(text-style: "blink")[ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!]
Life support shutting down!
Emergency protocol commencing!
[[Wake Up->Wake up]]There are four tubes in the room, including yours. The others just have flashing red lights and the words "(text-style: "blink")[Failure: Deceased]" on the panels.
Maybe it's best to [[leave->First Doorway]].The room around you is dark with the only lighting coming from the tubes.
First thing you see are [[other tubes->Check other tubes]] similar to one you just came from and only [[one entrance->First Doorway]].You make your way to the large metal door, but where does it lead?
Should you...
[[Listen first?->Listen in]]
[[Open it?->Open First Door]]You wake up in some kind of tube with no recollection of how you got here. You should get up and [[look around->Look Around]] the room for some clues.You press your ears to the cold metal door... Listening to the [[other side->Loud Banging]]...
There is a panel to the right of the metal door. That must be how you open this door.
[[Operate the panel.->Loud Banging]]|bangs>[(text-style:"rumble")[''Bang...	''](live: 1.5s)[(text-style:"rumble")[''Bang...	'']](live: 2.5s)[(text-style:"rumble")[''Bang...	'']]](live:4s)[(replace: ?bangs)[Loud footsteps can be heard outside the door. As it stops, the metal door slides open revealing no one on the other side. Cautiously, you slowly step through [[the door->First Room]].]]As you pass through the door, it slides shut and appears to be locked. No way back I guess.
The door led to an empty room that is lit up with white florecents lights. The ceiling, floor, and walls are made with the same cold metal as the door you just passed.
You notice a vent on the ceiling that seemed to be bent and a [[toolbox->Get Flashlight]] on the floor.
In front of you there are a couple of doors open that you can explore.
[[Medbay->Medbay]]As you enter into the Cafeteria, the door behind you also slides shut. Interesting... seems as if you cannot ever go back the way you came.
The Cafeteria is lined with dining hall tables with attached seats. No one else seems to be in the room, but there are [[plates left on the tables->Inspect Plates]].
[[Food->Food Machine]]
[[Doorway->Empty Room 2]]
[[Go back ->First Room]]As you enter the room, it was
In this room are just a bunch of medical supplies, [[a scanner->View Vitals]], and an exit to [[Admin->Admin]]
[[Go back ->First Room]]The monitor says your vitals are normal. Maybe just a little unfit.
[[Okay... rude.->Medbay]]You go to the entrance of the Locker Room, but it seems like the room's lights are out.
[[Continue?->View Lockers 1]]
[[Go to Hangers instead->Hangers]]As the food dispenses, the lights go out. You hear the loud footsteps coming from where you came.
The only way out is the [[open doorway->Empty Room 2]].The plates still have leftover food on them. Some scraps of red and blue mashed potatoes and a side of jelly. Or is that slime?
[[Leave->Cafeteria]]Your stomach grumbles as you stare at a neon lit food machine.
[[Press button->Light Goes Out]]The room has a [[bunch of files->View Files]] laying around.
A giant monitor is lit up [[showing cameras->View Cameras]] to all of the rooms.
The opposite wall has a door leading to [[the Bridge->Bridge]]
[[Go back->Medbay]]You bolt for the Starfighter. It looks like one from a famous movie franchise (Wars in the Stars???).
As you enter the cockpit, you realize you have no idea what you are doing and just trapped yourself in a ship...
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]|aim>[You aim the blaster at the creature.]
(link:"Pull trigger.")[(replace: ?aim)[You shoot the alien right in the chest, which causes the alien to fall over dead. Nice shot!
With that threat gone, you can finally go and find some help.
(color: green)[SURVIVED]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]]]You picked up the blaster. You hear creaking in the vents above you. As you look up. You see a monster. Let's [[run.->Hangers]]
(set: $weapon = true)(if: $seenFigure is false)[While flipping through the cameras, you spot a strange figure. The figure seems to just be staring at the camera, as if it knows you are watching.
The feed disappears... After a few seconds, the feed turns back on with the figure gone. The camera was located by the lockers.(set: $seenFigure to true)](else:)[Nothing unusual appears on the camera feed.]
[[Leave->Admin]]|timer>[As you press the button, you've activated the self destruct sequence.
(set: $time to 11)(live:1s)[(set: $time to it -1)$time(if: $time is 0)[(stop:)[(replace: ?timer)[>Kaboom< The whole ship explodes, sacrificing yourself to kill the monster.
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]]]]]]You answer the monitor, however, the door behind you suddenly opens.
It's the monster you saw earlier. You send a distress signal but you perish in the process.
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]The files list that you are part of a spaceship crew. Seems like you were on a mission to explore a new planet. There is also a pair of [[blueprints?->Blueprints]].
[[What went wrong?->Admin]]There is a blinking red light and the words "INCOMING TRANSMISSION" next to a monitor.
[[Answer it?->Call for help]]
There is a giant button on the opposite wall with words "EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN".
[[Press it?->Emergency Lockdown]]
[[Go back ->Admin]]It seems that by activating the lockdown, the incoming message got deleted.
You suddenly hear banging on the door and you start to hide under a desk. The figure you saw earlier is some kind of creature and it's hunting you now.
[[Fight?->Combat]]You enter the lockers... it is pitch black. You cannot see anything in front of you.
(if: $flashlight is true)[(link:"Turn on flashlight")[You turn on your flashlight. [[You can proceed without fear.->Get Blaster]]]](else:)[
Are you sure you still want to continue?
[[Continue->View Lockers 2]]
[[Back out->Hangers]]]You enter the escape pod and are greeted with a lot of unlabeled buttons.
(set: $time to 10)(live: 1s)[(set: $time to it - 1)$time
(if: $blueprints is false)[[[Press button 1->Button 1]]
[[Press button 2->Button 2]]
[[Press button 3->Button 3]]](else: )[[[Wipers->Button 1]]
[[Launch Escape Pod->Button 2]]
[[Drain fuel->Button 3]]]
(if: $time is 0)[(stop:)[(goto:"Game Over")]]]You make it to the hangers. As you scan the room, you see some spaceships and an escape pod.
You also begin to hear the loud banging behind you again.
What would you like to do?(set: $time to 10)(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it - 1)$time
[[Go to the spaceships->Starfighter]]
[[Go to the escape pods->Escape Pod]]
(if: $weapon is true)[[Aim weapon->Aim at Alien]]
(if: $time is 0)[(stop:)[(goto:"Game Over")]]]You close and lock the door, sealing the monster behind it.
The room is identical to the first empty room. Just a cold metal room.
As you scan the room, there are only two exits open.
[[Lockers->Locker Room]]{
(set: $weapon = false)
(set: $flashlight = false)
(set: $knowWhoYouAre = false)
(set: $blueprints = false)
(set: $seenFigure = false)
}(if: $flashlight is false)[You found and picked up a flashlight. [[Nice!->First Room]]](else: )[Nothing in the toolbox. [[Go back->First Room]].]
(set: $flashlight = true)You make it to what you think is an open locker.
As you get closer, you hear something in the room with you.
[[Reach in?->Get Blaster]]
[[Escape!!!->Hangers]]You see some blueprints for some Escape Pods, this might be helpful later.
(set: $blueprints to true)When you press the button, the wipers activate! Why does an escape pod even need windshield wipers?
As you ponder on that question, the monster attacks you, leaving only a skeleton.
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]You launch the escape pod, freeing from the creature's grasp. You survive for now... but where to now?
(color: green)[SURVIVED]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]When you press the button you hear some liquid pouring out behind you and the fuel gauge going down. Seems you just drained the fuel...
The monster enters into the escape pod with you and melts you down with acid.
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]As you stand there, deciding your next move, the alien leaps on to you, killing you instantly.
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]You decide to crawl under some of the desks. It seems like the creature doesn't know where you are, but it's searching.
Under the desk you see [[another button->Self Destruct]]. Or just keep [[hiding->Found]].You are now face to face with the creature. The grotesque figure is somewhat humanoid with lots of slime oozing everywhere from its body.
Punch the monster in its...
(set: $time to 10)(live: 1s)[(set: $time to it - 1)$time
(if: $time is 0)[(stop:)[(goto:"Game Over")]]]|heart>[You hear the creature's footsteps get closer and closer, before stopping right at your desk... Your hearts starts to race.
(live: 3s)[Badump... ](live:4s)[Badump... ](live:5s)[Badump...]](live:6s)[(replace: ?heart)[The creature found you! You have no option now but to [[fight for your life->Combat]]!]]You punch the monster in the face, knocking it to the ground. Nice punch!
You were able to lock the monster in the airlock and send it into space.
Now let's go look for some help.
(color: green)[SURVIVED]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]You punch the creature in the body. However, you soon realize that you got stuck within its slime. The creature's body opens up exposing sharp teeth and devours you whole.
(color: red)[GAME OVER]
(link: "Restart")[(reload:)]