(set: $key = false)
(set: $note = false)
(set: $armed = false)
(set: $AttackWarden = false)
(set: $goback = false)
(set: $diedtooldman = false)
(set: $transCounter to 0)\
(link: "The facility")[
|s1)[(transition: "dissolve")[We are running out of time!]]
|s2)[(transition: "dissolve")[Wake up!]]
|s3)[(transition: "pulse")+(textstyle:"bold")+(color:red)[Get up!!]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $transCounter to it + 1)
(if: $transCounter is 1)[
(show: ?s1)
(else-if: $transCounter is 2)[
(show: ?s2)
(else-if: $transCounter is 3)[
(show: ?s3)
(live:5s)[(transitiondepart: "fade")[[...->factory1]]]](live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["We're still in the facility, you passed out from the fumes"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["The guards are all dead but it seems like some sort of security system has been triggered."](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["These new chemicals seem to be sedating us"](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transitiondepart: "fade")[[...->factory2]]]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Which means that the warden is on his way"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["We've already come this far, its too late to be giving up"](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["We need to leave now, I hear the trucks outside, im going to leave through the back"](stop:)]
(if:$AttackWarden is false)[(live:4s)[(transitiondepart: "fade")[[leave through front gate->factory3]]]]
(live:5s)[(transitiondepart: "dissolve")[[sneak out the back ->factoryback]]]
(live:6s)[(transitiondepart: "fade")[[stay->factorystay]]](live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[As you walk out the door, you see the Warden get out of his car](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "zoom")+(textcolour:red)+(text-style:"bold")["Get back inside now"](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "zoom")+(text-style:"bold")+(textcolour:red)["Unless you want to end up like the rest of them"](stop:)]
(live:6s)[(text-style:"bold","smear")[[Shove past him->factoryshove]]][[Walk back inside->backtowork]](live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")+(textcolour:red)+(text-style:"bold")[The Warden yanks you back by your shirt](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "zoom")+(text-style:"bold")+(textcolour:red)["Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!"](stop:)]
(live:6s)[(text-style:"blur","blurrier","fade-in-out")+(textcolour:red)[[attack him->bosskill]]](live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")+(textcolour:red)[you lunge at the Warden](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")+(textcolour:red)[you see him reach towards his back pocket](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(transition: "zoom")+(textcolour:grey)+(text-style:"bold")[BOOM](stop:)]
(live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")+(textcolour:white)[you feel a sudden calmness](stop:)]
(live:7s)[(transition-arrive: "dissolve")+(transition-depart:"fade")[[...->death]]]
(set:$AttackWarden to true)(link: "you look down")
[(textcolour:red)+(transition:"dissolve")[The white jumpsuit you have on is now stained red with your blood]]
[(textcolour:blue)[[...-> end]]](live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")+(textcolour:red)+(text-style:"bold")[you bleed to death](stop:)]
(live:5s)[(transition-arrive: "dissolve")[[...->factory1]]]You sneak out the back of the facility
You open the backdoor to find other prisoners escaping through a large break in the fence
Drones deploy from the facility and begin to attack the deserters
[[follow them->follow]]
[[go back inside->factorystay]](live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[You stumble back into the facility filled with the rest of the captured prisoners](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[A gash across the face.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[A man coughing up blood](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[human beings, needing help, dirty and tired and scared.](stop:)]
(live:6s)[[[...->factorystay]]]The Warden bursts through the front door
"Seems like many of you have planned an escape.."
"I really dont understand why you would want to be a deserter..."
"There is nothing out there for you, this facility is a privilege. We give you food, water, and a purpose"
"Well it doesn't matter anymore, this trial has been a failure, the surivors will all be relocated."
The warden puts on a gas mask and a blue cloud of smoke descends from the ceiling, putting you to sleep
[[...->facility2]]You sprint through the torn fence out into the night along with the rest of the deserters.
You see a drones capture one of the deserters but no one turns to help them.
Escape is paramount.
[[Keep running->intothenight]]
[[Try and help->help]]You run through the night with the rest of the deserters
finally stopping to rest when the sun begins to rise.
Many deserters are coughing up blood, while others writhe in agony from the wounds they sustained during the escape.
There is nothing outside of the facility.
The land is barren.
[[survive->intothenight2]]You look around for anything to use as a weapon
[[A rock->rock]]
[[Broken pipe->pipe]]You pick up a moderately sized rock and hurl it at a drone
The rock bounces off uselessly as the drone snaps the defectors neck
It turns and looks at you with its glowing eyes
[[pipe->pipe]]You find a broken pipe on the ground
[[engage->engage]]The drone whirls menacingly as you approach it, letting go of the limp man.
You swing your pipe as hard as you can at its propeller, hoping to knock it off balance
The drone catches your pipe midswing with its steel claws
[[Run->intothenight]] Before you have a chance to react.
The drone slams its other claw on the side of your head.
[[...->captured]]You black in and out, struggling to stay conscious
You feel your body being dragged along by a drone
[[...->facility2]]You wake up with a agonizing headache
[[look around ->Room3]]
As the days past, the group becomes smaller and smaller.
Water is hard to come by.
The elected 'leader' kneels from exhaustion. Says all hope is lost.
Says the Warden was right, we cant survive by ourselves
[[Pathetic, there must be something out here->intothenight3]]The 'leader' dies the next day
There are only 7 of us left.
The groups resolve has weakened.
Some are suggesting to go back and beg for forgiveness
[[We cant go back->night4]]
(if:$goback is false)[[We should go back->back1]]2 of the deserters head back anyways
The rest of us keeps moving
[[Lets head north->north]]
The walk back was agonizing
2 more die from dehydration
As the facility comes into view, you notice the torn fence had not been repaired
[[Enter->back2]]The remaining deserters follow you into the abandoned facility
Nothing has changed since that day
The water supply has been shut off
The canteen is empty
[[starve->death3]]You die of starvation
(set: $goback = true)After another day of walking, we finally stumble across an old house
The once white siding is yellow and peeling. The door hangs open.
(if:$diedtooldman is false)[[[enter->old house]]]
[[keep moving->move]]
You are in a windowless room with 2 beds
Nothing around you seems familiar
A dim light flickers near the door
You get out of the bed and realize that you are starving.
[[Check the door->door]]
[[Check under your bed->bed]]The steel door is locked. The frame of the door is covered in scratches..
(if:$key is true)[[Try the key->open]]There is a note under your bed with the note labeled : SCHEDULE
A digital clock next to it
[[read note->schedule]]
[[check clock->time]]
[[check other bed->bed2]]
[[Back to room ->Room3]]''5:30AM - BREAKFAST
9:30PM - SLEEP''
[[this is way worse than the other facility...->bed]]There seems to be nothing under this bed
[(link: "look closer")[(text-style:"blur","blurrier","fade-in-out")+(textcolour:blue)[[you notice a small box jammed into the steel bedframe->box]]]](if:visits is 0)[The time reads 2:30AM]
(else-if:visits is 1)[The time reads 2:45AM]
(else-if:visits is 2)[The time reads 3:30AM]
(else-if:visits is 3)[The time reads 4:30AM]
(else-if:visits is 4)[The digital clock dies]
[[..->bed]]There is a key and an envelope
[[take key->key]]
[[open enveope->note2]]
[[go back->bed]](set: $key = true)
[[You take the key->box]]
(set: $note = true)
(set: $diedtooldman =false)
''My time is up, please make good use of this
the pin for the main gate is:1592
once you make it out, head north until you reach a yellow house and tell the man inside that Jim sent you.''
no one should live like this, i hope that you can finish what i started
[[go back->box]]The door opens
The hallway is wide and dark
can't see whats outside
[[walk out->outside]]
[[go back->Room3]](if:$note is true)
[[[A crazed man charges down the hall, a rusted blade in his hand.->Jim]]]
(if:$note is false)
[[[A crazed man charges down the hall, a rusted blade in his hand.->fightman]]]
The group protests with the idea of skipping the house.
They are tired and starving, maybe there are supplies inside?
(if:$diedtooldman is false)[[[listen to the group->old house2]]]
[[keep moving-> move2]]The group abandons you and heads for the house
(if:$diedtooldman is false)[[[follow them->old house2]]]
[[continue on your own->move3]]After walking alone for another day. Exhaustion overcomes you and you faint on the barren dessert floor.
You lay there, awaiting death
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[whirrrrrrrrrr](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[[[...->captured]]]You start to run but you are too shocked and exhausted to move.
He yells "WHO SENT YOU?" as he thrusts the dirty knife into your chest.
You see the rest of the deserters make a run for it
(live:3s)[(transition-arrive: "dissolve")+(transition-depart:"fade")[[death->hint]]]
(set:$diedtooldman to true)The once white siding is yellow and peeling. The door hangs open.
[[enter->old house]]"Jim sent me!" you yell
the man stops in his tracks
"jim?" he mutters
"what happened to him?" he asks
[[tell him about the note->befriend]]The old man drags you to the backyard and burries your corpse
[[retry->north]]The man stumbles and falls, relief falls over everyones face.
"You can stay and rest, we'll finish what Jim started"
[[The end->ending]]The hallway is pitch black
[[go left->left]]
[[go right->right]]As you head left you feel another heavy metal door, as your hand touches it, the glowing keypad lights up dimly.
(if:$note is true)[[1592->door opens]]
(if:$note is false)[[1234?->no code]]you move right but you bump into a wall
[[go left->left]]The door opens.
[[Go North->North]]
[[Go South->South]]The door loudly beeps
You panick and start running back to your room and shut the door.]
[[maybe I should see whats inside the envelope->Room3]]You head north, find some other survivors who also escaped.
After day of walking, you finally stumble across an old house
The once white siding is yellow and peeling. The door hangs open.
[[[enter->old house]]]You walk for days until you realize that theres nothing outside of the facility. You die of dehydration
[[what did the note say?->door opens]]Thanks for playing!
Created by Jan Ning