(font: "Arial")[You wake up and look at the ceiling for a couple of minutes, trying to remember what happened last night while you were out drinking, this happens often to you so you are not as suprised or upset as much as you maybe should be.]
(text-color: green)[[[//Get up from bed.//|starting room]]]
(font: "Arial")[You get up from bed and take a look around you.
While this is your own house, it also feels a bit unknown because of your current state.
You decide that you should probably start with checking your phone, got to know what is going on out there.]
(text-color: green)[[[//check your phone.//|phone]]](font: "Arial")[You look at your phone and check the time, it is the 17th of December 2022 at 3:23pm, you overslept... you should really get going. But it also seems like you have received a text.]
(text-color: green)[[[//check twitter.//|twitter]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//check instagram.//|instagram]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//check text.//|text]]](font: "Arial")[You check twitter on what is going on right now, because of that fact that Elon Musk is still tweeting about some dated meme from 2009, you assume that everything is normal.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|phone]]](font: "Arial")[You check instagram and notice that your post about how hard your job as a detective in this day and age has not taken off like you thought it would, you think to yourself that maybe showing some more skin would do the trick...]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|phone]]](font: "Arial")[You check the text that you had noticed when turning on your phone, you notice that the text is actually from your boss :|, do you still want to look at the text?]
(text-color: green)[[[//check the text anyway.//|text 2]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//ignore the text and go to work.//|car]]](font: "Arial")[You check the text from your boss. It would seem that your boss is mad at you for oversleeping but this is not something new, she assures you that if it was up to her she would not let this attitude continue, but nonetheless she informs you about the large amount of jobs that have come into the office today and tells you to get there quickly.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to work.//|car]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|phone]]](font: "Arial")[You get in your car and notice that the sky has a nice blue color, you haven't seen such a nice sky in years because of the normal pollution, your mood hightens a bit because of it.
You notice that you haven't gotten anything to eat before going to work, you can't stop crime in an empty stomach! but you are already late to work and you don't really want to miss more action.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go get something to eat.//|restaurants]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to work without eating.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[You check out all the places you can go to eat, but it seems that many places are just too expensive for you :/, you could either just have some coffee and a bagel or go to work.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to the small cafe.//|cafe]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to work without eating.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[You get to work and you notice a clear lack of people at the desk, hopefully they just had a day off or something...]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to your office.//|office]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//try to look for your boss.//|boss]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//mess around, work is boring anyway.//|mess around]]](font: "Arial")[You arrive at the cafe and get your bagel and the coffee, it is way nicer than you thought it was gonna be, nice vibe and family owned, you write it down on places that you would want to revisit and go on with your day.]
[(set: $cafe = true)]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to work.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[You arrive at your office and everything seems normal... too normal, usually your boss would already be here to scald you about being late or being a lazy bum. You decide that it would probably be best to meet up with her and see what is going on afterall.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go find your boss.//|boss]]](font: "Arial")[While you are looking around the offices, you notice that many offices seem abandoned, almost like they left in a hurry..., your boss is nowhere to be found but you know she is fine since she sent you that text earlier, or at least she was.
You continue to look around and notice a note in your boss's office that you did not notice earlier. the note says as follows:
"I don't know what is going on right now, but it sounds like we are getting assaulted from the outside, I can hear many people outside and they seem to want all of us taken care of, while everything seems hopeless right now, I know that if you are still out there you can help us Markus, try your best to find out where we were taken and save us. We are countring on you.
- Elaina / your boss
After seeing all of this and not being able to help them because of your bad sleeping habits, you crunch up the note in a rage and storm out of your boss's office to look for clues immediately, you don't know how much time you got left, but knowing how such type of organizations function, you decide that you probably have 12 hours to work with, you have to work fast.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go search for clues.//|office center]]](font: "Arial")[you decide in a surge of inspiration that your job really is not worth the hassle you go through everyday. You decide that you want to do something you want to do for once.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go paint something.//|painting]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go skiing.//|skiing]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go to a casino.//|casino]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go on a road trip.//|road trip]]](font: "Arial")[You know that you do not have much time in the grand scheme of things and need to move quickly, you decide that the easiest and fastest way to get some clues is look around the office and try to figure everything out while you still can.]
(text-color: green)[[[//check your boss's office again.//|boss office]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//check your office.//|your office]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//check your coworkers offices.//|other offices]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//check the dining area.//|dining area]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//check the central area of the office.//|central area]]]
(if: $centralArea is true)[(text-color: yellow)[[[//drive your car to the warehouse.//|warehouse]]]](font: "Arial")[You leave your office space and go back home, after the sky you saw in when you were going to work, you are inspired to draw it, your drawing is spectacular and truly something describes your passion and yourself as a person. But while you were gone and creating your painting, your boss and coworkers were killed by a violent organization.]
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try to save your coworkers.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[(font: "Arial")[You decide that you want to go do something that you have never had the chance to do in your life because of your families financial situation, go skiing. You go to the nearest establishment that you find online that has skiing tracks and you spend your day learning how to skii. You enjoy learning a new skill and can't wait to try it again. But while you were gone learning how to skii, your boss and coworkers were killed by a violent organization.]
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try to save your coworkers.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[You go to a Casino in order for you to finally achieve what you have always wanted, get rich. While you do not have much left since your job of fighting crime doesn't pay you as well as you would like, you put everything on the line and pray that you come back with a profit. While things were going well at first, and you were making some good money, your recklessness and cockiness leaves you broke and out of the Casino. Oh and while you were gone to the Casino, your boss and coworkers were killed by a violent organization.]
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try to save your coworkers.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[You decide that you want to go on the road trip that you always wanted to go to with your parents but they never took you because of their own jobs. You take your dusty car that has seen better days and drive as far as you can into the horizon with no real destination, while everything seems confusing, you are happy and doing what you want to do. But while you were gone on your road trip, your boss and coworkers were killed by a violent organization.]
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try to save your coworkers.//|work]]](font: "Arial")[You check your boss's office again in order to make sure you dont miss anything.
you notice that her laptop had fallen on the floor behind her desk when you check under it.
You open the laptop and find that many parts of the investigation that were previously there in her files were deleted and placed into the trash can, seems like the thieves forgot to delete the items off of the trash can after first deleting them...
You notice that the folders that had been deleted were about an organization known as Jericho.
You think that Jericho has to be the organization behind all of this, but You still don't know where they reside and how to get there.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|office center]]]
[(set: $bossOffice = true)](font: "Arial")[You go to check your own office for any clues, but nothing seems out of the ordinary, it seems that the enemy organization did not want to mess with anything yours, maybe they wanted to avoid you at all costs.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|office center]]]
[(set: $yourOffice = true)](font: "Arial")[You check all other offices and notice that there are tags left everywhere which show a symbol of some kind.]
(if: $bossOffice is true)[because of the J letter that the symbol is based on you assume it has to do with Jericho.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|office center]]]
[(set: $otherOffice = true)](font: "Arial")[You go to the dining area in order to check for any differences that you do not normally spot, it seems like no one has been here in a long time actually, you are not suprised about that since you always seemed to be the only person that used it.]
(if: $cafe is true)[because you already has something to eat at the cafe earlier, you decide that you are not hungry]
(else:)[you grab a bagel to eat since you didn't get anything to eat before coming here]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|office center]]]
[(set: $diningArea = true)](font: "Arial")[you look around the central area of your office and notice that the whole place has been trashed and many symbols (if: $otherOffice is true)[(as you saw earlier)] are scattered around the place.
you look around a bit more and find the phone of a person left behind to still be there, it is the phone of your friend Sam from the office.
you look through Sam's phone and notice that he had been doing some investigation on the group himself, perhaps while they had barricaded themselves from the intruders since you found the phone behind a table that seemed to have been used for cover.
you find in Sam's phone that their secret hideout is outside the city in a very remote and not anymore used warehouse.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back.//|office center]]]
[(set: $centralArea = true)]{
(set: $cafe to false)
(set: $bossOffice to false)
(set: $yourOffice to false)
(set: $otherOffice to false)
(set: $diningArea to false)
(set: $centralArea to false)
}(font: "Arial")[You drive to the warehouse and notice a large amount of black SUVs outside of the building, how typical for bad guys to have black SUVs.
you park your car somewhere far away in order to not alert any guards that seem to be outside the building watching for intruders.
What is your next move?]
(text-color: green)[[[//go through the front enterance with the guards.//|front enterance]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//search for an enterance in the ceiling of the warehouse.//|ceiling]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//drive your car into the front enterance and burst through with force.//|burst through]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//try to find a way into the warehouse from the side.//|side]]](font: "Arial")[You try to walk through the front enterance.
The second you get up close to the guards they check their pocket for a picture of someone, and after glancing back at you shoot you immediately.
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try again.//|warehouse]]](font: "Arial")[You climb up to the ceiling of the warehouse through a ladder and try to look for an enterance there.
While it was a good effort, there doesn't seem to be an enterance at the top of the warehouse.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back down.//|warehouse]]](font: "Arial")[you try to burst through the front enterance of the warehouse with your car and scare away the guards while putting a big hole where the door of the warehouse used to be.
While you seem to be inside for now, you made a lot of noise and now everyone knows you are here from the sounds of the alarms going off.
You hear more guards around the corner running down the hallway]
(text-color: green)[[[//fight them off.//|fight]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//hide.//|hide]]](font: "Arial")[You look around at the side of the building outside of the vision of the guards and find a small door that they seem to have forgotten about all the way at the back of the warehouse, it seems to be rusty but with some force you open it without much trouble.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go into the warehouse//|inside]]](font: "Arial")[You decide to try to fight the guards, while you expect them all to come at you one by one just like the movies, you get overwhelmed instantly because of your lack of fighting prowess and the numbers disadvantage you are in and get killed.
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try again//|burst through]]](font: "Arial")[You decide to hide but there are many different options.
Where will you hide behind?]
(text-color: green)[[[//hide behind a small crate.//|small crate]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//hide behind a lamp.//|lamp]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//hide inside a barrel.//|barrel]]](font: "Arial")[You open the first door with the voices coming from behind of it and see your boss tied to a chair trying to recover from a hit to the head, you also see the rest of your coworkers in the back also tied to chairs. While you try to step closer in order to untie your boss from her chair, she suddendly wakes up and notices you there.
While trying not to make much noise your boss points out to you a shadow behind a doorway with a cloth covering it.
While you are not sure what your boss wants you to do, you know you have to go through the doorway to put an end to all of this.
You go through the door and see a person that you don't instantly recognise working on some kind of machine, but they seem familiar to you.
After moving closer, you accidently step on a button on the floor which makes a huge noise, alerting the person on the table.
After they turn around you notice that it is actually the person that was running the cafe you (if: $cafe is true)[went to earlier that day.] (else:)[wanted to go to earlier that day]
After you ask them why they are doing all of this, they respond with saying that if (if: $cafe is true)[you had given them a good rating on yelp none of this would've happened] (else:)[you had gone to eat at their restaurant today none of this would've happened].
Finally you fight the owner of the Cafe, after a long and virtuous battle with such an old person, you come out victorious and save your boss and your coworkers through the side door of the warehouse.
You saved your coworkers and your boss! :D]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back to the doors.//|inside]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back to the beginning.//|start]]](font: "Arial")[You open the door with no voices coming from inside.
Everything is dark and you can't see anything, after a while though some lights turn on and you notice that there is a red dot on your forehead.
You duck away from the bullet just in time and hide behind a crate nearby to regain your composure.
What will you do?]
(text-color: green)[[[//try to confront the sniper.//|sniper]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//try to run away from the room.//|run away]]](font: "Arial")[You try to hide behind the small crate.
While everything is going well at first and they can't seem to find you because of the dim lighting, because of the way you are hiding behind such a small object, your back eventually gives out because of your bad posture while playing videogames and you shout out in pain, revealing your position, and getting shot.]
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try again.//|hide]]](font: "Arial")[You try to hide behind a lamp just like you had seen in cartoons when you were younger, but your physique does not help your situation in the slightest and you are figured out instantly and shot and killed, maybe no more chips for you...
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try again.//|hide]]](font: "Arial")[You decide to hide behind a barrel.
The barrel seems to be the exact right size for you to hide inside of if you try hard enough. With a bit of struggling you fit inside just in time and are not figured out by the guards.]
(text-color: green)[[[//move forward.//|inside]]](font: "Arial")[While you are sneaking around the place, you notice how dimmly lit the place is and continue through following the voices that are echoing though the warehouse.
Finally you end up at a wall with two doors side by side.
One door has voices echoing on the other side, while the other doesn't.
Which door will you take?]
(text-color: green)[[[//door with voices behind it.//|door 1]]]
(text-color: green)[[[//door without voices.//|door 2]]](font: "Arial")[You try to confront the sniper and after noticing that you don't know where the sniper is and that you do not really have a weapon yourself, you are kind of just stuck there trying to dodge bullets, kind of impossible don't you think?
You are shot and killed by the sniper.
You failed to save them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back and try again.//|door 2]]](font: "Arial")[You run away from the crate you were hiding behind of and notice that there is another dot on your forehead.
Because of your quick thinking you roll forward when the sniper shoots and you dodge the bullet while making a run for the door.
You are saved for now, but you still have to save your boss and your coworkers.]
(text-color: green)[[[//go back to the doors.//|inside]]]