March 2011: protests broke out against Bashar Al Assad in your home country of (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"Syria")[
What was hoped to be a short period of civil instability stretched into days, with protestors demanding democratic reforms. It looked like it could (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"work.")[=
You have managed to keep out of the action, fearing for your safety, especially since protests have been particularly violent in your home city of Daraa. However, on April 25th 2011, your friend asks you to join him at the protests. You do want a more democratic country, and more transperancy. However, things have been growing increasingly towards the overthrow of the government.
(t8n-time:1s)[[Go to the protests->Went to the protest]]
(t8n-time:1s)[[Stay home->Watched on TV]]]The atmosphere is tense as tens of thousands pour into the streets demanding the ousting of Bashar Al Assad. Something seems off however(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:0.75s)+(link-reveal:"...")[
You hear a crack. Then screams. More cracks. You see soldiers on the roofs with guns. Your friend starts running(t8n-time:0.75s)+(link-reveal:"...")[=
You hear a crack go right over your ear. Your friend suddenly collapses on the ground.
(t8n-depart:"dissolve")+(t8n-arrive:"flicker")+(t8n-time:0.75s)[[Help him->Help friend]]
(t8n-depart:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:0.75s)[[Keep running->Run from your friend]]]You decided to watch on TV, as you idely do household chores, as you have done for (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"days.")[
suddenly you hear yelling and the reporter speaking frantically from the tv. You rush to look and hear the reporter yelling about gunshots. You can briefly see a dead body. Is that your friend?
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Call your friend->Call your friend]]]You run to help your friend. Something hits your chest, knocking you over. It (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"hurts.")[
You can't breath. You see blood on your chest. You don't think it is your friends. Everything is fading.]You start running. You never asked for this. You never thought the government would do this. Suddenly you trip and (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"fall")[
You barely realize you fell over another victim before someone runs and steps on you in their panic. As you try to get up you are stepped on again and again. As you fight to try to get up, it slowly dawns on you that you will be trampled to death.]You call your friend in a panic. It can't be him. He must have gotten out.
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link:"Call your friend")[
You call your friend. There is no answer.
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link:"Call again")[You call him again. There is no answer. The news isn't saying anything. The cellphone networks are overwhelmed. He'll get back to you eventually.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Keep Calling->Keep calling]]]]After hours of calling, your friends mailbox is full. The news isn't saying anything. You realize your friend is dead. The reality of the situation (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"sets in.")[
Your friend is dead. The government killed him. His kids are orphans now. You have to leave, this city obviously isn't safe anymore. (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"Where can you go?")[
You realize your uncle has a small apartment in Aleppo. He has left the country and gave you the keys, and warned you to leave before it gets bad. You should have listened.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Take your friend's kids and go->Journey to Aleppo ]]]]You take your friends kids and leave. They aren't old enough to comprehend what's happening. One is a toddler. Another is 4. The last one is 6. They don'y understand what is (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"happening.")[
You arrive in Aleppo in your uncles apartment. Aleppo is a large city. You should be safe (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"here.")[
Then everything changed in (t8n-time:1.5s)[[December.->December]]]]
There is a knock on your door. You see several men armed with rifles saying they are paramilitarys fighting against the government. They ask you do donate food and supplies for the cause. You get the sense they aren't asking.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Refuse to give your food->Refused to give food]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Give them your food->How much?]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Their leader says "I don't think you understand correctly. It is not a request"
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Keep Refusing->You refuse again]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Give Food->How much?]]How much can you give?
(link: "1 weeks worth of food") [(set: $weeks_of_food_given to 1)(goto: "They investigate")->They investigate]
(link: "2 weeks worth of food") [(set: $weeks_of_food_given to 2)(goto: "They investigate")->They investigate]
(link: "3 weeks worth of food") [(set: $weeks_of_food_given to 3)(goto: "They investigate")->They investigate]
(link: "4 weeks worth of food") [(set: $weeks_of_food_given to 4)(goto: "They investigate")->They investigate]The leader slams the but of his rifle into your stomach as the other soldiers rush in and ransack the house. They search for and take any food they find.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[What now?->No food]]The soldiers took all of the food.
(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)
Food has been getting scare in the city lately. You thought you and your friends family would be safe here, but it is becoming increasingly clear that this isn't true.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go out and find food->Week 1]]You offer $weeks_of_food_given weeks worth of food to them(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"...")[=
The soldier thinks about your offer. He says he will check make sure you're contributing your share.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Don't let them in->You refuse again]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Let them in->No food]]
You realize this isn't the same Syria you grew up in. Due to the nature of the conflict, you will have to scavenge for food. You realize it's too risky to go out more than once a week. As the conflict is worsening, the red cross has been providing food shipments at a collection site. Additionally, some sites of the city have been experiencing heavy fighting, and have been mostly abandoned.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go to the Red Cross For Supplies->Red cross week 1]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Explore no man's land->No mans land week 1]]You go to the Red Cross distribution station. It is a scene of pandemonium, with people grabbing what they can, and workers trying to keep order.
(link: "Grab one weeks rations as told") [(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 1)(goto: "Week 2") -> Return home]
(link: "Grab as much as you can and run") [(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 2)(goto: "Week 2") -> Return home]You walk around no mans land. It is a scene of chaos, with cars in the streets. Some with bulletholes, some burning. It looks like fighting took place here recently. As you walk, you suddenly collapse and hear the thump of a high powered (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"rifle.")[
You realize your leg has been shot. You start to crawl but don't make it (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"far.")[
You were one of the many civilians mistaken by both sides for paramilitaries, and killed for it.] ]You get back with the food you recieved from the Red Cross.
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food is 1)[You Managed to secure enough food for this week.] (if:$weeks_worth_of_food is 2)[You managed to secure enough food for 2 weeks]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Continue to next week->Week 2]](set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)
You have $weeks_worth_of_food weeks worth of food left
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food > 0)[There is enough food for you to avoid going out for food if you would like.]
(else:) [You need to go out for food or else you and the kids will start to starve]
You hear reports of increased violence across the city. Looting is rampant. The Syrian army has abandoned some territory after a heavy rebel offensive.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Stay in this week->Week 3]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Venture out->Venture out week 2]]
(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)
(set: $children_starving to 0)
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)]
You have $weeks_worth_of_food weeks worth of food left.
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $children_starving to it + 1)]
(if:$children_starving is 1)[The children are starting to go hungry.]
(if:$children_starving is 2)[The children are starving. If you don't find food soon, they will die. You are also painfully hungry.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Is it humane for them to live like this?->Kill kids choice]]]
A coalition of western countries has joined the war, hammering the Syrian government with punishing airstrikes. The fighting has slowed down, however, civilians are unfortunately being killed by airstrikes
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Stay in->Week 4]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go to destroyed Red Cross site->Destroyed Red Cross Site]]
(if: ((history: where it is "Beg")'s length is 0) and ($children_starving > 0))[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Beg->Beg]]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Helicopter crash site->Helicopter crash site]]
You go out to find food. The city is increasingly unstable. You should be careful. You narrow down your choices to abandoned apartments in the conflict area, a grocery store, or a gas station.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Grocery Store->Grocery Store Week 2]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Abandoned military apartments->Abandoned military apartments week 2]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Gas station->Week 2 gas station]]You go to the grocery store to try and find some sort of supplies. It likely has already been ransacked, but maybe you can find some (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"tidbits.")[
As you arrive, you see a local gang controls the store. They are selling product at excorbiant prices you can't afford.
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link:"Ask for charity")[They tell you to fuck off, and that there are no handouts here.]
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link:"Leave")[You walk away from the grocery store. You sense that they likely would have mugged you had you not already been destitute.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Week 3]]]]You decide to go to the abandoned military apartments. You are torn between risk venturing out in broad daylight, or walking through the potentially perilous apartments at night.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go during the day->Week 2 Apartments daytime]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go at night->Week 2 apartments night]]You find a weeks supply of food and not much else. You were lucky to get here when you did, as the place is completely ransacked.
(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it + 1)
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Leave->Week 3]]The situation seems horrible, and you consider killing the kids. They are suffering and starving. Is this what your friend would have wanted? Is this what he would have done? Are you saving them from a horrible death? Are you a monster?
(link-undo:"You can't do this.")+(t8n-time:1.5s)
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Kill the kids->Kill kids]]Supposed to be a text box for players to confirm by typing in a phrase. Is an alternative to letting the kids starve to death.The apartments are in absolute ruin. Some are completely destroyed, and some are severely damaged. You manage to avoid being seen and find a stable one to (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"scavenge.")[
You do not find food, but find a dead rebel fighter. You narrowly avoid a tripwire leading into the room he lies in. You take the gun and ammunition. It may be useful to defend yourself with.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Week 3]]
(set: $armed to true)]
You stumble around the apartments blindely at night. Even with a flashlight, it is impossibly dark and you stumble blindely around the street before finding a building to (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"scavenge.")[
You stumble through the building, trying to find supplies. You see a dead soldier into a gun and stumble into the room. Due to the darkness, you do not see the tripwire linked to an explosive. As you enter the room, you break the wire. The resulting explosion kills you.]You go to the Red Cross site, and it is in complete ruin. Judging by the bodies (or at least what is left of them) it seems the Red Cross site was hit by an airstrike. It seems to have been abandoned and picked clean. Ypu do manage to find some toys. The children will be happy.
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link:"Search dead bodies?")[You perform the disgusting task of searching through the remains strewn about the site. You manage to find a key to a car that has food. Most of it is spoiled, but you do find 2 weeks worth of food.
(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it + 1)]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Week 4]]
You beg for food in the street. People take sympathy on you and give you 1 weeks worth of food. Resources are scarce, and it is unlikely people will be this generous in the future.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Week 4]](set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)
(set: $children_starving to 0)
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)]
You have $weeks_worth_of_food weeks worth of food left.
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $children_starving to it + 1)]
(if:$children_starving is 1)[The children are starting to go hungry.]
(if:$children_starving is 2)[The children are starving. If you don't find food soon, they will die. You are also painfully hungry.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Is it humane for them to live like this?->Kill kids choice]]]
(if: ((history: where it is "Beg")'s length is 0) and ($children_starving > 0))[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Beg->Beg]]]
(if: (history: where it is "Robbery")'s length is 0 and $armed is true and (history: where it is "Beg")'s length is 0)[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Rob people->Robbery]]]
Rebels have been recently active in the area, trying to win over the populace. They have been targeting gangs and setting up mutal aid centers.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Stay home->Stayed home during robbery]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Rebel aid center->Rebel aid center]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Grocery store->Grocery store week 4]]You walk to the burning remains of a crashed helicoper. You decide to rummage through it to look for food. You find a box of high calorie meals in the helicopter. If you ration these, these will last you for 2 weeks. As you walk away, the helicopter bursts into flames. You were lucky to leave when you did.
(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it + 2)
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Week 4]]Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)
(set: $children_starving to 0)
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)]
You have $weeks_worth_of_food weeks worth of food left.
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $children_starving to it + 1)]
(if:$children_starving is 1)[The children are starting to go hungry.]
(if:$children_starving is 2)[The children are starving. If you don't find food soon, they will die. You are also painfully hungry.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Is it humane for them to live like this?->Kill kids choice]]]
The fighting has come to you. There is gunfire outside of your apartment almost constantly. You can not leave for food. You must stay home.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Hope for the best->Week 6]]The rebels have set up an aid center similar to the Red Cross. However, you notice that unlike the Red Cross, these men have guns.
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"Take 1 weeks worth of food")[
You take one weeks worth of food.
(t8n-time:1.5s)+(link:"Ask for more")[You are told politely but firmly that you will not be given anymore.]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Robbed]]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Grab more and run->Tried to run]]
You go to the grocery store to see if the rebels had cleared the local gang out. It seems like they have, and taken the food the gang had with them.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go Home->Robbed]]Unlike the Red Cross, the rebels have no problem shooting a thief. You are shot and killed.While you were away, a group of armed men broke into your house. They held the children at gunpoint and took all the food.
(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[This is a disaster->Week 5]](if: $armed is true)[Looters break in and steal food. You manage to repel them, but they still managed to get away with a few bags of food.](set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)(if: $weeks_worth_of_food < 1)[(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0) Even though you tried to fight them off, the looters managed to escape with the little food you have left] (else:) [The looters hold you at knifepoint while they take all your food. You are left with nothing]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[What shall I do now?->Week 5]](set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)
(set: $children_starving to 0)
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)]
You have $weeks_worth_of_food weeks worth of food left.
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $children_starving to it + 1)]
(if:$children_starving is 1)[The children are starting to go hungry.]
(if:$children_starving is 2)[The children are starving. If you don't find food soon, they will die. You are also painfully hungry.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Is it humane for them to live like this?->Kill kids choice]]]
By some miracle, you nor the kids were hurt by last weeks fighting. The regime has escalated its airstrikes, using tactics some would deem crimes against humanity.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go to the Rebel Aid Site->Aid Site Week 6]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go to town square->Town square]]You hope to get some more food from the aid site, if it still exists. On your way there, you see a jet overhead and an (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"explosion...")[
As you walk over, you see emergency workers swarming to the scene. It's a horrific scene. You need the food, but what if the jet comes back?]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Get food->Double tap attack]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go home->Week 7]]There was once a market in the town square, and there is a bustling community in the surrounding area. As you arrive you see people writhing on the ground in pain, screaming. There is no apparent explosion or violence.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Help them->Nerve Gas]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Scavenge from their bodies->Nerve Gas]]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Run Home->Week 7]]As you try to scavenge whatever you can find. You hear the whooshing of a jet and an explosion throws you off your feet. You force yourself up and try to stumble out of the town square. Another explosion finishes you off. You have become victim to a practice known as double tap attacks, where bombings are staggered in order to kill emergency personal responding to the attacks.(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to it - 1)
(set: $children_starving to 0)
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $weeks_worth_of_food to 0)]
You have $weeks_worth_of_food weeks worth of food left.
(if:$weeks_worth_of_food < 0)[(set: $children_starving to it + 1)]
(if:$children_starving is 1)[The children are starting to go hungry.]
(if:$children_starving is 2)[The children are starving. If you don't find food soon, they will die. You are also painfully hungry.]
(if:$children_starving is 3)[(go-to: 'Kids starve')]
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Is it humane for them to live like this?->Kill kids choice]]]
You try to look for a place to go out. You try to bring yourself to. But you can't. You can't face the horrors outside of your apartment any longer. You stay inside.
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Stay inside->Kids starve]]You run over to the nearest person and lean over them. As you touch their body, an incredible pain overwhelms you. It feels as if your whole body is on fire. You fade in and out of (t8n-time:1.5s)+(link-reveal:"consciousness.")[
You fade in and out from the pain. You see a medical worker try to help a child lying in front of you. He too collapses. You have been one of the many victims of nerve gas attacks during the war.]You watched the kids starve. You are wracked with guilt. Did you do enough? Were you unable to save them? Or were you just unwilling to do what is needed. It will be much easier to scavenge for food now that there is only one mouth to feed. The events of the past months however, will scar you for the rest of your life.