2030 A.D, Human beings finally could not avoid the nuclear wars between superpowers. After the boomb of 7521 nuclear missiles, our mother earth become a wasteland. Only 1% human beings survived underground drinking irradiated water and eating cockroach. Human form different gangs to fight for resources. Death is just a part of life that happens everyday. Ironicially, anarchy has finally being reached, just not the kind of anarchy liberalist want.
Your just turned 18 when the nuclear war started. You magically survived the shock wave, the heating, and the radiation but all your family members died. You don't understand why your DNA gives you some sort of radiation immune. You think you would rather die in the boombs, with all the good memory about the old days, than survive alone in a wasteland with nightmare every night. You still remember the golden age before the war when you did not have to worry about surviving at that time because your family takes care of everything. Usually, when your father is working, he would carry you with him. You sat in his old
truck listening his stories, learning from him how to be brave. "I must be brave, I must find way to survive!"
Your eyes turn to the old cars. Alothough human lives underground, they still need someone to transport guns, food, medicine or just message, because they are afraid of the radiation above the ground. You decide to open your own, one-mn-run courier services company to earn the resources you need.
What do you think is the most important property one should hve to survive in the wasteland?
enough resourcesa strong bodya BravehertGreat equipment
2030 A.D, Human beings finally could not avoid the nuclear wars between superpowers. After the boomb of 7521 nuclear missiles, our mother earth become a wasteland. Only 1% human beings survived underground drinking irradiated water and eating cockroach. Human form different gangs to fight for resources. Death is just a part of life that happens everyday. Ironicially, anarchy has finally being reached, just not the kind of anarchy liberalist want.
Your just turned 18 when the nuclear war started. You magically survived the shock wave, the heating, and the radiation but all your family members died. You don't understand why your DNA gives you some sort of radiation immune. You think you would rather die in the boombs, with all the good memory about the old days, than survive alone in a wasteland with nightmare every night. You still remember the golden age before the war when you did not have to worry about surviving at that time because your family takes care of everything. Usually, when your father is working, he would carry you with him. You sat in his old __truck__ listening his stories, learning from him how to be brave. "I must be brave, I must find way to survive!"
Your eyes turn to the old cars. Alothough human lives underground, they still need someone to transport guns, food, medicine or just message, because they are afraid of the radiation above the ground. You decide to open your own, one-mn-run courier services company to earn the resources you need.
What do you think is the most important property one should hve to survive in the wasteland?
[[enough resources]]
[[a strong body]]
[[a Bravehert]]
[[Great equipment]]
<img src = "http://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/001/499/835/springvale-9946.jpg?rect=224,0,576,576&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max&w=960&h=960" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes">
<<set $boss = {
"HP" : random(300,500),
"Attack" : random (50,100),
"Defence" : random(20,40),
}>><<set $day = {
"num" : 0
<<set $truck = {
"Cruise" : 60,
<<set $player = {
"HPMAX" : 100,
"HP" : 100,
"Attack" : 10,
"Defence" :0,
"Money" : 10,
"Hunger_value" : 100
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
You understand that survive in a waste land is not easy. There will be different kinds of enermy in your adventure, and you will fight them! You need to
You go to the garage. You find the key of your father's truck. You try to start the engine, although the truck makes some weird noise, but yes, it still works. It is astonishing that this truck is powered by electricity, and you can recharge the battery back home everyday. The solar panel of your base can provide enough electric for your truck. There are also many tools available to refit your truck. You can increase its loading capacity so that you can carry more stuff; and you can increase the cruising ability of the battery so that you can drive longer.
You are satisfied with the truck. You start your business by setting up an ugly wooden brand ourside your base //WASTELAND TRUCK//.
After preparing everything, you feel so tired. Let's [[call it a day!|home]] and wish for a better tomorrow.
<<set $item = {
"protein" : 5,
"metal" : 4,
"gadget" : 6,
"knife" : 0,
"medicine" : 3,
"metal_required" : 2,
"gadget_required" : 2
<<set $novel = {
"num_read" : 0
<<set $pit =0>><<set $day = {
"num" : 0
<<set $truck = {
"Cruise" : 60,
<<set $player = {
"HPMAX" : 200,
"HP" : 200,
"Attack" : 10,
"Defence" :0,
"Money" : 0,
"Hunger_value" : 100
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
You understand that survive in a waste land is not easy. There will be different kinds of enermy in your adventure, and you will fight them! You need to
You go to the garage. You find the key of your father's truck. You try to start the engine, although the truck makes some weird noise, but yes, it still works. It is astonishing that this truck is powered by electricity, and you can recharge the battery back home everyday. The solar panel of your base can provide enough electric for your truck. There are also many tools available to refit your truck. You can increase its loading capacity so that you can carry more stuff; and you can increase the cruising ability of the battery so that you can drive longer.
You are satisfied with the truck. You start your business by setting up an ugly wooden brand ourside your base //WASTELAND TRUCK//.
After preparing everything, you feel so tired. Let's [[call it a day!|home]] and wish for a better tomorrow.
<<set $item = {
"protein" : 3,
"metal" : 4,
"gadget" : 6,
"knife" : 0,
"medicine" : 3,
"metal_required" : 2,
"gadget_required" : 2
<<set $novel = {
"num_read" : 0
<<set $pit =0>><<set $day = {
"num" : 0
<<set $truck = {
"Cruise" : 60,
<<set $player = {
"HPMAX" : 50,
"HP" : 50,
"Attack" : 20,
"Money" : 0,
"Hunger_value" : 100
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
You go to the garage. You find the key of your father's truck. You try to start the engine, although the truck makes some weird noise, but yes, it still works. It is astonishing that this truck is powered by electricity, and you can recharge the battery back home everyday. The solar panel of your base can provide enough electric for your truck. There are also many tools available to refit your truck. You can increase its loading capacity so that you can carry more stuff; and you can increase the cruising ability of the battery so that you can drive longer.
You are satisfied with the truck. You start your business by setting up an ugly wooden brand ourside your base //WASTELAND TRUCK//.
After preparing everything, you feel so tired. Let's [[call it a day!|home]] and wish for a better tomorrow.
<<set $item = {
"protein" : 3,
"metal" : 4,
"gadget" : 6,
"knife" : 0,
"medicine" : 3,
"metal_required" : 2,
"gadget_required" : 2
<<set $novel = {
"num_read" : 0
<<set $pit =0>><<set $day = {
"num" : 0
<<set $truck = {
"Cruise" : 80,
<<set $player = {
"HPMAX" : 50,
"HP" : 50,
"Attack" : 10,
"Money" : 0,
"Hunger_value" : 100
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
You go to the garage. You find the key of your father's truck. You try to start the engine, although the truck makes some weird noise, but yes, it still works. It is astonishing that this truck is powered by electricity, and you can recharge the battery back home everyday. The solar panel of your base can provide enough electric for your truck. There are also many tools available to refit your truck. You can increase its loading capacity so that you can carry more stuff; and you can increase the cruising ability of the battery so that you can drive longer.
You are satisfied with the truck. You start your business by setting up an ugly wooden brand ourside your base //WASTELAND TRUCK//.
After preparing everything, you feel so tired. Let's [[call it a day!|home]] and wish for a better tomorrow.
<<set $item = {
"protein" : 3,
"metal" : 4,
"gadget" : 6,
"knife" : 0,
"medicine" : 3,
"metal_required" : 2,
"gadget_required" : 2
<<set $novel = {
"num_read" : 0
<<set $pit =0>><<day $day>>
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
What are you going to do today?
[[Go explore]]
[[Check my inventory|inventory]]
[[Go to the black market|black market]]
Cost 10 hunger Value to [[Read father's diary|read]]
[[1st delivery|1]]
[[2nd delivery]]
<img src = "https://seretstudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Raw-Basement-Top-16.jpg" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes"><<call $day>>
Going outside may not always be the best choice. If you can't use the least energy and time to get the most resources you need, you may not survive. Go back to sleep is also an acceptable choice for you!
If your truck's Crusing ability goes to 10, you will autamatically go back home.
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
[[call it a day!|home]]
[[Fight boss|day10]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
$item.protein __protein__: disgusting protein block made by cockroach, but can make you less hundry.
$item.metal __metal__: Can be used to upgrade your knife level.
$item.medicine __medicine__: Can be used to heal yourself 20HP.
$item.gadget gadgets: Can be used to upgrade your truck cruiseing ability.
level $item.knife knife: each level knife gives you //5// additional attack.
$truck.Cruise km __Truck rusing ablity__ : determines how far you can go to explore each day.
[[eat 1 protein]]
[[eat 1 medicine]]
Use $item.metal_required metal to [[upgrade your knife]]
Use $item.gadget_required gadget to [[upgrade your truck]]
<img src = "https://cmzone-vzbqbxhynotw9ion96xv.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/basement-reno-1.jpg" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes"><<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
"Dear treavler, I am the mysterious merchant. As long as you have money, you can get everything here! What do you want?"
Spend 1 coin to [[buy Protein block|Protein]]
Spend 1 coin to <<linkreplace "get Protein Block">>Purchased
<<if $player.Money - 1 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 1>>
<<set $item.protein = $item.protein +1>>
You have $item.protein protein blocks now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
Spend 2 coins to [[buy medicine|medicine]]
Spend 2 coins to [[buy metal|metal]]
Spend 2 coins to [[buy gadgets|gadget]]
Spend 10 coins to [[increase your HP limit|strength]]
Spend 20 coins to [[increase your Defence ability|Defence]]
<img src = "https://support.activision.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=015U0000004QSEa&oid=00DU0000000HMgw&lastMod=1447708980000" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes">
<<set $truck.Cruise = $truck.Cruise - 10>>
<<set $player.Hunger_value -=10>>
<<if $truck.Cruise lte 0>>
<<set $truck.Cruise = $truck.CruiseMAX>>
<<set $day.num +=1>>
<<goto home>>
<<switch random(1, 12)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto pit>>
<<case 2>>
<<goto METAL>>
<<case 3 7>>
<<goto PROTEIN>>
<<case 4>>
<<goto COIN>>
<<case 5>>
<<goto GADGET>>
<<case 6>>
<<goto MEDICINE>>
<<case 8 9 10>>
<<goto nothing>>
<<case 11 12 13>>
<<goto F1>>
<<case 14 15 16>>
<<goto F2>>
<<set $zombie = {
"HP" : random(40,60)+$day.num*10,
"Attack" : random(8,12)+$day.num*2,
"Defence" : random(4,6)+$day.num*1,
<<set $shooter = {
"HP" : random(20,40)+$day.num*10,
"Attack" : random (30,50)+$day.num*2,
"Defence" : random(0,5)+$day.num*1,
<<set $monster = {
"HP" : 1,
"Attack" : 1,
"Defence" : 0
<<set $faceless = {
"HP" : random(10,200)+$day.num*10,
"Attack" : random(10,70)+$day.num*2,
"Defence" : random(0,20)+$day.num*1,
}>><<diary $novel>>
<<set $player.Hunger_value = $player.Hunger_value - 10>>
[[keep reading|novel]]
Today, a little boy find you, asking if you can help him send this letter to his grandmother living in another cirty. Actually he might be 11 or 12 years old already, but he do not have enough nutrition in this age, he looks like a 7 years old boy. He said he missed his grandmother so much and he doesn't even know if she is still alive. It is almost impossible for him to travel from city to city. He does not have any money, but he promised you to pay you his __most valuable toy__ if you can help him send the letter. You decide to:
[[Boy, don't worry about the money, I can help you|omw]]
You follow the address on the letter, and found the door of the house is not locked. An old lady is lying on her bed, peacefully. She looks like she just fall asleep, but her body temperature indicates she has passed away. Seeing too much death, you do not feeling anything special. You put the letter on her desk. "My job is finished." You bury the body in the backyard and you are going to leave, you see 10 coins on her bedside table and a letter says "To my grandson Jimmy". You decide to
[[Return the money and letter to the little boy Jimy|honest]]
[[Only return the letter to the little boy Jimy and take the money in your pocket|dishonest]]Surviving is not easy. It is so hard to always be kind, it is so hard to make every choice,and every bad choice could lead you to a bad ending.
[[What if I can make a different choice?|Intro]]A gang called "Trump NO.1" want you to deliver five mysterious box to another city. They told you do not ask what is inside the box but they promise if you mess up the boxes, they will kill you, becaue they can earn a lot by selling these boxes to the black market in other city. There is no way for you to say no to this group of people. You have to unwilling deliver their boxes.
Another gang called "Fork Trump" stops you on the way, asking if you have some boxes.
[["No, I do not have any.|Lie to them]]
[["Yes a gand gives me five boxes for delivery."|Tell them the truth]]
[[Fight!|2nd fight]]"No? What are these boxes in your truck?" They take the boxes in brutal force. You have to go back and tell "Trump No.1" what happened. They are so angry about you. You want to escape, but someone put "PUNGGGG!!!! you hear the gun shot and the world is [[getting darker and darker......|dead]]
<audio src="www.sucaibar.com/play/38239" autoplay>"Can you give the box to us? There are some very precious medicine in the box and we are planning to use the medicine to save a goup of kids who lost their parents."
[[give up the boxes]]
[[Do not give up]]You think saving kids is more important. You open the boxes and indeed, there are some rare medicine inside. You give up the boxes. You are now thinking about how to deal with the gang "Trump No.1".
When you go back, "Trump No.1" are so mad about you, they want you die. At that moment, gang "Fork Trump" come to help.
[[Fight|2nd fight]]<<set $player.HPMAX = $player.HPMAX - 30>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP - 30>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money + 10>>
You think finish your job is more important. You suddenly speed up your truck and run away. You finish your delivery and get 10 coins reward. At night, when you are sleeping, you seem to see mny kids' face in your dream, they are begging to you "Please give us some medicine, we don't want to die! Please!" You don not feel very good. You lost some of your HP limit.
<<call $day>>
[[Let's call it a day|home]]
You beat the boss. But surviving is still hard in this world. But now, you are brave enough to solve any problems!
<img src = "https://cdn.dvidshub.net/media/thumbs/frames/video/1608/477453/486x274_q75.jpg" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes"><<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<enermy $boss>>
You encounter the boss, what do you want to do?
<img src = "" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes">
You have a 50% chance to [[escape|b1]], but if you failed, you will still be attacked.Two robbers stops you when you are on the way to the other city.
"Give me all your money and food in the truck, or I will put a hole on your head!"
"There is nothing in my truck, I am just sending a message for a little kids, please let me go."
"Wow, what a //nice// person, helping a kid for nothing? Then you can try to be "nice" to us, as you see we really need some food and money."
[["I am not lying to you, I only have a letter with me, you can check this letter|letter]]
[["All right, I can share some food with you. but let me go."|share food]]
[["I am not negotiating with the criminals."|1st fight]]"Are you fooling us? This piece of bullshit from a kid?"
They burn the letter in front of you.
You are so mad now, you feel your body are making lots of epinephrine that you can [[easily defeat the robbers|1st fight]]<<set $item.protein -=4>>
You think these robbers are also the people who is struggling to survive in this age. Sharing some food with them is not all bad. Atleast they do not need to be hungry tonight. You shared 4 protein blocks with them.
Actually they are not those kind of bad people. They even thank you for the food and leave.
[[You have been delayed, you want to harry up to send the letter.|old woman]]The boy is so sad hearing the news about his grandfather. But he appreciates your help. As he promised, he gives you the "iron man's armor", which is a popular cosplay uniform. You put it on, and find this uniform can provide you some defensive ability.
<<set $player.Defence += 5>>
<<call $day>>
[[Let's call it a day|home]]You put the 10 coins in your pocket, surviving is the priority for you in this age. You do not necessary feel guilty about yourself. But, are you still the person you used to be?
<<set $day.num = $day.num +1>>
[[Let's call it a day|home]]The robbers are so frightened now, they just can't even stop your attack. They run away. You want to keep sending the letter but you realise that the letter is gone, and you do not even know the address of the kid's grandfather. You feel so tired and depressed now.
[[Let's call it a day|home]]You win! You are so tired now, but you get 10 coins as reward. And you know some kids may survive, even just for a few more days.
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money + 10>>
<<call $day>>
[[Let's call it a day|home]]Not everyone knows what this kind of protein blocks are made of. You happen to know this because one day you accidently brust into a protein factory. You almost vomitted all yours gastric juice when you fist saw how they made the protein blocks. But know you just the the protein blocks as food. Yes, you are hungry, and you need whatever //things// to eat.
<<if $item.protein gte 1>>
<<set $player.Hunger_value = $player.Hunger_value + 50>>
<<set $item.protein -=1>>
<<elseif $item.protein eq 0>>
You do //not// have any protein blocks left!
[[back to inventory|inventory]]<<if $item.metal - $item.metal_required gte 0>> <<set $player.Attack = $player.Attack + 5>>
<<set $item.knife = $item.knife + 1>>
<<set $item.metal = $item.metal - $item.metal_required>>
<<set $item.metal_required = $item.metal_required + 2>>
Your knife is now level $item.knife!
<<elseif $item.metal - $item.metal_required lt 0>>
You do //not// have enough metal to upgrade your knife! <</if>>
This knife was a birthday gift from your father when you were 10 years old. You don't believe guns can bring you safety, but you are willing to use a knife to defend your self.
[[back to inventory|inventory]]<<if $item.gadget - $item.gadget_required gte 0>> <<set $truck.CruiseMAX = $truck.CruiseMAX + 10>>
<<set $truck.Cruise = $truck.Cruise + 10>>
<<set $item.gadget = $item.gadget - $item.gadget_required>>
<<set $item.gadget_required = $item.gadget_required + 2>>
Your truck's crusing ability is now $truck.Cruise / $truck.CruiseMAX km!
<<elseif $item.gadget - $item.gadget_required lt 0>>
You do //not// have enough gadgets to upgrade your truck! <</if>>
You learned how to repair cars with your father. At that time, autamatic driving system become more and more popular and the electrocar technology had been widly used.
[[back to inventory|inventory]]<<if $player.Money - 1 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 1>>
<<set $item.protein = $item.protein +1>>
You have $item.protein protein blocks now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
[[back|black market]]
<<if $player.Money - 2 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 2>>
<<set $item.medicine = $item.medicine +1>>
You have $item.medicine medicine now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
[[back|black market]]<<if $player.Money - 2 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 2>>
<<set $item.metal = $item.metal +1>>
You have $item.metal metal now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
[[back|black market]]<<if $player.Money - 2 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 2>>
<<set $item.gadget = $item.gadget +1>>
You have $item.gadget gadgets now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
[[back|black market]]<<if $item.medicine gte 1>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP + 20>>
<<if $player.HP gt $player.HPMAX>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HPMAX>>
<<set $item.medicine = $item.medicine - 1>>
<<elseif $item.medicine eq 0>>
You do //not// have any medicine left!
[[back to inventory|inventory]]<<player $player>>
$item.protein __protein__: disgusting protein block made by cockroach, but can make you less hundry.
$item.metal __metal__: Can be used to upgrade your knife level.
$item.medicine __medicine__: Can be used to heal yourself 20HP.
$item.gadget gadgets: Can be used to upgrade your truck cruiseing ability.
level $item.knife knife: each level knife gives you //5// additional attack.
$truck.Cruise km __Truck rusing ablity__ : determines how far you can go to explore each day.
[[eat 1 protein]]
[[eat 1 medicine]]
Use $item.metal_required metal to [[upgrade your knife]]
Use $item.gadget_required gadget to [[upgrade your truck]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<diary $novel>>
<<set $player.Hunger_value = $player.Hunger_value - 10>>
[[keep reading|read]]
[[back|home]]You have read your father's diary so many times. From his stories you never heard from him, you get inspired by his spirits. He was also a innocent child who knew nothting about the crude world. But he grew up bravely, he never surrendered to the kids who liked to bully him in school, he went to college with his own money, he proposed to the beautiful woman when he did not have any money, and he worked so hard when he had a beautiful boy--you. Yes, his story is just so normal, like everyone else, but you feel some kind of power in his story."I must be brave!" Your ability increases a lot!
<<set $player.Attack = $player.Attack + 10>>
<<set $player.HPMAX = $player.HPMAX + 50>>
<<set $player.Defence = $player.Defence + 5>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP + 50>>
<<player $player>>
[[back|home]]<<if $player.Money - 10 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 10>>
<<set $player.HPMAX = $player.HPMAX + 30>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP + 30>>
Your HP limit increases to $player.HPMAX now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
[[back|black market]]<<if $player.Money - 20 gte 0>>
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money - 20>>
<<set $player.Defence = $player.Defence + 5>>
Your HP limit increases to $player.HPMAX now!
<<elseif $player.Money eq 0>>
You do //not// have enough Money!
[[back|black market]]<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<set $randommetal to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randommetal is 1>>\
You find 1 metal.
<<set $item.metal +=1>>
<<elseif $randommetal is 2>>\
You find 2 metal.
<<set $item.metal +=2>>
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<set $randomprotein to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomprotein is 1>>\
You find 1 protein block.
<<set $item.protein +=1>>
<<elseif $randomprotein is 2>>\
You find 2 protein blocks.
<<set $item.protein +=2>>
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<set $randomcoin to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomcoin is 1>>\
You find 1 coin.
<<set $item.coin +=1>>
<<elseif $randomcoin is 2>>\
You find 2 coins.
<<set $item.coin +=2>>
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<set $randomgadget to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomgadget is 1>>\
You find 1 gadget.
<<set $item.gadget +=1>>
<<elseif $randomgadget is 2>>\
You find 2 gadgets.
<<set $item.gadgets +=2>>
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<set $randommedicine to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randommedicine is 1>>\
You find 1 medicine.
<<set $item.medicine +=1>>
<<elseif $randommedicine is 2>>\
You find 2 medicine.
<<set $item.medicine +=2>>
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
You found that pit again, do you want to cost 10 hunger value to <<linkreplace "dig it?">>
<<set $pit +=1>>
<<set $player.Hunger_value -=10>>
You have digged the pit $pit m!
<<if $pit eq 10>>
WOW! You find a __big treasue__!!! Check your inventory now!
<<set $player.Money = $player.Money + 20>>
<<set $item.protein += 3>>
<<set $item.metal += 6>>
<<set $item.gadget += 6>>
<<set $item.medicine += 6>>
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
You did not find anything.
[[Check your inventory|INVENTORY]]
[[Drive your truck to search for some resources|Search]]
[[call it a day!|home]]<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>>
<<enermy $zombie>>
You encounter a zombie, what do you want to do?
<img src = "https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/zombiepic.jpg?quality=90&strip=all" width ="800" height="500" alt="Two foxes">
[[Fight!|ff1]] If you win, you can get some resources.
You have a 50% chance to [[escape|f1]], but if you failed, you will still be attacked.<<set $truck.Cruise -=10>>
<<set $player.Hunger_value -=10>>
<<player $player>>
<<truck $truck>><<set $asd to random(1,2)>>
<<if $asd is 1>>
<<goto nothing>>
<<elseif $asd is 2>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP - $zombie.Attack + $player.Defence>>
<<goto F1>>
<<if $player.HP lte 0>>
<<goto dead>>
<</if>><<set $zombie.HP = $zombie.HP - $player.Attack +$zombie.Defence>>
<<if $zombie.HP lte 0>>
<<goto win>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP - $zombie.Attack + $player.Defence>>
<<if $player.HP lte 0>>
<<goto dead>>
<<goto F1>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto pit>>
<<case 2>>
<<goto METAL>>
<<case 3>>
<<goto PROTEIN>>
<<case 4>>
<<goto COIN>>
<<case 5>>
<<goto GADGET>>
<<case 6>>
<<goto MEDICINE>>
<</nobr>><<set $boss.HP = $boss.HP - $player.Attack +$boss.Defence>>
<<if $boss.HP lte 0>>
<<goto good>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP - $boss.Attack + $player.Defence>>
<<if $player.HP lte 0>>
<<goto dead>>
<<goto day10>><<set $asd to random(1,2)>>
<<if $asd is 1>>
<<goto nothing>>
<<elseif $asd is 2>>
<<set $player.HP = $player.HP - $boss.Attack + $boss.Defence>>
<<goto day10>>
<<if $player.HP lte 0>>
<<goto dead>>