(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[...](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[...](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[...](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Ahh what a good nap, wait what time is it?...
[[Check Clock]]](stop:)]
11:oo PM! Wow that went strangely longer than I expected.
I feel like there is something I have to do,... the dog!
I forgot my cousin dropped off his dog for me to take care of, it came as a surprise because they never told me they had a dog before today.
[[Look for the dog]]There he is!... wait was his name again?
Let me see the tag...
Charo!...who names their dog... nevermind.
Charo reminds me of a dog I had when I was much younger.
As I begin to play with Charo I notice his excitment and energy, he definitely wants to be taken on a walk.
It's pretty late at night but it has to be done, and he just seems so excited... but where should I go?
[[Ask Charo where he wants to go]]
[[Think about where to take Charo]]Hey Charo! Where would you like to go on a walk?
(live: 2s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[...](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[...](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Why did I even bother.
[[Think about where to take Charo]] ](stop:)]
For some reason I remembered my parents used to take me to the Redwood Forest here in Santa Cruz, and I loved every second of it!
I think it might be my favorite place, and you know what, I want Charo to experience it.
It is late however... but lets give it at try! Lets go Charo.
[[Arrive at Redwood Forest]]Wow there really is nobody here, I don't see a single car in the parking lot.
Come on Charo! Let's go ahead a bit, I slightly rememeber the trails, I'm sure it will be fine.
I did not realize how dark it would be, and so quiet too. It's oddly eerie yet calming at the same time.
Now that i'm officially in the forest, should I take the [[easier path]] or the [[tougher path]]?This path seems to be flat and relatively simple.
There is not much light up ahead though, but it should not be much of an issue.
[[Proceed into easy path]]
Turn back around to the [[tougher path]] This path is pretty inclined and might be tough to navigate, I think Charo is too new for this challenge.
It's definitely not because I am too tired to try it out... I am doing this for him.
Lets [[Proceed into easy path]] I think I will take it easy for today especially because it's so late.
Charo seems a little bit less excited now... I wonder why? He was super fully of energy when we first arrived.
Anyways, this fresh air is amazing, and the weather is perfect, not too cold and not too hot, rare for a night.
If memory serves right, this trail is pretty short and loops back around on itse..
(live: 8s)[(t8n:"shudder")[''*...BARK...BARK...*''
[[Check on Charo]]](stop:)]
I've only gone this way once with my family many years ago, I rememeber that at the end of it you are rewarded with an amazing view!
Hopefully Charo will like it too. Looking down at Charo, I see he is even more excited than before, his little tail wagging everywhere.
[[Walk in further]]Are dogs tails supposed to be down? He was wagging it all the way to the start of the trail... thats odd.
Charo... buddy... please try to enjoy this beautiful hike, you really are starting to freak me out a bit... I am doing this for you.
[[Keep going]](live: 0s)[(t8n:"shudder")[''*...BARK...BARK...BARK...BARK...*''
[[Keep going ahead]]
Ok buddy lets [[turn around]]...](stop:)]
(live: 0s)[(t8n:"shudder")[''*...BARK...BARK...BARK...BARK...BARK...*''
I will not let you ruin this beautiful night Charo...
[[Keep going]] ](stop:)]
I tried to do something nice but I guess that's not going to happen.
Let's go back boy.
O now you stop barking?
[[Walk down the trail]]Is this dog serious... now that we are back at the start of the trails your are super happy and excited?
I got to admit... you are pretty adorable, if you keep looking at me like that I am going to feel bad for giving you a short walk.
Fineeeeee I guess we can give it another go... But you have to behave this time!
You know what, maybe there was some kind of animal or something he was scared of, maybe the other path will be a better idea.
[[Proceed into tough path]] What's wrong boy? And why do you keep looking back at where we came from?
I don't see anyone back there or hear anything, hmm maybe this is just something dogs do? It's been a while since I have had one.
Maybe if I pet you a little you will calm dow...
(live: 7s)[(t8n:"shudder")[''*...BARK...BARK...BARK...*''
Ok Charo your starting to freak me out a bit here, this darkness is not helping... Lets [[continue]] up a bit and I am sure everything will be all better.](stop:)]
I love the clean air, and Charo really seems to be enyjoying himself alot.
...Time to take on this incline...
...ahh finally over it, good job boy!
Wow we are surrounded by huge redwood trees, this is truly breath taking.
Ok Charo come on lets go up ahead more!
...Charo? Why don't you want to come up anymore buddy?
[[Check up on Charo]]What's up Charo?
Huh, where are you looking?...
That's strange... it's almost as if there is a... there's a [[light!]]
At this point we really are going off the trail, and I can't see much.
No one should really be all the way out here, maybe they are lost?
Charo seems extremely eager and is practically dragging me over there!
Ok..Ok.. boy we are almost there relax a... [[woah]]....
The light really did move pretty fas...
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"shudder")[(From the distance)
WHAT! A SOUND an unhumanly sound that was oddly clear! And so close, I am really starting to get freaked out here. Maybe it is a lost hiker?
Charo looks very focused on the light and is determined to reach it. I think we have to go for it.
[[Reach the light]]](stop:)]
I think... I think its time turn around Charo, we are going way too off the trail and I don't think its safe anymore, especially because it is so dark.
...Come on Charo I'm sorry I gotta drag you back but enough is enough.
(live: 4s)[(t8n:"shudder")[...BARK...BARK...BARK...BARK...BARK...
I know buddy...I know...I...](stop:)]
(live: 7s)[(t8n:"shudder")[(From the distance) ''"h...h...HELP....m...m...ME"''
I nearly jumped out of my own skin! Charo is looking directly at where the noise came from.
It sounded almost unhuman but I could easily make out the words.
I think I have to go and [[help whoever is there]]...
Or maybe this is [[not a situation I can handle]]...](stop:)]
"He..llo, is somebo..dy there?"
Charo is completely quiet and purely focused on the light, with no movements at all.
This is taking every ounce of courage I have, but it has to be done. Something in me is telling it has to be done.
[[Reach the light]]This is above my paygrade I AM RUNNING!
Come on Charo sprint boy sprint!
We are almos.... OUCH... stupid rock tripping me...
Wait a second... CHARO! CHARO WHERE ARE YOU?...
I see him! He's running back off the trail towards the light!
If I lose him I'm going to be dead!
Ok....focus... you got this don't let the scary noises spook you out...
[[I'm going to GO BACK IN!]]I don't think I have ever ran so fast in my life!
GOT YOU! Wow I practically had to dive to catch you boy! Don't ever do that again you scared the hell out of me!
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"shudder")[(From the distance) ''"...m...m...much...l...l..longer"''
Both Charo and I immediatly look towards the light and see how close it is.
I think it is time to be brave and [[help whoever is there]].](stop:)]
...Almost there....
Where did it go?
Why... are my hands feeling so numb? The cold?
[[Look around]]
[[Look at your hands]]I don't see anything...
...I don't...feel...like myself...
Charo? Charo buddy where are we...?
[[Look at Charo]]Boy?
Where did you go to now boy? Char...
What was your name again boy?
That's odd... why am I holding a [[leash]]?Wait why would... why would... I forgot my question
Huh, it was getting a bit chilly but...I don't feel anything...
(live: 4s)[(t8n:"shudder")[''*Crack*''](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Huh? Is someone there?
I think...I think I see [[someone]]...](stop:)]
On the trail at a far distance...I can make something out through all these dense trees.
Huh, I can't make out who that is but I do see them... (live: 4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[walking a dog?](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Now who would walk there dog in the middle of the [[night?]]...](stop:)](live: 2s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[...Me?](stop:)]
(live: 7s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//You are left with almost nothing, yet you feel [[content]].//](stop:)]That's strange... I can't seem to see my hands...
I guess its dark so it makes sense...
[[Look around]] It's almost as if that dog is staring...directly at me...
Maybe if I...''excuse me I need you to help me get back!''
They stopped, I think they heard me...
(live: 6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[They are coming closer now...wait...
Is that?[[...]]](stop:)]
There is a strange light emitting from inbetween the trees at a far distance.
Maybe it's just another hiker with a headlamp or something, come on Charo let's continue!
...Charo come on don't just stand there we have alot more ground to cover.
...Woah there buddy don't have to pull me, he really wants to check the light out, I mean I guess it can't hurt?
[[Walk towards light]](live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//Your mind remembers nothing//](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//Your body feels nothing//](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//The only thing left is//](stop:)](live: 6s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//.//](stop:)](live: 7s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//.//](stop:)](live: 8s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//.//](stop:)]
(live: 9s)[(t8n:"dissolve")(goto: "Nothing")]
(live: 4s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[//The Light in the Redwood Forest//](stop:)]...I could have sworn the light was an arms reach away a second ago.
Maybe we are going towards some kind of insect? Haven't really seen any fireflies in California but maybe I'm wrong?
Should I [[try to reach light again?]]
Or should I give up and [[turn around the way I came?]]