(set: $confidenceLevel to 10)\
(set: $lovePoint to 0)\
(set:$talkedtoAsh to false)\
(set:$earnedDetention to false)\
(set:$receivedNumber to false)\
(set: $calledWinters to false)\
(set: $r to (text-style: "rumble"))
(set: $Stella to (css: "color: pink;"))
(set: $Ash to (css: "color: blue;"))
(set: $teach to (css: "color: red;"))
(set: $e to (text-style: "emboss"))
(set: $s to (text-style: "strike"))
(set: $Nina to (css: "color: green;"))
(css: "color: yellow;")[
You getting ready for prom. All dressed up in a mermaid style dress fashioned out of satin. The fabric hugs your body showing of all your curves as you examine yourself in front of the mirror. You still can't believe you snagged the "Ash" Winters as your date. Before you can let out a squeal of joy, your mother comes in to say, "You look beautiful." Her eyes beaming with joy as she snaps a candid photo of you which you know you will cherish forever.
This is going to be a night to remember you chant to yourself. Heading down the stairs, you seem him. The man of your dreams smiling at you like your a treasure. He opens his mouth to say] [[... ->Wake up]]
(css: "color: red;")["Hmm yeah I thought Mrs.Parker," Ms.Baldwin retorts.] Returning back to her lecture of god knows what. Ignoring the stare, you are anxious to run back to your friend to tell her your foolproof plan to get Ash's heart.
(css: "color: pink;")
[//No biggie, right.
You can still feel some of your peers glancing your way and gossiping about what just happened.
Ya, No biggie.//]
Confidence level: Low
(click: "...")[the $r[bell] rings.]
[[Rush out the door.]]
[[Pack your stuff calmly.]]Ms. Baldwin's face scrunches up like I told her one of her cats died. Oof her cat did die.
She huffs a sigh and goes back to teaching about something as I go back to daydreaming about the guy of dreams. Ash Winters.
Confidence Level: High ...
(click: "...")[the $r[bell] rings.]
(click-append: "cat")[ (RIP Mr.Whiskers.)]
The bell rings.
[[Rush out the door.]]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel +5)\
(set: $earnedDetention to true)\
$Stella["Well, teach don't you have a lecture to teach rather than question me about my dreams."
//Can't say I never seen a teacher's jaw open so wide.//]
The students seemed in awe of my devil may care attitude.
$teach["STELLA PARKER!!!! DETENTION after school." roars Ms. Baldwin.]
$Stella[//Take a chill pill, I think to myself.//]
$Stella[//Mrs.Baldwin give a cold glare before returning to her lecture on I don't even know. All I can think about is the man haunting my dreams. Ash Winters.//]
Confidence Level: High
(click: "...")[the $r[bell] rings.]
[[Saunter to the door like you own the place.]]
You couldn't wait to see your friend Nina.
$Stella[//Hey, you can't blame me! I'm a lovesick girl at heart.//]
You had to tell her your failsafe plan consisting of three steps. It can't fail. 100% Stella guaranteed.
(click-append: "100% Stella guaranteed")[Stella:[//(The biggest of all guarantees I'll have you know)//]]
[[Go to Nina.]]$Stella[//Already caused a scene and I don't need this to be head back to Ash. That's what happens when you are labeled the $b[HOPELESS ROMANTIC].//]
Trying to gain some composure, you neatly put your books in your bag and walk out the door without giving your classmates another glance.
[[Go to Nina.]] You already know your plan to get Ash Winters to notice you this year. With upmost confidence in your plan, you look to find your friend Nina.
Before you go, you give Ms. Baldwin a wink.
$Stella[//She gave me detention already, she can't punish me for a wink. //
//I just had too you see.//]
[[Go to Nina.]]Heading toward you locker, you see $Nina[Nina].
$Stella[//Honestly, if I didn't have have my major crush on Ash, I would've loved to be married to her instead. Just kidding!//]
She was waiting by your locker with an inquisitive look on her eyes.
$Stella[//Darn she must have heard about what happened in class. It's only been an hour, dammit!//]
$Nina["Been dreaming about lover boy again I see," she teases.]
(click-append: "Nina")[ (your ride or die, your partner in crime, you BFFL)]
[[Yup, I have.]]
[[No. I say already feeling a blush forming on my face.]]
[[Stay silent ignoring her.]](set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
Her eyes opened so wide.
$Nina["Stella, you've changed. I love it !" she exclaims.]
$Stella[//She wasn't used to me being so honest about my feelings before and honestly, I don't want to keep them inside anymore. I mean you live only once, so I need to take charge and confess. //]
She knew something was going through my head.
$Nina["What's the plan?"]
$Stella[//And this was why she was my bestie.//]
[[Okay the plan is ..]]She gives a slight smirk.
$Nina["Come on Stells if you can't even admit your feelings to me, how can you admit them to you know who?"]
$Stella[//(Not Voldemort dummy. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS.)//]
$Stella[//Sighing. I know she is right, but it's Asher freaking Winters. But I will have a plan!//]
[[Okay the plan is ..]] (set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel-5)\
$Stella[//Nina knew she went to far in her teasing. She knew I was a closed book who wouldn't even confess if her life depended on it. I was just scared to admit these feelings.//]
$Nina[She rubbed my back and whispered, "You have to first admit these feelings if you want to be able to tell them to Asher. You are wonderful."]
$Stella[//These are the words I needed to hear and Nina knew exactly what to say to get me to feel like I'm worthy.
That and I have the plan.//]
[[Okay the plan is ..]] Operation: $e[LOVE CONNECTION]
(click: "LOVE CONNECTION")[( I know I know but just keep the name for now, aight?)]
[Step 1: Make Ash know I exist
Step 2: Gain his attention
Step 3: Make him trust me and know the real me.
And Voila! Presto and Kablam ... I have one date for prom with Ash Winters.]
Right at this moment, $Ash[Ash] walks in all his mighty glory and Nina grabs me and whispers, $Nina["Step One!"]
She pushes me in front of his path and I can see him walking toward me.
[[Block his path.]]
[[Turn tail. You're not ready for this.]]
Play dead. ( Oh Come on you didn't think that was a choice did you?)
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
You dared to block Ash in his path. The king of this school, but maybe this will show him that I'm not afraid and maybe even garner me some respect from him.
$Stella["Hi there, I'm Stella."]
For a moment, He just glances at me. Suprised or stupefied, I can't really say what he is thinking. I see a slight glimmer of something, but I must have imagined it.
He turns to walk away.
[[Grab him and continue the convo.]]
[[Go back to Stella.]]
[[Be bold. Ask who are you.]]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel-5)\
You turn back and avoiding his face. As you turn around, you bump into the lockers and take fall.
$Stella[//WHYYYYY? IS THIS MY LIFE??? I internally scream.//]
$Ash["You okay?" He seems to scan my face looking for injuries.]
The ASH just asked me a question. At least he noticed me.
$Ash["I think you're all right, but you may want to go to the nurse's office to check your nose."]
[[Ask him to take you to the nurse's office.]]
[[Be cowardly and not say a thing .]]
[[Thank him.]](set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
$Stella["Hey. I like you."]
(click: "like")[(There I went and said it.Hopefully,he won't run away screaming that I'm a stalker).]
He genuinely looked shocked. Poor guy. He isn't used to open and honest "who cares if the world may be ending" Stella.
After gaining putting his pokerface back on, He asks, $Ash["Oh yeah, What about me do you like?"]
$Stella[//What's not to like? He gives me a crooked smile after that.//]
$Ash["You don't know anything about me," He snorts.]
$Stella[//Yeah I do. I think to myself. I have been crushing on you since middle school Winters and I am not backing down. Not today.//]
$Ash[He gives me that same smile and says, "Stella right? I won't forget."]
$Ash["Wanna meet up after school?"]
$Stella [//HELLS YES.//]
(click-append: "crooked smile")[ $Stella[(which is my new favorite thing. Sorry, Niagra Falls.)]]
(click-append: "HELLS YES.")[ $Stella[( Watch your excitment girl. Down girl.)]]}
[[Let's meet.]]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel-5)\
$Stella[//I can't do this. I'm not ready.//]
My confidence was dwaning.I rush to go back to Stella half debating whether I should murder her or not.
She knew she messed up.
$Nina["Nina who...I don't know any Nina."]
$Stella[//Sigh. Now what am I gonna do.
Ambush him. Wait a sec.//]
[[5 min before school ends...]](set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
(set: $receivedNumber to true)\
$Stella["Oh, I think I'm feeling a litle dizzy. Mind taking me to the nurse? Just you know to be safe."]
He hides a slight smirk.
$Ash["Hmm I don't know you seem plenty fine to me," He replies.]
(click:"fine")[$Stella[//(I think I just died and came back.)//]]
$Stella["But I really can't move and need help."]
I give him my most pained look.
(click:"pained")[( Just think of the moment when Mufasa died.)]
Giving a shrug and knowing he can't leave someone hurt, he grabs me by the arm to take me to the nurse.
I give a wink to Nina who gives me a thumbs up.
He drops me off at the nurses.
$Stella["Lemme treat you to a cup of coffee. After school?"]
He gives me look.
$Stella["To thank you. I mean I could have died."]
To that, he gives me another smirk.
$Ash["I guess I could do that. I mean I can't turn sown someone's gratitude."]
He turns to walk away, but before he does he takes a paper from the office desk and writes his number down.
$Ash["Let me know the deets."]
He walks off to his next class.
$Stella[//Step 1 and done baby!//]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel-5)\
He shrugs when he finds me mute and continues to go to the next class.
$Stella[//Why didn't I say anything? I mean anything. Nope, I just had to be there like I didn't have a mouth. Mentally reprimanding myself, I head back to Nina looking like someone kicked my puppy.//]
My confidence was dwaning.
Step 1- fail.
$Stella[//Maybe I should just not pursue him. He is the KING after all.//]
[[Give up and try again next year]]
[[Restart Mission?]](set: $talkedtoAsh to true)
$Stella["Thanks. Thanks." I stutter to Ash.]
He gives me a slight smile.
$Ash["Hope you feel better."]
He then continues down the hallway to get to his next class.
$Stella[//At, least I said something and wasn't standing there like a total idiot. Great time to go to the nurse later I guess. Ugh, my life.
There is still hope. I'm going to try talking to him after school.//]
[[5 min before school ends...]] (set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
(set: $receivedNumber to true)\
He turns and honestly I don't know what he was expecting. He keeps searching my eyes with a questioning look in his eyes. (Probably like who is this chick and does she live under a rock??)
"I'm Ash. Ash Winters."
I know who you are. I just wanted your attention.
At that, he seemed to be impressed with my straight forwardness and reveals a crooked smile which adds another to a list of things I admire about him.
"Stella Parker. Am I right?"
Now I'm the one to be shocked. He knew me. My name. MY FULL NAME.
"Let's meet up after school." He takes my palm and writes something down.
Call me with his number written below.
[[When and Where?]](set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel-5)\
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint-5)\
$Stella[//WHAT.DID.I.JUST.DO? The award for the most dumbest person goes to this girl. I wanna literally go into a corner and cry. //]
Ash looks a little hurt. I mean who wouldn't. I literally go wanting his attention and when he gives it back, I throw it back in his face.
That came out totally wrong. I'm about to explain myself and when ...
$Ash["That's all right. It was jut a suggestion. We don't have to."]
$Ash[He says, " I gotta go to my next class."] He spares no glance back and I'm crushed.
(click: "crushed")[ $Stella[(I feel like how pluto must have when thye said it wasn't a real planet. I'm here for you Pluto!)]]
$Stella[//Did I ruin things?//]
No, I talked to him. I just didn't word things right. Must have been an insecurity. I'm gonna give this another shot after school.
(if: $receivedNumber is true)[At least I have his number.](set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint +5)\
(set: $receivedNumber to true)\
He can't help twinkle at that.
(click: "twinkle") [( Oh gosh I must have sounded like I was saying yes to a proposal. That's too soon.)]
He writes his number on a paper and givesit to me.
$Ash["Ill be seeing you around," Ash says with a wink before heading out for his next class.]
$Stella[//Oh yes, you will Winters. Oh yes you will.//]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
(set: $receivedNumber to true)\
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint+5)\
He liked that answer for sure.( Who can hate this man??)
$Ash["I like confidence."]
$Ash["I'll see you around Stells."]
He grabs a piece of paper and writes down his number.
Now I'm shook since no one calls me Stells other than my parents and Nina. I gotta say I love hearing him say my name.
$Stella[//See you soon, Winters. See you soon.//]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)\
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint +5)\
(set: $receivedNumber to true)\
$Ash["Eager aren't we, Parker?"] he says familiarly.
(click: "Parker")[(Can I just have a moment for myself?)]
No, I just know what I wnat. He seems pleased with this answer.
He takes a piece of paper from his bag, scribbles something down, and hand it to me.
(click: "scribbles")[( It's his freaking number.)]
$Stella[//Bye Winters. Until our date I guess.//]
$Stella[//Not bad Stella Not bad at all. Step 1: ACCOMPLISHED.//]
$Stella[//I can't wait to see him. Just as I'm about to go out the door, I see her. Ms. Baldwin. Dammit avoid all eye contact. (I know I haven't prayed to you at all BIG G, but I need you right now).For all the love in the world, don't notice me and let me go.//]
[[Make a run for the door]]
[[Hide in the closet and then make escape.]]
[[Call Winters and let him know you can't make it.]]
(if:$earnedDetention is false)[ I need to escape Ms.Baldwin. For some odd reason she always has her sights on me. I need out get out of here. I think I'm gonna run for the door. I think I can make it. Come on, legs! Don't fail me now. Ms.Baldwin has her head turned the other way and I start sprinting. Just before, she turns around I made it out the door.
$Stella[//Phew! Point one for me Ms.Baldwin. Haha!//]]
(if: $earnedDetention is false)[[Coffee Date <3]]
Unfortunately, you got caught by Baldwin becuase she is Satan in disguise. No wait, Satan is cool. What is Ms.Baldwin?]
$Stella[//I guess I have detention to find out.//
[[Detention Dun Dun Dun]]]
I jump into the nearest closet and set a timer for 10 minutes. That should be long enough for Baldwin to leave. After I made sure enough time passed, I step outside in order to make a break for it. I should still be able to meet Ash.
(if:$earnedDetention is true)[ When I make my way to the door, someone grabs me.
$teach["Why hello there?" Baldwin says with a crazy smile.]
$teach["I believe detention is that way."]
$Stella[//I swear she is enjoying this.//]
She stand guard in front of the doors.
$Stella[Well, there goes that plan.]
[[Detention Dun Dun Dun]]
(else:)[$Stella [Luckily, I make it out the door scotch free. Baldwin must have headed inside. Time to meet Ash!]
[[Coffee Date <3]] ]
(set: $calledWinters to true)
$Stella["Winters?" I say panting.]
$Ash["Breathless already? Are ya ?"]
$Stella["No, Winters listen I have detention and can't make our date. Oh no, Baldwin spotted me. I have to go.Raincheck?"]
$teach[Before I could hear what he says, Baldwin grabs my phone and says, "No phones. You have Detention."]
I literally am seeing red, but I better follow her before she calls gives me more.
$Stella[// Wait for me my love.//] ( Stop with the melodramatics, Stella)
$Stella[//Hey, it's my story I act the way I want. Love me or hate me.//]
[[Detention Dun Dun Dun]] $Stella[//Well I guess I should have taken that leap of faith earlier because by next year, Winters tranferred and I never got to see him again. I wish I made most of my time when he was here. Who knows he might not have moved if he had something worth staying for. I guess we will never know. # Regrets.//]
HEARTBREAK.It was all a dream and you have a chance to win Winters once more. Would You like that, Stella? Remember, you won't remember a thing.
[[Hell yes I regret. I want my fairytail.]]
[[No, He won't love me. That's reality.]]Good job, girl. That's right get your man.
Well, that bites sister. I ain't raise no quitter.
You grow up a bit, but you always wonder what would have happened?
//(Hey don't blame me you chose to give up)//
You are content and happy, but you never got to closure with Ash Winters.
Where is he now? I guess you will never know.
The End.The bell won't ring for another 5 min. Ash always heads to the track afterschool. I need to intercept him.
$Stella[Ughh. If only I had his number, things would be much easier.]
He should be heading out by now ....
Reconsider.(I think it's too late for that now.)
[[Talk to Ash.]]
[[Jump in front of him like a crazy maniac.]]
Right then, you see him.
$Stella["Ash! Ash!"]
(if: $talkedtoAsh is true)[
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel +5)
He glances around and a sense of recognition comes into his eyes.
$Ash["Nose-bleed girl, right?"] ( I guess I could have worst nicknames.)
$Stella["Yeah. I'm that girl. Ash your the reason for my nosebleed."]
He gives me a "this chic is loca" look.
I was just so nervous that I started babbling about how badly I wanted to talk to him that he stopped me halfway.
Ash has a smirk on his face.
$Ash["You are too cute."]
$Stella[//Please say I'm not blushing please..if I am he doesn't say so//]
$Ash["Here, how about you tell me over coffee?"]
He gives his number and goes off to practice. (I'm smiling too big right now. I feel like the chesire cat.)
[[Coffee Date <3]] ]
(else: )[ $Ash["Who are you?"]<br>$Ash[ "I have to go...]"
He quickly scurries away and walks away. Of course, he doesn't even know I exist.
(if: $talkedtoAsh is false)[[Give up and try again next year]]
(if:$talkedtoAsh is false)[[Restart Mission?]] Jump! I land right in front of Ash and I lose my footing and we both fall together. I land on top of him and he his wuick reflexes grab me so I don't hit my head. ( I can get used to this)
$Ash["Who are you?"]
$Stella[//Ahh right, I never introduced myself.//]
$Stella["My name is Stella. Stella Parker."]
(if: $talkedtoAsh is true)[
$Ash["Wait, I know who you are."]
$Ash["Nose bleed girl"]
$Stella[//Sigh, had to get stuck with that. Well at least, he recognizes me.//]
$Ash["So was the nose bleed not enough. Did you want a concussion too?" He teases.]
$Stella["No I wanted to take you out for coffee."]
$Ash["Why?" He asks slightly amused.]
$Stella["Because you saved me from bleeding out to death."]
He chuckles at that.
$Ash["Mkay here's my number"]
$Stella[//That went better than I thought. Second chances.//]
(if: $earnedDetention is true)[
But first Detention.
[[Detention Dun Dun Dun]]
[[Coffee Date <3]] ]]
$Ash["Uhmm sorry doesn't ring a bell."]
Darn, he's looking at me weirdly.
Maybe I shouldn't have jumped on him.]
(if: $talkedtoAsh is false)[[Give up and try again next year]]
(if: $talkedtoAsh is false)[[Restart Mission?]] $Ash["Ready for our coffee date?"]
$Stella[//His words not mine. He said DATE!//]
Step 2: In Progress ( Still need his total attention)
$Stella[//Yes. I'm so ready I think to myself.//]
We take his car to the cafe and I fall for him even more. $Stella[//( Don't blame me kay. I have had a crush on this dude for the longest time.)//]
We talk about everything and nothing and time seeems to fly.
To cinch and make Step 2 a success, I will:
[[Kiss him when he drops me home]]
[[Suggest to take him to another place to continue the date.]]
[[Keeps things as they are.]]
$Stella[//I silently urged the time to go faster. ( Every second that passes is every second I'm dying thanks very much).//]
TICK Tock. TICK Tock. TICK Tock.
One minute later...
$Stella[//I can't do this anymore ughhh.//]
Ms.Baldwin left and expects me to stay here the whole hour.
(click:"stay")[$Stella[//( She really does have it out for me).//]]
(if: $calledWinters is true and $confidenceLevel >=30 )[
Toink. Toink. I hear something hitting the windows.
$Stella[//Should I check it out?//]
[[Uhm yes. You are in Detention. What they going to do?]]
[[NO. Stranger Danger Hello?]]
](else-if: $calledWinters is true and $confidenceLevel<30)[
1 Hour Later...
[[Exit the school and someone grabs you]]]
[(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint-10)
1 hour later ...
I didn't call him. Baldwin grabbed my phone. I hope he will not think I cancelled. Detention finally over.
I open my phone and send him a message.
I open my phone and send him a message.
$Stella[ Hey, Sorry I couldn't make our coffee date? Can we meet another time so I can explain?"]
(if:$confidenceLevel >=10)[
[[He responds back]]]
[[He doesn't respond back]]]
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint +10)
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel +5)
$Ash["Let's go."]
$Stella[//(How about no? But I can't really say that can I? I wish I could stop time?)//]
I really like him and spending time with him made me know what I want.
$Ash["I can feel you staring at me."]
$Stella["Good, I am staring at you."]
$Ash["I never met a girl so bold as you."]
$Stella["Glad I'm the first," I retort.]
That gains me another one of his disarming smiles.
I take one of his hands and lace it with mine.
$Stella[//( Who says girls can't make the first move).//] I think I made him a little more impressed with my honest manner.
$Ash["How can you be so straightforward?"] He genuinely wants to know.
$Stella["I learned by keeping your feelings hidden that it is not good for anyone. Life is so short. Why must we hide what we feel?"]
$Ash["I admire that about you. A girl who is not afraid to take what she wants and who is honest and truly herself."]
$Stella["Just like what I admire about you."]
He seems to lean forward. So I grab his face, and kiss him.
$Stella[//(It's was perfect and my first kiss would belong to Ash Winters)//]
He seem shocked at first, but returned it back.
$Ash[With a kiss on the cheek, he winks, "Until our next date."]
[[Things are great and never better]](set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel+5)
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint+5)
$Ash["Let's go."]
He stands to get up, but I grab his arm. He looks down at me trying to figure out what I want to do.
$Ash["What's up?" He says while sitting back down.]
$Ash["Come on talk to me why are you all shy again." He gives a slight amused smile.]
$Ash["Okay. I guess We can go-"]
$Stella["Wait, I wanttospendmoretimewithyou..." I mumble.]
$Ash["What was that?"]
I say it again quietly.
$Ash["Hmm...still can't hear you?"]
$Stella["I WANT TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU!!!"I Scream and I think I scared even myself.]
He tries his best not to laugh, but I know he wants to.
$Ash["Adorable. Okay, where do you wanna go, Parker?"]
He's leaving the option to me. There are so many places and so little time.
$Stella["Let's go! It's a surprise."]
$Stella[//I drive his car( that's right I guess he trusts me with his baby; He even named the car Cher) to the beach and tell him to close his eyes til we get there.//]
He seems genuinely happy and laces my fingers with his.
$Stella[//(Could this day get any better.)//] We hang out watching the sun set and have another deep conversation with each other.
$Stella["I like you. There, I said it."]
He seems to be processing and just holds me closer.
$Ash["Let's make another date," he whispers.]
[[Things are great]]
(set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel -5)
$Ash["Let's go."]
$Stella[I nod my head and feel satified with the way things are going. I could be bolder I know, but I still feel lacking and even more so after getting to know him. He deserves better. But give a few days after hanging out with him, maybe I will feel ready.]
[[A couple of months pass]]$Stella[//How does a few days turn into months? I let it get this far. Maybe, I should just ask him on a date again. We've been on a couple, but it hasn't been progressing. I really should have acted bolder on our first date instead of letting my doubts get in the way. (I Fear I May Be Getting Friendszoned).//]
Prom is only a couple weeks away,and I need to ask him. Since, I don't think I made it clear, I was interested in him.
$Stella[//(But, boy am I...Why am I hiding my feelings?)//]
Nina encourages me to ask him consistently before I regret or it becomes to late.
$Stella[//I wish I had listened.//]
I was getting my nerves down before heading to Winter's locker. It was time. I close my eyes to take a deep breath and hear a giggle. I snap my eyes open and see this girl and she seems like Winter's type.
$Stella[//When had they gotten so close?//]
$Ash["Heyyy Parker!"
"Meet Belle."]
I offer a greeting without really looking her in the eye.
$Stella[//(Did you hear something break? Excuse me, that was my heart)//]
"I'm just asking Winters here to the prom," she says.
$Stella[//( clearly marking her territory)//
//Please say no. Please. I swear I'm having a panic attack.//]
$Ash["Ya. I just accepted since I have no reason to say no anyway" he jokes.]
$Stella[//I'M THE REASON! I wanna scream.//]
$Stella[//Oh okay. What can I do now? He already said yes to someone else.
I can feel tears prickling my eyes. I need to leave and find Nina.//]
**Later that Night**
$Nina["It's okay baby,"] Nina consoles, and we bingewatch horror movies while eating icecream. I regret not telling him how I feel and I lost my chance. Time goes on.
[[Give up and try again next year]]
[[Restart Mission?]]
(click-append: "girl")[(A real beauty for sure)]After our first kiss, Winters and I have been doing everything together. Sure we had good times and the bad times, but each time we came out stronger. Each and every single day, I let him see the real me and fall for him everyday. I was his in every way, but did he belong to me, too?
He never made me doubt and I loved him, but I wanted him to say it too.
He trusted me enough to tell me why he didn't really date much once in high school.
$Ash["My ex she looked like a sweetheart on the outside but she betrayed my trust ...It's just hard to open up. I like what we have but I need time."]
$Stella[//( Oh boy did I know,maybe if I shared stuff about myself he would trust me more).//] He looks me in the eye.
[[Confide in him.I trust him.]]
[[Close up. It's not time.]]Winters took me another date. We spent all day together at his house just watching movies and goofing off.
He knew I like him, and I knew he liked me back beacuse sometimes actions are strongers than words.
I snuck up on him and put some cream on his face which led us to this hide and seek game where I was currently hiding in his room.
$Stella[//(Like he can find me. I can be quiet as a mouse. Did I hear u scoff?) //]
Something grabs at my leg$Stella[//(Ya, I have been caught. Don't taunt me no more!)//],and pulls me into a tight hug.
$Ash["Guess, I should call you a new nickname" he taunts.]
I try to get out of his grip.
$Stella["Lemme go!]
$Ash["Never, Mhwahahahha!" he cackles.]
How to escape:
[[Are you sure you want to?]]
[[Distract him with a kiss and make a run for it.]]
$Stella["Winters." //(I love calling him that.Hey, just be happy I don't call pooh bear ok?)//]
He looks at me wondering if he said too much.
$Stella["Everyone has a past. I trust you and know you need your time and I'm willing to take this slow and steady because I love you. You don't need to say it back, I just wanted to say this to you."
"In the past, I always kept my feelings to myself in order to please others and keep the peace, especially with the way things were at home. All that pressure on who to be was draining. I finally took charge and asked what I wanted and followed what felt right to me. And right now, that's you." //(Oh gosh it's silent..Did I scare him off? Can I just replay this chapter?)//]
$Stella["Sorry me and my blabber mouth-"] as I go on rambling, he kisses me.
$Stella["That's definitely an effective way to shut me up."]
$Ash[He just laughs aloud. "Thanks for opening up to me."]
$Stella[(You know what who cares about this freaking list. This just gave the courage to go after my man.)]
[[Weeks later]]$Stella[//I don't know what he wants me to say. He said he need more time. Maybe he is not ready to say or hear I love you. He keeps staring at me and I feel like I should say something.//]
I must have done something wrong because he start packing and saying $Ash["Let's go."]
$Stella[//I want to open up to him, but how can I when he is not sure about our realtionship. I'm all in and he's not. He holds my hand, but I feel something has changed and I should have done something.//]
[[Months later...]]$Stella[//I wish I had reassured him. If only it had would things have ended up as they did. Prom was a blast and we had a relationship, but something felt missing. We didn't communicate or trust each other. When he first opened up to me, I didn't trust him back. I did love Ash Winters. I truly did. Who knows if we could have had it all or not? I will cherish our time together. Sometimes you must take a leap and trust even though you don't know the future. I don't regret our relationship and will treasure these memories.
Ash Winters, thank you for being my first love.//]
[[Restart Mission?]] We were closer than ever. I told him I love him, and even though he didn't reply back, I know he does too. He just needs time. Nina was freaking excited with me.//$Stella[( Yeah I made time for my girlfriends because I'm not one of those bye girls. Nuh uh, this gal has got loyalty).]//
$Ash["Come on, I have a surprise."]
I was excited to do anything with him and trusted him whole heartedly. $Stella[//(He could kidnap me to the desert for all I care. I wouldn't complain. Okay, okay.That was a tad extreme, but you get what I mean).//]
He surprises me in front a cafe. Not just any cafe, but the CAFE where we had our first date. As I start reminiscing, I notice it's empty and no one is here. I'm turn around and notice Winters behind a table he decorated with a lavish meal.
Before we eat, he asks me,$Ash[ "Will you be my girlfriend, Stella Parker? I love you. Sorry it took me too long to say it, but you deserve the best."]
$Stella["YES!"I scream. Damm, right I do. That's why I have you. You are the best.]
$Ash["No you're the best"] $Stella[//( Aww don't get all mushy on me now. Imma cry)//]
[[Years later...]]All's well that end well I guess. I started as a hopeless romantic in a long term crush with Ash Winters. Well, we went to prom and went to college together. You may not think true love prevails all, but it certainly did for me. My fairytale ending came true. I write in my diary.
$Stella[//( Yes I have a diary. Who else will know about the memoir of Stella Parker?).//]
$Ash["Oh honey."]
Winters glances over diary and gives me my favorite smirk.
$Ash["You made a mistake in your diary."]
$Stella["What? Where?"]
$Ash["Right here."] He places a ring in front of me and says,$Ash["Marry Me and be mine?"]
$Stella["I've always been yours. I've loved you since middle school, Winters. I always go after what I want."]
$Ash["I'm sure glad you did."]
I guess he was right in that I made an error in my memoir
$Stella[//( yes I'm calling it a memoir).//]
$s[Stella Parker].
Stella Winters.
The End $Stella[//Uhmm. yes. I need my space.//]
//(Girl, you boring.)//
$Stella["Let me go,"I urge him.]
$Ash["Nuh uh Nuh uh," he taunts me.]
$Stella[//( Don't say I didn't warn him).//]
I tickle him and when his arms get loose, I start to make a run for it.
I'm out the door and running for dear life.
$Stella[//(I'm a drama queen, sue me.)//]
But. he comes after me like I know he would.
$Ash["Mouse, stop running."] $Stella[//(Mouse why can't I get a normal nickname?)//]
$Ash["Why did you run away?"]
$Stella"Because I like you and I need space. You can't hold me like that without -"
He then cut me off with a kiss.
$Ash["I like you too."]
[[Things are great and never better]]
$Stella[//Oh ya. Two can play at that game.//
"Oh, you are so going to regret, boy!"]
$Ash["Boy! I am no boy, I'm 100% man."]
Thoroughly distracted, I give a kiss and try to make a run for it after he is shocked.
$Stella[//Nuh uh I'm getting creamed. (Only I can dothat to others duh? Everything fair in Stella's rulebook.)//]
I'm halfway out the door before Winters grabs me inside and pulls me inside into his arms.
$Ash["Why are you trying so hard escape little mouse ... thought you liked me?" He whispers.]
$Stella["Of course I do!"] and with that he kisses me again.
$Stella[//Why did I want to run again?//]
[[Things are great and never better]] You cautiously walk to the door.
$Stella[//No I'm not going to die. It must the wind.//]
Toink! ( What wind makes a toink sound?)
$Stella[You head over to the window and yell, "I got pepper spray!"]
Then, you open your eyes and see its Winters. Winters!
And yes, he is double overed laughing.
$Ash["Who did you think I was?"]
$Stella["Uhmm I don't know."]
$Ash["So what about that coffee date?"]
$Stella["Damn. I wish I could."]
$Ash["Who said you couldn't?" he replies with a smirk. "I'm breaking you out."]
$Stella[//( Can I say I'm squealing inside rite now. Gotta say loving the wild streak.)//]
[[Jump and I'll catch you]]
[[Use the tree next to the window to climb down]]
[[Stay in detention.]]
$Stella[//Nuh uh. I'm not checking the window. What if I get dragged out? Like Georgie by a clown? Shudders( NO clowns for me anyday).//]
The sound against the window eventually stops and I wonder what it could have been.
$Stella[//The wind maybe?
Still another 58 min to go ugghhh.
Why does the world hate me?//]
58 min later...
[[Exit the school and someone grabs you]] (set: $confidenceLevel to $confidenceLevel +5)
(set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint +10)
$Stella[//Man, why do I feel like I'm in Aladdin now?//]
$Ash["DO you trust me?"]
$Stella[//(Oh yes I'm definetely the Jasmin to your Aladdin).//]
I know I barely know him, but at the same time that's not true. I've liked him since middle school. So, yes I do trust him.
$Stella["I do!"]
$Ash["Okay, jump then!"]
$Stella[//( Pretty sure he was testing me in a way and I'll prove that he can.)//]
I think he didn't believe I could do it neither did I, but yes I jumped and he caught me!
$Stella[//(Phew wouldn't want to be a human pancake on the sidewalk)//]
I look up and see him grinning at me.
$Ash["That's my girl!Let's go time for some coffee."]
[[Coffee Date <3]] (set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint +5)
$Stella["I'm coming, but my own way. Yes. I'm still pretty bad ditching detetion just a safer way."]
$Ash["Aww, don't trust me, Parker?" he smirks.]
$Stella["I do, but this is just safer."]
$Ash["Too adorable Stells," he mutters.]
I climb down and though it takes longer. We still have time to get coffee
$Ash["I didn't thing you would actually ditch," says Winters.]
$Stella["I wouldn't miss this for anything, Winters."]
[[Coffee Date <3]] (set: $confidenceLevel to $confidence -10)
$Stella["Nope. I'm staying in detention."]
$Ash["Aww not going to take risks? Didn't peg you as the type to get detention."]
$Ash["Guess I was wrong about you and I was the only one excited about our date."]
$Stella["Noo-"but too late.]
Winters already left.
$Stella[//Sigh, Stella why didn't you just take a risk. Hope this was worth it.]
Step 2: fail
[[Give up and try again next year]]
[[Restart Mission?]] $Stella["I got Pepper Spray! Damn, where is it? "]
$Ash["Gotchya Parker" he chuckles.]
My body warms up to the voice already recognizing it is him.
$Stella["Whatchya doin' here so late?" //( Now I know why Isabella loved saying that to Phineas so much)//]
$Ash["I was waiting for you."]
I was stunned.
$Stella[//Really? The king of Lochester High was waiting for me.
$Ash["Let's just say you got something I'm trying to figure out."
"But first, Ready for our coffee date?"]
$Stella[//Oh, you bet I am.//]
I nod my head.
[[Coffee Date <3]] (set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint +5)
$Stella[//Phew. Lemme explain.//]
$Stella[//Those dots keep appearing ad dissappearing like he doesn't know what to say.//]
$Ash[Parker. You know if u wanted to cancel you could have just said so. I felt like a fool waiting so long.]
$Stella[I'm sorry. I was in detention.]
$Stella[Ya I know..but I really wanted to get coffee with you?]
$Ash[Wanna make it up later?]
$Ash[Wouldn't say no to that.]
A few days later...
[[Coffee Date <3]] (set: $lovePoint to $lovePoint -5)
He doesn't respond.
$Stella:[//Did I mess up. If only I had messaged him before getting caught.
Maybe he doesn't believe me.
He doesn't trust me enough to explain.//]
Step 2: fail
[[Give up and try again next year]]
[[Restart Mission?]] music: http://twinegamelove.yolasite.com/resources/60-Seconds-2020-03-22_-_Touch_Of_Love_-_FesliyanStudios.com_-_David_Renda%20%281%29.mp3{
(track: 'music', 'loop', true)
(track: 'music', 'playwhenpossible')
[["WAKE UP!"]<yell|]
(click: ?yell)[[Confused your brain seems to malfunction.]<next|]
(click: ?next)[["WAKE UP!"]<next2|]
(click: ?next2)[["EARTH TO STELLA"]<next3|]
(click: ?next3)[[Suddenly awake, you see 30 pairs of eyes snickering at you.]<next4|]
(click: ?next4)[[Whoops.]<statement|]
(click:?statement)[["Care to share what you were dreaming about Stella to the rest of the class?"]<choices|]
[[Look down trying to avoid the stares.]]
[[Sure teach just dreaming about love and all.]]
[[Defiantly stare at the teacher and retort.]]]Double-click this passage to edit it.