by Jacob Low
[[Begin.]]//"Go put your books back inside then."//
You neatly stack the books and carry them inside.
When you get to your room you realize there is enough room in your backpack to hold the books.
Put the books back in your [[Room]] as you were told.
Put them in your [[Backpack]] and bring them anyways{(set: $Books to true)
(set: $Skateboard to false)}
Your Dad tells you to put your skateboard back in the garage.
//"Go put your skateboard back inside then."//
You grab your skateboard and put it back in your room.
When you get back out, you hop in the [[Car]].{(set: $Skateboard to true)
(set: $Books to false)}
You throw the books on your bed and walk back downstairs.
You get in the [[Car]].{(set: $Books to true)
(set: $Skateboard to true)}
Your quickly stuff the books into your backpack.
You quickly run outside and hop in the [[Car]].*Its a four hour car ride to get to the lake house.*
Ask your parents [["Are we there yet?"]] every thirty minutes.
(if: $Books is true)[Silently [[read]] your book during the car ride]*Your parents are annoyed*
When you arrive at the lake house, they make you unload everything from the car.
You see your cousins having fun jumping off the dock, but you quietly finish unloading.
You [[make trips from the car to the house]].*The car ride goes by quickly.*
You arrive at the lake house and see all your cousins jumping off the dock into the lake.
You ask your parents if you can go have [[fun]]. *Everyone is done swimming by the time you finish.*
You see your favorite cousin Brandon.
(if: $Skateboard is true)[Ask Brandon if he [[wants to try your skateboard]].]
(if: $Books is true)[Ask Brandon if he [[wants to read]].]*They say yes!*
You quickly change into your bathing suit and run to the end of the dock.
*All of your cousins want to see someone do a front flip off the dock.*
[[Step up and try to do a front flip]].
Tell your [[favorite cousin Brandon to do it]].Your Aunt Sophie invites you to sit next to her and your Grandma.
[[Pretend you didn't hear]] her and sit with your cousins.
[[Politely decline]] her invitation.
[[Accept]] her invitation.{(set: $Brandon to true)
(set: $count = $count + 1)}
You slowly approach the edge of the dock and everyone begins counting down.
Your heart is racing, and you fling yourself off the edge of the dock. You feel your feet break the surface, and you hear all your cousins cheering when your come up!
You are overwhelmed with high fives and applause.
Your hear your uncle call from the house that it is time for [[family dinner]].{(set: $Brandon to false)
*Everyone begins chanting his name.*
//"Brandon! Brandon! Brandon!"//
*Brandon's face turns red, and he glares at you for putting him on the spot. He curses at you under his breath and runs inside.*
You hear your uncle call from the house that it is time for [[family dinner]].{(set: $AuntAndGrandma to false)}
You walk past your aunt and sit with your cousins.
You overhear your aunt talking to your grandma.
//"Children are so obnoxious nowadays."//
You have a fun time [[eating with your cousins]].{(set: AuntAndGrandma to true)}
You expain to your Aunt and Grandma that you are going to sit with your cousins.
*She makes you promise to play a game with them after dinner.*
You have a fun time [[eating with your cousins]].{(set: $AuntAndGrandma to true)
(set: $count = $count + 1)}
You have a long and tedious conversation with your Aunt and Grandma over dinner.
//"So how school?"
"You're a very handsome young man!"
"I've been meaning to ask you about my computer. I can't get the darn thing to turn on! Think you can take a look at it tomorrow?"//
You endure the countless questions because it seems to make them happy.
*After dinner your grandpa invites you to go on a walk with him.*
Make up an [[excuse]] to get out of the walk.
Go on the [[walk]].You tell your grandpa you already have plans for the night.
*He is very disappointed.*
Give in and go on the [[walk]].
[[Walk away]].{(set: $Grandpa to true)
(set: $count = $count + 1)}
You end up walking aroung the entire lake with your Grandpa, and listen to his interesting old stories about when he was your age.
//"When I was your age I was working out on the farm every day after school."
"There was an old pond a few kilometers away from the lake house. It where everyone would go to have fun. Unfortunatly, it has been consumed by plants and graffiti!"//
After the walk you both head back to the [[house]].After dinner your grandpa invites you to go on a walk with him.
(if: $AuntAndGrandma is true)[Tell him you already told your grandma and aunt you would [[play games]] with them. He is disappointed.]
(if: $AuntAndGrandma is true)[{(set $AuntAndGrandma to false)}Agree to go on the [[walk]] and forget about the promise you made your aunt.]
(if: $AuntAndGrandma is false)[Make up an [[excuse]] to get out of the walk.]
(if: $AuntAndGrandma is false)[Go on the [[walk]].]{(set: $Grandpa to false)}
You head back towards the house.
//Thump... Crash//
You trip and knock over a vase in the family room.
*It shatters on the floor.*
Go find your parents and [[Come clean]].
[[Pretend it wasn't you]].As you walk in everyone is in the living room talking.
[[Join the conversation]].
[[Go to your room]].{(set: $Grandpa to false)
(set: $AuntAndGrandma to true)
(set: $count ++)}
You go find your aunt and grandma.
*They don't care what game to play, so you decide.*
[[Uno]]{(set: $Parents to true)
(set: $count = $count + 1)}
You go find your parents and tell them what happened.
It turns out the vase was cheap, but they still make you help clean up the mess.
They are proud you told told the truth.
When you are finished cleaning you [[go to bed]].(if: $Brandon is false)[
{(set: $Parents to false)}
Thirty minutes later you are called back to the living room. Your cousin Brandon saw you break the vase and told your parents.
*They are very upset that you didn't tell the truth.*
Your parents make you clean the mess up by yourself and ground you for a week when you get back home.
You to go to your room and [[go to bed]].]
(if: $Brandon is true)[
{(set: $Parents to true)}
Thirty minutes later you are called back to the living room. Your cousin Brandon saw you break the vase, but didn't tell on you.
You are in the clear.
You go to your room and [[go to bed]].]{(set: $Parents to false)}
You go to your room and play on your phone for an hour instead of visiting family.
*Your parents are disappointed.*
Eventually you [[go to bed]].You have a fun time playing Clue.
*It is your aunt favorite game, so she has a great time as well.*
Your aunt wins the game.
Everyone comes into the living room to eat snacks and talk.
[[Join the conversation]].
[[Go to your room]].You have a fun time playing Uno.
*It is your favorite game, so you enjoy it more than your aunt or grandma.*
You win the game.
Everyone comes into the living room to eat snacks and talk.
[[Join the conversation]].
[[Go to your room]].{(set: $Parents to true)
(set: $count = $count + 1)}
You sit down on the couch next to your cousins and have a fun time listening to family stories.
//"Your uncle used to suck his thumb all the time! He was nearly five years old by the time he stopped!"
"Have you guys ever heard the story about the old blue truck?"//
Your parents are glad to see you are having fun.
When everyone is done talking you go back to your room and [[go to bed]].GAME OVER!
(if: $count is 4)[You flawlessly navigated the family reunion!
(else:)[You messed up... Better luck next year!
Pissed off relatives:
(if: $Brandon is false)[Brandon]
(if: $AuntAndGrandma is false)[Aunt and Grandma]
(if: $Grandpa is false)[Grandpa]
(if: $Parents is false)[Parents]]Your parents gather everyone in the living room and ask anyone if they broke the vase.
You tell them you [[don't know]] who broke it.{(set: $Brandon to true)}
*Brandon thinks skateboarding is super cool and agrees to skate with you.*
You teach Brandon how to ollie, and he admires your skills.
You hear your uncle call everyone for the [[family dinner]].{(set: $Brandon to false)}
*Brandon thinks reading is super lame and calls you a nerd.*
[[Walk away to read by yourself.]]An hour passes.
You hear your uncle call everyone for the [[family dinner]].{(set: $count = 0)}
//"It's time to wake up!"//
You hear your mother call for you from the kitchen, and you slowly roll out of bed.
You were planning to spend the last weekend of summer vacation hanging out with your friends, but yesterday you were informed that attendence to the annual family reunion was non-negotiable.
You walk down stairs and see your Dad packing the car.
//"There isn't enough room for your skateboard and your books bud."//
Bring the [[Skateboard]].
Bring the [[Books]]