] ________________________________________________________________________
One scientist named Luna takes off to join an expedition team studying Beluga Whale migration patterns along the west coast of Alaska.
(text-colour:#a61e4d)[''THEN DISASTER STRIKES!'']
What started as a simple two person plane ride turns into a desperate fight for survival.
Stuck in the middle of no-where and alone in Grizzly Bear territory do you have what it takes to keep Luna alive and lead her to safety??
(text-colour:#c5f6fa)[[[//YES LETS DO THIS!//|START]]]
(text-colour:#c5f6fa)[[[//Sounds like work.//|GameOver]]]
''Snow falls onto Luna's face waking her up. Her frozen eyelids hurt to open. The sound of flowing water next to her knocks her into full consciousness.
She sits up fast noticing shes laying on the end of a river bank.
Luna starts to feel dizzy as she realizes she was in a plane crash!
She tries to stand but her ankle stops her from doing so. ''
[[//Limps to the plane to find the radio she saw the pilot using before they crashed.//|Plane]]
[[//Curl up next to a tree close by.//|Tree]]
[[>Look into the forest.< Luna thinks she hears a cry for help thinking it could be the pilot!|Forest]]
(set: $counter to 30)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "Plane", "Tree", "Forest"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
game over.''
[[//Leave me!//|INTRO Storyline]]
<img src = "https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/71/01/d57101ac044e1beeecfed9fa6224602e.jpg">Rocks and tall grass are beginning to overtake the trail leading up to the wreckage.
The [[tail]] of the plane is just up ahead.
<img src="https://media.cdn.lexipol.com/article-images/AP_18323703142196.jpg?w=1600&format=jpg&quality=87&crop=203%2C0%2C1277%2C719">Luna was able to drag herself up against the tree.
Her ankle begins to throb and shocks of pain make her feel dizzy. She knows dragging her foot made it worse. She needs to make a splint soon!
Luna is scared the pain will cause her to pass out before she can build a fire or see whats around her.
[[She looks up towards the sun as it begins to set.|Sunset]]
<img src = "https://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/13912847/thumb/1.jpg">(text-colour:white)[''Luna has been running for 3 hours now.
There's no sign of civilization...
She begins to wonder if the cry for help was a trick of the trees. It's getting dark and she doesn't know what direction she came from.
She needs to ''get dry ''and ''find shelter''.'' ]
[(text-colour:#fab005)[''4 HOURS UNTIL DARK'']]
(text-colour:#FF1493)[[[[//What should Luna do?!//|Realization]]]]Luna finally makes it to the cockpit hoping the radio hasn't been destroyed.
//"Where did he put it??"// Luna asks herself repeatedly as she rips apart every inch of the place.
//"WHERE IS IT!!!"//
Luna's ankle begins to hurt her. She decides to take a break; grabbing the knife she found under the pilots seat and cutting the seat belt next to her to use as a tie for her splint.
She needs to decide what to use as a splint...
[[>Looks down.< |compartment]]
<img src = "https://www.novinite.com/media/images/2019-01/photo_verybig_194468.jpg">''The sun has dissapeared behind the mountains and the temperature begins to drop drastically.
Luna's wet clothes begin to become dangerously cold. She fears she'll die of hypothermia if she can't build a fire soon.
She looks at the [[ground]] around her for anything flamable.''Luna finds some pine needles and pushes them into a large pile hoping to use it as a fire base.
She begins to collect dry twigs, small branches, and pine cones; adding them ontop of her base.
Luna starts looking for two dryish rocks when...
<img src = "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/k0C3GkZIzmo/maxresdefault.jpg">The sound of something walking in the distance becomes more clear.
She knows she needs to build a fire soon to scare off anything coming towards her.
[[//Grabs two rocks and begins to rub them together to get a spark going.//|Spark]]
[[//Throws stones in the direction of the sound.//|Stone]]
[[//Let's the materials dry and yells every five minutes.//|Warrior Crys]]
(set: $counter to 20)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "Spark", "Stone", "Warrior Crys"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]''Luna begins to rub the rocks together frantically as the she hears the howls of wolves in the mountains across the valley.
''Her imagination begins to run wild as the creature in the distance stopped moving and she hears animals all around her.
[[//She cries as the sparks show but the ground is too wet that they die fast.....//|give up]]
[[//She puts more pine needles on the pile and hits the rocks harder. //|fire]]
(set: $counter to 20)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "Plane", "Tree", "Forest"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]''Luna throws a couple stones in the direction she heard the twigs cracking.
After a couple throws her arm starts to hurt...she's too weak.
[[//She decides to not waste any more energy and get some rest.//|give up]]
~Luna yells repeatedly
(text-colour:#e8590c)[2 HOURS PASS]
She stops yelling once her throat starts to hurt.
She begins shivering as temperatures start to drop faster...
//"I need to get warm or I won't make it through the night."//
As she trys to get a fire going she starts to feel how weak her body is....
[[//She decides to keep trying to get a spark going. //|fire]]
[[//She decides it's best to save what ever energy she has left.//|give up]]
(set: $counter to 20)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "fire", "give up"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](text-colour:cyan)[//''The pilot has been decapitated''//]
Luna starts to have a panic attack realizing she's all alone!
[[//Runs out of the cockpit into an open field and screams for help! //|open field]]
[[//Turns around and throws up. Begins to cry and hold her body while she breathes slowly. //|Cockpit]]
(set: $counter to 20)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "Cockpit", "open field"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](text-colour:black)[//''This Can't be happening omg no no no I cant be alone!! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE HELLLLPPPPPP!!!''//
Luna is so focused on her situation she completely forgets about her injury!
She runs throughout the open field looking for any signs of civilization...][[but]] (text-colour:red)[As Luna gets closer to the tail she notices a very distinct red tint. ]
(text-colour:red)[There's blood everywhere!]
(text-colour:red)[Luna begins to follow a trail of] [[blood]].
(text-colour:red)[She notices it gets thicker as she finally finds the source....]
Luna notices a small compartment.
She bends down and moves a metal plate to the side.
Inside is the pilots duffel bag with some athletic compression socks, a snow jacket, some long johns, gloves, and a hydroflask.
(text-colour:cyan)[''//"YES CLOTHES. The compression socks will help my ankle."//
Now to find some [[materials]].
<img src = "https://cdn.thewirecutter.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Duffel-Bags_lowres-91.jpg">(text-colour:white)[''Luna places the pile closer to the tree hoping it'll help it dry up.
She folds her legs closer to her body crying with her arms up ready to defend herself....
Lunas body begins shivering, she feels her hands fumbling, and she starts to feel exhausted and drowsy.
She knows these are signs of hypothermia AND she doesn't have much longer before she starts hallucinating.''
(text-colour:cyan)[[[//way to start a long first night.....//|Hypothermia]]]
She sees a couple sparks fall onto the pile and before they can go out she cuffs her hands together and softly blows.
(text-colour:#e8590c)[3 MINUTES LATER]
Now she can relax and get warm reducing her chances of hypothermia.
//"Tomorrow I'll go find some help."//
[[//Luna lays down next the fire and dozes off.//|BLAZE]]
<img src = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Et_baal.jpg/340px-Et_baal.jpg">(text-colour:#f59f00)[''''''Three hours have passed'''' '']and the shivering has stopped but Luna has begun hallucinating.
she begins to show signs of:
''Extreme confusion (Luna begins to think shes in the desert and hot so she starts removing her clothes and lays naked in the snow.)
She begins to doze off thinking shes sun bathing by a pool back in Santa Cruz.
Her pulse starts to become weak and irregular.
Her breathing becomes slow and shallow.''
(text-colour:#f59f00)[''Two hours later: '']
[[//Luna has fallen alseep into a coma resulting in death.//|GameOver]]
<img src = "https://brigitdelaney.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Frigid-Image-1024x683.jpg">[[//Luna knows she needs water and make a splint fast.//|Find Water]]
[[//Luna finds some good size logs and some dry patches that'll be good for a fire.//|Fire]]
[[//Luna knows a cave is her best bet.//|Cave]]
(set: $counter to 19)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "Find Water", "Fire", "Cave"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]She travles backwards for two hours trying to get to the water source.
(text-colour:#e8590c)[''1 HOUR LATER'']
''//"This is pointless"// she starts to say...when suddenly //"WAIT I HEAR IT"//''
''She runs towards the sound of flowing water! ''
She finds the water and gets on all fours. Starts [[drinking as much water as she can.]]
<img src = "https://img3.goodfon.com/wallpaper/nbig/1/ba/winter-snow-forest-river-zima.jpg">Luna has eventually made it to the cave after traveling for two hours.
As she looks up she realizes she's going to have to climb for survival.
//"It's much higher than I remember..but it's safe"//
(text-colour:orange)[10 MIN LATER]
[[//"Alright here we go...."//|Climb]]
<img src = "https://i.pinimg.com/originals/58/ac/3f/58ac3f9e3ff4d6f0eeea8e46e55607a9.jpg">[''Cold breezes woosh Luna's hair agaisnt her face
Owls are hooing in trees around her letting her know it's now nightfall...
While she tries to force herself up she hears wolves howling across the valley.''
''//"They aren't far."//
She needs to figure out a game plan...]
(text-colour:cyan)[[[//Luna takes her shoe off and uses the lace to tie to sticks against her ankle to snap it back in place.//|Tail]]
[[//She decides to lay perfectly still.//|Attack]]]
(set: $counter to 20)
You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it -1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: (either: "Tail", "Attack"))]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]She made it back to the tail!!! AND IN ONE PIECE!
She rubs two rocks together over and over again until....
she can finally dry her wet clothes and get warm.
But(text-colour:lime)[ FIRST ]she has to decide what to do with the pilots body before the wolves come for the bloody carcass.
[[//drag the body far away from the plane.//|grave]]
[[//Bury the body outside the plane.//|bury]]
<img src="https://media.cdn.lexipol.com/article-images/AP_18323703142196.jpg?w=1600&format=jpg&quality=87&crop=203%2C0%2C1277%2C719">''Luna lays still looking up into the stars hoping the wolves go away
The howls only get louder and closer as time passes
She begins to breath harder and harder //"Oh please go away please please"//
''she is laying defenseless and injured. ''SUDDENLY SHE HEARS THE ALPHA LESS THAN 3 FEET AWAY! ''
''(text-colour:black)[She drags the body a safe distance from the plane.
But decides its not ok to leave him out there without a proper burial.]''
(text-colour:#d9480f)[''20 MIN LATER: the body is buried and given a proper burial'']
(text-colour:black)[She heads back to the plane collecting some water along the way. ]
(text-colour:black)[//(you either have a hydroflask you found or use your hands at this point!)//]
[[//Once back to the tail she warms up and falls asleep. //|BLAZE]]
Luna bury's the body outside the tail not wanting to travel far for the sake of her ankle.
She drinks some water and lays down.
But before she dozes off completely she hears some banging against the side of the plane...
[[>gets up to look outside.<|Outside]]
<img src = "https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0e/b6/eb/8f/snowy-forest-and-starry.jpg">Luna peaks out of the plane quietly to find the ''pack of wolves digging up the carcass!!!''
She instantly goes to the back of the plane and hides staying perfectly quiet so they don't hear her.
(text-colour:#e8590c)[30 Minutes pass] and she can hear the wolves eating away at the carcass....Luna begins to cry at the situation she's in.
[[//"oh please make it stop...please make this end.."she whispers.//|2 HOURS LATER]]
<img src = "https://www.treehugger.com/thmb/uh7wTeCYN0GQZ30qr16206gVsh4=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/__opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__mnn__images__2018__07__Wolf_pack-3b771500c826468891321d24b305adc8.jpg">Luna has collected some good size logs to create a fire base.
She goes towards the dry patches and collects as many dry sticks, pinecones, pine needles, and rocks she can carry.
The temperature is now below 20 Degrees Farenheight
(text-colour:orange)[20 MIN LATER]
//"I DID IT!"//
She lays down next to the fire and begins to doze off...
.....but it starts to snow.
[[//"What a waste of time..I need to find some shelter soon or my fire and I wont last the night"//|Cave]](text-colour:#e8590c)[30 MIN LATER]
She collects any dry flamable materials she can find and begins rubbing two rocks together to get a spark going.
//"I did it....//
Luna hangs her jacket and socks close to the fire. Her body begins to feel better now that its dry and warm.
She grabs two thick sticks and a sock and ties them together agaisnt her ankle to make a splint. [[//Much better. Time to get some sleep.//|BLAZE]]
''Luna drops everything and starts to mess with the radio that looked busted.
//"Come on baby work for mama...."//
sounds of static begin to echo
//"OMG YES YOU WORK! I need to get ahold of the [[team]]"//
<img src = "https://www.aircraftcompare.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Handheld-radio-used-by-military.jpeg">"HELLO HELLO IS ANYBODY THERE?? THIS IS LUNA I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE COME IN!!"
"Hello Luna come in Luna this is Willow can you hear me?? Hello Luna come in"
before Luna can finish she's ripped out of the cockpit as a (text-colour:red)[large grizzly bear] pins her to the floor
<image src = "https://cdn.tsln.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2018/10/bears-tsln-101318-1240x823.jpg">(text-colour:#e8590c)[''2 HOURS LATER'']
the wolves are done eating and she can hear them sniffing outside the plane..her heart begins to race as she fears they'll find her.
Suddenly she hears the alpha howl and they all run off.
She lays down but refuses to sleep....
[[//''//That was a close one....//''//|BLAZE]]
<img src = "https://myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com/uploads/media/2019/July/ckupload_20190109170003_fear_A1.jpg">Luna fights her hardest to get away from the bear as she punches and stabs it all over
The bear rips through her clothes and has mauled her in several locations....she tells herself this is the end....
Her team will either track the [[locator]] from the radio or there's no hope.
<img src = "https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/35/30/f4353078a226f38ec1b6ead744b44f6a.jpg">(text-colour:orange)[2 HOURS LATER....]
//''Luna's team located her location and has arrived with a first aid team...
''//"There's no sign of her anywhere..."//'' --Willow
''''//"OVER HERE! WE FOUND HER!"//''''
Her team found her but [[they were too late]].Luna begins crying as she get's into the canoe.
//"You'r lucky we found you, no one ever comes down this way and we were about to head back to Santa Cruz California."//
Luna knows she was lucky and is now headed safely to the nearest [[hospital]].
<img src = "https://www.hinzie.com/media/image/192754_max.jpg">(text-colour:#22b8cf)[''LUNA MADE IT TO SAFETY CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Your skills have proven you can survive the wilderness and get Luna to safety!!
(text-colour:#22b8cf)[''END OF JOURNEY!'']
[[//..do you want to play again?//|START]]Luna is fast asleep after an exhausting day. Two hikers camping close by have noticed her fire flickering.
//"Hey Rick do you see that?? There's a fire up there."//
[[//"Let's go check it out."//|discovery]]
<img src = "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/06/07/16/55/fire-800548_960_720.jpg">As the hikers go discover the flickering light, Luna wakes up to the sound of something moving outside.....
//"Is someone there??"// she hears in response.
Luna realizes she's found and can get to saefty! //"YES I'M HERE PLEASE HELP ME I WAS IN A PLANE CRASH!"//
[[//The hikers help Luna and wrap her in a blanket//|hospital]]
<img src= https://i.pinimg.com/736x/58/cb/e9/58cbe987334d11ad5e84b91e2dcddc4f.jpg>Luna trips over a rock, hitting her ankle agaisnt it.
As she goes to check it she sees her ankle is now completely purple and broken. The pain causes her to pass out.
[[3 HOURS LATER...]]The alpha jumps ontop of her pinning her to the ground.....the pack comes shortly after and she trys to hit them with a stick but it's too late....
[[//Luna has been taken by the wolves...//|GameOver]]
<img src="https://img.wattpad.com/cover/20837252-288-k78432.jpg">Luna fought hard but the bear ripped her major artieries....
[[//She bled to death.//|GameOver]]//"Ahhhh refreshing."//
Suddenly Luna hears the sound of splashing and laughter coming towards her.
//"it can't be.....people??"//
Worried it's another trick of the tree's Luna walks into the middle of the moving stream when she sees a canoe coming towards her.
<img src = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ClubExpressClubFiles/496051/photos/screen/Winter_canoeing_1927765446.jpg">''''''GOOD JOB YOU GOT LUNA TO HER MATERIALS NOW SHE CAN HEAL HER ANKLE!!''
Luna decides to use some padding from the seats and wooden planks she found.She grabs the seat belt and ties it around her ankle!!
She uses some T-Shaped pipes and ties the armrests from the pilots seat onto the top of them to use as crutches. She uses the remains for a fire.
(text-colour:#ff922b)[2 HOURS UNTIL DARK...][[//..Luna needs to get to the tail of the plane.//|Tail]]
but wait.....right before she leaves the cockpit she sees something dark underneath her seat.
Could it be??
[[//"OMG THE RADIO!!!"//|radio]]
She begins to climb but the only light source she has is the moon.The fear she'll slip and further injure herself begins to creep in.
//"UGGG I can't see anything...but I'm not safe out here what should I do??"//
[[//She sucks up her fear and uses this opportunity to climb.//|Inside Cave]]
[[//She thinks to herself, "it's not worth the risk I should just stick it out here by the tree for the night."//|give up]]