It's hot amongst the massive crowd. The midday sun beats down against the stone blocks of the courtyard. In the center, a wooden stage has been constructed. Loud murmurs can be heard all around. What is the emperor doing on the eastern outskirts of the empire?
"Subjects!" a call (link-reveal: "rings out.")
[[Emperor Arrius Tullia VII]] steps out onto the stage in his full regalia, corona sparkling in the (link-reveal: "sunlight.") [
"The nation-state of Elderoth has fallen to the glory of the Tullian Empire! Their armies have been crushed under our glorious might! Now their kingdom is ours!"
[[next->Intro 2]]
]Shocked gasps fill the crowd. The invasion of [[Elderoth]] had been dragging on for months now.
All the peasants in the crowd were well aware; the armies had been confiscating triple the normal tribute from their crops. What had happened to change the tide so (link-reveal: "quickly?")[
"With this acquisition," emperor Arrius boomed, "our glorious empire stretches from sea to (link-reveal: 'sea!"')[
[[next|Intro 3]]
]"Now, loyal subjects. I expect you all to carry the emperors' will in treatment with our new acquisition. Non ducor, (link-reveal: 'duco!!"')[
As quickly as he came, the emperor turned his heel and left, purple cape fluttering in the wind. The crowd, however, was too agape to move, let alone (link-reveal: "disperse.")[
The Eldorians have had a long, complex history with the Eastern empire. One of the last independent nation-states on the southern continent, their people had protected their freedom (link-reveal: "bitterly and bloodily.")[
However, when theirsovereignty wasn't being threatened, the Eldorians had always been kind and welcoming, open to trade and (link-reveal: "diplomacy.") [
This news is troubling for many of the dwellers on the eastern border. **How the people on the ground conduct themselves** in the next few days will **determine the fate of the Eldorians.**
[[next->Main Split]]
]With the excitement over, the crowd begins to disperse.
(if: $Split_1_Visited is false)[[[A peasant heads home to his farm.->Split 1 Intro]]]
(if: $Split_2_Visited is false)[[[A soldier heads to the town's barracks.->Split 2 Intro]]]
(if: $Split_4_Visited is false)[[[The emperor returns to the capital.->Split 4 Intro]]]
<!-- (if: $Split_3_Visited is false)[[[A noble readies their horse.->Split 3 Intro]]] -->
(if: ($Split_1_Visited is true) and ($Split_2_Visited is true) and ($Split_3_Visited is true) and ($Split_4_Visited is true))
[[[See what the fate of Eldoroth is.->Main Conclusion]]]
The newest emperor of the [[Tullian Empire]]. Like his father before him, and his father before him, emperor Tullia VII's life's goal was to unite the whole of the [[southern continent]] under one banner, for the glory of the empire. Non ducor, duco!
[[back|Intro]] Founded by Tullia the Unbroken, the crippled conqueror, the Tullian empire has waged its conquest of unity, or so they claim, for generations. Now, onto the seventh child of the Tullian line, unification is within a hair's breadth.
Emperor Tullia's original intent with her conquest has been lost to the annals of time, so says the imperial scholars.
[[back|Emperor Arrius Tullia VII]]The southern continent is the largest on [[Atla]]. Seated right below Atla's equator and stretching almost to its southern ice flows, the southern continent houses some of the most varied and diverse flora, fauna, and people in the world. The [[plains of Ko'oth]] line its center. It is these plains that cradled civilization eons ago.
It is a place of majestic, savage beauty, hosting an even more savage history. Thousands of years of blood saturate the soil.
It is the hope of the Tullian empire to unite the lands, and drench the land with peace and riches instead of carnage.
[[back|Emperor Arrius Tullia VII]]Named by scholars after the clay-sculpting colossus of the [[Paneians]], Atla is the land, sky, and sea that the Atlans live within. Vast, rugged, and beguiling, Atla holds a long history buried beneath its landscape. To those hardy enough to explore its treacherous terrain, great discoveries await.
[[back|southern continent]]{(set: $Split_1_Visited to true)}
Strolio, humble farmer and servant of the empire, heads back to his house, thinking the days' announcement over.
"My goodness, this is quite the surprise!"
He thinks:
(link: "1) Stupid Eldos. Serves those conniving bastards right!")[\
(set: $Split_1_Selfish += 1)\
(go-to: "Split 1 Plot 1")\
(link: "2) I wonder if the Eldorians suffered much. I hope the invasion was quick and bloodless.")[\
(set: $Split_1_Selfless to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Split 1 Plot 1")\
(link: "3) Either way, at least this means my grain stores'll stop being taken by those insatiable legions.")[\
(set: $Split_1_Neutral to it + 1)\
(go-to: "Split 1 Plot 1")\
{(set: $Split_2_Visited to true)}
Vanessa, proud soldier of the empire, holds her head high and marches back to the barracks.
*Luckily, this time, the peasants *(link-reveal: "*felt no need to riot.*")
Vanessa had been following army couriers' reports on the campaign, and it seemed that some areas of the empire weren't so happy about the empire conquering another city-state.
*I'm sure [[Greila and Markus]] were thrilled... along with the rest of [[Samala]].*
[[next|Split 2 Plot 1]]
]Double-click this passage to edit it.Emperor Arrius Tullia VII marches on, cape fluttering in the wind.
*I've done it. After all these years, the southern continent has been unified under one banner.*
Though his face remains solemn as stone, internally Arrius is (link-reveal:'freaking out a bit.')[
*This is absolutely crazy. I've actually done it.
If only dad could see me now...
I'd bet he's rolling in his grave thinking how I'll get the credit for all his hard work.*
Arrius smirks.
*Good... Hrm?*
Arrius is snapped out of his lull by a courier.
My liege, you are requested back at the capital! We must be on the move (link-reveal: 'soon!"')[
*Bother. It's quite nice, here in the countryside. I suppose I'm not even allowed to enjoy the place I just conquered... I'll bet it's that damned [[Left Hand Bruno]] calling me back. Dad and him could never let me enjoy anything...*
[[next->Split 4 Intro 2]]
]The nation-state of Elderoth is a proud one. It's people have lived sequestered on the eastern edge of the continent for generations, and value their own above all. When good intentions can be found, they welcome outsiders in with open arms. However, those arms will quickly grab a sword should their independence be threatened. Now, at the mercy of the empire, it is anyone's guess as to how they'll act.
[[back|Intro 2]]{
(Set: $Split_1_Selfish to 0)
(Set: $Split_1_Neutral to 0)
(Set: $Split_1_Selfless to 0)
(Set: $Split_1_Visited to false)
(Set: $Split_2_Selfish to 0)
(Set: $Split_2_Neutral to 0)
(Set: $Split_2_Selfless to 0)
(Set: $Split_2_Visited to false)
(Set: $Split_3_Selfish to 0)
(Set: $Split_3_Neutral to 0)
(Set: $Split_3_Selfless to 0)
(Set: $Split_3_Visited to true)
(Set: $Split_4_Selfish to 0)
(Set: $Split_4_Neutral to 0)
(Set: $Split_4_Selfless to 0)
(Set: $Split_4_Visited to false)
(Set: $Split_1_Decision to "Neutral")
(Set: $Split_2_Decision to "Neutral")
(Set: $Split_3_Decision to "Neutral")
(Set: $Split_4_Decision to "Neutral")
}{(set: $Split_1_Medic to false)
(set: $Split_1_Hungry to false)}
As Strolio walks back, he ponders how the news will affect (link-reveal: "him and his dear daughter.")[
*Well, with the siege over, that should bring the empire's grain demands back to normal, so I should be able to begin* (link-reveal: "stocking up grain again.")[
*My stockpiles are damn near empty. Thing is, I'll have to wait 'till the harvest for any new crops to come in. Poor [[Mona]]...
The fever's getting worse. Without any medicine, I'm afraid she won't last the week. And without any grain,* **I won't have anything to sell...** (link-reveal: '"bagh!"')[
Strolio rubs his head and kicks the tree he just ran into.
"Got a little lost in thought there..." he says sheepishly.
[[next->Split 1 Plot 2]]
Strolio's daughter, barely eight years old. Usually sprightly and energetic, Mona's been stricken with fever. She's been stuck in her bed for nearly a fortnight. She can barely sit up, let alone help with the farm...
[[back->Split 1 Plot 1]] As Strolio rounds the bend to his farm, an odd sight catches his eye.
(link-reveal: '"Hmm..."')[
A shambling form is approaching his farm.
Just in case, he draws the knife he always (link-reveal: "keeps in his boot.")[
As he reaches the gate, Strolio realizes that the limping figure is an Eldorian! From the looks of it, they're rather (link-reveal: "worse for wear.")[
"Oh bother." The Eldorians are still considered hostiles by the army. No matter how, this needs to be taken care of!
Strolio approaches for a word.
[[next->Split 1 Plot 3]]
]"Oi! This is private property here. What business (link-reveal: 'have you?"')[
The Eldorian, bloody, bruised, and beaten, looks at Strolio.
"Aye sir, I mean no harm. I've just escaped from the siege over yonder, and I can hardly stay standing. If you've just have some bandaging I'd be out right quick."
Strolio shakes his head and (link-reveal: "thinks for a bit.")[
"...Alright, get inside, and hurry!"
[[next->Split 1 Plot 4]]
]Inside the house, Strolio grabs some bandages from the storeroom and (link-reveal: "offers them to the Eldorian.")[
"Thank you, sir. I was on me last legs out there."
"It's no problem. I'm in no short supply of first aid. (link-reveal: 'Medicine though..."')[
"Aye, I saw your daughter when we walked in. Ill, is she?"
"Yes, quite. I'm worried she won't last the week."
"Hmm... (link-reveal: 'best of luck to ye"')[
"I hate to impose further," the Eldorian says, "but do ye happen to have a bite to eat? I've got miles to walk to get home, or whatever's left of it."
Strolio sits, and considers his options.
1) *If I offer some food and [[call the guards]], perhaps they'll reward me for capturing an Eldorian with something I can trade for medicine...*
2) *Perhaps its best for me to just send the Eldorian [[on their way]]. I have hardly enough food for myself and Mona.*
3) *The poor sap is hardly able to stand. I should [[offer them some bread]] for their way, though I may need to skip supper a few times to make up for it..."*
]{(Set: $Split_1_Selfish += 1)
(Set: $Split_1_Money to 3)
(Set: $Split_1_Selfish += 1)}
"Sure, not a problem. Please, sit down."
As the Eldorian waits for their food, Strolio quickly grabs the nearest (link-reveal: "guards on post.")[
As Strolio waits outside, the guards go in and grab the Eldorian.
"Aye, ye cruel bastard! I didn't do nothing to you! Why would ye betray me like this!" the Eldorian yells as (link-reveal: 'their dragged away.')[
As they're leaving, one of the guards turns to Strolio.
"Thanks for your help, citizen. Here is a capture award." They hand Strolio three copper pieces.
"Thank you kindly," Strolio says.
*Three copper?! That's nothing! Maybe* **half** *of what I need for the medicine if I strike a good deal!*
(link-reveal: "Strolio sighs heavily.")[
He checks Mona's forehead.
"Still burning up. Maybe even hotter..."
Exhausted, he lays down his head and goes to sleep.
[[next->Split 1 Plot 5]]
](Set: $Split_1_Neutral += 1)
(Set: $Split_1_Money += 3)
"I'm sorry, I've hardly enough food for myself and my daughter. (link-reveal: 'I wish I could offer more."')[
"No no, it's quite alright. Here's a few copper for your trouble. Thanks for the help, I'll be on my way."
As the Eldorian leaves, Strolio lets out a (link-reveal: 'sigh.')[
*Three copper is nice, but it's still about half what I need to afford Mona's medicine...*
He checks Mona's (link-reveal: 'forehead.')[
"Still burning up. Maybe even hotter..."
Exhausted, he lays down his head and goes to sleep.
[[Next->Split 1 Plot 5]]
](set: $Split_1_Selfless += 1)
(set: $Split_1_Hungry to true)
(set: $Split_1_Kind to true)
"Yes, of course. It's not a problem."
Strolio finds a piece of not-totally-stale bread and hands it to the Eldorian.
"Thank ye kindly, stranger. I'm sure that food is precious around here now. I'll be seeing you."
As the Eldorian leaves, Strolio's stomach grumbles.
He lets out a sigh.
"I wonder if I made the right choice there..."
He checks Mona's forehead.
"Still burning up. Maybe even hotter..."
Exhausted, he lays down his head and goes to sleep.
[[next->Split 1 Plot 5]] As the sun rises on a new day, Strolio wakes early to (link-reveal: "check on his crops.")[
*Hmm... they're growing in fine, but it'll still be a few weeks 'till they're ready.* He (link-reveal: ' rubs his neck')[
As Strolio looks up from his fields, he spies what looks like a wagon on approaching his acre.
*Aye, wonderful, another guest...* Strolio sighs.
[[next->Split 1 Plot 6]]
]{(Set: $Split_1_Selfless += 1)}
"Aye, I understand where yer coming from. It's been a hard year for meself too. I'll cut ye a deal."
Strolio trades his extra supplies for some food. It's not much, but it should keep Mona fed at least.
*I know I'm on the losing end of this deal, but the poor chap could use a bit of good luck right about now it seems.*
[[next->Split 1 Conclusion]](set: $Split_1_Neutral += 1)
"Aye sir, I'll trade."
*I can't be too giving in these times. I'll give him market rates.*
Strolio trades his extra supplies for a good bit of food.
*That'll keep me and Mona fed for a little bit now.*
[[next->Split 1 Conclusion]]
(set: $Split_1_Hungry to false){(set: $Split_1_Selfish += 1)
(set: $Split_1_Money += 3)}
*This poor bastard's ripe for a bit o' haggling. I'd bet he'd trade most his crop for some of these supplies.*
Strolio lowballs and haggles hard, getting enough to buy (if: $Split_1_Medic)[extra food.] (set: $Split_1_Hungry to false) (else:)[Mona's medicine.]
*Now, it's off to the markets, then!*
(if: $Split_1_Money >= 6)[Strolio goes to the markets and gets medicine for Mona (set: $Split_1_Medic to true)]
[[next->Split 1 Conclusion]]
Strolio awakes on a new day. (if: $Split_1_Hungry)[Strolio is hungry, too weak to tend to all of his fields.](else:)[He jumps into the harvest, quickly bundling it all for stockpiling.
*At least the fields were kind...*]
(if: $Split_1_Hungry && $Split_1_Medic)[luckily, his daughter Mona is recovered and ready to help with the fields] (elseif: $Split_1_Hungry)[It's going to be a tough winter...]
(if: not $Split_1_Medic)[Unfortunately, Mona passed from the fever. She's buried next to her mother, under the oak tree that they both loved to read under.](else:)[Thanks to the medicine, Mona broke her fever, and is back to her sprightly old self. She squirms as Strolio gives her a big, long hug.]
[[Back to the Courtyard|Main Split]]
(if: ($Split_1_Selfish > $Split_1_Neutral) and ($Split_1_Selfish > $Split_1_Selfless))[(set: $Split_1_Decision = "Selfish")]
(elseif: ($Split_1_Neutral > $Split_1_Selfless) and ($Split_1_Neutral > $Split_1_Selfish))[(set: $Split_1_Decision = "Neutral")]
(elseif: ($Split_1_Selfless > $Split_1_Selfish) && ($Split_1_Selfless > $Split_1_Neutral))[(set: $Split_1_Decision = "Selfless")]
(else:)[(set:$Split_1_Decision = "Neutral")]
Samala sits west of the plains of Ko'oth, near the great wildlands of the north. Long a thorn in the empire's side, Samala remained a free state, protected by the guerrilla tactics of the Samalan highriders.
It was only until emperor [[Tullia VI]] salted the earth and drove the Samalans out of the wildland strongholds that Samala fell. Now, years later, Samala is all but forgotten, slowly being left to starve on their now barren plains.
[[Back|Split 2 Intro]]Silently, Vanessa stares (link-reveal: 'down at her feet.')[
*I know this* **promotion** *will help [[Samala]], but at what cost? I hope I'm making the right decision.*
The once proud nation-state of [[Samala]] has fallen into years-long famine since it was (link-reveal: "**conquered**")[ by the empire.
*Decimated would be a more appropriate word. Is their propaganda getting to me?*
With the extra influence gained by her promotion, Vanessa will save her people from destruction. However, the promotion process is **slow going**, and every day represents more **souls lost.** It's imperative that Vanessa get her promotion swiftly.
[[next|Split 2 Plot 2]]
](Set: $Split_2_Promotion to 0)
As Vanessa returns to her barracks, she spies her leading centurion, Vya, staring intently at a map and a few ledgers.
"Centurion, ma'am!" Vanessa (link-reveal:'salutes.')[
"At ease, legionnaire" Vya replies.
Vanessa sets down her helmet and peers at the (link-reveal: 'maps.')[
"How are things looking, centurion?"
"Hmm... not amazing. That last push won us the siege, but cost us valuable supplies. We're taking tribute from the conquered Eldorians, but I'm afraid we'll suffer some attrition at this rate. The more we take from the Eldorians, the worse (link-reveal: 'our relations get..."')[
Vya looks up from her papers and smiles at Vanessa.
"Special legionnaire Vanessa, your promotion is slated next. So, this is your test run. You will (link-reveal:'give the orders on this."')[
"Yes centurion," Vanessa smoothly replies, easily hiding her rising panic.
*Shoot, what do I do? This might affect my promotion. I have to handle this with care!*
Vanessa thinks.
1)[[ "If we were to send in legionnaire raiding parties to the outlying
farmlands, we could seize more supplies from the Eldorians."]]
2)[[ "I believe relations with the Eldorians have soured enough already. If we pull back somewhat, we'll mitigate attrition while keeping the Eldorians under control."]]
3)[[ "The Eldorians have suffered enough. They are our brothers now, it doesn't make sense to plunder them like they're still enemies. We should offer aid to those affected by the siege."]]
](set: $Split_2_Promotion += 1)
(set: $Split_2_Selfish += 1)
Vya looks at her. Though the centurion has had decades to practice her poker face, a hint of surprise could still be detected.
"That plan brings me back. Similar tactics were employed at Samala. I remember hearing that the army left (link-reveal:'richer than when it came."')[
Vanessa remains expressionless.
Vya looks down at the ledgers.
"The securing of more supplies will invariably please the legates of this region. They'll call for more promotions, speeding your's up."
Vya winks.
"Nice calls, future centurion."
[[next|Split 2 Plot 3]]
]{(set: $Split_2_Neutral += 1)}
Vya nods her approval.
"Pull back a little, eh? Got a soft spot, don'tcha?"
Vanessa scoffs. "I just worry about the Eldorians rioting. That'd cost more supplies than we would get by pushing them."
Vya winks.
"Well, I think a little more restraint would do this army well.Though it won't stand out much, that's a solid plan with realistic attainability."
"Nice calls, future centurion
[[next||Split 2 Plot 3]]{(set: $Split_2_Selfless += 1)
(set: $Split_2_Promotion -= 1)}
Vya looks at her. Though the centurion has had decades to practice her poker face, a hint of surprise could still be detected.
"...So, your response to us running out of supplies is to spend more supplies to link-reveal:'help the Eldorians?"')[
Vya remains expressionless.
"I respect your heart. If other officers had acted the way you did, more needless suffering in the past might have been avoided.
Vanessa knows Vya's history. She's clearly referring to (link-reveal:'Samala.')[
"I'll order legionnaires to set up supply stops for the Eldorians. Though this won't please the higher-ups, it will help the Eldorians recover. Don't hope for that promotion any time soon, though."
Vya winks.
"Nice calls, future centurion."
[[next->Split 2 Plot 3]]
]The next day, Vanessa is walking, doing her patrols on the town's eastern outskirts when a peasant runs to her and salutes.
"Hey, legionnaire, come quick! Some dirty Eldos are stealing my crops!" the peasant exclaims.
Quickly, Vanessa follows the peasant to a group of Eldorian refugees held up at spear-point by a few farm-hands.
Vanessa places her hands on her hips.
"What's the story here?"
[[next->Split 2 Plot 4]]{(set: $Split_2_Selfish += 1)
(set: $Split_2_Promotion += 1)}
Yells and pleas fade to silence as the Eldorians are hauled away to be executed. The peasant smiles pleasantly.
"Thanks for that, legionnaire. You know those stupid Eldos are always up to something. I'll just take those carts there, they're loaded with me crops!"
As Vanessa turns away, the peasant's pleasant smile turns to a nasty smirk as he counts the supplies he just gained.
[[next|Split 2 Conclusion]]{(set: $Split_2_Selfless += 1)
(set: $Split_2_Promotion -= 2)}
The Eldorians crowd Vanessa, thanking her and kissing her hand. They hop on their cart and ride away.
Fuming, the peasant turns to her.
"Yer calling me a liar?! I'm calling you a traitor! You sided with those damnable dirty Eldos! I'll have you canned and caned for this!"
He storms off.
*Shoot. That probably won't help my promotion...*
Vanessa stretches her neck.
[[next->Split 2 Conclusion]]{(set: $Split_2_Neutral += 1)
(set: $Split_2_Promotion -= 1)}
Solemnly, the Eldorian who spoke earlier comes forward and offers her left hand.
The suns beats hot as screams of agony ring through the air.
The lead Eldorian slumps as her folk rush forward. They cry for her.
After some time has passed, Vanessa speaks up.
"Now, since there is no way for me to tell what is stolen and not, the Eldorians will return a quarter of their supplies to the peasant. Now, please!"
The peasant grumbles. The Eldorians grumble.
Vanessa claps her hands. *Both sides are unhappy. The sign of a good compromise.*
As the Eldorians leave, the peasant turns to Vanessa.
"I'm not 'appy at all with this. Those Eldos should've suffered for their crimes. Your boss'll 'ear about this!"
*Hmm, that can't be good for the promotion.*
[[next->Split 2 Conclusion]]
]{(if: ($Split_2_Selfless > $Split_2_Selfish) and ($Split_2_Selfless >= $Split_2_Neutral))[(set: $Split_2_Decision to "Selfless")]
(elseif: ($Split_2_Selfish > $Split_2_Selfless) and ($Split_2_Selfish >= $Split_2_Neutral))[(set: $Split_2_Decision to "Selfish")]
(else:)[(set: $Split_2_Decision to "Neutral")]}
Months after the Eldorian siege is completed, Vanessa returns home to Samala.
*Hmm... feels different from how I remember.*
(if: ($Split_2_Promotion > 0) and (($Split_2_Decision != "Selfless")))[Vanessa's speedy acquirement of her promotion allowed her to send supplies to Samala fast, saving most of her people from starvation.]
(elseif: (($Split_2_Promotion > 0)) and (($Split_2_Decision is "Selfless")))
[Vanessa's speedy acquirement of her promotion allowed her to send supplies to Samala fast. Luckily as well, rumors of Vanessa's kindness spread throughout Eldoroth, and they sent a supply caravan filled with food for the Samalans. The townspeople rejoice as Vanessa returns, with no souls lost to famine. "Vanessa! Vanessa!" they cheer.]
(if: ($Split_2_Promotion is 0) and ($Split_2_Decision is not "Selfless"))[Vanessa's promotion wasn't slow coming, but wasn't fast either. There are noticeably less people around in Samala than there was before.]
(elseif: ($Split_2_Promotion is 0) and ($Split_2_Decision is "Selfless") )
[Vanessa's promotion wasn't slow coming, but wasn't fast either. Luckily, rumors of Vanessa's kindness spread throughout Eldoroth, and they sent a supply caravan filled with food for the Samalans. The supplies from the Eldorians and from the army saved most of her people from starvation.]
(if: ($Split_2_Promotion < 0) and ($Split_2_Decision is not "Selfless") )[Vanessa's promotion took more than a little while to get processed. Samala is a ghost town compared to how it was before.]
(elseif: ($Split_2_Promotion < 0) and ($Split_2_Decision is "Selfless"))
[Vanessa's promotion took more than a little while to get processed. Luckily, rumors of Vanessa's kindness spread throughout Eldoroth, and they sent a supply caravan filled with food for the Samalans. While there are noticeably less people around, the famine could've wreaked much more havoc.]
As Vanessa turns to head home for the first time in years, she sees two familiar faces approach.
*Greila and Markus!*
(if: $Split_2_Decision is "Selfish")
[As they get closer, what Vanessa thought were smiles turn out to be heavy scowls.
"You may have saved us, but you have lost yourself. We heard of how terribly you treated the Eldorians, and we shall have no such imperial dog living in Samala. You are hereby banished. Leave, and never return!"]
(else:)["Look at you, Vanessa! My have you grown! Thanks to your efforts, we've been saved. All these people owe the food on their plates to you. There's a feast in your honor being hosted tonight. You best wash up and change!"
"Hey! Don't pinch my cheek! I'm not a child anymore!" Vanessa grumbles.]
[[return to the courtyard->Main Split]]
{(set: $Split_4_Visited to true)
(set: $Split_4_TooNice to 0)
(set: $Split_4_TooMean to 0)}
As Arrius returns to the capital, he thinks of what the conclusion of the Eldorian campaign means.
*Mmm... I worry for the new territories around the empire. They'll be watching how we deal with Eldoroth. Too much leniency, may inspire them to revolt, seeing as we're still recovering.*
(link-reveal:'Arrius crosses his thumbs.')[
*I know what you'd do, father. You'd whip me for even considering giving the Eldorians kindness. Under Bruno's counsel, of course.*
He sighs and looks out of his carriage window.
"Hold on. Driver, stop!"
[[next->Split 4 Plot 1]]
A week or so later, Arrius is seated at the imperial throne, lost in thought.
*I wish this court would end. It's beautiful outside. A hunt would do me some good. This is my empire, damn it! I should get to enjoy it.*
"Subjects! That is all for (link-reveal: 'toda-"')[
"No it isn't. Don't listen to the boy. Stay where you're seated." a voice cuts him off.
"Hello, boy. I've returned from the eastern border with news."
*Wonderful. It seems I should've sent his caravanner worse directions.*
"What is it, (link-reveal: 'lord Bruno?"')[
*I can hardly even [[remember why I put up with him...]]*
"Several Eldorian insurgents have barricaded themselves in the Eldorian capital's cathedral. Legionnaires are being dispatched as we speak."
"I didn't order any dispatches."
"I know. I did." Bruno smiles that ghastly, slimy smile.
[[next->Split 3 Plot 3]]
]A few days later, a steward bows before Arrius in court.
"My liege, the insurgents in Eldoroth have been slain. We're awaiting orders as to the next step."
Arrius (link-reveal: 'looks around.')[
*Bruno's absent at the moment. The bastard can't get in my way. Now, let's see...*
1) [["The traitors must be made an example of. Burn the bodies, and the cathedral."]]
2) [["The traitors must be made an example of, but there's no need to punish other Eldorians. Hang their bodies from the cathedral as an example and do nothing else."]]
3) [["The Eldorians have suffered plenty enough. Return the bodies to their families."]]
]{(set: $Split_4_Selfish += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooNice -= 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooMean += 1)}
The steward bows and leaves.
*Hmm... seems like something dad would do. I wonder what he'd think. Maybe I can win over Bruno this way.*
[[next->Split 4 Conclusion]]{(set: $Split_4_Neutral += 1)}
The steward bows and leaves.
*Dad and Bruno never understood the delicacy of rule. I'm sure if Bruno were here, he'd curse my ear off.*
[[next->Split 4 Conclusion]]{(set: $Split_4_Selfless += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooNice += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooMean -= 1)
The steward bows, and leaves.
*Thank the gods that Bruno is gone, because that would've drawn his ire. Why did he and dad both insist on such barbarism? The people we conquer become our people...*
[[next->Split 4 Conclusion]]{(if: ($Split_4_Selfless > $Split_4_Selfish) and ($Split_4_Selfless >= $_Neutral))[(set: $Split_4_Decision to "Selfless")]
(elseif: ($Split_4_Selfish > $Split_4_Selfless) and ($Split_4_Selfish >= $_Neutral))[(set: $Split_4_Decision to "Selfish")]
(else:)[(set: $Split_4_Decision to "Neutral")]}
A few weeks later, the capital is awash with celebration as the newly christened Unity day is under swing.
Arrius leans on a railing, looks at his capital, and sighs, drink in hand.
(if: ($Split_4_TooNice >= 2))[
*Turns out Bruno's bluster was nothing but lies. Gods, I wish I could watch him be exiled again and again.*
Silently, a partygoer departs from the crowd, and draws a dagger.
(elseif: ($Split_4_TooMean >= 2))[
Bruno, red in the face, comes out of the crowd and greets Arrius.
"Y'know, perhaps I was wrong about you. You'd make your father proud with your ruling."
Arrius's stomach turns, and he throws up over the railing.
"You always were a little sissy. Here's how a man drinks." Bruno blusters as he downs his mug.
*At least I get a night off from Bruno.*
Arrius looks up to the sky.
*I wonder what dad thinks of me, right now.*
[[Back to the courtyard->Main Split]]{(set: $Selfless to 0)
(set: $Selfish to 0)
(set: $Neutral to 0)
(if: ($Split_1_Decision is "Selfish"))[(set: $Selfish += 1)]
(if: ($Split_1_Decision is "Selfless"))[(set: $Selfless += 1)]
(if: ($Split_1_Decision is "Neutral"))[(set: $Neutral += 1)]
(if: ($Split_2_Decision is "Selfish"))[(set: $Selfish += 1)]
(if: ($Split_2_Decision is "Selfless"))[(set: $Selfless += 1)]
(if: ($Split_2_Decision is "Neutral"))[(set: $Neutral += 1)]
(if: ($Split_4_Decision is "Selfish"))[(set: $Selfish += 1)]
(if: ($Split_4_Decision is "Selfless"))[(set: $Selfless += 1)]
(if: ($Split_4_Decision is "Neutral"))[(set: $Neutral += 1)]
(if: ($Selfish > $Selfless) and ($Selfish >= $Neutral))
[The nation-state of Eldoroth is razed. It's fields are salted, it's cities burned to the ground, it's people slaughtered. Generations later, Elderoth is but a faint memory, lost to the homogeneity of the empire.]
(elseif: ($Selfless > $Selfish) and ($Selfless >= $Neutral))
[The nation-state of Elderoth recovers from the siege completely. It's culture flourishes, it's people are well treated, and commerce blooms. Soon, it becomes one of the most important locations in the empire. The empire flourishes, and is at peace.]
[The nation-state of Elderoth comes out of the siege battered and bloody, but whole. It becomes another piece of the vast empire. It never fully recovers from its invasion, but doesn' falter either. Much of its culture and riches are lost. This day, it is small, unrecognizable as the proud state it once was. The people and place may have survived, but in name only.]
According to imperial scholars, the Paneians are the first civilization to rise on the southern continent. Peasants working the land on the plains of Ko'oth still find old copper coins and arrowheads breaking their plows.
They worshipped the towering colossi that were said to roam the land in a time long lost.
Those that explore the untamed wildlands say that vast footprints, leagues large, can still be found stamped into the mountains.
[[back->Atla]]Fed by the twin rivers Cerule and Cyana, the plains of Ko'oth have existed for millennia as a parcel of safety and bounty in the treacherous wilds of the southern continent. Named after the Paneian colossus of bounty, these plains have been the host to much of the southern continent's history.
Civilizations, born and fell, share time on these plains.
[[back->southern continent]] {(if: $Split_1_Kind is true)[(set: $Split_1_Medic to true)]}
As the wagon gets closer, he spies a curious sight. It's an Eldorian, with a cart full of food!
The Eldorian stops near Strolio and calls to him.
(link-reveal: '"Aye sir!"')[
"What's it you want, Eldorian?"
(if: $Split_1_Kind is true)["Are you Strolio, sire?"
"Why yes, I am." a baffled Strolio replies.
"My best mate Arva said that ya were in need of medecine for your daughter. I've it here for ya"(set: $Split_1_Medic to true)
Stunned, Strolio takes the medecine. "You, sire, have just saved my daughter. I can't ever thank you enough."
"Don't mention it," the Eldorian winks. "Besides I've a favor to ask meself."]
"Well, sir, it seems as though I'm in a bit of a bind. I'm a farmer, just like yerself. During the siege, I was lucky enough to have me grain left untouched by the army. Now, they're demanding supplies to rebuild the city. I have enough food to give them, but I'm outta supplies. Please sire, allow me to trade with ye. They're threatening me family if I don't get what they need by today."
"Aye, I see."
Strolio (link-reveal: 'thinks.')[
*The Eldorian is clearly desperate. I can:
*1)*[[Give them a reasonable deal]]. There's no need to make their life any more difficult.*
2) *[[drive a hard bargain.]] I'd guess they'd accept any deal just about now. With the extra value I get, I can sell the extra and get meself (if: $Split_1_Medic is false)[the rest of the money for Mona's medicine.] (else: )[some extra food.]*
(if: $Split_1_Hungry is false)[ 3) [[Trade generously, giving the Eldorian a little extra for his trouble]]]
]Samala's elders, Greila and Markus have been around since before Samala was conquered by Emperor Tullia VI. They were the ones who gave Vanessa their blessing to join the imperial army. They had but one piece of advice for here before she left:
**Careful to not become the bastards who did this to us, in your quest to save us from them.**
[[back->Split 2 Intro]]Emperor Strata Tullia VI was cold, calculating, cruel. His life's work was to uphold his mother's wishes, just as she did before him, to conquer the continent. He seemed to forget about the "unite" part of that goal.
He never cared much for the people he conquered, only that their land became the empire's. Wherever he campaigned, sorrow, pain, and famine were left. By imperial scholars, his title was 'the Stern'. To the people, he was known as 'the Scourge'.
[[back->Samala]]The peasant puffs out his chest and clears his throat.
"These dirty Eldos were stealing my crops! I have 'ardly enough food to feed me chickens, let alone me wife! Put 'em to the spear, and get my crops back!" the peasant demands.
"That's not true!" an Eldorian replies. She steps forward from the crowd.
"We're simple refugees from Eldoroth. We stopped in this field to ask this farmer if he had any food to spare, and he ran to grab you. We haven't touched anything, we swear. Please, just let us leave."
"Bugger that, you stole me life's work! I'll have your 'eads!" the peasant spits.
Vanessa places her hands on her hips and thinks.
*Hmm, I don't know which side is telling the truth. I know that standard protocol would be to side with the peasant, but I may be putting innocents to the spear. Tricky...*
1) [["Very well. Eldorians! Line up against your carts. You have transgressed against the empire and its people."]]
2) [["You're a terrible liar, peasant. Eldorians! You are free to leave. I'd recommend returning to Eldoroth until relations have settled."]]
3) [["There's an old code in the legionnaires handbooks for situations just as this. You, leader of these folk, come here. I'll take your hand for the crime of theft."]]As Arrius leaves his carriage, he sees a battalion of his troops milling about, cataloguing supplies. In chains, a couple Eldorians kneel near a tree stump. Nearby, a centurion sharpens his axe.
"Aye centurion, what business do you conduct?" asks Arrius.
"My liege! I am running my troops, getting them ready to return to the capital. We're nearly done, just have a few ends to tie up." he says, motioning to the (link-reveal: 'Eldorians."')[
"What transgressions to the throne have they committed?"
"They were caught poaching from imperial woods, sire. They're to be executed for their crimes."
"My liege, we didn't do nothing, we swear!" "We were starved!" "My son needs food!" "We didn't hurt anything but a few deer is all!" implore the Eldorians.
"Is what they say true, centurion?"
"Aye sire, their only crime is poaching. Still, they're to be put to the spear" the centurion says, "or axe, in this instance" he quickly adds.
(link-reveal:'"I see."')[
Arrius thinks.
1) *[[I think I'll stay and watch. Dad used to love to watch the executions at the capital.]]*
2) [["The Eldorians are my subjects now. They have just as much right to hunt these lands as any other imperial. Let them go."]]
3) [["These Eldorians are our brothers and sisters now. Let them go, and send them some supplies to bring back on their way."]]
]{(set: $Split_4_Selfish += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooMean += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooNice -= 1)}
Arrius watches solemnly as each cry of fear is snuffed out by the falling of an axe.
*Such a grisly sight. I always hated being forced to watch them when I was young. Now, though, I wonder what the point of this all is. If life can be ended in one swing, how much worth is it due? Perhaps dad and Bruno had a point with their cruelty.*
The imperial caravan continues to the capital.
[[next->Split 4 Plot 2]]{($set: $Split_4_Neutral += 1)}
Seeming mildly shocked, the centurion shakes his head.
"Aye, my liege. It shall be done. No ducor, duco!" he shouts as he turns heel.
"Oi, you heard the emperor! Let the Eldorians go! On the double!"
*What a shouty guy.*
The Eldorians thank Arrius as they walk past.
(link-reveal: '..')[
Arrius looks up to the sky.
*I bet dad's steaming now. I can't wait to see the look on Bruno's face when we return.*
The imperial caravan continues.
[[next|Split 4 Plot 2]]
{(set: $Split_4_Selfless += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooNice += 1)
(set: $Split_4_TooMean -= 1)}
Seeming mildly shocked, the centurion shakes his head.
"Aye, my liege. It shall be done. Non ducor, duco!" he shouts as he turns heel.
"Oi, you heard the emperor! Let the Eldorians go! On the double! Send them some of the supplies. Yes, the venison too! No grumbling!"
*What a shouty guy.*
The Eldorians come to you and (link-reveal: 'kneel.')[
"Thank you for your grace, my liege. My brothers and sisters will hear of your charity."
Arrius nods.
The Eldorians make waves.
(link-reveal: '..')[
Arrius looks up to the sky.
*I bet dad's real upset now. I can't wait to see the look on Bruno's face when he gets this report back.*
The imperial caravan continues.
[[next->Split 4 Plot 2]]
]Left hand to the emperor, lord Bruno served for Arrius's father for his entire life, giving counsel on matters of imperial import. He was much the same as the previous emperor, cold, callous, and cruel. When Arrius's father was gone, Bruno would oversee him. Arrius hates him fiercely, yet he still lets him "guide" his decisions and his livelihood.
[[back->Split 4 Intro]]"Get out, Bruno! Dad is dead, I am emperor! You will listen to me or be put to the spear!" Arrius shouts.
"Oh please, boy, you can do better than that" scoffs Bruno.
"You are lost without me. I know all, you know none."
"How dare you speak to your emperor like that!" (link-reveal: 'Arrius retorts.')[
"Don't you even try with me, boy. I will no longer tolerate this. You may be emperor, but I control that throne. You are my puppet, one who dances when I say to dance, talks when I say to talk, and dies when I say to die." There's ice in (link-reveal: 'Bruno's voice.')[
"I always told your father he was too soft with you. Under my tutelage, you will finish what your forebears started, and bring the continent to its knees. You are my puppet and
If you ever attempt this pathetic insubordination again, a dagger will appear between your ribs. Do not test me, boy."
[[back->Split 4 Plot 2]]
↶↷It's hot amongst the massive crowd. The midday sun beats down against the stone blocks of the courtyard. In the center, a wooden stage has been constructed. Loud murmurs can be heard all around. What is the emperor doing on the eastern outskirts of the empire?
"Subjects!" a call rings out.