Quarteny is an kingdom in the middle of the sand. For centuries, people of Quarteny had developed technologies that go beyond human imagination today: hoverboards, flying electric cars, robot servants, etc.
An image of what the future world would looks like, that we are now dreamming so much about. That's Quarteny. And the most important of all: [[water]].
<style> img {
src= https://i.redd.it/2k34ydhyvkp31.jpg>
</div>I, like most people of my generation, don't really know the significance of the water cause you know, it's just water. I think it has something to do with the [[Source of Life]].
<style> img {
src= https://cms-assets.tutsplus.com/uploads/users/48/posts/23546/image/EnvironmentConceptArt.jpg>
</div>This is something that I knew since the day I was born. A place that holds speacial things, magical even. No one actually know what it is.
And I think the Special Force has been digging forever just to find the coordinate of that place.
Anyway, as you may not know, I had an interview for a job at the Special Force yesterday and today, the [[results]] are in. If I get this, I can say good bye to my small, dirty appartment cause you know, they'll pay me big bucks."Department of Special Force"
OMG! I got in. (if: $thought is not true) [There's a lot in my head right now.
(link: "Keep thinking.")[(set:$thought = true)(goto: "Am I the only one?")]]
[[//Go to the Special Force Office.//|The Office]]It is a hugh building located outside Quarteny. Military-looking building.
As I make my arrival, a men in a black suit welcomes me. His name is Adam.
"Let me escort you to your place, mister" he said.
Adam also said I'll be taking the only room in the Special Force.
<style> img {
src= https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/c6/40/b8c64068e67eb12762112741e9459182.jpg>
But to be fair, they knew that they only accept one applicant. The last time [[someone]] got accepted to be here was like 10 years ago.
[[My room]] is just ahead.When I applied for the job, there were thousands of people there for the job. But you know, this job isn't like any jobs that anyone ever seen before.
In fact, many people who had this job before, said in many interviews that the job is fascinating. You help develop these technological advanced stuffs around you.
You are the one.
(link: "I am")[(goto: "results")]{
(set: $thought to false)
(set: $aggressive to false)
(set: $peace to false)
(set: $rational to false)
(set: $daycount to 1)
(set: $stealwater to false)
(set: $killArthur to false)
(set: $end1 to false)
(set: $end2 to false)
(set: $end3 to false)
(set: $end4 to false)
(set: $end5 to false)
My room is amazing. The telivision is just as big as the wall. The fridge is filled with colorful food and pineapple (yuck!). The bed is gigantic. Oh God!
<style> img {
"I can live inside this place forever" I said with excitment.
"Well, it's nice hearing that from you" Adam replies.
"And I'll be here tomorrow morning to walk you through your training, mister. For now, sleep tight. And also, your water is always there in the fridge. I'll refill them every day for you"
(link: "Sleep")[(goto: "training")]His name was Arthur and we don't really know any stories about his job here at the Special Force compares to other people before him. They all now spending their luxury retirement at The Mansion. A place filled with wealth. Told you this job is worth the wait.
(link: "Anyway")[(goto: "The Office")]As Adam escorted me to the training room, I start to realise my job isn't going to be an office job where I sit around all day doing paper works. Those weight training machines in the training room isn't an office desk.
Before my training, a lady asks me a bunch of question while I was monitored by cameras.
"They only help us collect your data before the training, so don't worry" she said.
However, there was this [[one question]] I found very...weird"Which word below would you use to be the best description of yourself?"
(link: "- Aggressive.")[(set:$aggressive = true)(goto: "next step")]
(link: "- Peace-keeper.")[(set:$peace = true)(goto: "next step")]
(link: "- Rational.")[(set:$rational = true)(goto: "next step")]Over the next few months, I was put into different type of training courses and all my meals were adjusted as well, to be sure that my body can always in best condition possible.
On my third day of training, they also said that they would start putting flavoured drinks to make everything flavourful. Every now and then, they would put (if: $aggressive is true) [watermelon, strawberry and red](if: $peace is true)[soda, cocktail and blue](if: $rational is true)[cucumber, macha tea and green] energy drinks in my fridge instead of water. To be honest, I enjoyed them, so no complaints there.
My last course is expected to be this Monday. After that, my true [[journey would begin.]]For my final course, I get to know about my assignment.
Adam walks in the training room with a lady in a suit, the same one that interviewed me at the begining of the course.
"Today, mister, is the day that you'll learn about your first assignment of your work here at the Special Force. Your job is to travel to the land, eastern of Quarteny where there exists another civilization. "
"Our job for the past centuries was to locate the Source of Life and the last evident that we have that proved the existence of it was this." the lady continues
She then pulls up an image of a man, on his hover-cycle on the sand. There's no identification of the man since his face was covered with a mask, only his eye was exposed.
"Mister, let's get you ready" Adam concludes the course.
[[Follow Adam]]They give me a suit with lots of pockets, a backbag filled with the same water I have in my fridge, a pair of boots and socks. They opens the door behind the facility and for the first time, I see a view of the endless sand, with nothing in the horizon.
Adam puts two coordinates into my watch, one leads to the Source of Life and one for returning to the facility.
And just like that, my journey starts...
1 hour passes
3 hour passes
10 hour passes
<style> img {
src= https://images.wallpaperscraft.com/image/traveler_desert_storm_168234_1280x720.jpg>
By far, I haven't found anything on my path to the Source of Life, as I assume I'm on the right path. I guess what I can do is [[return to base]]I turns around and set up the other coordinate on my watch, heading toward the base.
Go back to the room and sleep.
(if: $daycount < 5)[(link: "Sleep")[(set:$daycount = $daycount + 1)(goto: "next day")]](if: $daycount is 5)[(link: "Sleep")[(set:$daycount = $daycount + 295)(goto: "next day")]]In the distance, I hear a loud sound coming toward me.
"Please don't be a sandstorm, please don't be a sandtorm." I repeatedly praying
And there it is. A f*cking sand storm.
<style> img {
src= https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f7394b56-17ff-4dec-b1b0-526df965ff6c/d7zi64x-9e679983-594d-4cb4-b106-f73b6fb854ce.jpg/v1/fill/w_1280,h_632,q_75,strp/sandstorm_by_florentllamas_d7zi64x-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjMyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjczOTRiNTYtMTdmZi00ZGVjLWIxYjAtNTI2ZGY5NjVmZjZjXC9kN3ppNjR4LTllNjc5OTgzLTU5NGQtNGNiNC1iMTA2LWY3M2I2ZmI4NTRjZS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.UeXWRLsOtSJbciUhIBKnyhVubUoRYY9O4obQ1bwpx-c>
As I am covered in waves of sand, there he is, riding his hover-cycle. He reaches out his hand to me. That's the last thing I remembered before the tiredness takes me to my sleep.
[[Sleep ->wake]]The day is now $daycount
Another day, another walking on the sand.
1 hour passes
3 hour passes
10 hour passes
(if: $daycount is 300)[It's been almost a year that I've been doing this. The job hasn't been as excited as I expected, but you know what, I might discover something if I keep this going for another year or two.
(link: "Back to base")[(goto: "keep going")]](if: $daycount <6)[Nothing in that I can see worth reporting to The Office yet.]
(if: $daycount < 5)[(link: "Back to base")[(goto: "return to base")]](if: $daycount is 5)[(link: "Back to base")[(goto: "return to base")]]
(if: $daycount is 300)[Or you know what, I can keep going. I still have enough water for another 5 hours or so.
(link: "Keep going")[(goto: "keep going")]]I'm now in a bed. My clothes were removed. I start to look around and see noone but an old rusty room. Like the [[ones-> old houses]] at the Quarteny's landfill.
I open the door and head outside. The bright sunlight hits me.
In front of me is a long wooden road... with ships on both sides...
- "What is that thing?" I think out loud.
- "That, my friend, is The Dock." someone behind me.
I turn around and see a grown man, who looks 40 to me.
- "Was you who saved me from the storm?" I asked him.
- "That would be me. The name's Bob" he paused "What you're seeing is Lakery, home of the only access to the ocean in this endless sand land."
- "Wait, hold one, what's an ocean?"
- "You see, the only reason why Leaders of Quarteny sent you here is for the water. Pure water. The only thing they can't access when they're inside the Block.
The more Bob talks, the more I'm lost but for now, I know what I need to bring back.
"Cmon mister, the leader of Lakery awaits you." Bob turns to me.
[[Follow Bob -> steal water]](link: "Wake")[(set: $wake = 1)(goto: "the tribe")]Those were abandoned long times ago, many for hundred of years. The Leaders thought aged buildings don't fit the modern look of Quarteny.
<style> img {
src= https://twistedsifter.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/spooky-haunted-creepy-abandoned-victorian-houses-made-of-legos-mike-doyle-7.jpg>
[[Anyway ->the tribe]]I follow Bob to another old building, but this one kinda looks like a acient version of the Snow House, where the Leaders of Quarteny work. Bob told me to wait for him in the lobby.
Then I look accross room. There's a rusty robot servant pushing a cart of water containers. The type of water that Bob was talking about. My mission. I guess what I can do is:
[[Try to steal -> yes steal]]
[[Keep waiting for Bob -> no steal]]I go over to the robot. (if: $aggressive is true)[I grab a decorate statue and hit the robot in the back neck. His head fell off. I have to drag the its remaining and hide it inside a closet nearby. Then I go over to the container and pour some of the water in the bottles I have in my backbag.](if: $aggressive is not true)[I'm not so sure what to do in order to get the water from the robot.
- "You know if you're thirsty, you can just ask." the robot servant said
- "That'd be nice. Thank you!"
I did not see that coming.]
(link: "Put water inside backbag")[(set: $stealwater to true)]
But then I start to question myself, do I really want to meet the leader of this Lakery land that I barely know anything about. They could just execute me for being an outsider and no one would ever care if I die here.
[[Escape-> Not meet leader]]
[[Meet the Leader -> meet leader]]I sit there for another 5 minutes.
But then I start to question myself, do I really want to meet the leader of this Lakery land that I barely know anything about. They could just execute me for being an outsider and no one would ever care if I die here.
[[Escape-> Not meet leader]]
[[Meet the Leader -> meet leader]]It might be worth to investigate this Lakery land before going back to the base. The more information I bring back, the better.
I follow Bob up stair and enter an office. Someone is sitting there.
- "Hope you're doing great, mister. My name is [[Arthur->explain]]"
(if: $text1 is true)[- "It's a pleasure seeing here sir. I can't believe that you're here. Did you got lost? Why didn't you come back to Quarteny?" I keep on asking
- "Easy kid. There're a lot that you haven't know yet"
- "Then tell me sir"
- "Maybe later. We'll catch up. But there's one important question I need you to answer."
- "Yes. Anything." I reply
- "I want you to stay here. Forget about Quarteny. That place is nothing but lies."
That sentence shocks me.
[[The conversation goes on -> continue]]]This isn't worth it. (if: $stealwater is true)[Besides, I already have what I'm here for: the pure water.]
I then go out the street, take the first hover-cycle that I see, set my coordinate back to the facility and make a run for it.
[[Back to base-> delivery]]Holly shit! It's Arthur. The man took this job before me.(set: $text1 to true)
[[Anyway-> meet leader]] {
(set: $text1 to false)
(set: $text2 to false)
(set: $text3 to false)
}- "I'm not sure what to say to you sir. With all due respect, I love Quarteny since the day I was born and that place is my home, I can't just leave it just because you said so." I continue.
- "Fine, I get it. But for tonight, please stay, the people of Lakery is celebrating their annual Season of Sea tonight. I'll tell you everything I want you to know and you can make your decision later. No rush"
- "That sounds nice. I'll stay for the night" I reply.
[[Bob escorts me back to my room ->Season of Sea]]As the night falls, I see people dressing in colorful costumes. The street are all crowded with waves of people.
Bob knocks on my door.
- "Arthur is expecting you at The Dock mister. I'll take you there."
- "Alrighty Bob. Let me grab my stuffs and I'll be with you in just a second"
As I reach for my jacket, a [[message]] appears on my phone.
(if: $text2 is true)[They knew all along. They knew that I would end up meeting Arthur here in Lakery. They knew
[[Accept the order-> meet Arthur]]]<style> img {
src= https://media.wired.com/photos/5cfadf775b82e3f93405108d/master/pass/Feature%20Art%20-%20Robocalls.jpg>
"We know that you are current at the Lakery. A new order is available for you: Kill Arthur and bring back the water sample from Lakery. Finish the order no matter what"
[[Close phone->Season of Sea]](set: $text2 to true)Arthur is standing there at the Dock, looking at the wide ocean. I walk toward him.
- "Good evening sir." I said
- "Likewise, son. Look at the ocean, isn't it beautiful?"
- "It is sir, this is the first time I ever see this amount of water in nature. Normally, we only have them in bottles and fountains. There's no definition of ocean in Quarteny's dictionary even." I reply
- "I know. I lived there just like you until I got the job. Everything the leaders of Quarteny ever want for centuries was to find this place, describe to the people as magical. You don't really know the real reason behind that, do you? They want The Dock for the access to ocean, so that they can conquer lands. They're conquerors, son, the Quartenians. I found a secret history book of Quarteny when I was back there and it shook me too. The only thing that keep them from invading Lakery is that Quarteny is trapped inside The Block. An acient shield that allow people to travel through if only they have this."
Arhur points at the water underneath The Dock.
- "This water kid. Pure water." he said strongly
[[The conversation continues]]- "That water crap they made out of the lab. That stuff control you, son, so that no Quartenian would dare to question their methods. You see the people around here?"
I look at the people in colorful costumes.
- "They used to be Quartenians. These people who first saw their escape from Quarteny, they took it. And they built this town, Lakery. As long as we make sure the pure water from The Dock doesn't get back to the Special Force, those leaders of Quarteny will be trapped in there for a really long long time. That's why I want you to st.."
As Arthur turns to me, smiling from the excitement of his own. I point the gun at him. The blood starts to move faster and faster in my veins. I can see the flows of aggression in me and the thing that is causing this: that drink in my fridge.
- "Cmon kid, let's cool down for a bit. It's the drink that you've been drinking from them. Fight it kid."
[[Pull the trigger -> kill Arthur]]
(if: $peace is true)[(link: "Fight it")[(goto:"fight")]](if: $peace is not true)[(link: "-Locked-")[]][[Bang!]][[Fight it Sam]]Arthur is now dead. His body falls down to the water as the people is happily clebrating the Season of Sea.
I finished the job, the order and I know that I have to get outta here.
(if: $stealwater is true)[I already have the water that I stole earlier, that's convenient.](if: $stealwater is false)[I take an empty bottle from my backbag and get some water underneath The Dock, might have some of Arthur's blood in it. That's just another proof that he's dead for the Special Force to see (set: $stealwater to true)]
I run down the street, take the first hover-cycle I see and drive out of Lakery.
I arrived at the [[base -> delivery]] 10 hours later.
(set: $killArthur to true)Adam and the lady were waiting for me at the facility. As I go inside, they go toward the hover-cycle.
- "Mission report." the lady askes
(if: $killArthur is false and $stealwater is false)[(link: "Tell them everything")[(goto:"Ending1")]](if: $stealwater is true and $killArthur is false)[(link: "Tell them everything")[(goto:"Ending2")]](if: $stealwater is true and $killArthur is true)[(link: "Tell them everything")[(goto:"Ending3")]]
(if: $rational is true)[(link: "Lie to them")[(goto:"lies")]](if: $rational is not true)[(link:"-Locked-")[]][[Damnit Sam Miller. Fight it. They can't tell you what you can do]]I turn around to Arthur. Look at him like I did something that can't be forgiven.
I raise the gun, aim it at my head.
- "Tell them I was here Arthur! Sam Miller was here!"
[[Bang!-> Sam's death]]Sam's body fell into the water, floating. It's a shame that the first time he feel the ocean is also his [[last.-> The end]]
(set: $end5 to true)- "Thank you for your work her, mister" Adam and the lady both said
- "Now, allow me to transfer you to The Mansion." Adam continues
I follow Adam back to my room to pack my stuff. There are lots of things that I keep thinking about: The Block, The Dock, The water in Lakery, more and more keep running around my head, making me more curious about this whole "Source of Life" thing. But then I hear Adam calling.
- "Before I escort you to The Mansion, please follow me to the Laundry Room."
- "I mean, sure, I always keep my clothes clean." I joke
- "Ha ha, I know you're a neat person mister, I know you for almost a year now. No, this is for you mister, not the clothes."
Adam take me to the Laundry Room: there's this one chair in the middle of the room, facing a wall. He said all I have to do is sit on the chair and wait.
I sit on the chair. Minutes later, the room starts making these echoing sound. The volume and frequency increase as the time goes on.
[[It was painful -> The Mansion]]I have to think about the people of Lakery. There's something fishy about this. About this whole thing. With Adam, with that lady, everything.
(if: $killArthur is true)[- "The people of Lakery found out about the message and Arthur ordered them to hunt me down. I tried my best to escape back here." I said](if: $killArthur is not true)[- "The storm hit me on my way back and delayed my arrival." I said]
- "Report what Sam Miller did, Adam." the lady said
- "During his trip today, Adam has arrived at Lakery(if: $stealwater is true)[, acquired the sample of pure water that we need](if: $killArthur is true)[, successfully assassinated Arthur] and lied about it."
- "Is that so? You see, Sam, it's not hard to tell a liar when we already know everything." the lady continues
- "Take him to the Laundry Room, make sure he's fixed.
Adam takes me down to the Laundry Room: there's this one chair in the middle of the room, facing a wall. He said all I have to do is sit on the chair and wait.
I sit on the chair. Minutes later, the room starts making these echoing sound. The volume and frequency increase as the time goes on.
[[Wake-> Lies2]]- "Thank you for your work her, mister" Adam and the lady both said
- "Now, allow me to transfer you to The Mansion." Adam continues
I follow Adam back to my room to pack my stuff. There are lots of things that I keep thinking about: The Block, The Dock, The water in Lakery, more and more keep running around my head, making me more curious about this whole "Source of Life" thing. But then I hear Adam calling.
- "Before I escort you to The Mansion, please follow me to the Laundry Room."
- "I mean, sure, I always keep my clothes clean." I joke
- "Ha ha, I know you're a neat person mister, I know you for almost a year now. No, this is for you mister, not the clothes."
Adam take me to the Laundry Room: there's this one chair in the middle of the room, facing a wall. He said all I have to do is sit on the chair and wait.
I sit on the chair. Minutes later, the room starts making these echoing sound. The volume and frequency increase as the time goes on.
[[It was painful -> Ending2con]]- "Thank you for your work her, mister" Adam and the lady both said
- "Now, allow me to transfer you to The Mansion." Adam continues
I follow Adam back to my room to pack my stuff. There are lots of things that I keep thinking about: The Block, The Dock, The water in Lakery, more and more keep running around my head, making me more curious about this whole "Source of Life" thing. But then I hear Adam calling.
- "Before I escort you to The Mansion, please follow me to the Laundry Room."
- "I mean, sure, I always keep my clothes clean." I joke
- "Ha ha, I know you're a neat person mister, I know you for almost a year now. No, this is for you mister, not the clothes."
Adam take me to the Laundry Room: there's this one chair in the middle of the room, facing a wall. He said all I have to do is sit on the chair and wait.
I sit on the chair. Minutes later, the room starts making these echoing sound. The volume and frequency increase as the time goes on.
[[It was painful -> Ending3con]]The name describes the place itself. The Mansion is huge. My place in The Mansion has the most luxurious interiors that I have ever seen. Pool, palm tree, city view from up high. This is my life now.
A man next door comes over as I sit on the edge of the pool. Looking down at the beautiful landscape of Quarteny. He asks me:
- "You new here?"
- "Yes, I just arrived." I reply
- "I'm Scott, nice to meet you. You seem young, most of us here finish that job when we were in our fourties. You must helped the Special Force something huge."
- "Last time I check, I helped them develop the new underground mining system. I was fun working with them though." I answered
- "Wow, that's huge. Anyway, welcome to The Mansion. If you're free later, tell me, I'll show you around."
- "Thank you, maybe I'll see you later."
(if: $killArthur is false and $stealwater is false)[(link: "Go to Sleep")[(goto:"TheEnd1")]](if: $stealwater is true and $killArthur is false)[(link: "Go to sleep")[(goto:"TheEnd2")]](if: $stealwater is true and $killArthur is true)[(link: "Go to Sleep")[(goto:"TheEnd3")]]As I leave the Laundry Room. I couldn't hear anything that is close to normal speaking volume. My head starts spining. Yet, the weirdest thing is that I feel like I acomplished something, something I can't quite remember.
Then I heard people from the distance talking:
- "...water is perfect...samples...on the way..."
Then Adam took me to the car, drive me to [[The Mansion-> The Mansion]]As I leave the Laundry Room. I couldn't hear anything that is close to normal speaking volume. My head starts spining. Yet, the weirdest thing is that I feel like I acomplished something, something I can't quite remember.
Then I heard people from the distance talking:
- "...without him...Lakery...fall to us..."
- "...The Dock is ours..."
Then Adam took me to the car, drive me to [[The Mansion-> The Mansion]]It's been 1 months since I got here. Scott is nice. He showed me the neighborhood. I've made lots of friends. In fact, I'm joining them at Scott's for his birthday.
- "Hey kid, you okay? You look a little blue."
- "I'm all good Scott, thank you for inviting me. It's just, this life is too good to be true. Yesterday I was nobody and today, I live in this luxurious life with everything I've ever wanted." I talked to Scott
- "You think too much kid, think less. You only live once and you may as well enjoy the hell out of it before you die. Besides, we worked for this, we helped the Special Force. We earn this. Go get a cup of water kid, you look dehydrated"
- "I guess you're right."
Scott always know how to cheer me up.
Over the radio, Channel 1 is playing:
- "The Leaders of Quarteny has now achieved the location of The Source of Life, however, further evidences needs to be found before the Special Force can make any decision. [[Good night!-> The end]]"
(set: $end1 to true)It's been 1 months since I got here. Scott is nice. He showed me the neighborhood. I've made lots of friends. In fact, I'm joining them at Scott's for his birthday.
- "Hey kid, you okay? You look a little blue."
- "I'm all good Scott, thank you for inviting me. It's just, this life is too good to be true. Yesterday I was nobody and today, I live in this luxurious life with everything I've ever wanted." I talked to Scott
- "You think too much kid, think less. You only live once and you may as well enjoy the hell out of it before you die. Besides, we worked for this, we helped the Special Force. We earn this. Go get a cup of water kid, you look dehydrated"
- "I guess you're right."
Scott always know how to cheer me up.
Over the radio, Channel 1 is playing:
- "The Leaders of Quarteny has now achieved the location of The Source of Life and the key to get there, however, outside aliens need to be considered before any decisions can be made. For now The Source of Life is within our palm. [[Good night!-> The end]]"
(set: $end2 to true)It's been 1 months since I got here. Scott is nice. He showed me the neighborhood. I've made lots of friends. In fact, I'm joining them at Scott's for his birthday.
- "Hey kid, you okay? You look a little blue."
- "I'm all good Scott, thank you for inviting me. It's just, this life is too good to be true. Yesterday I was nobody and today, I live in this luxurious life with everything I've ever wanted." I talked to Scott
- "You think too much kid, think less. You only live once and you may as well enjoy the hell out of it before you die. Besides, we worked for this, we helped the Special Force. We earn this. Go get a cup of water kid, you look dehydrated"
- "I guess you're right."
Scott always know how to cheer me up.
Over the radio, Channel 1 is playing:
- "The Leaders of Quarteny has now achieved the location of The Source of Life and the key to get there. Two days ago, the Special Force has ordered The Military to mobilize the entire army toward the Source of Life and according to our calculation, within the next 3 days, Quarteny would finally achieve its goal after centuries of hard-working. [[Good night!-> The end]]"
(set: $end3 to true)The end.
(if: $end1 is true)[#1](if: $end2 is true)[#2](if: $end3 is true)[#3](if: $end4 is true)[#4](if: $end5 is true)[#5]/51 month since the last time I see the Laundry Room. I've been sweeping these floor over and over and over again. The lady in the suit said that I was born to do this. I believe her.
One day there was this young girl arriving at the facility, we don't usually have guests here. Adam walks her to the only room in the building. She looks at me. I looks at her. I see something in her. I feel like I see myself.
[[That's just crazy.-> The end]]
(set: $end4 to true)