The door is locked, look like it needs a password.
[[Look around|Prison Walls]]|[[Keypad]]Enter the 6-digit combination
<div class="entry">[ ]<entry|</div>
<td>(link-repeat: "1")[(display: "NumberOne")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "2")[(display: "NumberTwo")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "3")[(display: "NumberThree")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "4")[(display: "NumberFour")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "5")[(display: "NumberFive")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "6")[(display: "NumberSix")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "7")[(display: "NumberSeven")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "8")[(display: "NumberEight")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "9")[(display: "NumberNine")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Clear")[(display: "Clear")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "0")[(display: "NumberZero")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Enter")[(display: "Enter")]</td>
[[Go back|Prison Door]]{
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 2)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 3)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 1)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 4)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 5)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 6)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 7)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 8)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 9)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 0)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(set: $entry to "" )
(replace: ?entry)[ ]
(if: $entry is $solution)[
(goto: "Hallway")
}The hallway was pitch black with flashing warning lights, and vaguely see a pile of boxes made out of different materials and a strange guy in armor holding a flashlight in the hallway.
(if:visits is 1)[The strange guy starts to speak.
For some reason, you are subconsciously hostile to him.
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8))["Uh oh. Brother calm down, I am a good person."]
He looked at where you just came out.
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8))["My goodness, you cracked the code yourself, I don't seem to need my help anymore."]
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8))["Oh forgot to introduce myself, I am Cain."]]
[[Ask him something->Cain Ask]]|[[Chock him -> Chock SCP 073]]
[[BOX1 ->Box1]]|[[BOX2 -> Box2]](if: $mask is true)[|(link:"BOX3")[(goto:" Box3")]]
[[LEAVE-> Hallway2]]
src="" autoplay>Don't know how long be captivated...
Lately, have been drowsy and feel like some of me is dismissed.
A warning sound rang, accompanied by flashing lights. The memory reminded me that something bad happening right here.
[[Look around->Escape Prison]]
<audio autoplay loop
Accompanied by the sound of sirens, the speed of the heartbeat increased. (link:"Take a breath")[(live: 5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Need to calm down to figure out a way out.](stop:)]]
[[Look around ->Prison Walls]] |[[Go to the door ->Prison Door]] This is a small space of four square meters, but the daily necessities are all available. There is (link:"some text")[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:black)+(background:white)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[ZER''O'' = 0
F''I''NE = 1
''V''O''I''CE = 6
]]](stop:)]] on the wall
[[Go to the door->Prison Door]]Which way you want to go?
[[Go back|Hallway]]|[[Left -> L Hall]]|[[Right -> R Hall]]There's a bunch of envelopes with weird numbers on them, each of them seems packed.
There is one envelope that has the number (text-colour:red)[096] and a
(link:"sticky note")[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:red)[DON‘T OPEN IT].](stop:)]]
What do you do?
[[Ask Cain ->Cain Box1]]
(if:$PO096 is false)[(link:"Hold On With it")[(Set:$PO096 = true)]](else:)[]
[[Open it-> SCP 096 C1]]
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<audio autoplay
There's nothing in the box.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>There is a (text-colour:#867e76)[smiling face mask], surrounded by an unknown liquid.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh, don't get control by it."]
[[Ask Cain|Cain Box3]]
[[Take a closer look|SCP 035 Kill]]
[[Hold on with it|SCP 035 Kill]]
(link:"Throw away")[(set: $mask = false)(goto:"Hallway")]
[[Go back|SCP 035 Kill]]
<audio autoplay
Are you sure you want to open it?
[[Yes -> SCP 096 Kill]]
[[No|Box1]] You opened the envelope, and a picture fell out of it. On it was an extremely (text-colour:#f9f1db)[ugly monster] trying to cover his face with his claws.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8 )["Uh oh, it is the shy guy."]
A burst of roar echoing in the hallway, it getting closer and closer. Less than a second, the (text-colour:#f9f1db)[giantic monster] in the picture appeared right in front, and you were killed by his sharp claws.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 096"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio autoplay
<audio autoplay
</figure>(link:'"Should I Open it?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh Oh.
I don’t think you should open this envelope, because it says it’s a secret and warns us not to open it. But I still want to know what this secret is! Would you like to open it and take a look?
233 words omitted here..."]
(link:'"What is 096 mean"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh Oh.
Obviously, 096 is a number, it should be like your number. For example, the serial number given to me is 073, but I prefer to be called by my name, Cain.
216 words omitted here..."]
[[Go Back|Box1]]You grabbed his neck, but he still didn't feel it. Instead, you felt that breathing was getting harder and harder. (set: $timer to 7)''(text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.7))[|amount>[$timer] ]''(live: 1s)[(set: $timer to it - 1)(if: $timer is 0)[(go-to: "SCP 073 Kill")](replace: ?amount)[$timer]]
[[Stop choking him|Hallway]]|[[Kept on choking him|SCP 073 Kill]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>"Uh Oh?"
He looked at you with a puzzled face, you slowly run out of breath and fell onto the cold ground.
You successfully choked yourself to death.
Do you know why? He can rebound damage to anyone that hurt him.
''(text-colour:red)["Killed By SCP 073"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio autoplay
<audio autoplay
</figure>(link:'"Where am I"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[
"Uh oh.
As far as I know, this is the SCP Foundation.
The Foundation maintains an extensive database of information regarding anomalies requiring Special Containment Procedures, commonly referred to as "(link:"「SCPs」")[(open-url: "")]".
687 words omitted here..."]](stop:)]]
(link:'"Where should I go to get out this place"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[
"Uh oh.
I think you should get out of here, because it too dangerous for you. But it is safe for me, this is my home.
I think you need to find a way to get out of this building first and also need to find the ''key'' to open the protection fence.
243 words omitted here..."
[[Go back|Hallway]]You walked to the left.
The hallway was empty, accompanied by darkness, made people feel creepy.
However, this atmosphere was broken by the nagging of the guy just met.
(text-colour:#f1939c)["Help me, please help me."]
There seemed to be a girl's cry for help in the hallway.
What do you do?
[[Go back| Hallway2]]|[[Kept going -> Lab]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>You walked to the right.
As you move forward, the number of dead bodies in the hallway gradually increases.
Most of them look like their neck got twisted.
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8 ))["A lot of corpses and remains are too cruel. If I had the ability to bring them back to life, it would be great! You must be careful! There may be danger nearby."]
There is an unpleasant sound of grinding stones nearby. Yes, also the nagging voice of the guy next to you.
He was really noisy, and the content of the nagging was very irrelevant, so his words omitted here...
[[Go back| Hallway2]]|[[Kept going -> SCP 173]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>As you move forward, the sound of the grinding stone gets louder and louder.
Something that looked like a (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut] appeared far away in the hallway. You carefully observed a moment and found that the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster] is a concrete statue with paint on its face.
There is a door that is opened aside from you.
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8))["Uh oh, he's here. Brother, don't close your eyes. Keep your eye on it!"]
He finally said something relevant, but he started nagging again in the next second.
What should you do?
[[Ask Cain -> Cain 173]]
[[Wink ->SCP 173 Kill]]
[[Staring at the peanut monster -> Stare SCP 173]]
(if:$PO096 is true)[[Throw thing at the peanut monster -> SCP 096 VS SCP 173]]
[[Go back->SCP 173 Kill]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>"Uh oh."
Unfortunately, you blinked.
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8))["I told you, don't close your eyes."]
The sound of the grinding stone getting closer.
Do not when the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster] moved in front of you and twisted your neck.
Your neck was twisted 360 degrees by it and then fell on other corpses.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 173"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio autoplay
</figure>You hide behind (text-colour:(#c6dfc8))[Cain] and throw the envelope at the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster]. (set:$PO096 to false)
In one second, a (text-colour:#f9f1db)[gigantic and dry white skin monster] ran rapidly toward the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster].
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh, it is the shy guy, don't look at his face."]
He roared and used his sharp hand to violently attack the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster].
However, the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster] seems to have an indestructible body, so the (text-colour:#f9f1db)[shy guy] attack cannot kill the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster]. But the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster] easily twisted the (text-colour:#f9f1db)[shy guy]'s neck.
(text-colour:(#c6dfc8))["Uh oh. Run!"]
The (text-colour:#f9f1db)[shy guy] stopped attacks and fell down on the ground and look like got killed.
But a few seconds later, the (text-colour:#f9f1db)[shy guy] came back to life again, but (text-colour:#d6a01d)[the peanut monster] twisted his neck again, and their battle became an endless loop.
What should you do? (set: $timer to 30)''(text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.7))[|amount>[$timer] ]''
(live: 1s)[(set: $timer to it - 1)(if: $timer is 0)[(go-to: "SCP 173 Kill")](replace: ?amount)[$timer]]
[[Stay and watch the battle ->SCP 173 Kill]]
[[Run to the door ->RHall Door]]
<audio autoplay
<audio autoplay
</figure>You start race of keeping eye-open with the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster], you stare at the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster], and the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster] stares at you.
You didn't move, the (text-colour:#d6a01d)[peanut monster] didn't move.
What do you do? (set: $timer to 10)''(text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.7))[|amount>[$timer] ]''
(live: 1s)[(set: $timer to it - 1)(if: $timer is 0)[(go-to: "SCP 173 Kill")](replace: ?amount)[$timer]]
[[Go into the door->RHall Door]]
src="" autoplay>You ran through the door and looked around the room.
There was a (text-colour:#fbb957)[strange jelly-like object] in a corner of the room, and the room seemed to be full of viscous liquid matter left behind. The door was right to it.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Ohhhh. What adorable thing."]
It seems to see you, and it runs to you will a smile on it.
[[Hug ->SCP 999 Kill]]|[[Refuse -> RHall Room]]
<audio src="" autoplay>
<audio src="" autoplay>(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh."]
(text-colour:#fbb957)["Uh oh. Hehehe"]
You are hugged by (text-colour:#fbb957)[jelly] and suddenly feel happy.
You feel itchy all over and you can't stop laughing.
You've been laughing, barely can breathe.
Finally, you lost your breath.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill by SCP 999"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)(goto:"Start")]
<audio src="" autoplay>"Uh oh."
There is a strange power that attracts you to approach this (text-colour:#867e76)[strange mask].
Your mind seems to be controlled, slowly stretched out towards this (text-colour:#867e76)[mask].
The (text-colour:#867e76)[mask] suddenly jumped onto your face, and you can't help it. The unknown liquid in the mask gradually corroded you, and finally, your bones were corroded away.
(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 035"]
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio autoplay
</figure>(link:'"What is this?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Uh Oh.
This looks like a mask made of white porcelain. I think we need to be careful with this mask, it may not be simple. You feel that this mask brings an ominous premonition.
469 words omitted here..."]
(link:'"What should I do with it?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Uh Oh.
I think we need to get out of here, and I think this mask makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Why is he here? Really weird!
548 words omitted here...]
[[Go back| Box3]]It looks really upset that you did not hug it.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[Cain] glanced at you.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8 )["How dare you not refuse this adorable thing?"]
Then he hugged the (text-colour:#fbb957)[jelly], they laughed, looking very happy.
(if: $key is false)[[Look around -> Key2]]
[[Go to the door|RHR Door]]
<audio src="" autoplay>(link:'"What is this?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh Oh.
This thing is not cute at all, no, no, it should be really ugly. I think this muddy yellow thing looks like a peanut. I can feel its eyes staring at us motionlessly. I feel that he is playing red light & green light with us. There is a murderous look in his eyes, it seems we have to be careful of this peanut, it may not be a monster to deal with.
571 words omitted here..."]
(link:'"What should I do with it?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh oh.
Didn't I say, don't blink. You didn't listen to me; it was really rude. If I were not set to help you, who would care for you. Don’t listen to the old man’s words and suffer! Young man, learn something!
439 words omitted here..."]
[[Go back| SCP 173]]There is a blue key on the door lock, which does not seem to fit this lock.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8 )["Uh oh.
Seeing that this key is blue, which door can this key open? It's strange, why is there a blue key here? Do you want to try it? There happens to be a door here!"]
What do you do?
[[Take it off|Field]]
[[Just open it|SCP 860]]You successfully escaped from this weird building.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8 )["Uh oh. Finally escaped, worthy of the person I led. But I want to stay here, just like you are going back to the home you want to go back to, I should go back to my home too."
"When we first met, we were too in a hurry to know your name. But it doesn't matter, I hope we never see you again."
Cain] waved to you, and pointed to the fence in the distance to tell you that it was the exit.
What do you do?
[[Say goodbye ->GoodBye]]
[[Leave -> Fence]]
<audio src="" autoplay>Outside the door is a small wooded area centered on an 80 cm wide path, surrounded by blue fog.
Snapped! There is a loud noise, and you look back and the door is closed severely. Slowly it became a locked door on an endless concrete wall.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[“Uh oh, We seem to have come where we shouldn't be..."]
(text-colour:#f9f1db)["Uh oh, hehehehe"]
You look at the lawn (text-colour:#c6dfc8)[Cain] walked on, it quickly withered but miraculously resurrected.
What do you do?
[[Ask Cain ->Cain 860]]
[[Explore ->SCP 860 Kill]]
<audio src="" autoplay>(link:'"Where am I?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh oh.
It's the forest, I don't think I should touch them. I don't want to hurt these weak little beings, because they are really too weak. Hahaha, maybe because I am too strong! Young man, don't underestimate me.
495 words omitted here..."]
(link:'"What should I do?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh Oh.
I think you can go to the forest to explore, maybe there is something delicious, maybe there are humans living in it. This blue key is much more interesting than you! How does it do it?
875 words omitted here..."]
[[Go back|SCP 860]](text-colour:#c6dfc8)[“Uh oh."]
(text-colour:#f9f1db)["Uh oh, hehehehe"]
You walked and walked in the forest, but always felt like you were back where you were.
With a loud noise, a monster that looked like (text-colour:#525288)[a giant dark blue fox] came out of nowhere and pounced its front paws at you.
In an instant, its sharp claws cut you apart.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 860 - 1"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)(goto:"Start")]
<audio src="" autoplay>There was a door at the end of the hallway, and the call for help seemed to be coming from inside.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh Oh. There is a door here, and I vaguely heard the voice of human beings calling for help, shall we go in and take a look?"]
Do you want to open the door?
[[Yes ->Lab room]]|[[No| L Hall]]You opened the door, but you did not find the girl calling for help.
But there is a (text-colour:#f0945d)[[[「coffee machine」 ->SCP 294]]] and a (text-colour: #db8540)[[[「pizza box」->SCP 458]]] next to the door.
Look like there is a lab room in front of you.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh, why did I hear two different calls for help? Did you hear that? Is there a danger here?"]
You carefully search for the location of the sound source.
The voice of a girl calling for help came from the wall on the left.
While the sound of crying came from the right side of the wall.
What do you do?
[[Left->SCP 939]]|[[Lab Room ->SCP 953 Kill]]|[[Right ->SCP 053]]
[[Go back| Lab]]|[[Ignore the girl and go to the door -> Door]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>You walk to the wall on the left, but there seems to be no door.
(text-colour:#f1939c)["Warrior, please help me please.”]
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh. Did you hear that? It seems to behind the wall. It's calling for help!"]
You really heard the girl cry for help behind the wall.
You fumbled for a while and found a pillar beside the wall with a button on the pillar.
What do you do?
[[Ask Cain ->Cain 939]]
[[Keep looking for the door|Look for door]]
[[Push the button|SCP 939 Kill]]
[[Ignore and leave|Lab room]]
<audio autoplay
</figure>You walk to the wall on the right, but there seems to be no door.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh. I think we should leave here as soon as possible. Huh? Why is there a cute little girl crying behind the box? It's dangerous here. Need to help her get out of here? But she may be even more dangerous than here!"]
What do you do?
[[Ask Cain -> Cain 053]]
[[Take a closer look ->SCP 053 C1]]
[[Go around to the door -> Door]]
[[Go back|Lab room]]There's nothing except that button on the pillar.
[[Go back|SCP 939]]The wall moved slowly, and the call for help became clearer and clearer. A red monster appeared!
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh. Why doesn't this guy have eyes? And the whole body is red! There are thorns on the back, like an ugly dinosaur. He looks dangerous. Are you going to escape back to your cell? young people."]
Suddenly the red monster jumps out and bite off your head with a strength of 35 MPa.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 939"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)(set: $mask = true)(goto:"Start")]
<audio autoplay
</figure>(link:'"What should I do?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[
"Uh oh.
She sounded painful. Or are we going to leave here quickly? There is a button that should be able to move this wall.
What if there is a monster?
But she seemed really need help.
470 words omitted here..."]](stop:)]]
[[Go back|SCP 939]]Please enter the name of a drink.
(input-box:2bind $drink,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==========",1)(link-repeat:"Done")[(if:$drink is 0)[
You did not enter anything.](else:)[
You got a cup that has 12 OZ of $drink, and you drink it.<audio src="" autoplay>
(if: $key is false)[[Look Around->Key1]]
[[Ask Cain->Cain 294]]
[[Go back|Lab room]]There is a piece of pizza in the (text-colour:#db8540)[piazza box].
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh. There seems to be a Pizza box here! There seems to be a delicious pizza in it! Are you hungry? Would you like to open it for a look?"]
[[Ask Cain|Cain 458]]
(link-repeat:"Eat it")[
Really delicious! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You ate the last piece of pizza, then you open the box again, you found there is another pizza.<audio src="" autoplay>]
[[Go back|Lab room]](link:'"What is this?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[
"Uh oh.
Young man, obviously, this just a coffee machine.
Would you like to drink something? Just type it on the machine. I remember it could generate anything.
This is a song, do you know? It is a masterpiece of the famous Chinese singer Jay Chou. I am also interested in this drink because of this touching song.
Mojito is a traditional Cuban highball. Do you know why mojito is so delicious? It is actually a cocktail.
This cocktail often consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water, and mint. Its combination of sweetness, citrus, and herbaceous mint flavors is intended to complement the rum and has made the mojito a popular summer drink. Please don't ask me why I know so much! Haha, because...
879 words omitted here..."]](stop:)]]
[[Go back|SCP 294]](link:'"What is it?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh oh.
It just a normal box with pizza in it. There seems to be something delicious in it. It should be something called pizza. Do you think pineapple should be added to the pizza? People say that pizza is more delicious with pineapple, but unfortunately, I have never eaten pizza.
798 words omitted here..."]
(link:'"Should I eat it?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh Oh.
It looks delicious, do you want to eat it? Just eat it! Maybe I poisoned the pizza! If you don't eat it, it would be a waste of food! Especially the poison I put!
740 words omitted here..."]
[[Go back|SCP 458]]When you approach that wall, for some reason you feel that you are getting more and more irritable.
Are you sure you still want to get closer?
[[Yes ->SCP 053 Kill]]|[[No|SCP 053]]You feel more and more out of control of your mind.
10 minutes later, the thought of killing this (text-colour:yellow)[little girl] and (text-colour:#c6dfc8)[Cain] kept echo in your mind. Everything is the (text-colour:yellow)[little girl']s fault!
Strangle her! Strangle her! She shouldn't be alive!
You slowly stretched your hand to the (text-colour:yellow)[little girl]'s slender neck, trying to choke her to death.
But when your hand was only 10 cm away from her throat, a monster that looked like a (text-colour:#428675)[crocodile] came out from nowhere and bite off one of your hand. Then, stood in front of the (text-colour:yellow)[little girl]. The (text-colour:#428675)[crocodile monster] seems to want to protect the (text-colour:yellow)[little girl], the (text-colour:yellow)[little girl] was scared to cry by your actions.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh. This green-haired monster is so strange that it still has hair on its head! Is this a mutant crocodile or a mutant monitor lizard?"]
(text-colour:#428675)["Hey! Do you want to reincarnate?"]
The crocodile monster looks at you and said.
The monster spoke! Could it be that he did something wrong and was cursed and turned into this monster?
You start to have a headache, and start to scream wildly, and you can't help but choke yourself to death with only one hand.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill by SCP 053"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio autoplay
</figure>(link:'"Should I get closer?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
"Uh oh.
She looks harmless, just get closer if you want.
But control yourself.
Otherwise, something bad will happen.
356 words omitted here..."]
[[Go back|SCP 053]]You open the door of the laboratory and inside is a pitiful and beautiful girl.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["Uh oh. Why is there a human in the laboratory, is she a human? Why does it seem a bit abnormal, is it my illusion? She is calling for help. Should we help?"]
The girl suddenly ran towards you, she put her head on your shoulder and hugged you tightly with her hands. She suddenly took a deep breath, raised her right hand, and directly pulled your organs out of the body. Blood gushed out from your body and your slow fall on the ground. She turned around and slowly transform into a fox and leave the lab.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 953"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)(set: $mask = true)(goto:"Start")]
<audio autoplay
<audio autoplay src =""</audio>
</figure>How do you want to say goodbye?
[[Normal Goodbye -> Normal Goodbye]]
[[Thanks for his help->Thanks]]
[[Friendly gesture ->Friendly gesture]]
[[Choke Him ->SCP 073 Kill]]
[[Go Back|Field]]You ran for about 100 meters and finally reached the fence, but it was locked.
(link:"Open the envolope")[(if: $PO096 is true)[[[Next ->SCP 096 Kill 2]]](else:)[You don't have a envolope.]]
(link:"Use key")[(if: $key is false)[[[Next ->Bad Ending]]](else:)[[[Next->Good Ending]]]] Goodbye, my brother.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8 )["What did I say, I don't want to see you anymore. Why don't you listen to people seriously as a young man? It's really rude."]
[[Friendly gesture->Friendly gesture]]
[[Next-> Fence]] Thank you for helping me all the time. Without you, I can't escape here safely.
(text-colour:#c6dfc8)["It's okay, you should thank you for that."]
[[Friendly gesture ->Friendly gesture]]
[[Next -> Fence]]You gave him a very friendly gesture,
He smiled and gave you back a very friendly little finger.
[[Next -> Fence]]You finally escaped here and breathed a sigh of relief.
You walked out of the fence and spent three days and nights through a large forest.
Arriving in a small village, you finally see normal humans. You smiled happily and walked to them, but within a few steps, you were tired to the ground. You closed your tired eyes and fell asleep peacefully...
''(text-colour:green)["Successfully Escaped"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
src="" autoplay>
<audio src="" autoplay>
src="" autoplay>Uh oh. It looks like you forgot the key. Remember to take it next time. I will not tell you that the key is in the room where (text-colour:#fbb957)[jelly] was in and on (text-colour:#f0945d
)[coffee machine] in the lab.
Good luck next time.
(text-colour:red)[''"Fail To Escape"'']
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio autoplay
<audio autoplay
</figure>You opened the envelope, and a picture fell out of it. On it was an extremely (text-colour:#f9f1db)[ugly monster] trying to cover his face with his claws.
A burst of roar echoing in the hallway, it getting closer and closer. Less than a second, the (text-colour:#f9f1db)[giantic monster] in the picture appeared right in front, and you were killed by his sharp claws.
''(text-colour:red)["Kill By SCP 096"]''
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entry2 to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $entryLength2 to 4)
(set: $solution to "104267")
(set: $solution2 to "9215")
(set: $PO096 = false)
(set: $key = false)
(set: $mask = true)
<audio src="" autoplay><style> img{
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
<img src="">
Click To StartYou found a (text-colour:cyan)[''key''] under the machine.
(set:$key to true)
[[Go back ->SCP 294]]You found a (text-colour:cyan)[''key''] next behind the (text-colour:#fbb957)[jelly].
(set:$key to true)
[[Go back| RHall Room]]The door is locked, look like it needs a password.
[[Look around|Small Note]]
[[Go back|Lab room]]|[[Keypad|Keypad2]]{
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 1)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 2)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 3)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 4)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 5)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 6)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 7)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 8)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 9)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(set: $entry2 to "" )
(replace: ?entry2)[ ]
(if: $entry2's length < $entryLength2)[
(set: $entered to 0)
(set: $entry2 to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry2)[$entry2]
(if: $entry2 is $solution2)[
(goto: "Field")
}Enter the 4-digit combination
<div class="entry">[ ]<entry2|</div>
<td>(link-repeat: "1")[(display: "NumberOne2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "2")[(display: "NumberTwo2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "3")[(display: "NumberThree2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "4")[(display: "NumberFour2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "5")[(display: "NumberFive2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "6")[(display: "NumberSix2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "7")[(display: "NumberSeven2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "8")[(display: "NumberEight2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "9")[(display: "NumberNine2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Clear")[(display: "Clear2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "0")[(display: "NumberZero2")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Enter")[(display: "Enter2")]</td>
[[Go back| Door]](link:'"What is the password?"')[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[(text-colour:#c6dfc8)[
"Uh oh.
I don't really know the password.
But I found that <img src="" width = 30px height=90px>.
Want to know how I found it?I won't tell you that different shapes represent different line segment combinations. After the shape is rotated, the line segment combinations also need to be rotated.
100 words omitted here..."]](stop:)]]
[[Go back|Small Note]]There was a small note near the door with (link:"something")[(live: 1s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[<img src=""><audio src="" autoplay>](stop:)]] on it.
[[Ask Cain|Cain Keypad2]]
[[Go back| Door]]|[[Keypad|Keypad2]]