WWW Resources for dermatology. A critical appraisal.

Thomas Ray MD and Art Huntley MD

Journal Online Dermatology, July 1995

Acaderm-L Discussion - Arthur C. Huntley M.D.

Acaderm-L is an email discussion group established to facilitate dialog among those involved in teaching dermatology in the world community. Discussion occurs over a wide range of topics related to education or clinic administration.

Some of the information discussed on this group may be of interest to the practitioner, but that is not the target audience of the list.

The list is open to all providers of education in dermatology. Access is easy.

To subscribe to this list, write to

and in the body of the message, put
subscribe acaderm-L your(first)name your(last)name
Owner: Arthur C. Huntley M.D. (achuntley@ucdavis.edu)
All contents copyright (C), 1995.
Dermatology Online Journal
University of California Davis