(align: "==>")[**Eleanor's Room**]
(alert: "Help Eleanor escape the house")
Toys and piles of dirty clothes are scattered everywhere,
it's even messy <span class="hidden">(link: "under the bed.")[(goto: "Baseball")]
Dressers and other furniture line the walls,
along with my little league trophies on the shelves.
The mirror (link: "closet")[(goto: "Closet Interaction")]</span> on the closet spans the entire wall;
The sliding door is closed now...
(event: when $location is "Eleanor's Room")[(alert: "The monster has found me!")]
[[Hallway->West Hall 2F]]
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 2F**]
(if: $powerOn is false)[All the lights are off.
The whole house is dark.]
A bunch of paintings hang on the wall.
One of Mom's <span class="hidden">(link: "credenzas")[(goto:"Credenza 2F")]</span> sits at one end of the hall.
The hall stretches and turns a number of ways.
(link: "Attic")[(goto: "Attic Transition")]
[[Rec Room->Rec Room]]
(link: "Main Hall")[(goto: "Main Hall 2F Transition")]
(link: "Stairs")[(goto: "Stairs")]
[[Eleanor's Room ->Eleanor's Room]] (align: "==>")[**Main Hall 2F**]
A big chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
I can still see most of downstairs from the hand rails.
An old <span class="hidden">(link: "end table")[(goto: "Gem")]</span> sits in the corner by the west hall door.
(link: "West Hall")[(goto: "West Hall 2F Transition")]
(link: "Master Bedroom")[(goto: "Master Bedroom Transition")]
[[Downstairs->Main Hall 1F]](align: "==>")[**Patio**]
The patio hangs off the side of the house as if by magic.
It's very cold out here.
I don't see my parents' cars parked out front.
Mom's plants line the whole deck.
[[Rec Room->Rec Room]]
[[Hallway->West Hall 2F]](align: "==>")[**Rec Room**]
A huge pool table sits at the center of the room.
The mini bar is on one end of the room, the <span class="hidden">(link: "storage closet")[(goto: "Storage Window")]</span> is on the other.
Against another wall are tall <span class="hidden">(link: "bookshelves")[(goto:"Bookshelf")]</span> stocked with a small library.
A TV is tucked in another corner along with old board games and playing cards.
[[Hallway->West Hall 2F]]
(link: "Storage")[(goto: "Storage Closet Transition")](align: "==>")[**Bathroom**]
It stinks of cleaning products.
The bath tub is full of dirty water.
I'm still not tall enough to see myself in the mirror.
Below the sink are some <span class="hidden">(link: "cabinets.")[(goto: "Flashlight")]</span>
[[Hallway->West Hall 2F]](align: "==>")[**Master Bedroom**]
[[Main Hall->Main Hall 2F]]
[[Master Bathroom->Master Bathroom]](align: "==>")[**Master Bathroom**]
[[Master Bedroom->Master Bedroom]](align: "==>")[**Storage Closet**]
Everything in here hasn't been dusted in forever.
There's a wooden <span class="hidden">(link:"table")[(goto: "Rope")]</span> with more old board games and miscellaneous items on it.
There's even an old arcade console in here, probably doesn't work anymore.
Most of it is junk, no wonder why it's in here.
[[Rec Room->Rec Room]](align: "==>")[**Main Hall 1F**]
My footsteps echo in the vastness of the hall.
Brilliant twinkles of light dance across the room from the <span class="hidden">(link: "fireplace.")[(goto: "Fireplace")]</span>
A grand portrait of the family hangs above the mantle.
Symmetrical pillars support each end of the upper half of the hall,
complimented by two staircases on each side.
[[Upstairs->Main Hall 2F]]
[[Front Door->Front Door]]
(link: "East Hall")[(goto: "East Hall Transition (M)")]
[[West Hall->West Hall 1F]]
[[Drawing Room->Drawing Room]]
(align: "==>")[**Main Hall 1F (Front Door)**]
(if: $hasBronzeKey is true and $hasSilverKey is true and $hasGoldKey is true)[
(goto: "End Game")
(if: visits is 1)[It won't open!
the lock mechanism has three seperate locks:
bronze, silver, and gold...
We've never had locks like this before...]
(elseif: visits > 1)[The door needs three keys: bronze, silver, and gold.
I still don't have them all yet...]
[[Main Hall->Main Hall 1F]](align: "==>")[**East Hall**]
More paintings hang off the walls.
Another one of Mom's credenza's sits in the middle of the hall.
I can hear the rain outside tapping on the windows.
[[Main Hall->Main Hall 1F]]
(link: "Guest Room")[(goto: "Guest Room Transition")]
[[Drawing Room->Drawing Room]]
(link: "Mysterious Door")[(goto: "Dark Room Transition")]
(link: "Basement")[(goto: "Basement Transition")](align: "==>")[**Mysterious Room**]
[[East Hall->East Hall]](align: "==>")[**Drawing Room**]
The room is full of podiums with Mom's work in display cases.
Some are abstract clay sculptures, others are little paintings.
They are several <span class="hidden">(link: "work stations")[(goto: "Work Station")]</span> with all sorts of art supplies on them.
[[Main Hall->Main Hall 1F]]
(link: "East Hall")[(goto: "East Hall Transition (D)")](align: "==>")[**West Hall 1F**]
It feels so empty in here.
The hall is bare besides a few windows and Mom's other <span class="hidden">(link: "credenza")[(goto: "Credenza 1F")]</span> tucked in the corner.
(link: "Main Hall")[(goto: "Main Hall 1F Transition")]
(link: "Laundry Room")[(goto: "Laundry Room Transition")]
[[Dining Room->Dining Room]]
(link: "Stairs")[(goto: "Dead End")](align: "==>")[**Laundry Room**]
It stinks of dirty laundry.
Clothes are scattered and half folded on the table.
Drops of water drip from the faucet.
The usual whir of the laundry machines are silent.
(if: $laundryUnlocked is false)[
(link: "Hallway")[(set: $laundryUnlocked to true)
(alert: "Eleanor has unlocked the Laundry Room door.")
(alert: "I just heard a noise.
I'm pretty sure it came from the dining room...")
(goto: "West Hall 1F")]
(link: "Hallway")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")]
(align: "==>")[**Kitchen**]
Magnets and sticky notes decorate the <span class="hidden">(link: "fridge.")[(goto: "Fridge")]</span>
Next to that is the stovetop.
across from that is a countertop and various cuboards hanging above.
Below that are drawers for kitchenware.
[[Hallway->West Hall 1F]]
[[Dining Room->Dining Room]]
[[Pantry->Pantry]](align: "==>")[**Dining Room**]
The table is set for two at each end.
(if: $laundryUnlocked is true)[There's <span class="hidden">(link: "something")[(goto: "Emblem")]</span> on one of the plates now..](else:)[Nothing seems out of the ordinary.]
[[Hallway->West Hall 1F]]
[[Living Room->Living Room]](align: "==>")[**Living Room**]
Two red leather couches sit across from eachother surrounding a wooden coffee table.
A third recliner sits across the TV mounted on the wall.
There's a tall stone <span class="hidden">(link: "statue")[(goto: "Statue")]</span> standing by the window.
The ticks of the grandfather clock boom in the unnerving silence.
[[Dining Room->Dining Room]](align: "==>")[**Garage**]
The stone floor is so cold on my feet.
There's no windows in here so it's really hard to see.
Mom and Dad's car is still here.
Various power tools and a <span class="hidden">(link: "toolbox")[(goto: "Screwdriver")]</span> are organized on Dad's workbench.
The <span class="hidden">(link: "circuit breaker")[(goto: "Circuit Breaker")]</span> hangs off the wall next to tall metal shelves.
[[Hallway->West Hall 1F]](align: "==>")[**Attic**]
[[Hallway->West Hall 2F]](align: "==>")[**Pantry**]
Shelves line the walls stockd with canned goods and other stored food.
(link: "Crawlspace")[(goto: "Crawlspace Transition")]
[[Kitchen->Kitchen]](align: "==>")[**Crawlspace**]
This sucks.
It's so dark and muddy down here.
Why do we even have a crawlspace?!
[[Laundry Room->Laundry Room]]
[[Pantry->Pantry]](align: "==>")[**Guest Room**]
[[East Hall->East Hall]]Eleanor's Closet
[[Start Game->Intro]]Eleanor hates the dark like any other 7 year-old girl. The monsters always come when it's dark, and her parents would have to come just to convince her that there really wasn't anything in her closet or under her bed.
"See, no monsters here", Eleanor's mother would tell her.
"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's only a bad dream"...
[[Continue->Contd]](align: "==>")[**Closet**]
(if: $isAfraid is true)[There's no way I'm going near that closet.](else:)[I'm not afraid anymore.]
[[Eleanor's Room ->Eleanor's Room]]...But Eleanor was very afraid, because when she opened her eyes from her nightmare this time, she could still see those horrible eyes staring at her from her closet and she knew...it was no dream...
[[Continue->Eleanor's Room]] (set: $hasBaseball to false)
(set: $hasRope to false)
(set: $hasScrewdriver to false)
(set: $hasEmblem to false)
(set: $hasBronzeKey to false)
(set: $hasSilverKey to false)
(set: $hasGoldKey to false)
(set: $hasHeartPendant to false)
(set: $hasEKey to false)
(set: $hasGem to false)
(set: $hasFlashlight to false)(align: "==>")[**Basement**]
This is the only room that isn't dead quiet.
I can here the water heater still going, which means the gas is still on.
The <span class="hidden">(link: "valve")[(goto: "Valve")]</span> is at the very end of the room.
Why does it have to be so far in all this darkness?
[[Upstairs->East Hall]](align: "==>")[**Eleanor's Room (Under Bed)**]
(if: $hasBaseball is false)[Good thing there's no monster under here.
Ohh look my lucky baseball?!
Take Baseball?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasBaseball to true)(goto: "Eleanor's Room")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Eleanor's Room")]]
(more:)[No monster here.
Still messy though...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Eleanor's Room")]]
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 2F (Credenza)**]
(if: $hasHeartPendant is false and $C2FUnlocked is false)[
It's locked...
There's an empty slot in the shape of a heart where the key hole should be.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")]
](elseif: $hasHeartPendant is true and $C2FUnlocked is false)[
The heart pendant acts as a key for the lock.
Use Pendant?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $C2FUnlocked to true)(goto: "E Key")] (link: "No")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")]
(goto: "E Key")
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 2F**]
(if: $hasRope is true or $ropeTied is true)[I can tie off the rope and use it to get downstairs.
Use the rope to climb down?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasRope to false)(set: $ropeTied to true)(goto: "West Hall 1F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "West Hall 2F (W)")]]
(if: $ropeTied is false and $hasRope is false)[The staircase is gone?!
This doesn't make any sense, it's just a hole in the floor!
There has to be a way to climb down.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")]](align: "==>")[**West Hall 1F**]
I'm not strong enough to climb back up...
I still don't get how the stairs just dissapeared...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")](align: "==>")[**Rec Room (Bookshelf)**]
There's so many books to choose from:
<span class="hidden">
The Guide to DIY Construction
Billy and Tammy: The Magical Adventure
(link: "Folklore and Fables")[(goto: "Folklore and Fables")]
(link: "Sculpting: Playing With The Clay")[(goto: "Gold Key")]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Rec Room")](align: "==>")[**Rec Room (Storage Window)**]
(if: $storageUnlocked is true)[The glass is completely shattered now...](else:)[I can see some old rope through the window.
The glass looks pretty weak...]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Rec Room")](align: "==>")[**Rec Room**]
(if: $hasBaseball is true)[The door is locked from the other side.
I think I can break the window with this though...
Throw Baseball?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasBaseball to false)(set: $storageUnlocked to true)(goto: "Storage Closet")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Rec Room")]](elseif: $storageUnlocked is false)[The door is locked from the other side...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Rec Room")]](else:)[(goto: "Storage Closet")](set: $isAfraid to true)
(set: $powerOn to false)
(set: $storageUnlocked to false)
(set: $ropeTied to false)
(set: $mainHall1FUnlocked to false)
(set: $mainHall2FUnlocked to false)
(set: $laundryUnlocked to false)
(set: $statueUnlocked to false)
(set: $crawlSpaceUnlocked to false)
(set: $gasOn to true)
(set: $C2FUnlocked to false)
(set: $C1FUnlocked to false)
(set: $eastHallMUnlocked to false)
(set: $eastHallDUnlocked to false)(align: "==>")[**Storage Closet (Table)**]
(if: $hasRope is true)[Nothing else userful here...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Storage Closet")]](else:)[There's and old rope on the table.
Take Rope?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasRope to true)(goto: "Storage Closet")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Storage Closet")]]
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 2F**]
(if: $hasEmblem is false and $mainHall2FUnlocked is false)[
It's Locked...
An engraving of a shadowy figure looming over screaming children decorates the door.
There's a circular empty slot in the door...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")]
](elseif: $hasEmblem is true and $mainHall2FUnlocked is false)[
The emblem fits perfectly in the slot of the door.
Use Emblem?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $mainHall2FUnlocked to true)(goto: "Main Hall 1F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")]
(goto: "Main Hall 2F")
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 2F**]
I can't reach the handle on my own.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")](align: "==>")[**West Hall 1F**]
(if: $hasEmblem is false and $mainHall1FUnlocked is false)[
It's Locked...
An engraving of a shadowy figure looming over screaming children decorates the door.
There's a circular empty slot in the door...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")]
(elseif: $hasEmblem is true and $mainHall1FUnlocked is false)[
The emblem fits perfectly in the slot of the door.
Use Emblem?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $mainHall1FUnlocked to true)(goto: "Main Hall 1F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")]
(goto: "Main Hall 1F")
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 1F**]
(if: $laundryUnlocked is true)[(goto: "Laundry Room")](else:)[It's locked...
The only way to open it is from the other side.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")]]
(align: "==>")[**Garage (Circuit Breaker)**]
No wonder the power's out, the fuse it missing...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Garage")]
(align: "==>")[**Garage (Toolbox)**]
(if: $hasScrewdriver is true)[I don't think I need anything else here.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Garage")]](else:)[There's a scredriver in the toolbox.
Take Screwdriver?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasScrewdriver to true)(goto: "Garage")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Garage")]](align: "==>")[**West Hall 1F**]
(if: $hasHeartPendant is false)[It's locked...
A big heart is carved around the key hole.]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 1F")]
(align: "==>")[**West Hall 1F**](align: "==>")[**Kitchen (Fridge)**]
The calander reads (current-date:)
There's a note on the door:
"Put my copy of 'Sculpting: Playing With The Clay' back in the Rec Room when you're done. You know that's my favorite book.
- Mom"
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Kitchen")](align: "==>")[**Living Room (Statue)**]
(if: $hasGem is false and $statueUnlocked is false)[
There's an incription on the base:
"One fortune for another"
A bronze key is gripped tightly in the statue's left hand.
Its right hand is cupped as if it's holding something...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Living Room")]
](elseif: $hasGem is true and $statueUnlocked is false)[
One fortune for another...I guess...
Place Gem?
(link: "Yes")[(goto: ] (link: "No")[]
(align: "==>")[**Living Room (Statue)**]
(if: $hasBronzeKey is false)[
A mechanism clicks within the statue and the left hand loosens its stone grip on the key.
Take Bronze Key?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasBronzeKey to true)(goto: "Living Room")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Living Room")]
I got what I need from you Mr. Statue...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Living Room")]
](align: "==>")[**Eleanor's Room (Closet)**]
I hear...whispering...
It sounds like a little girl...
I can't make out any words...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Eleanor's Room")](align: "==>")[**Pantry**]
(if: $crawlSpaceUnlocked is false and $hasScrewdriver is false)[
The trap door is locked with a sturdy padlock...
Two screws are missing from the hasp...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Pantry")]
](elseif: $crawlSpaceUnlocked is false and $hasScrewdriver is true)[
I think can unscrew the remaining screws from the hasp.
Use the screwdriver?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $crawlSpaceUnlocked to true)(goto: "Crawlspace")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Pantry")]
(goto: "Crawlspace")
](set: $monsterMap to (dm:
"Eleanor's Room", (a: "Closet", "West Hall 2F"),
"Closet", "Eleanor's Bedroom",
"West Hall 2F", (a: "Eleanor's Room", "Main Hall 2F", "Patio", "Bathroom", "Attic", "Rec Room"),
"Bathroom", "West Hall 2F",
"Rec Room", (a: "Patio", "West Hall 2F"),
"Patio", (a: "Rec Room", "West Hall 2F"),
"Main Hall 2F", (a: "West Hall 2F", "Main Hall 1F", "Master Bedroom"),
"Master Bedroom", (a: "Master Bathroom", "Main Hall 2F"),
"Master Bathroom", "Master Bedroom",
"Laundry Room", "West Hall 1F",
"West Hall 1F", (a: "Laundry Room", "Kitchen", "Dining Room", "Garage", "Main Hall 1F"),
"Garage", "West Hall 1F",
"Dining Room", (a: "West Hall 1F", "Kitchen", "Living Room"),
"Kitchen", (a: "Dining Room", "Pantry", "West Hall 2F"),
"Living Room", "Dining Room",
"Pantry", "Kitchen",
"Main Hall 1F", (a: "West Hall 1F", "East Hall 1F", "Drawing Room"),
"Drawing Room", (a: "Main Hall 1F", "East Hall 1F"),
"East Hall 1F", (a: "Guest Room", "Dark Room", "Basement", "Drawing Room", "Main Hall 1F"),
"Basement", "East Hall 1F",
"Guest Room", "East Hall 1F",
"Dark Room", "East Hall 1F"
(set: $allRooms to (dataNames: $monsterMap))
(set: $location to (either: ...$allRooms))
(live: 1.0s)[(set: $location to (either: ...$allRooms))]
(align: "==>")[**Rec Room (Bookshelf)**]
Mom loves to read this book to me at night before bed.
A few pages are ripped right out of the book,
looks like an entire story is missing...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Bookshelf")](align: "==>")[**Dining Room (Table)**]
It's a circular emblem with a little girl engraved into it.
Her face is blank and emotionless.
Take Emblem?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasEmblem to true)(goto: "Dining Room")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Dining Room")](align: "==>")[**Main Hall 1F (Fireplace)**]
(if: $gasOn is true)[
The heat from the flames warm me up.
I guess the power and gas run seperately.
There's a key suspended in the flames by a metal rod.
I can't grab it while the fire is still going...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Main Hall 1F")]
(goto: "Silver Key")
(align: "==>")[**Drawing Room (Work Station)**]
(if: $hasHeartPendant is false)[
Various acrylic paints and brushes litter the table top,
along with blocks of unopened clay.
It looks like Mom was working on a new project;
There's unfinished sketches of a <span class="hidden">(link: "pendant.")[(goto: "Heart Pendant")]</span>
The pendant is in its own display case.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Drawing Room")]
Maybe one day I'll be an artist like Mom...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Drawing Room")]
](align: "==>")[**Main Hall 1F**]
(if: $hasEKey is false and $eastHallMUnlocked is false)[
It's locked...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Main Hall 1F")]
](elseif: $hasEKey is true and $eastHallMUnlocked is false)[
Hopefully this is the right key...
Use 'E' Key?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $eastHallMUnlocked to true)(alert: "Eleanor has unlocked the East Hall door")(goto: "East Hall")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Main Hall 1F")]
(goto: "East Hall")
](align: "==>")[**Drawing Room (Work Station)**]
It's a pendant shaped like a heart...
Take Pendant?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasHeartPendant to true)(goto: "Drawing Room")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Work Station")](align: "==>")[**West Hall 2F (Credenza)**]
(if: $hasEKey is false)[
All that's in here is another key.
this one has the letter 'E' labled on it.
Take Key?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasEKey to true)(goto: "West Hall 2F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")]
Nothing in here now...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")]
(align: "==>")[**Drawing Room**]
(if: $hasEKey is false and $eastHallDUnlocked is false)[
It's locked...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Drawing Room")]
](elseif: $hasEKey is true and $eastHallDUnlocked is false)[
Hopefully this is the right key...
Use 'E' Key?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $eastHallDUnlocked to true)(alert: "Eleanor has unlocked the Drawing Room door.")(goto: "East Hall")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Drawing Room")]
(goto: "East Hall")
](align: "==>")[**Main Hall 2F**]
(if: $hasEmblem is false and $mainHall2FUnlocked is false)[
It's Locked...
An engraving of a shadowy figure looming over screaming children decorates the door.
There's a circular empty slot in the door...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Main Hall 2F")]
](elseif: $hasEmblem is true and $mainHall2FUnlocked is false)[
The emblem fits perfectly in the slot of the door.
Use Emblem?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $mainHall2FUnlocked to true)(goto: "West Hall 2F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Main Hall 2F")]
(goto: "West Hall 2F")
(align: "==>")[**Bathroom (Cabinet)**]
(if: $hasFlashlight is false)[
There's a flashlight in here.
At least I'll be able to see a little more now.
Take Flashlight?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasFlashlight to true)(goto: "Bathroom")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Bathroom")]
Just toilet paper and cleaning products...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Bathroom")]
](align: "==>")[**Main Hall 2F**]
It's locked...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "West Hall 2F")](align: "==>")[**East Hall**]
It's locked...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "East Hall")](align: "==>")[**East Hall**]
It's locked...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "East Hall")](align: "==>")[**East Hall**]
(if: $hasFlashlight is false)[
It's pitch black down there, I won't be able to see anything...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "East Hall")]
](elseif: $hasFlashlight is true)[
(goto: "Basement")
(align: "==>")[**Main Hall 2F (End Table)**]
(if: $hasGem is false)[
There's a shiny green gem inside.
I wonder if it's even real.
Take Gem?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasGem to true)(goto: "Main Hall 2F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Main Hall 2F")]
It's empty...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Main Hall 2F")]
(align: "==>")[**Rec Room (Bookshelf)**]
(if: $hasGoldKey is false)[
All of the pages in the book have been carved out.
There's a golden key placed insid.
Take Gold Key?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasGoldKey to true)(goto: "Bookshelf")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Bookshelf")]
The pages are all gone so it's not a lot to read now...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Bookshelf")]
](align: "==>")[**Main Hall 1F (Fireplace)**]
(if: $hasSilverKey is false)[
It's still a little hot but I can grab the key now.
Take Silver Key?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $hasSilverKey to true)(goto: "Main Hall 1F")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Main Hall 1F")]
I sure do miss the fire now...
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Main Hall 1F")]
](align: "==>")[**Basement (Valve)**]
I can switch the valve to turn off the gas.
Turn Valve?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gasOn to false)(alert: "Eleanor has turned off the gas")(goto: "Basement")] (link: "No")[(goto: "Basement")]Congratulations!
Eleanor made it out of the house in one piece!
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "Main Menu")]