<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/756758/pexels-photo-756758.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=3&h=750&w=1260" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
Welcome to my simple twine game!!
How about reading an (link: 'introduction')[<script>A.track('bgm').loop(true).play();</script>(goto: 'intro')] before playing it?
**Please note that this game is recommanded for kids under 7.**
Deer, Falling, Traffic, Soul Mates
Maybe getting selfie with a deer?
First, you encounter deer when you first arrived at UCSC
Do you like deer? -> anyway gonna do this game
Two deer, their names, just choose one.
Deer A stories
Say hi to him/just watching for a few seconds
Deer B stories
Getting closer to her/Getting distance from her
<Things to be included in Beta version>
More pitcures and memes in each story card
Making things more elegant+grammar
Use some kinda bar of precentage to show friendship changes
1. Set variables and if-else statements to correctly restart after fails
2. Change the questions a little bit.(mathematical)
3. Provide pictures
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/356079/pexels-photo-356079.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=750&w=1260" width="500" height="300" alt="question">
Do you [[like deer->if like deer]] , or you [[do not->!if like deer]]?
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/941693/pexels-photo-941693.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=750&w=1260" width="640" height="553" alt="happy">
That's a good news! our mission for you is to take selfie of deer
Let's start our [[journey!!->First encounter 2 deers]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1608113/pexels-photo-1608113.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=750&w=1260" width="640" height="426">
How dare you hate deer!
You have to do it anyway because early ending is not desirable :D
Just [[go begin this game->First encounter 2 deers]].<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/2604956/pexels-photo-2604956.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=pexels-2604956.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
You encountered two charming deers!
Has this situation happended before? I cannot tell you...
What you have to do is basically choose one between them!
(if: $phase is 0)[(if: $phase1 is 0)[
[[The cute little left one. ->Deer A]]
[[Also cute pretty right one. ->Deer B]]
(if: $know is 0)[[[I don't really like this game ->sdf]]
] (else:) [ [[Just go to sleep]] : You know where this button will lead you to :D
[[Getting yourself a new friend is always good!->Deer A]]
[[At least you know some things about Breada->Deer B2]]
(if: $know is 0)[[[I don't really like this game ->sdf]]
] (else:) [ [[Just go to sleep]] : You know where this button will lead you to :D
(unless: $phase is 0)[(if:$phase1 is 0)[
[[At lest you're familliar with Andrew->Deer A2]]
[[How about trying to be friend with the right one?->Deer B]]
(if: $know is 0)[[[I don't really like this game ->sdf]]
] (else:) [ [[Just go to sleep]] : You know where this button will lead you to :D]]
Because you know both of them, you can go with either [[Andrew->Deer A2]] or [[Brenda->Deer B2]]
(if: $know is 0)[ [[I don't really like this game ->sdf]]
] (else:) [Or... do you still want to [[go to sleep?->Just go to sleep]]
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1130434/pexels-photo-1130434.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-photography-antelope-1130434.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
You choosed deer A!!
His name is Andrew, and he's 3 years old!!
Hope you could be a good friend with this deer.
To acknowledge you're presence to this deer, you can either
[[say hi to Andrew->Say hi]] , or [[just watch it from distance->Just watching]] .
It's up to you!<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1344765/pexels-photo-1344765.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-photography-antelope-1344765.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Good decision indeed!
She's name is Brenda, and she's 1 years old...
You can [[move closer]] to her, or [[stay in distance]].<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/545026/pexels-photo-545026.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=bed-blur-indoors-545026.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
(set: $fail to $fail+1)
Well, this assignment just consist of 5 silly points in entire lecture...
Thus, it's really boring to find a deer and getting closer with them...
In fact, I know you don't even like deer that much......
[[You'll just skip it and go to sleep->You cannot avoid it]]
(set: $t to "times")
(if: $fail is 1)
(set: $t to "time")
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1318555/pexels-photo-1318555.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-portrait-antelope-1318555.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Since you started this game, YOU CANNOT AVOID IT!
Deer's curse is upon you.
[[Just PLAY FROM BEGINNING!->First encounter 2 deers]]
Deer's curse for $fail $t lol<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/34231/antler-antler-carrier-fallow-deer-hirsch.jpg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-antler-deer-34231.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="511">
Oops, Andrew seems like little bit nervous.
Or maybe he also wants to become friend with you??
To be sure, you can [[say hi agian to Andrew->say hi again]] or [[just stop and leave him->just stop that]].<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1720080/pexels-photo-1720080.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=architectural-design-architecture-building-1720080.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height=""427>
(if: $phase is 0)
(set: $phase to 1)
Andrew now seems little bit comportable of your presence.
Now it's time for further actions!
Maybe Andrew needs some more time to be familiar with me, so [[just lie down here and keep watching him->just keep on watching]].
No, now or never! I want to [[move little bit closer]].
So you encountered this situation again!
What's your choice now?
Maybe Andrew needs some more time to be familiar with me, so [[just lie down here and keep watching him->just keep on watching]].
No, now or never! I want to [[move little bit closer]].
]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1109899/pexels-photo-1109899.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=africa-animal-animal-photography-1109899.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="455">
(if: $phase1 is 0)
(set: $phase1 to 1)
How clever you are!
Brenda seems like to be closer with you!
you can either [[move even closer to her->moved even closer]], [[make a whistle->whistle]], or [[gave a food to her->gaveem food]].
Well! you finished first step to become a friend with her!
I hope you can make better choice this time...
Brenda seems like to be closer with you!
you can either [[move even closer to her->moved even closer]], [[make a whistle->whistle]], or [[gave a food to her->gaveem food]].
]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1035367/pexels-photo-1035367.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-blur-close-up-1035367.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
No... lonley deer Brenda went somewhere else.
Maybe she needed a friend to play with.
[[What should we do now?->Deer lost interest ]] First, this game contains two keywords provided in lecture!
Which is, "Deer" and "Soulmate".
Basically, all you have to do is becoming a soul mate with cute deer!
Maybe you don't wanna feel like doing that,
but let's say it's our new assignment for CMPS80K....
So, to prove your friendship with deer, you have to take a **selfie** with deer!
Before we begin, I want to ask you one simple but important [[question.->question]]
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/897817/pexels-photo-897817.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=anger-angry-anxiety-897817.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
So now you lost Brenda, and now you're starting to think that this assignment was silly.
Everything went wrong from the beginning and this is NOT a good sign.
How about [[just go to bed->Just go to sleep]] ?<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/2570169/pexels-photo-2570169.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-deer-field-2570169.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
NO. You're crossing the line dude..
You're not that close to Brenda yet...
Now Brenda is running away from you.....
What should you do??
[[how about clicking this butten?->deer ran away]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/787849/pexels-photo-787849.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-antelope-blur-787849.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
(if: $phase1 is 1)
(set: $phase1 to 2)
Indeed a wise choice!
Everyone and everydeer will love to eat something...
But what kind of food?
Choosing food always matters for both humans and deers.
You need to be more careful this time...
What kind of food you want to give to Brenda??
]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/2570169/pexels-photo-2570169.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-deer-field-2570169.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Hey! Anyone would surprised by that loud whistle!
Brenda just ran away... :(
What should you [[do->deer ran away]] now?<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1557254/pexels-photo-1557254.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adorable-animal-canine-1557254.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Well, everything will gonna be fine after some hours of [[sleep!->Just go to sleep]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/2546943/pexels-photo-2546943.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-photography-blurred-background-2546943.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height=""425>
Brenda seems to like it!!!
[[yeah just send me to next stage to end this boring game~~->yeah]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1587014/pexels-photo-1587014.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-angry-communication-1587014.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
You cannot give him a snack you idiot...
Snack is not even good for YOUR health!!
Why are you giving them do this qute and little deer??
[[Just go get some sleep you silly->Just go to sleep]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1495360/pexels-photo-1495360.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-photography-close-up-1495360.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
(set: $phase1 to 3)
Now finally Brenda seems to like you!!
I think this is the time for you to take a selfie with her!
But before that, you have to move some steps closer to her....
How many steps will you take?
[[One step will be enough->1step]]
[[Two is always better than one->2step]]
[[My favorite number is three->3step]]
[[Four steps sounds good for me->4step]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah you succeded!!
Now it's time to [[take a selfie with Brenda!->selfie with deer]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah you succeded!!
Now it's time to [[take a selfie with Brenda!->selfie with deer]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah you succeded!!
Now it's time to [[take a selfie with Brenda!->selfie with deer]]
[[Or there might be some hidden ending?->or hidden ending..?]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah you succeded!!
Now it's time to [[take a selfie with Brenda!->selfie with deer]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1264210/pexels-photo-1264210.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-beautiful-bush-1264210.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Finally... you are authorized^^ to take a selfie.
[[yeah!!->flash off]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/374719/pexels-photo-374719.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-cold-daylight-374719.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height=""426>
Why are you keep irritating him?
Andrew run away from you...
There's no option for you this time :(
Just go to stupid [[CMPM80K class->just go to class]] .<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/684385/pexels-photo-684385.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-agent-approval-684385.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="423">
Good job!! Becoming a soul mate cannot be done in one step!
You are allowed to proceed to [[next step->Just watching]]!<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/7102/notes-macbook-study-conference.jpg?cs=srgb&dl=apple-class-conference-7102.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
(set: $fail to $fail+1)
Well.. professor's lecture is much funnier than trying to communicate with silly deer....
You don't really wanna be a friend with deer, do you?
How about just skipping this assignment??
Maybe you can design a really good twine game and it could give you tremendous bonus points!!
How do you think about my idea?
[[ Really a good idea ^^ ->deer's curse]]{
(set: $t to "times")
(if: $fail is 1)
(set: $t to "time")
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1318555/pexels-photo-1318555.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-portrait-antelope-1318555.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
HEY!! It's YOU who started this game!
Why are you keep trying to terminate this game early??
You're in deer's curse now. You cannot turn off this game like this.
[[Just go to start->First encounter 2 deers]]
Deer's curse for $fail $t!!
Don't forget to submit your photo on Canvas by clicking 'Submit' below.
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1172000/pexels-photo-1172000.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adorable-animal-animal-park-1172000.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="425">
(set: $total to $fail+$fail1)
You finally find your soulmate!
Thank you for playing this game!!!
By the way, You made $total failures(or tempt to end this game early)
Made by.Donghyun Kim
(I used only free-stock pictures!!)
<a href="javascript:window.open('','_self').close();">Bye Bye~</a><img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/272064/pexels-photo-272064.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bench-business-man-272064.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Oops... you accidently fall asleep :D
Sadley it's time for your Video Game Design class haha
No time for deer anymore... [[just go to class]] you silly.
<img src="https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2014/10/deertongue_feature.jpg?resize=865,452" width="865" height="452">
(if: $phase is 1)
(set: $phase to 2)
Perfect!! Andrew also seems to like you!
He is coming toward you..
Andrew started to lick your shoes!
What should we do now?
Maybe you want to [[let him doing->let it doing]], your job is becoming soul mate with him! Matching his mood is our No.1 goal...
No, you're going to [[take your foot away from him->take ur foot away from it]]. Licking shoes is definitely out of the line behavior..
I guess this is not the first time for you in this situation
As usual, Andrew is licking your shoes
What should we do now?
Maybe you want to [[let it doing]], your job is becoming soul mate with him! Matching his mood is our No.1 goal...
No, you're going to [[take your foot away from him->take ur foot away from it]]. Licking shoes is definitely out of the line behavior..
]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/2233442/pexels-photo-2233442.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-animal-photography-beak-2233442.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
No there's no such thing fool.
Just go [[take a selfie->selfie with deer]].<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/326580/pexels-photo-326580.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=anxious-black-and-white-bunny-326580.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="525">
What!!!!!! It's your favorite shoes!!
You bought it just a week ago!!
You dumb.. [[just go design a video game->just go to class]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/9260/nature-animals-green-game.jpg?cs=srgb&dl=animal-antlers-deer-9260.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
(if: $phase is 2)
(set:$phase to 3)
Great, there should be some lines should not be crossed even between soul mates!
However, deer looks upset because of your action.
So, this is LAST CHANCE for you to take selfie of him!!
There's four choices, and only one of them will lead you to success...
(So this is super important moment in this game)
[[Just take a selfie with Andrew quickly!!->hurry and take a selfie]]
[[Say sorry to Andrew very politly.->say sorry to him politly]]
[[Maybe you can just give your shoes to deer again..?->just put your foot again ]]
[[How about telling your name to Andrew. ->tell your name to a deer]]
Why did you do that!!
Just make sure you are going to choose correct behavior this time..
So, this is LAST CHANCE for you to take selfie of him!!
There's four choices, and only one of them will lead you to success...
(So this is super important moment in this game)
[[Just take a selfie with Andrew quickly!!->hurry and take a selfie]]
[[Say sorry to Andrew very politly.->say sorry to him politly]]
[[Maybe you can just give your shoes to deer again..?->just put your foot again ]]
[[How about telling your name to Andrew. ->tell your name to a deer]]
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah!!! You choosed a right one!!
Finally a time to [[took a selfie with Andrew->selfie with deer]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah!!! You choosed a right one!!
Finally a time to [[took a selfie with Andrew->selfie with deer]] <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/39652/fallow-deer-reindeer-roe-deer-animal-39652.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=animals-close-up-deer-39652.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
Ooohh Andrew seems to like it!!
[[What will happen next??->let it doing]] :D
Why are you keep scrolling this?
[[hidden ending]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1059120/pexels-photo-1059120.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=adult-bridge-businessmen-1059120.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="517">
Yeah!!! You choosed a right one!!
Finally a time to [[took a selfie with Andrew->selfie with deer]] Why did you clicked this butten?
I just don't understand....
I haven't implemented anything beyond this [[point]][[stop it]]Hello there, welcome to a hidden ending of this game.
You might expected something fun will happen, but I just wanna tell you about why I designed this kind of game.
(set: $success to false)
(set: $phase to 0)
(set: $phase1 to 0)
(set: $fail to 0)
(set: $fail1 to 0)
(set: $know to 0)
}links: choices, next stories
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1799244/pexels-photo-1799244.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=active-adult-beautiful-1799244.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height=""429>
(if: $phase1 is 1)[
Building good relationships are always hard.. Cheer up and [[try agian!->move closer]]
(if: $phase1 is 2)[
I think you're almost there! Go make yourself a [[good friend!!->gaveem food]]
]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/1799244/pexels-photo-1799244.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=active-adult-beautiful-1799244.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height=""429>
(if: $phase is 1)[
You failed for the first time, but I bet you'll do better! [[Go take a selfie with Andrew!->Just watching]]
(if: $phase is 2)[
Halfway there!! Just one or two steps ahead of you! [[Cheer up!->move little bit closer]]
(if: $phase is 3)[
That one was close... [[Maybe this is the last stage!->take ur foot away from it]]
]Theme words used
Soulmate, Deer
[[next->next1]]<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/545026/pexels-photo-545026.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=bed-blur-indoors-545026.jpg&fm=jpg" width="640" height="426">
(set: $know to 1)
(set: $fail to $fail+1)
Well, this assignment just consist of 5 silly points in entire lecture...
Thus, it's really boring to find a deer and getting closer with them...
In fact, I know you don't even like deer that much......
[[You'll just skip it and go to sleep->You cannot avoid it]] Reason for Designing this Game
I’m a summer session student, and I stayed in UCSC for approx.10 days. The first thing that impressed me in here is that you can see deers everywhere on campus, even in front of your dormitories. I liked them and tried to be friend with them, but I failed to get closer to them every time. Therefore, after I heard the keyword about deer, I decided to make a game with deer.
The second reason for designing this game is due to the fact that my English skills are not that good. I thought I’m not sufficient to make a complicated and mysterious game. Also, most of my friends are already combining their games with survival moods, mathematical questions, and lots of heavy topics. So I decided to make a light-weighted sweet game for kids.
Links are used for basically two purposes in this game. First, some links are just button to move to the next passages, next stories. They just move players to another situation or themes. Second, there’re some links for players to make choices. Depending on their choices, the affinity between them and deer can increase, or they might fail.
[[next->next3]]Endings&Design Goal
This game has one hidden ending for fun, but it basically has only one end. It might not be desirable because regardless of the decisions they make, every player will eventually end up in the same ending. But I have to purpose to design my game in this way.
First, basically I designed this game for kids, and I thought players have to feel success eventually.
They might have various player experiences depending on what choices player made in the middle. Even though two main failure messages are not an ending itself, they might be treated as a sub-ending where players have to start from the beginning. Even though the end is fixed to success, there might be some difficulties and differences to reach there.
[[next->next4]]Player Experiences.
I want players to feel both difficulties of making a friend(or becoming a friend with deer, specifically) and kind of happiness when they succeeded to take a selfie with deer. For some initial failures, they might feel difficult to become a friend with them, but eventually, all of the players are going to have positive results. Also, I added some jokes and “just go to sleep” passages for fun.
First feedback is that the overall game’s mood is not well represented. I only had textures and links in my alpha version, so the game itself doesn’t feel like interacting with deer. Therefore, I added background pieces of music and many pictures for players to acknowledge situations about each paragraph.
Second, for failures and going back to first, many steps are actually unnecessary. For example, If some player failed in the second phase, they had to pass phase 1 to try differently in phase 2. This iterative works made players get bored. Therefore, to remove repeated works players had to be done, I fixed some links between them and grouped contents in passages with an if-else statement to remove redundant works.
[[next->next6]]Thank you for reaching the end of my boring story!
<a href="javascript:window.open('','_self').close();">Bye Bye~</a>