<body onload="startGame()">
(if:visits is 1)[
As you sit there watching a horror movie, you begin to make fun and criticize the character's decisions, believing you could outlive them all. You start yelling at the girl in the film, "Don't go in there! Why are you doing that?". When out of nowhere, the girl from the movie stops running for her life and looks at you."Oh, so you believe you can survive, huh?". In shock that she spoke to you, she comes out of the television and pulls you into the movie. Laying there on the floor, you are confused and getting scared. You get up and dust yourself off and see someone from a distance. You yell to them, asking them for help. The person doesn't respond, and now that you come to think about it, it doesn’t look like a person. When out of nowhere, it lets out a horrible growl and begins running after you. In a panic, you begin to run. But where do you run to? The girl appears once again, "I'll help you, if you want to get out of this alive, you'll want to find all three keys. Good luck, you'll need it".
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1zgyYEGSOceVfPIdOPiylAUIwS2_TSLPj" width ="300" height="250" class="center">
[[Do you run down the highway? ->Highway]]
[[Do you run into the corn maze with the scary scarecrow? ->Maze]]
[[Do you run into the house? ->Gate-OG]]
(if:visits is 2)[
Darkness is all you see. Am I dead, you begin to think? Suddenly you are yanked from the ground, and dirt comes off you. You gasp for air crawling out of the grave you were just in. The girl looks at you with a smug look, "I'll give you another try. Oh, but just to let you know, all your keys are gone, and you have to go back to where you found them to gain them again"
[[Do you run down the highway? ->Highway]]
[[Do you run into the corn maze with the scary scarecrow? ->Maze]]
[[Do you run into the house? ->Gate-OG]]
(if:visits is 3)[
You wake up quickly as if it was just all a dream with the sun shining bright outside. Wait, where are you? This is not your room. Everything around you turns dark quickly. You see the shadows on the walls engulf you. The sofa you are in turns into a coffin. Not again, you think. You shoved into the coffin by the darkness. Then suddenly, the girl pulls you out from the coffin before the shadows got the chance to bury you. She looks at you, “I will give you one last chance, and once again, all your keys are gone back to where they were” she says.
[[Do you run down the highway? ->Highway]]
[[Do you run into the corn maze with the scary scarecrow? ->Maze]]
[[Do you run into the house? ->Gate-OG]]
(if:visits is 4)[
You begin shouting, "No, give me one more chance." The girl then suddenly appears from behind. As you turn around, you see the girl in all black. Her eyes are pitch black. She lets out a smile and points down. As you turn back forward to see what she is pointing at, you see a red arm appear from the ground and grab your ankle.
<div class="App">
<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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(set:$keys to 0)
(set: $hasGun to false)
(set: $carCompleted to false)
(set: $mazeCompleted to false)
(set: $cobwebCompleted to false)
(set: $seenTrash to false)
(set: $seenNews to false)
You're running down the highway with only the light of the moon to guide you.
You can't see her, but you hear the girl ask, "Thought this was easy?".
You look back and can't see the beast chasing you anymore, but you can hear the screaming getting closer and closer. The sound of its nails scratching the highway pavement as it runs after you.
She asks, "You sure you can keep this up all night?".
[[From a distance, you see a car. Do you try to get to the car?-> Car]]
[[Or do you keep running towards the light you see at the end of the road? -> Keep running]](if:visits is 1)[
In the maze, you can not see what is ahead. You have to make a blind choice.
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1jTIywkHZOrJfO8K87_1UAksxIxHEsEI7" width ="300" height="250" class="center">
[[Do you go //Left//.->LoopOne-GO]]
[[Do you go //Right//.-> rightChild]]
[[//Straight// to where the scarecrow is.->Center of maze]]
(if:visits is >=2)[
You are back at the maze entrance.
[[Do you go //Left//.->LoopOne-GO]]
[[Do you go //Right//.-> rightChild]]
[[//Straight// to where the scarecrow is.->Center of maze]]
](if:$keys is 1)[
You made it to the house. You grab and twist the door know expecting it to open. You forgot the other keys.
[[Try again->Start]]
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<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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(if:$keys >= 2)[
You begin to run as the beast has finally caught up to you. There is nowhere to go but in the house. So, you enter the house and close the door behind you. You try holding the door back as much as you can, but you won't be able to hold it for long.
[[Do you go open the closet door -> Door-GO]]
[[Do you go upstairs ->Upstairs-GO]]
[[Do you stay down stairs ->Downstairs]]
]In your fear, you panic and try to open the car door, but your hands are so sweaty, and you are so anxious you can't seem to get a grip on the car door handle.
You turn around as you hear rustling in the grass near you. The beast is now closer than before.
"Not so easy is it?" says the girl.
[[Do you still try to get into the car?->Car-GO]]
[[Or do you just run for it and give up hope on the car?-> Keep running]] After a couple of minutes of running, you don't hear anything anymore, and you are finally near the light, which turns out to be a car. You know you don't have much time; the beast can be back at any moment. Once inside, what do you do?
[[Check the back seat. ->Back seat]]
[[Check the trunk. ->Trunk]]
[[Check the glove compartment. ->Glove compartment]]You finally are able to open the car door. Once inside, you frantically look for the car keys. The keys fall from the sun visor. You take a moment and sigh with relief.
As you start the car and turn the headlights on, you see the beast outside the car waving its finger no.
[[Try again->Start]]
<div class="App">
<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
<div class="container">
<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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](if:visits is 3)[
(set: $alreadyDied to true)
You check your watch a final time. It finally sets on you. There is no time in this place. There is no escape. ''You are stuck in here for ever!''
[[Try again->Start]]
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<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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(if:visits is 1)[
Somehow this leads you out of the maze and no way back. You think to yourself how dark it is. The only noise around is the sounds of the wind. You look are you watch and realize 3:40 in the morning. It feels safe, but at the same time, you know it's false safety.
[[Go //Left//. ->LeftLoop]]
[[Go //Right//. ->RightLoop]]
(if:visits is 2)[
Wait Ive been here before.
[[Go //Left//. ->LeftLoop]]
[[Go //Right//. ->RightLoop]]
(if:visits is >=4)[
The girl appears and asks, "Do you want to get stuck in time forever?" (if:$alreadyDied is true)[
[[Go back->Left-enterCode]]
]In your fear of running, you don't realize where you are going and bump into the scarecrow. Wait. You did see a scarecrow here a minute ago, didn't you? Whatever you don't have time for this, the beast can come at any minute.
Wait. There is something written on the floor in blood. Wait, that's blood! You get closer and read
[[Go down? ->Straight-bottom]]
[[Do you go Right.->right]]
[[Or do you go Left where you think you see a map?->Left-enterCode]]
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1amM5KnCCihqw_6d6xcSqQzuadmIbvoUg" width ="300" height="250" class="center">As you get closer, what you thought was a map turns out to be a lock that needs a combination key of five words.
The girl appears from nowhere and tells you that the words create a sentence. She then tells you, "You don't have much time do you know it or not?"
[[Enter five word code.->EnterCode]]
[[Go to the top center of maze.->Center of maze]]
[[Down to the left corner.->Bottom-left]]
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1iLnxJv8dKmBRz0L4dXIdRBFm3PvslgET" width ="300" height="250" class="center">You keep looking around the area. Nothing is there but dirt. You look up to the stars. That's odd. The stars seem to be spelling
[[Do you go to the top center of the map? ->Center of maze]]
[[Do you go to the bottom left of the map?->Bottom-left]]
[[Do you go to the bottom right of the map?->Bottom-right]]
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1-fUGHCeM-1HuHzh1w7jrGKMN4FoR8BcK" width ="300" height="250" class="center">Once here, you smell something horrible in the dark you can barely see it, but you know it's a body. It must have been dead for days to smell like this. As you look closer, you see carved into its body are the words
[[Go to top center of maze->Center of maze]]
[[Go to the bottom right corner->Bottom-right]]
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1onfMhBz2mmB1Hf2emoYxVolkCGP6eN-T" width ="300" height="250" class="center">As you quietly walk around, you hear a woman scream
[[Back up->right]]
[[Go left->Straight-bottom]]
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1V8PjbcwHlnlbEjyh-JfVd4AM21TFy6lR" width ="300" height="250" class="center">(if:$hasGun is true)[
You are ready to fight the beast.
(if:$hasGun is false)[
It seems like you need something to blow down the door.
[[Go to front of the house->House-GO]]
]You walk slowly as not to make any noise, but out of nowhere, you hear the cries of a child. Where is it coming from? Wait, should you even care? This is a horror movie, after all. It could be a trick.
[[Go right to where you believe the child is.->Right-GO]]
[[Forget the child and go down this unknown path.-> Finding Key]] As you run towards the cries to save the girl, you look behind as see red eyes and loud breathing. Your heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to explode. You turn back again to see how close the beast is, but in doing so, you run into something, dropping you to your knees. The crying has stopped, and instead, you hear laughter. Now you hear ruffling as if the hay was rubbing against you. Oh no. In front of you, a dark shadow grows, and the bright face of a pumpkin appears.
[[Try again->Start]]
<div class="App">
<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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As you go down this path full of cobwebs, you see something in the distance that seems to glisten under the moon. Now spiders begin to crawl in the cobwebs. You feel their little legs crawl on your pants and head.
Ouch, you yell, as they start biting you. They also seem to be getting larger in size as you keep moving ahead.
[[Do you push on through the cobwebs.->ToTheKey]]
[[Or are you too scared and go back.->ToScared]]You fall on the floor. Dust yourself off, and all the spiders seem to have just disappeared. ''You found a key.''
(set: $keys to it + 1)
(set: $cobwebCompleted to true)
[[Explore more->Check Point]](if:$keys is 3)[
You've unlocked the door. You can get the gun. Now time to fight back.
(set: $hasGun to true)
[[Go downstairs.->Downstairs]]
(if:$keys is <3)[
You cannot open the door. You squat to see through the keyholes. A gun! But wait, you feel something breathing down your neck—the beast. You are too late. You did not get all the keys!
[[Try again->Start]]
<div class="App">
<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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As you turn the corner holding the shotgun up, you see the beast standing there.
You aim and shoot and its body, but it doesn't fall. Instead becomes a mist that fades away, but as it disappears, a grin appears on its face.
Wait, you don't understand you thought this was the way out?
The girl appears again, looking at you, smiling, "you were never getting out of this.". She points to a hooded figure on a boat that is ready to take you away. You look at her, begging to stay as the hooded figure drags you away.
<div class="App">
<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
<div class="container">
<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
<div class='blooddrop'></div>
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<div class='blooddrop'></div>
](if:$keys is 1)[
Suddenly the girl from the movie who you were criticizing appears. "See, not so easy, is it. If you want to get out alive, you need to get all the keys and defeat the beast. You need to collect all three keys to getting to the door that takes you back to your world. Good luck. You'll need it."
(if: ($carCompleted is true))[
[[Go to Maze.->Maze]]
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
(if:($mazeCompleted is true))[
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
[[Go to Highway. ->Highway]]
[["Did you check all around the maze?->Maze]]
(if:($cobwebCompleted is true))[
[[Go to Maze.->Maze]]
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
[[Go to Highway. ->Highway]]
(if:$keys is 2)[
You still need one more key.
(if: ($carCompleted is true) and ($mazeCompleted is true) and($cobwebCompleted is false))[
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
[["Did you check all around the maze?->Maze]]
(if: ($carCompleted is false) and ($mazeCompleted is true) and($cobwebCompleted is true))[
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
[[Go to Highway. ->Highway]]
(if: ($carCompleted is true) and ($mazeCompleted is false) and($cobwebCompleted is true))[
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
[["Did you check all around the maze?->Maze]]
(if:$keys is 3)[
You found all the keys!
[[Go to House. ->Gate-OG]]
](if:visits is 1)[
The glove compartment seems to have a two-word combination lock that creates a phrase. The girl appears, "try to look out for the words." as she fades away.
[[Enter Combination.->EnterCombination]]
[[Check trunk.->Trunk]]
[[Check back seat.->Back seat]]
(if:visits >= 2)[
Have you found the combination yet?
[[Enter Combination.->EnterCombination]]
[[Check trunk.->Trunk]]
[[Check back seat.->Back seat]]
](if:visits is 1)[
It seems like there is nothing here but trash.
[[Check the trash. ->Trash]]
[[Check the trunk. ->Trunk]]
[[Check the glove compartment. ->Glove compartment]]
(if:visits >= 2)[
You already have been here to check the trash.
(if:$seenTrash is false)[
The girl appears again. "Maybe check the trash?".
[[Check the trash. ->Trash]]
[[Check the trunk. ->Trunk]]
[[Check the glove compartment. ->Glove compartment]]
](if:visits is 1)[
It's too dark to see what's inside, so you start feeling around. You feel paper and pull it out to see what it is. You found a newspaper but cannot seem to read the words since it is so dark.
[[Check the back seat. ->Back seat]]
[[Check the glove compartment. ->Glove compartment]]
[[Use the headlights to read the newspaper. ->Headlights]]
(if:visits >= 2)[
You have already found the newspaper.
(if:$seenNews is false)
The girl suddenly appears. "Maybe try using the headlights to see what the newspaper says?".
[[Check the back seat. ->Back seat]]
[[Check the glove compartment. ->Glove compartment]]
[[Use the headlights to read the newspaper. ->Headlights]]
](set: $seenTrash to true)
Within the trash, you see a post-it reading.
[[Drop trash. ->Back seat]]
(if:visits is 1)[
You see a random door standing there and inspect it. You open it and go through. Just a random door, you think—nothing more, nothing less. Wait, where are you? How do you get back to the maze?
[[Yeah it's this way. ->LoopOne-GO]]
[[Or was it this way? ->RightLoop]]
(if:visits is 2)[
Wait, I was here a minute ago. You recheck your watch, and time still has not moved.
[[Yeah it's this way. ->LoopOne-GO]]
[[Or was it this way? ->RightLoop]]
(if:visits is 3)[
Wait, I was here a minute ago. You recheck your watch, and time still has not moved. Wait, didn't I just read this?
[[Yeah it's this way. ->LoopOne-GO]]
](if:visits is 1)[
Yeah, this looks right. Are you sure?
[[Go right? Or was it left?->LeftLoop]]
[[No it was right ->LoopOne-GO]]
(if:visits is 2)[
You start to panic. You now know you're lost, but where are you?
[[Yeah it's this way. ->LoopOne-GO]]
[[Or was it this way? ->RightLoop]]
(if:visits is 3)[
[[Yeah it's this way. ->LoopOne-GO]]
](if:visits is 1)[
(set: $seenNews to true)
You go to the front of the car shine the headlights on the newspaper. You read a circled text in red.
[[Check the trunk.->Trunk]]
[[Check the backseat.->Back seat]]
[[Check the glove compartment.->Glove compartment]]
(if:visits >= 2)[
You have already checked the newspaper.
[[Check the trunk.->Trunk]]
[[Check the backseat.->Back seat]]
[[Check the glove compartment.->Glove compartment]]
](set: $name to (prompt: "Enter the two word combination:", ""))
(if:$name is "get out" or $name is "Get Out" or $name is "GET OUT" or $name is "get Out" or $name is "Get out")[
(set: $carCompleted to true)
(set: $keys to it + 1)
You found a //''key''// where do you go now?
[[Look around for more keys->Check Point]]
(else-if:$name is not "get out" or $name is not "Get Out" or $name is not "GET OUT" or $name is not "get Out")[
You entered the wrong code.
[[Go back. ->Glove compartment]]
In a panic, you take a left. As you look left, all you see is a road. And to the right is the maze entrance.
(set: $carCompleted to true)
[[Go to Maze->Maze]]You're not sure if you trust the stairs, but you have no option. You run up the stairs as fast as you can. At the top of the stairs, you look back to see if the beast will come in. After a few seconds, you realize you are safe. When you feel the floor under you fall.
[[Try again->Start]]
<div class="App">
<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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]From a distance, you see a woman lying on the floor crying. There is no other way around her. She looks at you, but you see no face. She tells you <h2>you</h2>
[[Back up->Left-enterCode]]
[[Go right->Straight-bottom]]
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1MJ2MOLjtthRWaQiMGu3o7yI00r_TzbWM" width ="300" height="250" class="center">(set: $fiveEnter to (prompt: "Enter five word combination", ""))
(if:$fiveEnter is "You are never getting out" or $fiveEnter is "you are never getting out")[
You found a ''key'' where do you go now?
(set: $keys to it + 1)
(set: $mazeCompleted to true)
[[Find other keys.->Check Point]]
(else-if:$fiveEnter is not "You are never getting out" or $fiveEnter is not "you are never getting out")[
You entered the wrong code.
[[Go back.->Left-enterCode]]
(if:$keys is 0)[
As you run to the house, you see the gate is closed. You hope it's not locked for your sake. When out of now where the beast scratches your back but doesn't go for the kill. You run faster, feeling the blood drip down your back. Finally, you at the gate. No, it's locked. You turn around. You see a figure move quickly in front of you.
You hear the girl say, "You should always look behind you. Maybe next time you'll look for the key first".
[[Try again->Start]]
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<h1 class="lost">GAME OVER</h1>
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<h2 class="note">You lose</h2>
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(if:$keys >= 1)[
As you run to the house, you see the gate is closed. You hope it's not locked for your sake. When out of now where the beast scratches your back but doesn't go for the kill. You run faster, feeling the blood drip down your back—finally, you are at the gate. You have a key. Hopefully, it works. You unlock it as quickly as you can.
[[Go into the house->House-GO]]