocked the way earlier on, and that the driver called the guards over for fear that someone was going to try to attack the cart.
(link-reveal: "*Oh no, wouldn't that be awful?*")[== you think to yourself.
While taking in this wonderful conversation, you notice that the cart's cargo consists of three open crates. looking inside one, you see an ornate box, covered in gold leaf. This has to be what you're looking for.
[[Take it now.]]
[[Wait for a safe time to escape.]]The captain nods and thinks for a second.
'There is something you can do, yes. I've got reports of strange noises coming from underground, near the center of the city. I would have liked to send a guard to check it out, but not enough volunteers showed up today. Would you go?'
[[Of course!->Helping Isaac]]
(link-reveal-goto: "On second thought...", "Refused Adventure")[(set: $isaacChecked to 1)]'I need you to look into something for me. Come inside, we'll talk.' He leads you to his office inside the guardhouse.
(link-reveal: "You've never been in here before, but it feels so homely that you may as well have lived here your whole life.")[== A fire is going with a soup pot hung over it, two full bookshelves filled with all sorts of scrolls and tomes stand in the corner, and the floor is covered with the dark hide of a peryton.
You've heard of Isaac killing one once, but now you see it's real. You don't know what a peryton is, but apparently it's got both fur and feathers. At least, this rug does.
[[So, what did you want to talk about?->Isaac's Proposition 2]]'You've noticed fewer and fewer guards volunteering lately, correct?'
(link-reveal: "'Yes, but what of it?'")[== you ask. Isaac's face turns cold. 'I don't think it's a coincidence.' The tone of his voice unnerves you.
'I've checked in with some of the guards I know that have stopped coming, and their houses were all empty.
[[So does that mean...?->Isaac's Proposition 3]]'I've got a bad feeling about this, and I can't spare the resources to investigate. I probably don't even have the time to be talking to you right now. All I know is that our guards have been disappearing, and now we've been getting reports of noises underneath the city.'
(link-reveal: "'Noises?'")[== You're confused what these have to do with each other.
'I can't explain it, but I have a hunch they're connected. I have my hands tied keeping this place together, so can you look into it?'
[[Of course.->Helping Isaac]]
(link-reveal-goto: "I think I'm more needed elsewhere, sorry.", "Refused Adventure")[(set: $isaacChecked to 1)]You find an entrance to the sewers near the center of the city, and (unless: $weapon is "wand")[torch in hand](else:)[with a light spell ready], you delve into the dark.
(link-reveal: "The sewers smell exactly as you'd expect.")[== The smell is unbearable, it's pitch dark save for your torch, and the only sound is of slowly running water.
[[You continue into the putrid blackness.]]You don't know how much time has passed while you wander aimlessly through the sewers, but you notice something. Not a sound, but the lack of one:
(link-reveal: "*Where are the rats?*")[==
This entire time, the only sounds have been the water flowing through the large tunnels and your own footsteps. Normally, there should be all kinds of vermin running around, but that is simply not the case right now...
[[Something is wrong here.]]Then, as you're standing still contemplating, you hear a faint noise from the tunnel to your left. A sloshing, like someone - or some*thing* - is wading through the water.
At the same time, you catch the smell of something different from the tunnel in front of you. Not the stench of excrement, but the smell of decay. Of dead bodies and rotting things.
[[Find the source of the noise.]]
[[Investigate the smell.]]You decide that the noise is more important. That's what you came here for, anyway. You turn left and follow the sound.
It's not long before you come upon its source. It looks like a giant mushroom with arms and legs. It's shambling aimlessly in the water.
(link-reveal: "Until it notices you.")[== The creature, having sensed you despite not having any visible eyes, ears, or nose, rushes toward you with surprising speed.
[[Block it.->Block 2]]
[[Dodge.->Dodge 2]]The noise subsides and you decide that it was probably just some debris moving through the water. You keep moving forward and investigate the smell.
(link-reveal: "It's a mound of fungus.")[== On closer inspection, you realize that it's not just that, but a mound of dead rats, covered in a strange mold. That explains the lack of rats, but how did this happen?
(set: $spores to 1)
[[The stench is unbearable. You hold your breath and walk away.->Fungus Monster]]The city of Senea is a grand place, full of humans, dwarves, and people from all over the world. In this city with a population too large to bother counting, is a small home in a busy neighborhood.
(link-reveal: "This is your home, but what's inside it? Who are you?")[==
[[Inside is a mess of books, scrolls, and magical ingredients. I'm an aspiring mage.->Mage]]
[[Just what I need to survive, including my sword, armor, and shield. I'm a guard, and one day I'll be a knight!->Warrior]]
[[There is almost nothing inside save for some broken teeth and the smell of alcohol. I'm a tavern brawler.->Brawler]]As you round a corner, you almost bump into a strange creature, which looks like a mushroom with limbs, until you get a closer look.
(link-reveal: "That's a human.")[== You can make out what looks to be a face behind a thick wall of fungus, and you can see clothing underneath, as well.(if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[ You also recognize those clothes as a senior guard's uniform!] You don't get to analyze any further however, as the creature lunges at you with surprising speed.
(set: $spore to 1)
[[Block it.->Block 2]]
[[Dodge.->Dodge 2]](if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[You drop your torch and break the creature's momentum with a powerful bash with your shield, but it shows no sign of stopping. It's frantically scratching at you, and from all over its body, you see it releasing clouds of spores.](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[You easily block its advance with a barrier spell, but you quickly realize that you need to keep it up, as the creature begins frantically scratching at the barrier. You also notice that it seems to be releasing a cloud of spores.](else:)[Your strength is more than enough to block and grapple the creature, but it immediately starts struggling and trying to scratch at you, forcing you to drop your torch and use both arms to restrain it. You feel a burning sensation as it begins releasing a cloud of spores from its body.]
[[Jump away.]]
[[Try to land a hit.]]You jump out of the way of the creature's charge, and it continues running for a good distance before it slows to a stop. Then you notice it releasing spores from all over its body.
[[Try to land a hit.]]
[[Burn it.]]You jump away from the creature, and it begins its charge again. Determined to stay away from it, you surprisingly easily move out of the way. The creature doesn't change its course at all and misses you entirely. It eventually slows to a stop, still emitting the spores.
[[Try to land a hit.]]
[[Burn it.]](if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[Protecting yourself with your shield, you stab the creature with all your might. However, the creature simply doesn't respond! It's as if it doesn't feel pain at all.](else-if: $weapon is "wand")[You conjure a magical projectile that pierces the creature, but the creature simply doesn't respond! It's as if it doesn't feel pain at all.](else:)[You try punching and kicking with all of your might, but the creature simply doesn't respond! It's as if it doesn't feel pain at all.]
[[Kill it with fire.->Burn it.]]
[[Jump away.]]This creature should be killed by fire. At least, it will get rid of the spores and you don't want to (if: $spores is 1)[end up like those rats, or worse, like this creature.](else:)[find out what happens if you breathe too many of them in.]
(if: $weapon is "wand")[You move a safe distance away, not a difficult feat as the monster has proven to be rather clumsy, and cast a simple ignition spell.](else:)[You grab the torch and move a safe distance away, not a difficult feat as the monster has proven to be rather clumsy, and throw the torch at it.]
(link-reveal: "The creature erupts into flames.")[== The area surrounding it is engulfed in fire with a powerful shockwave. You feel a tremor, and the floor under the monster begins to crumble.
[[Get out of the way!->Jump down?]]You narrowly avoid falling, and after the dust settles you see (unless: $weapon is "wand")[your torch, still lit next to ]a hole in the floor where the monster once was. You peer inside and see(if: $weapon is "wand")[, illuminated with your spell,] a pile of motionless rubble. The monster is nowhere to be seen.
[[Jump down.]]
[[Head back.]]The drop isn't that far down, so you jump onto the pile of rubble and make your way down onto the floor. You look around and realize from the angular, perfectly-cut stone that you're in the Dwarven ruins under the city.
Senea is built on top of an ancient Dwarven settlement, though its name has been lost to time. Maybe the Dwarves in their mountains far away remember it, but that's unlikely.
You walk aimlessly for a while, with no clear idea of where to go, when you hear a creaking sound, like a hinge on a door or chest.
[[Go towards the sound.]]You decide that you've seen enough for one day, and find your way out of the sewers. The captain of the guard greets you when you return to the guardhouse. 'So what did you find?'
(if: $spore is 1)['The missing guards were killed down there, and turned into some strange fungus monster. I managed to kill one with fire, but I didn't learn anything else,'](else:)['I found a strange fungus monster down there. I killed it, but I didn't find any signs of the missing guards,'] you tell him. He thinks for a moment then appears concerned.
'If what you say is true, then I think we may need to re-prioritize. Good work, and take this coin as today's payment. You are dismissed, guardsman.'
[[Thank you, sir!->The End.]]You move towards where the sound came from, and rounding a corner, you see an open door, with light flooding out of it. Inside the doorway, you can make out the figure of someone in a dress, seemingly in the middle of casting a spell. When she sees you, she slams the door shut and disappears.
[[After her!]]*Dearest Friend, the venerable Count Derin of Vermenne,
The Order is truly grateful for your hospitality and business, and I do hope the creature grows strong and capable in your care. We have been truly blessed with your generous patronage, and eagerly await your next transaction.
Your humble friend,
- V.E.
Verach ain Korim etyn Aerin.
P.S. - The creature may have hatched already on the way. It is a terribly long distance to your home in Senea, and it is impossible to tell how close a basiliscus egg is to hatching. Please take caution when opening the enclosed box.*
[[Interesting.]]Assuming this corpse will soon reanimate into another monster, you set it alight with (if: $weapon is "wand")[a spell](else:)[your torch]. It burns much more peacefully than the last one, and surprisingly quickly burns to dust.
[[Return to the guardhouse.->Isaac]]You run towards the door and try to open it, but it's locked shut and impossible to force open. As you step back you notice a metal plaque depicting three stars on a red field attatched to the door.
You move away further and spot the corpse of a guard, covered in a fungus that is growing incredibly quickly. The longer you look, the more it starts to resemble the monster you killed.
[[Better leave quickly.->Isaac]]
[[Burn it.->Burn the corpse.]]You find your way out of the sewers, and return to the guardhouse. (if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[Isaac](else:)[The captain of the guard] is waiting, and runs up when he sees you.
'So? What did you find?'
(link-reveal: "You recount everything that you saw.")[== The monster, the woman, the door, everything. He thinks for a moment then appears concerned.
'If what you say is true, then I think we may need to re-prioritize. Good work, and take this coin as today's payment. You are dismissed, guardsman.'
[[The End.]]'Are you alright?' you ask. He's a frail old man, and frail old people getting injured is rather worrying.
'I'm perfectly fine, thank you,' he says curtly. (if: $weapon is "wand")[He looks up and recognizes you.] (if: $weapon is "wand")['Ah, I was hoping you would visit! Come here, I need your help with something.'](else:)['Anyway, how may I help you? Potions, perhaps? Or is it ingredients you're looking for?']
[[Actually...->Helping Gilvack 1]]'I'm interested in the venom. Vranas is the most powerful paralytic venom known to exist, and I want to work on an antidote. Some people have been coming to me with an arm or leg paralyzed by vranas, and I want to see if I can make a cure! It'll be the perfect test of my skills! Will you help me?'
[[That's rather altruistic, but I'm in.->Accepted Gilvack's Offer]]
(link-reveal-goto: "I'm not so sure about this...", "Refused Adventure")[(set: $gilvackChecked to 1)]You traverse the city, and eventually reach the southern gate. Just beyond, a great plain extends as far as the eye can see. The southern road out of Senea leads up an incline atop the cliffs which drop into the Bay of El'Ris. You get a rather beautiful view as you ascend the hill and look out towards the city at the very end of the bay's inlet.
A half-hour later, you reach the woods. The main road goes through the forest and out the other end, but you're done following the road for now.
[[Now it's time to hunt.->Hunting the Ichneu]]How does one hunt an ichneu? According to (if: $weapon is "wand")[your knowledge of the creature)](else:)[what Gilvack told you], they hunt predators, live in caves, and may be drawn to roosters.
[[Find a cave.]]
[[Stalk a predator.]]
[[Imitate a rooster's cry.]]You hunt for cave openings in the forest and find a few, though most are empty and some have animals that are certainly not ichneus living in them. However, you eventually find the beast's home.
You peer inside and see the ichneu. It has a grey-green, scaly body, with dark, leathery wings. Its head is like some kind of lizard, but with a bright yellow snout that gives the impression of a bird's beak. It appears to be sleeping.
[[Sneak in.]]
[[Trap the entrance and lure it out.]]You find a suitably large animal, a bear, and proceed to stalk it for a while. Thankfully, it does not notice you. Eventually, you hear the bushes rustling as all kinds of small animals scatter. Then, the beast charges from the brush.
Its head is like that of a lizard, but with a bright yellow snout. You might have mistaken it for a beak had it not been bearing its many sharp teeth. Its body is grey-green and covered in scales, with dark leathery wings at its side. Its two feet are like those of a bird, although having five digits rather than four.
It leaps up high with a flap of its wings, bites the bear once, and although the large animal continues to fight, seconds later it falls over, still breathing, but hardly. The ichneu then starts eating the bear, even while it is still alive.
[[Attack the beast.]]
[[Sneak up on it.]]You imitate the cry of a rooster to the best of your ability. Nothing happens, but a few minutes later you hear the bushes rustling as all kinds of small animals scatter. Then, the beast emerges from the brush.
Its head is like that of a lizard, but with a bright yellow snout. You might have mistaken it for a beak had it not been bearing its many sharp teeth.
It charges you, and it's running incredibly quickly.
[[Dodge it.->Dodge 3]]
[[Stop its charge.->Block 3]]You enter the cave, extremely cautious to not make a sound. Before long, you're upon the ichneu, still fast asleep. (if: $weapon is "wand")[You raise your wand, and cast a spell. The beast's head turns around violently with a *crack*, and then falls limp.](else-if: $weapon is "sword and shield")[You raise your sword, and bring it down on the its neck. Its head comes clean off.](else:)[You inch closer to it, then grab its head and twist it as hard as you can. It wakes up for a split second, but just as its eyes open, you crack its neck and the ichneu falls limp.]
[[The beast is dead.->Hunting Success]]You gather some nearby materials and fashion a basic trap right outside the entrance to the cave.
You grab a nearby stone, and pelt it at the ichneu as hard as you can. You hear the it yelp as it wakes up, and then hide. The beast dashes out of the cave and falls right into the trap. It thrashes around but is unable to move.
With a simple snap of the neck, the ichneu is dead.
[[A successful hunt!->Hunting Success]]you evade the charge, but the ichneu quickly turns around and lunges again. You don't manage to evade this attack, and the beast bites down into your arm. You feel the venom being injected into you, and seconds later you are numb and lying on the ground, paralyzed.
The ichneu moves in to begin eating you, but then, you suddenly hear shouting from multiple people nearby, but you can't move your head to see. The ichneu runs off, and two people pick you up off the ground.
[[I'm saved.]](if: $weapon is "wand")[You put up a magical barrier, and manage to block the initial attack, but the ichneu frantically uses its teeth, claws, and wings to attack the barrier. You can't keep up and the ichneu succeeds in biting into your arm.](else-if: $weapon is "sword and shield:")[You put up your shield and block the initial attack, but the ichneu grabs the shield with one of its claws and wrenches it away. Defenseless and stunned, you are easily bitten by the beast.](else:)[You put up your guard and try to grab the ichneu by the snout, but it's faster than you. It easily bites you in the arm.] You feel the venom being injected into you, and seconds later you are numb and lying on the ground, paralyzed.
The ichneu moves in to begin eating you, but then, you suddenly hear shouting from multiple people nearby, but you can't move your head to see. The ichneu runs off, and two people pick you up off the ground.
[[I'm saved.]]You jump out of the bushes and (if: $weapon is "wand")[begin casting a spell](else:)[charge the beast], but the icnheu is faster. (if: $weapon is "wand")[It charges you as you're concentrated](else:)[It flaps its wings in your face and you're surprised by the blast of air], then it bites down on your arm. You feel the venom being injected into you, and seconds later you are numb and lying on the ground, paralyzed.
The ichneu goes back to eating the bear, and once it was apparently full, it ignores you and walks away. Minutes later, you hear shouting. A couple people pick you up off the ground.
[[I'm saved.]]The ichneu is still eating as you sneak up on it, but you accidentally step on a dry leaf, and it turns around.
(link-reveal: "*That's not good.*")[== You're not ready to attack or defend, and the beast lunges at you before you can get out of the way. It bites your arm, and you feel the venom being injected into you. Seconds later you are numb and lying on the ground, paralyzed.
The ichneu goes back to eating the bear, and once it was apparently full, it ignores you and walks away. Minutes later, you hear shouting. A couple people pick you up off the ground.
[[I'm saved.]]Carrying the ichneu's corpse, you start off towards the main road. However, you hear voices coming from nearby, and decide to investigate.
It's two men, walking through the forest talking with each other. You manage to catch a few words from one of them:
'But why? It's not our problem what she does with the ichneu once we've given it to her.'
They then move too far away for you to hear any more.
[[Interesting.->Returned the Ichneu]](unless: $weapon is "wand")[']Ichneus are a unique species. The only one known to utilize vranas, or nightlock, an extremely powerful venom that paralyzes the victim with a large enough dose. They use this venom to paralyze much larger, stronger beasts and eat them alive. The hunters of hunters, you could say. They live solitarily in small caves and only come out to hunt, although some say they are drawn to the crowing of a rooster.(unless: $weapon is "wand")[']
[[But why are you interested in this?->Helping Gilvack 4]]You quietly move away from the two men and get back on the main road. Turns out Gilvack's not the only one interested in ichneus.
You return to the city and make your way back to Gilvack's shop.
'Oh, you got it! thank you ever so much. Here, take this as payment.' He hands you a coin pouch filled with silver. 'Finally, I can properly put my skills to the test! ...And also help those people with the result, I guess. How did they get vranas injuries, anyway?'
[[Wait, how did that happen? And who else wanted that ichneu?->The End.]]'Well yes, they're very closely related. Just as lions are essentially much more dangerous cats, basilisci are much more dangerous ichneus. They're much more intelligent, and supposedly have the ability to use magic to kill by just looking at something. Although, they're so rare that there's not much evidence of this. Why do you ask?'
(link-reveal: "You explain what the hunters said.")[==
'Hmm, "when the basiliscus eats the ichneu"... I've never heard that before, but maybe there's something magical to it. Ritual magic isn't my field, so I'm not the one to ask.'
[[Well, thank you anyway.->The End.]]You're carried off somewhere in the woods, and then propped up next to a tree near a campfire. It seems you were rescued by two men, one tall with a thick beard, the other of average height and bald.
The bald man starts rummaging around in a nearby pack and produces a vial of blood-red liquid. 'What are you doing? That's our only one!' the tall man seems flustered. 'Here, just bandage that bite. We'll be fine, we won't actually need this.' The tall man groans and acquiesces, and begins cleaning and bandaging your arm. The bald man pours the liquid down your throat.
[[Will I be ok?]]The men stay near the fire, and about an hour later you start to regain feeling in your limbs. It's not long before you can move and talk again.
(link-reveal: "'Who are you?'")[== you ask, and the men rush over to you. 'Good, the antidote works. You're alright?' The bald man helps you up. 'I'm Julien, he's Alex,' he says, gesturing to the tall, bearded man. 'We're hunters, and we're after that ichneu.'
(link-reveal: "'Wait, you too? Why?'")[== You're surprised to run into other people after the ichneu. 'We're on contract from some noble girl.'
[[What does she want with it?]]'Dunno why she wants it, but she said something about her father and "when the basiliscus eats the ichneu", and some other stuff about death and trouble and whatnot. No idea what any of it means.'
'Goddamn nobles.' Alex cuts in.
'Yeah, but we're getting paid... Wait, did you say you were hunting it too?'
[[You explain the situation.]]'Oh, so you just want the venom. Well, that should be fine, we can extract some for you. You're still recovering, so wait here while we kill the beast.'
[[Alright then.]]
[[No, I'm going.]]The men leave the camp and leave you to recover. An hour or so later, they come back, Alex carrying the body of the ichneu, and Julien with a bandaged, limp arm.
(link-reveal: "'Are you alright?'")[== you ask Julien.
'Yeah, it just grazed me. That venom is something else, though. Speaking of, can you help me extract it?'
You hold the bottle steady while Julien presses the ichneu's fangs against a glass vial, extracting the venom. You actually manage to get three whole vials full.
[[Thank you.]]'Are you sure? Alright then.'
You help the two track down the beast to its lair, and find it sleeping in a small, hidden cave.
'Ok, so we'll build a trap, and then make it come out. Safe and easy.'
[[Sounds good.]]'It was no problem, and now we're all getting paid. I'm no fan of squabbling with other hunters.' Julien smiles, and Alex nods in agreement.
You leave them to pack up their camp and head back to the city. Gilvack looks rather disappointed when he doesn't see the carcass.
(link-reveal: "You explain what happened with the hunters,")[== and show him the vials of venom. His face lights back up.
'I would have liked to study the ichneu, but yes, all I need is the venom. here, take this.' He hands you a coin pouch, half-full of silver.
[[By the way, is there any relation between ichneus and basilisci?->Gilvack Explaining]]The three of you use rope, sticks, and stones to build a very nice trap right outside the entrance to the cave.
(link-reveal: "*Now to wake it up.*")[== When Julien and Alex have hidden, you toss a lit torch into the cave and run. You hear the ichneu cry out, then see it run out of the cave, right into the trap. It thrashes around but is unable to move.
Alex walks up to it, and with a simple snap of the neck, the beast is dead. Julien produces a few vials from his bag, then sets to work extracting the venom. He hands you four full vials of purple vranas.
[[Thank you.]]