You're an escaped convict. The local police are on the hunt for you. You come to the dock, and you want to leave the city by a cruise. Now you have $100, and you need to earn a $1,000 ticket to go. Now you have three days to get enough money. [[Get started!]]This is a busy dock. Merchants come and go; laborers come and go. Now you have four choices:
[[Get a job]]
[[gambling]]You decide to get a job to earn enough money there are 3 kind of jobs you can take.
[[Drudgery $100 1 day]]
[[ticket seller $300 2 day]]
[[join in criminal gang 500 3 day]]You observe the people who walk on the dock. Choose a person to start.
[[rich man]]
[[traveler]]You walk into a bar. You see some people around a table-board.
[[take a part in gambling]]
[[Picking A gambler's pocket]]You work hard and get $100 money as salary. Now what will you do?
[[In the warehouse of the freighter]]
[[Stay at the docks and find another way out]]Soon you find that you can take a ticket to get on the ship to esacpe. Now you can take the money in the draw, what will you do?
[[take a little money]]
[[take all money]]
[[do not take any money]]You join into the criminal gang, and the chief of gang do not let you leave. He promise you that the gang will protect you. Thus, you stay here and work for the gang.
Two years from now, you have a chance to be a high level in the gang.
[[become a higher level]]
[[stay as a underlings]]Great!
You succeed to escape the city, but you have to stay in this storage for 1 month. Although it is very hard to stay here for 1 month, you think that is not important for that you get freedom. The manager do not notice. He recruit a new worker. You leave the city and begin a new life on the ship.The manager detects all money lose, but he cannot find you. You avoid the police and begin a rich life on the ship.The manager recruit a new worker. You escape successfully, but your life ont the ship is poor and boring. A bad ending!Now you need to choose a way to get money. Now you have two days left and $200.
[[ticket seller $300 2 day]]
[[join in criminal gang 500 3 day]]Five years later, you became a mob boss, but you were wiped out in a mob raid. You were arrested by the police and sent to prison to spend the rest of his life in prison.Three years later, in an anti-bandit operation, you leave the city with all your money.He is the chief of a criminal gang on the dock. He captures you, and he asks his understrapper to kill you.
You die!He does not capture you, but he is so sad about losing money. You get only $100. Thus, what will you do?
[[give the money back]]
[[search the next victim]]The traveler is a rich man. He does not care about the $1000. Then, you buy a ticker to get on the ship. You escape successfully.Well! You are a good people. The worker appreciate to you. You need to find the next victim.
[[rich man]]
[[another worker]]
[[the ticket seller]]Hey, search the next victim do not wait!
[[rich man]]
[[another worker]]
[[the ticket seller]]Whihc gambling will you play?
[[$100]]In the chaos, you managed to steal one of gambler's money. You get $1000, and this time, what will you do?
[[steal another gambler]]
[[go to buy a ticket to run away]]
[[take a part in the gambling]]You lose in the first game. Will you countine to gamble?
[[No]]You put all your money into the game. Fortunately, you win! You get enough money to get on the ship.
Then, you escape the dock succesfully.Oh!!!You are caught by the gambler. He call the police. You lose the chance to escape.You manages to escape, but the life on the ship is bad, since you do not have much money.Whihc gambling will you play?
[[$100]]Unfortunately, you lose all of your money. Then, the bar ask you to pay the service fee. You do not have money, and the manager call the police to catch you into the jail...The bar charges you $10 service fee, and you have to find other way to earn enough money
[[Get a job]]
[[theft]]This time, you are caught by the worker. You are sent to the department of police.You steal a ticket. You get on the ship!!! However, the life on the ship is not rich, since you cannot afford the high consume on the ship.