Another day of work. Just the usual morning coffee for breakfast, again?
If only life was more interesting than this constant routine: sleep, coffee, work, lunch, work, dinner, sleep.
Oh well.
''Shall we head out, now?''
[[Yes.|Going outside]]You open the front door to your apartment, walk down the stairs, and out of the lobby.
You start walking down the sidewalk towards the train station.
You start wondering, "Should I stop by the bakery for some breakfast?"
You decide that you will treat yourself to a better breakfast.
At least solid food is better than just coffee.
You get across the street from the bakery and start walking on the crosswalk.
But... ''a speeding car starts coming your way!''
[[Let it hit.]]
[[Dodge the car.]]You use your masterful gaming skills to dodge the car.
You wipe the sweat off your forehead and let out a sigh of relief.
Then, you feel a thump on your side and you get flung across the street.
Of course.
The speeding car must have been racing another car.
Your vision begins to fade as you see a [[bright golden light|Afterlife]].You brace yourself for the impact.
"Does God really want me to suffer?
The one time I wanted to treat myself!"
You hear a hard thump as you get flung across the street.
Your vision begins to fade as you see a [[bright golden light|Afterlife]].As your eyes open, you are floating over the Earth.
You panic wondering how you are floating, trying to find some solid ground.
Sitting right next to you is an old man with a massive white beard in white clothing.
"Welcome young one... to the afterlife.
You had a rough life on Earth, didn't you?
I would like to give you a ''second chance'' at life."
After hearing him, you begin to lose consciousness.
[[Wake up.|New Home]]You wake up in a bed in a room you're unfamiliar with.
"Where am I?"
[[Go outside.|Outside the house.]]You step out the house to see a sunny sky and....
castle walls?
"Where am I?"
A civilian walking by looks at you strangely.
"You're in the slums of ''Dia Town'' in the kingdom of ''Dialandia'', idiot. Don't you live here?"
You look at his face and find out he's not even human.
You answer with a nod, out of confusion, and the guy walks off, angrily.
Thanks to the civilian's //kind// gesture, you now know two things: You're **not on Earth** and you're **poor**?!
[[Walk around.|Town Center]]You find yourself in the ''town center''.
There seems to be an [[Adventurer's Guild]], a [[Market]], a [[Clinic]], and a [[Blacksmith]].
There also seems to be a path towards the [[Castle Gate]].
(if: $diamondSword is false and $level >= 4)[
You hear a whisper in your ear. The guards at the gate are looking for you.]You enter the ''Adventurer's Guild''.
The receptionist waves her hand at you and tells you to walk over.
You walk over to the reception desk.
She invites you to register yourself as an Adventurer to make some money.
(if: $enterGuild is not true)[(link:"Get Adventurer's Card.")[(set: $enterGuild = true)(goto:"Adventurer's Guild")]]
There is a [[Guildboard]] with tons of quests.
[[Exit the Adventurer's Guild.|Town Center]]You walk into the ''market''.
There are stalls full of fresh fruits and vegetables.
(if: $diamondSword is true)[
Just looking at the food makes you hungry, but you forget that you don't even have any money.]
Mere peasants... having to cook for themselves. Why are you even wasting your time here?]
[[Back to the town center.|Town Center]]You enter the ''blacksmith''.
There are various weapons on display.
A smith walks over to you.
"Hey! Welcome to the Blacksmith. I'm the head smith here. We have a partnership with the Adventurer's Guild to provide weapons to Adventurers. Are you registered with the Guild?"
(if: $enterGuild is true)
"Oh! You have a Guild Card! Then, what do you need?"
(if: $woodSword is false and $level >= 1)
(link: "Wooden Sword")[(set: $woodSword = true)(goto: "Blacksmith")]
"You're a beginner? Well, here's a trusty wooden sword!"
(if: $stoneSword is false and $level >= 2)
(link: "Stone Sword")[(set: $stoneSword = true)(goto: "Blacksmith")]
"You're back already? Wow, you're a fast learner. Well, here's round 2. A tough stone sword for you!"
(if: $ironSword is false and $level >= 3)
(link: "Iron Sword")[(set: $ironSword = true)(goto: "Blacksmith")]
"You ready for your final challenge? The diamond sword is just waiting for you! Take this iron sword and go ham!"
[[Exit the Blacksmith.|Town Center]]You walk over to the ''Guildboard'' and look at the various quests.
It seems that the quest vary in difficulty, with more difficult quests having better rewards.
[[Slime Quest]]
[[Wolf Quest]]
[[Golem Quest]]
[[Walk away from the Guildboard.|Adventurer's Guild]](if: $level >= 1)
"Hello beginner Adventurers! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild of Dia Town. This is the easiest quest, so you should have no trouble completing it. Go get a wooden sword at the blacksmith, if you haven't already. Go and kill a slime in the Green Plains. Bring back it's mucus for Guild Level up!"
(if: $slimeQuest is false and $slime is true)[
(link: "Accept Quest.")[(set: $slimeQuest to true)(goto:"Slime Quest")]
(if: $slime is false and $level < 2)
(link: "Claim Reward.")[(set: $level = 2)(goto:"Slime Quest")]
Congratulations! You leveled up to level 2. You can now do the Wolf Quest.
["It's literally impossible to be under level one, you cheater!"]
[[Back to Guildboard|Guildboard]](if:$level >= 2)["Aren't you getting the hang of this, adventurer? Well, it's time to kill some big boys. A pack of wolves, in the forest, have taken a kid captive. Go find the kid and kill those pesky wolves. You must have a stone sword."
(if: $wolfQuest is false and $boy is true)[
(link: "Accept Quest.")[(set: $wolfQuest to true)(goto:"Wolf Quest")]
(if: $boy is false and $level < 3)
(link: "Claim Reward.")[(set: $level = 3)(goto:"Wolf Quest")]
Congratulations! You leveled up to level 3. You can now do the Golem Quest.
(else:)[You are too low leveled, come back when you complete the Slime Quest.]
[[Back to Guildboard|Guildboard]](if:$level >= 3)["A golem is guarding the elusive diamond sword at the treasure room of the Dungeon of Dia. In order to pierce its armor, you need an iron sword. Get it and bring back the diamond sword for all of the wealth that you will need for the rest of your life."
(if: $golemQuest is false and $diamondSword is true)[
(link: "Accept Quest.")[(set: $golemQuest to true)(goto:"Golem Quest")]
(if: $diamondSword is false and $level < 4)
(link: "Claim Reward.")[(set: $level = 4)(goto:"Slime Quest")]
Congratulations! You are now out of poverty and rich to your wildest dreams. GG's, my friend.
(else:)[You are too low leveled, come back when you complete the Wolf Quest.]
[[Back to Guildboard|Guildboard]]{
(set: $enterGuild to false)
(set: $level to 1)
(set: $woodSword to false)
(set: $stoneSword to false)
(set: $ironSword to false)
(set: $slimeQuest to false)
(set: $slime to true)
(set: $wolfQuest to false)
(set: $boy to true)
(set: $golemQuest to false)
(set: $diamondSword to true)
(set: $faint to false)
(set: $leverF to false)
(set: $leverS to false)
(set: $leverT to false)
(set: $dunSlime to true)
(set: $dunWolf to true)
(set: $dunSlilf to true)
(set: $dunGol to true)
(set: $forleft to false)
}(if: $diamondSword is true)[
You walk towards an open massive wooden gate.
There seems to be a path outside that spans for miles and miles.
At the gate, there's a castle guard on both sides of the gate.
You walk up to one of the guards.
"Hey, you! Yes, you over there! There are monsters out there, so we recommend that you bring some sort of weapon with you."
[[Walk back to the town center.|Town Center]]
[[Go out into the wild.|Wilderness]]
The guard stops you.
"Hey you! Are you the mighty adventurer that got the ''diamond sword''? The [[king|Castle]] would like to meet you."
Or you can let the king wait: [[Town Center]] or [[Wilderness]].
]You have made it ''outside'' of the castle walls.
As you look around, you notice a view of open nature that you've never seen before.
You stretch your arms out and take a deep breathe of the fresh air.
After your brand-new stretching routine, you look down to see a sign with notable locations on the long path.
[[Plains Nearby|Plains]]
[[Forest Far Away|Forest]]
[[Mysterious Dungeon Super-Duper Far Away|Dungeon]]
Or, should I go back to the [[Town|Castle Gate]]?You make it to the ''Plains'' and there seems to be nothing here.
You can smell the fresh grass and feel the soothing breeze.
(if: $slime is true)[
All of a sudden, a ''slime'' jumps you!
What do you do?
[[[Fight with Fists!|Slime Fist]]]
(if: $woodSword is true)
[[[Fight with Wooden Sword!|Slime Sword]]]
Slimes are too easy for you, now.
Go pick on something your own size!
[[Back to the path.|Wilderness]]
](if: $forleft is false)[
After a lot of walking, you finally make it to the ''forest''.
It's a dark creepy place, are you going to go in deeper?
(link: "Go in deeper.")[(set: $forleft = false)(goto:"Deep Forest")]
[[Back to the path.|Wilderness]]
Looks like you went the wrong way!
You seem to be back at the ''entrance'' of the ''Forest'', again.
(link: "Go in deeper.")[(set: $forleft = false)(goto:"Deep Forest")]
[[Back to the path.|Wilderness]]
]After a super-duper long walk, you make it to a metal door in a gigantic tree.
It seems that the door has already been open by a previous Adventurer.
Do you go in?
[[Yes|Dungeon Entrance Room]]
[[Back to the path.|Wilderness]]You throw your fist at the ''slime'', but it doesn't seem to have much effect.
You take a look at the swinging arm.
The slime has surrounded your arm and you can feel this burning sensation.
You take another look and the ''slime'' seems to be burning through your clothes.
This really was a stupid idea.
"I should have listened to the guard's warning."
(if: $faint is false)[
(link: "You fainted.")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Slime Fist")]
]You take your wooden sword and swing it down the middle of the ''slime''.
It's a direct hit!
The ''slime'' is split into two and dies.
(link: "Get Slime Mucus.")[(set: $slime = false)(goto: "Wilderness")]
(if: $diamondSword is true)[
(if: $faint is false)[
You hear a woman's voice.
"Welcome to the Dia Town ''Clinic''! We help Adventurers with their medical needs!"
[[Leave the Clinic.|Town Center]]
You hear a woman's voice.
"Hey! Hey! Are you okay? The guards found you after you didn't come back to town for a while. Let me heal you!"
(link: "Heal.")[(set: $faint = false)(goto: "Town Center")]
"Looks like you don't need our help anymore, Adventurer."
[[Leave the Clinic.|Town Center]]
Going deeper into the ''forest'', I see.
Well. Don't we have a brave soul?
Fork in the road.
[[Go left.|Forest Left]]
[[Go right.|Forest Right]]
[[Go back.|Forest]]The ''left path'' is a long, long road.
It feels like you've been here for hours.
[[Go further.|Forest Left Deep]]The ''right path'' goes deeper into the forest.
After a bit of walking, the forest opens into a clearing.
(if: $boy is true)[
You find a ''wolf's den'' with a sleeping wolf and a young boy hidden in the back.
As you walk up, the ''wolf'' wakes up and charges you.
What do you do?
[[Fight with Fists!|Wolf Fist]]
(if: $woodSword is true)
[[[Fight with Wooden Sword!|Wolf Wood]]]
(if: $stoneSword is true)
[[[Fight with Stone Sword!|Wolf Stone]]]
The wolf's corpse is still laying on the floor with flies flying all around it.
I guess, you gave them a big feast.
[[Back to the path.|Wilderness]]
]Now, you feel like you've gone too far.
Wait, have I been here before?
(link:"Keep Going")[(set: $forleft to true)(goto:"Forest")]As the ''wolf'' closes in, you prepare a fully pulled-back swing.
You throw the swing with full commitment, but the ''wolf'' dashes to the side, dodging the swing.
Because of the hard swing, you are unable to dodge the ''wolf'''s incoming bite.
You fall to the floor, hearing footsteps in the distance.
This really was a stupid idea.
"I should have listened to the guard's warning."
(if: $faint is false)[
(link: "You fainted.")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Wolf Fist")]
]You pull out your wooden sword.
This'll be an easy fight!
You rush in and jab the wolf, but it didn't seem to pierce into the ''wolf''.
The ''wolf'' bites you wooden sword and throws away the light object.
You realize that you messed up and get a clawful from the ''wolf''.
(if: $faint is false)[
(link: "You fainted.")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Wolf Wood")]
]The ''wolf'' rushes in and goes for a bite.
You slap the ''wolf'' down on the nose with the stone sword.
The ''wolf'' loses balance and falls on the floor.
You stab the fallen ''wolf'' to finish it off.
Now, you can save the boy.
(link: "Rescue the boy.")[(set: $boy = false)(goto: "Wilderness")]You enter the ''dungeon entrance room''.
There is a [[doorway|Dungeon Lever One]] to the left with mark of a ''slime'' on the floor.
You can also go in [[deeper|Dungeon Right]].
Or you can [[exit|Dungeon]] the dungeon.(if: $dunSlime is true)[
A ''gigantic Slime'' sits in the middle of the room.
As you walk in, the door closes shut.
There is no escape.
What do you do? (looks like you need a wooden sword)
(if: $woodSword is true)
(link: "Fight with Wooden Sword")[(set: $dunSlime = false)(goto: "Dungeon Lever One")]
(link: "Brace for the Pain")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Clinic")]
The door out opens back up.
However, there is a lever.
Do you want to flick it?
(if: $leverF is false)[
(link: "Flick the Lever On")[(set: $leverF = true)(goto: "Dungeon Entrance Room")]]
(link: "Flick the Lever Off")[(set: $leverF = false)(goto: "Dungeon Entrance Room")]
]You are ''deep'' into the ''dungeon''.
There is another [[doorway|Dungeon Lever Two]] to the right, this time with a ''wolf'' mark.
You can go [[even deeper|Dungeon Right Deep]] into the dungeon.
Or you can go [[towards the exit|Dungeon Entrance Room]].You reach the ''deepest'' part in the ''dungeon''.
There is a [[room to the left|Puzzle Room]] with a ''key'' mark on the floor.
There is also, like the other parts of the hallway, a [[doorway|Dungeon Lever Three]] to the right with a ''slimy wolf'' mark on the floor.
Most importantly, in front of you, a closed door to the front with a ''golem'' mark on it. It must be opened.
Or you can walk [[towards the exit|Dungeon Right]].
(if: $leverF is true and $leverS is false and $leverT is true)[
The ''boss room'' has ''opened''.
[[Time to Finish This!|Dungeon Boss Room]]](if: $dunWolf is true)[
A ''gigantic Wolf'' sleeps in the middle of the room.
As you walk in, the door closes shut.
There is no escape.
What do you do? (looks like you need a stone sword)
(if: $stoneSword is true)
(link: "Fight with Stone Sword")[(set: $dunWolf = false)(goto: "Dungeon Lever Two")]
(link: "Brace for the Pain")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Clinic")]
The door out opens back up.
However, there is a lever.
Do you want to flick it?
(if: $leverS is false)[
(link: "Flick the Lever On")[(set: $leverS = true)(goto: "Dungeon Right")]]
(link: "Flick the Lever Off")[(set: $leverS = false)(goto: "Dungeon Right")]
]This is the ''Puzzle Room''.
On the wall, there are some letters: ''T F T''.
On the other wall, there are lights that display:
(if: $leverF is true)[''T'']
(if: $leverS is true)[''T'']
(if: $leverT is true)[''T'']
[[Dungeon Right Deep]](if: $dunSlilf is true)[
A ''gigantic Slime'', that has ''eaten a gigantic Wolf'', sits in the middle of the room.
As you walk in, the door closes shut.
There is no escape.
What do you do? (looks like you need a wooden and stone sword)
(if: $woodSword is true and $stoneSword is true)
(link: "Fight with Wooden and Stone Sword")[(set: $dunSlilf = false)(goto: "Dungeon Lever Three")]
(link: "Brace for the Pain")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Clinic")]
The door out opens back up.
However, there is a lever.
Do you want to flick it?
(if: $leverT is false)[
(link: "Flick the Lever On")[(set: $leverT = true)(goto: "Dungeon Right Deep")]]
(link: "Flick the Lever Off")[(set: $leverT = false)(goto: "Dungeon Right Deep")]
]The ''Final Golem Boss''.
As you walk in, the door closes shut.
There is no escape.
What do you do?
(if: $dunGol is true)[
(if: $ironSword is true)
(link: "Fight with Iron Sword")[(set: $dunGol = false)(goto: "Dungeon Treasure Room")]
(link: "Brace for the Pain")[(set: $faint = true)(goto: "Clinic")]
The golem is crumbled on the floor. You can walk [[back|Dungeon Right Deep]] or go in the empty [[treasure room|Dungeon Treasure Room]].
](if: $diamondSword is true)[
You charge towards the ''golem''.
As you move in, it swings its arms at you, but you expertly dodge it.
You pierce the ''golem'''s core with the iron sword and it crumbles to the ground.
It was a lot simpler than you thought it would be.
You did it!
(link: "Take Diamond Sword")[(set: $diamondSword = false)(goto: "Wilderness")]
The stand of the sword is still here, but the sword has already been taken.
You don't need to be here.
Go back to the [[boss room|Dungeon Boss Room]]]"Your Majesty! The mighty Adventurer has arrived at the throne.
Do you allow them in your presence?"
"Yes, loyal knight. Please let them in."
You walk into the throne room and take a bow to the king.
"No, no. We don't need any formalties. You may lift your head. I am the King of ''Dia Town''. The ''diamond sword'' has been lost for hundreds of years after my stupid grandfather went adventuring himself with it. He was an idiot and lost the family treasure. We would like to trade you anything for this sword. What would you like?"
"I would like to [[live carelessly]] for the rest of my life."
"I want a [[harem]], obviously. What else would a person of power want?"
[[Assassinate]] the king. This is my town now!"A careless life? Don't worry. We will treat you well."
You get to live out the rest of your life in royalty. If only you could have been born like this. It sure ain't fair that most of us have to work our butts off for this.
''THE END''"A harem, you say? You really have no shame. But if it is a harem you want, then it is a harem that you shall get."
You live the rest of your life still in poverty, but at least you have all of the love that you can get.
It's at least better than your previous lonely life.
''THE END''With your fast reflexes and the king's trust, you storm the king with your diamond sword.
You slice him in two and take over the castle.
The guards can't even handle the might of the mightiest Adventurer in all of the lands.
This is my town!