You awaken in a small dusty room that seems almost familiar but you can't place where you are or even who you are.
[[Go back to sleep, maybe you're dreaming...]]
[[Investigate the room.]]You lay on a bed that is too small for you, you slowly fall asleep despite your feet dangling off the edge of the bed frame.
In your slumber you hear a soft sound...
In your dream you see yourself working on a machine and you can feel that it has crucial signifigance.
You wake up in a cold sweat.
[[Investigate the room]]
[[Sleep some more, guess I'm pretty tired.]]You look around the old room and see an old book case and a cluttered old fashioned desk.
[[Search book case]]
[[Search old fashioned desk]]
[[Check the door]][[Investigate the room.<- You Investigate the room]]You are completely refreshed from the extra rest. Maybe its time to see what else is going on.
[[Investigate the room<-Investigate the room]]
[[sleep...again]]You look through the books neatly laid on the bookshelf and notice that they are organized numerically with engraved numbers on there spines.
[[read the numbers]]
[[continue searching book case<-continue searching book case]]You go over to the desk and see a note. It reads:
If you are reading this then you may have some questions. I intend to answer them but you must play your part as well. Throughout this house you'll find many oddities, use this to your advantage. I can not explain everything for there are always eyes on us, but all will be clear soon. -K
(Link:"Underneath the letter is a small key.")
[You pick up the key.]
[[continue searching the old fashioned desk]]
[[Search book case<-Search book case]]
[[Awakening<-Start Over]]The numbers are slightly out of order reading
[[91711]]A memory comes back showing you an old safe. where can that be?
[[continue searching book case]]
[[Search old fashioned desk<- Search old fashioned desk]] There is a drawer attached to the bottom of the desk.
[[use the small key]]You open the drawer and find a small safe inside.
The safe has a padlock keeping it [[locked]]You search through the shelves admiring all the books and notice a magnifying glass laying between them.
(Link:"Examining the magnifying glass you see it has K, 7.13.1902 engraved on the brass handle.")
[A memory returns to you. The magnifying glass was a gift from an old friend. You remember that you used to stay up all night with him problem solving for the future...]
[[return to the room->Investigate the room.]] You sleep again and have a nice dream about sheep jumping over a fence while you count them...
Suddenly your dream turns into a nightmare where you have your memories ripped away from you...
Oh wait they were.
[[Investigate the room.]]
[[definitely should sleep]]You open the drawer and find a small safe inside.
The safe has a padlock keeping it locked
(set: $safe to (prompt: "What is the code", ""))
(if: $safe is "91711")[You are correct. [["You open the safe and find an old coin, a leather journal, and a broken pocket watch."]] ](else:)
[You are wrong. [[Try again->locked]].]
[[return to room->Investigate the room.]]You take the contents of the safe and close it.
[[Examine coin]]
[[Examine pocket watch]]
[[Examine journal]](Link: "You take the coin.")[
(set: $coin to $coin + 1)]
[[check coin]]The pocket watch is gold plated with roman numeral numbers. The glass face is shattered and the time is left at 9:30.
[[9:30]]Inside the journal are a collection of notes, sketches, and math equations.
Looking at the complicated contents brings back a memory.
You see yourself spending long nights writing in that journal but one specific night seemed to be an eternity. That night was the last page in the journal.
[[flip through the pages]]
[[turn to last page]]The last page reads:
I always knew that this day would come but I wasn't expecting it to come so soon. However, there's no time to lose so I must prepare for the worst. Tomorrow my partner has warned me that the council has decided it best to erase my memories to keep me out of their way. My only hope is to leave behind enough for me to regain my memories in a way that's for my eyes only so they cant catch on. I take their action to be a compliment, the fact that they fear my capabilities only proove that I can overthrow them and help the people of this nation. I just need more time and a door to open. -K
An intense flood of memories comeback. You dont know everything but your purpose is now clear. You must get out of this room.
[[Examine coin]]
[[Examine pocket watch]]
[[Return to room->Investigate the room.]]There is a small wooden door with a large metal contraption attached to the door.
[[Try to open]]
[[Investigate contraption]]You try tugging at the handle but the door wont budge.
Whatever the metal contraption is, it's probably keeping it locked.
[[Investigate the room.]]
[[Investigate contraption]]The contraption appears to be a locking device powered by an unknown source.
On the outer panel there is a thin slot and a keypad.
[[Check the rest of the room->Investigate the room.]](set: $lock to (prompt: "What is the code", ""))
(if: $lock is "7131902")[You are correct. [["There is a loud click."]] ](else:)
[You are wrong. [[Try again->Interact]].]
[[return to room->Investigate the room.]]
(link:"Place a coin in the slot")[
(set: $coin to $coin – 1)
(goto:"The door opens")
(link:"Place a loose gear in the slot")[
(set: $x to $x – 1)
(goto:"The door jams")
]A memory comes back to you.
It was 9:30 pm when a group of hooded figures raided your home and took you away. Your last memory is only darkness...
[[Examine coin]]
[[Examine journal]]
[[Return to room->Investigate the room.]]The door slowly pulls open
You stand before the blinding light coming from the door knowing that your work is not yet done.
However somethings seems to be holding you back.
Thoughts of failure discourage you but theres only one thing left to do.
[[Walk through the door]]
[[stay inside]]You walk into the blinding light knowing that there is still hope on the other side.
[[End]][[Play again->Awakening]] The coin appear to be novelty with no value but has an interesting crest of a bird on both sides. Better hold onto it.
[[Examine pocket watch]]
[[Examine journal]]
[[Return to room->Investigate the room.]]The door jams from the wrong item being placed into it.
[[Try to fix the machine]]
[[Kick the machine]]You decide to stay and collect your thoughts.
Are you truely prepared for what lies beyond that door?
What if you're not strong enough?
[[refelct]]You reflect on everything you have gone through, the hard work you put into helping the poor people of your nation and to regain your memories.
Is it all for naught?
[[Give up]]You remember that you are not alone, you have a nation of people to support you.
You are overwhelmed with feelings of confidence and hope for a new future.
You gather your courage and walk out into the world thats been waiting for you
[[End]]You decide that this task is impossible, how can one person do this alone?
You succumb to the Councils power and watch as they erase freedom from your nation.
[[End]]You flip through the fragil yellow pages and multiple things catch your eyes.
Photographs with your old [[friend]], scribbled equations and intricate sketches of [[machines]].You look through the sketches of complicated machines. They look almost as if they come from a world of magic.
A memory comes back to you. You see yourself working on a giant door like structure and realize that you are the creator of their machines and that these machines exist.
[[turn to last page]]
[[flip through the pages]] You regain a memory of your old friend. His name is Franco. You both met in school and have been inseperable since until he was recruited to join the council. You never would have thought that the one you trust would join the enemy....
You hold onto the photo for encouragement.
[[turn to last page]]
[[flip through the pages]] You go to sleep and realize that you are content with not finding your memories.
You stay in your cozy bed and start a new life.
[[End.]] After a few hours of trying to pull the gear out you are successful.
The machine is now reset.
[["There is a loud click."<- Try again]]You kick the machine a few times and you hear a loud BANG!
Smoke starts to come out of the door, you may have kicked it too hard.
The door mechanism is now [[broken]].You are now locked in the room with no way to get out.
You spend the rest of your days dreaming of the outside world and what your future held...