Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 14:05
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"Fxxk Yeah! I am finally out of here!" You walk out from the lecture hall, screaming in silence. Head toward the bus station, there are not as many people as usual walking out of the lecture hall, because today is the day before Thanks Giving Holiday. Lets be real here, majority of people are taking days-off before this holiday just to extend there holiday a tad longer, let alone student who have been suffering from this boring game history lecture since day 1 of this quarter. Except you, of course, a good student who attended every lecture because you aint letting a pop quiz pop your grade down to a B. You and your friends who miraculously attended a pop quiz lecture while missing every single others have decided to go on a road trip to Las Vegas. You:
[[Make a call to your friend and discus the detail->p1]]
[[Make a call to you parent(techically-your mom) about your holiday plan->p2]]
[[Head back to home and sleep->p3]]
(set: $backpack to 0)(set:$flashlightBattery to 5)(set: $cleanShirt to 1)(set: $warmClothes to 1)(set: $handRechargeableFlashlight to 1)(set: $swissArmyKnife to 1 )(set: $Cupnoodles to 1)(set: $EnergyBar to 5)(set: $Water to 2)(set: $Camera to 1)(set: $climingAxe to 1)Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:07
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"Hey Tom, I want to talk about..."
"What sup dude! How was your class? Pretty sure there is a pop quiz waiting for us that I have missed, right?" this dude does not let you finish your sentence, and taunt you with his luck
"Oh well, there is a midterm right after the holiday and professor gave us some hints on the exam content which I AM NOT SHARING IT WITH YOU." You try to hit him back but you know it is not working.
"Whatever man, i have a good news and bad news about the trip, which one you want to hear first?" He lowered his voice while teasing you with his little secret.
[["Good news first I guess" -> Good News]]
[["What could be worse than going to the lecture"-> Bad News]]
[["Cut your BS and get to the point" -> Good News]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:07
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
You head right back to home and fall asleep. Apparently, 2 bottles of Redbull are not helping you to stay awake. But you know if you sleep now, you have 99% chances of sleep in and miss the trip completely. You:
[[Take that 1% change of not sleep in and sleep]]
[[Better call your friend now->p1]]You have not sleep for the Past 36 Hours because you are working on a project.Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:05
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"So, the good new is, we will have a epic adventure during our trip, just not in Las Vegas" He continues, "I saw post online yesturday about a abondon house discovered on our way to Las Vegas, rumor says that they found signs of aliens and some broken experimental device near the house."
"Errr... it is just a rumor, also, there are thousands of post about signs of alien in xxx location anyway, how does this one catch your attention."
"Exactly, that bloger uploaded pictures of him going into the house, there was a picture of a super futuristic lab door with a label saying "A51 Lab". You know what i mean? It is a lab set up by the Area 51!"
[[Just a gimic, no way a top secret lab will apprear out of no where.-> Good News 1.1]]
[[BS -> Good News 1.1]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:07
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"True, nothing could be worse than going to lecture honestly" he laughed,"So the bad new is we might not able to go Las Vegas on time. We will stop in midway and stay for few days, but you know, we will get there eventually."
"What do you mean?!" You wonder
"Thats part of good news, but first, I need you to promise me to go with us no matter what you hear next."
[["Aight, I will go, not like a monster will devour me mid-way anyway." -> Good News]]
[["Nah, I am not promising anything before you tell me eveything"->Disagree]]
[["Why? I don't want to waste any time during Thanks Giving tho."->Disagree]]
Date: 11/??/2019
Time: ??:??
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Normal]]
You woke up in the middle of darkness, had a nice long sleep. You have no idea what time it is now so you are looking for your phone right now. You almost flip the whole room and finally find it right under your pillow. You check the time, is only 19:00. "What a relief" you mumble, but this feeling doesn't last too long when you find out today is 11/28/2019. There are 20+ unanswer call and 1 unread message. You realize you slept in and your friend perhaps long gone, now you:
[[Call your friend]]
[[Read the message]]
[[Whatever, just sleep, your holiday plan is ruined]]
Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:07
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"Hey Mom."
"Hey! When are you coming back? I bought a big turkey yesturday, big enough for everyone in the family for the whole holiday, three meals per day!" Your mom sounds happy, looks like she anticpated you to come back during the holiday.
[[Tell her you are not coming back-> Not Coming Back]]
[[Ditch Your friend and go back to see your family ->Ditch Route 1.1]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:07
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"Hey mom, I want to tell you something"
"I am sorry that I forgot to call you last week about this, but I planned to go to Las Vegas with my friend this weekend. I am not coming back this holiday." You start off your sentences with an apology and expect your mom will rain hell on you.
"Okay, becarefully during your trip. Call me when you arrive Las Vegas if you can." your mom is suprisly calm
"Wait mom, you're not angry !?" You are beyond suprise now.
"What else could I do? You are 21 now, so you should be able to take care of youself and be responsible for you decsion. I have to get back to work now. Make sure to call me when you arrive Las Vegas."
[["Okay Mom, I will call you back when i reach L.V.. I have to call my friend now."->p1]](set: $callMom to 2)
[["Okay, I will let you know once I arrive L.V. and let you know more about our trip.I have to call my friend now." ->p1]](set: $callMom to 1)
[["Mom, I have to call my friend now, ttyl"->p1]] (set: $callMom to 0)
[["Wait Mom"->Ditch Route 1.1]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:07
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"You know what, Maybe spending a weekend in home is a better idea, I think I am coming back this holiday." you say.
"Are you sure?" your mom questions.
[["Actually, I promised my friend to go Las Vegas, probraly not a good idea to ditch them now. I have to call them right now."->p1]]
[["Yep, I am sure, but now let me take a nap first."->Ditch Route 1.2]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:08
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"I suppose to this is included in the good news but seems like you don't like the sense of mysterious" Tom mumbles
"Just not now, you have no idea how tired I am right now. Do you want to know when did I sleep last night?"
"Really, Don't want some suprise?"
[["Tell me EVERYTHING. Or, I am not going"-> Disagree 1.1]]
[["You know what, I have decided not to go. I am out."->Ditch Route 1.2]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 14:10
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"Let me finish this, the blogger that post those pictures stop posting it as soon as he enters the lab. He hasn't update any picture since then. Making it even more interesting is that his blog became private yesterday and no one have access to it anymore."
"So what?" you ask
"This means it is real! This is the sign of the authroity's intervene toward this matter, there must be something going on. And WE are going to find out what happen."
[["God dam, if that's the case, I am definitely in !"->AgreeToGo]]
[["That sounds suspicious and dangerous, I am not going."-> Please Go]]
[["I just want to go to Las Vegas tho..."-> Please Go]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:12
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"That's great! We will meet up at tommorrow 8am and get going. See you tomorrow!" He hangs up immediately, but 5 seconds later, he calls me back,"Just in case, maybe we need to leave some last word if we die during the trip. KEKEKEK" and he hangs again.
"Fxxk you." You yell at him even though he can't hear it.
[[Write your testament and tell you mom about the trip-> Testament]]
[[Time to pack up ->BeforeGoing.Packing]]
[[Ignore that and sleep->Going.FirstCheckPoint]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 19:30
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: Chaos
You call your friends, but None of them answer your, seems like they are already on their way to Las Vegas and they do not have any signal or mood to reply you. You:
[[Read the message]]
[[Whatever, just sleep, your holiday plan is ruined]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 19:30
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: Chaos
Dude, how long are you going to sleep? Get your ass up! We need to get going now! However, we still have a spot for you and come to this location to join us, we probraly stay there for like 1 or 2 days. Meet us there!"
[[Pack up then go there->BeforeGoing.Packing]]
[[Go there by yourself, Now->Going.Arrival.Forest]]
[[Whatever, just sleep, your holiday plan is ruined]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: --
This is how it is, so you start up your computer, load up the previous check point in a game, open a can of coke, enjoy your lonely holiday. You tell yourself " Hey, you know what, i prevent myself from getting into any troubles by staying at home, even better, I can save up few extra bucks to buy another game!" Suddenly, your mom call you and urge you to get back to home for ThanksGiving dinner. "I guess this isn't so bad after All!"
[[The End ->The End 1.1]]Date: 12/28/2019
Time: 14:05
Location: UCSC
A teenager has been reported missing since 11/28/2019, during Thanks giving holiday. He went on a road trip to Las Vegas but his car was left behind in a forest near Death Valley National park, then vansihed. Police from both states have sent out mans to search for him but none are found..... His friend from UCSC claim that he had no idea where he goes....
[[The End->Start]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:12
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"Come on dude, don't you want to see whats going on there. This might be our only chance to see aliens. Is either we find alien or just a random abandon house, we lose nothing..well, maybe time."
"This is our once in a life time chance!" He yells in the phone.
[["Sorry, that sounds too dangerous, I am not going, wish you luck."->Not Going]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:12
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: --
"I see, I understand.... We will see after the break then..."
"Sorry man, have fun in your adventure..."
He hangs up. You actually want to go really bad, but something is telling you this is very, very dangerous and you should never go there. You follow you feeling and turned Tom and rest of your friend down. Lets hope your friendship will not end like this.
[[The End->The End 1.2]]Date: 12/28/2019
Time: 14:05
Location: UCSC
A teenager have been reported missing since 11/28/2019, during Thanks giving holiday. He went on a road trip to Las Vegas but his car was left behind in a forest near Death Valley National park, then vansihed. Police from both states have sent out mans to search for them but none are found..... His friend from UCSC Claim that he hear about him going to investigate some sort of abondon house which he thought it is too dangerous, this friend of him warned him not to go...... Police representative say they are currently under investigation toward this abondon house but nothing was found........
[[The End->Start]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 08:00
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Wow, you are early" you are amazed by your friend's early arrival. " Maybe you should come to class earlier."
"Go away, this our best shot to discovery what hides behind Area 51's curtain" He rolls down the window, urges me to move all the luggages into the car.
While you loading your luggage,he pokes his head out of the window and asks"What did you pack for this expedition?"
[["Pretty much everything"->Packed]]
[["I only packed my cloths"->Did not pack]](set $itemTestament to (prompt: "Write your testament below","Testament"))
(set: $inventoryTestament to 1)
[[Time to pack up->BeforeGoing.Packing]]Your mental is in excellent form and you are able to make correct decisions.Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:20
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
After a long nap inside the car, you and Tom exit the interstate 190 and make many turns before reaching to a dead end, and beyond is a endless forest. If you look hard enough, you can tell someone had been here before, someone walked into the forest from here. there are also tire marks on the dirt looks pretty fresh, someone drove and left this place in a hurry it seems. You see three possible paths, a path covered with grass and footprints, a path that you see some food packaging left on th ground and a dirt road with a sign but you can't tell what's written on it.
"Hey Tom, are you sure is this place?"
"Well..Yea...I am sure is somewhere near.... base on the blog"
"What? don't you have a exact loaction?"
"Nope, that blogger only tell how to get here, and a photo of where he parked his car."
[["Look at the tire mark on the floor, he must have left already"]]
[["Show me the photo, let me see how to get in"]]
[["What the f dude, are you trolling me?"]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 08:00
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Oh, what did you pack"
"Um, just flashlight,snacks, clothes, army knife, you know those equiments or camping.
"You come well prepared. You excited?"
"You know me, I always come prepared."
[["Yea, lets go"->5hr]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 08:00
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"At least you arrive on time man, not bad, shall we?"
"You know me."
[["Lets go"->5hr]](set: $np to true)Your Back pack:
(if: $flashlightBattery > 0 )[Flashlight with 10 batteries]
(if: $cleanShirt is 1)[Clean white shirt]
(if: $warmClothes is 1)[Warm clothes]
(if: $handRechargeableFlashlight is 1)[Hand rechargeable flashlight]
(if: $swissArmyKnife is 1)[Swiss Army knife]
(if: $Cupnoodles > 0 )[Cupnoodles x2]
(if: $EnergyBar is 5)[Energy bar x5]
(if: $Water is 2)[Water x2 bottle]
(if: $Camera is 1)[Camera with flashlight]
(if: $climingAxe is 1)[climing axe]
Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:20
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
[[You went back to Home and sleep.->Whatever, just sleep, your holiday plan is ruined]]Date: 11/27/2019
Time: 14:09
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Exhuasted and sleepy]]
"So, here is our plan, we will have a epic adventure during our trip, just not in Las Vegas" He continues, "We saw post online yesturday about a abondon house discovered on our way to Las Vegas, rumor says that they found signs of aliens and some broken experimental device near the house."
"Errr... it is just a rumor, also, there are thousands of post about signs of alien in xxx location anyway, how does this one catch your attention."
"Exactly, that bloger uploaded pictures of him going into the house, there was a picture of a super futuristic lab door with a label saying "A51 Lab". You know what i mean? It is a lab set up by the Area 51!"
[[Just a gimic, no way a top secret lab will apprear out of no where.-> Good News 1.1]]
[[BS -> Good News 1.1]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 02:12
Location: UCSC
- Health: Good
- Mental: Normal
You go back to home and sleep for a good 12 hours
"Okay, is time pack."
Time to decide what to pack, but your backpack is only big enough for 5 items, pick wisely:
(if: $backpack is 5)[[[full->Going.FirstCheckPoint]]]
(if: $flashlightBattery is 5)[Flashlight with 5 batteries[[equiedflashlightBattery]]]
(if: $cleanShirt is 1)[Clean white shirt[[equiedcleanShirt]]]
(if: $warmClothes is 1)[Warm clothes[[equiedwarmClothes]]]
(if: $handRechargeableFlashlight is 1)[Hand rechargeable flashlight[[equiedhandRechargeableFlashlight]]]
(if: $swissArmyKnife is 1)[Swiss Army knife[[equiedswissArmyKnife]]]
(if: $Cupnoodles is 2)[Cupnoodles x2[[equiedCupnoodles]]]
(if: $EnergyBar is 5)[Energy bar x5[[equiedEnergyBar]]]
(if: $Water is 2)[Water x2 bottle[[equiedWater]]]
(if: $NoteBooknPen is 1)[Note and Pen[[equiedNoteBooknPen]]]
(if: $climingAxe is 1)[climing axe[[equiedclimingAxe]]]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 19:00
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]](set: $flashlightBattery to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $cleanShirt to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $warmClothes to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $handRechargeableFlashlight to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $swissArmyKnife to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $Cupnoodles to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $EnergyBar to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $Water to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $NoteBooknPen to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]](set: $climingAxe to 0)
(set: $backpack to $backpack+1)
[[you have decided to put this into your backpack->BeforeGoing.Packing]]Double-click this passage to edit it.[[5 Hours later....->Arrival.Packed]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:20
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Tom, look at those tire marks"
"Oh yea, those marks looks pretty fresh, and looks they leave this place in a hurry...." he stared at the ground and comes out this conculsion
"Am I wrong?" Tom asks
"Nothing, I am just a little impressed that you are able make such logical conculsion."
"What? Do you think I am an idiot?"
[["Yea, i thought"]]
[["Let's examie which way that blogger went through."]]
[["What do you think?"]]
[["Nah, but i think they left this place already, maybe there are nothing to see at all and they made up those photos and the blogs."]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:20
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Alright. Give me a second let me find it."
"Just give me the website, I will find it myself."You pull out your phone.
"You sure about that? I don't think there is data here tho."
[["Yea, just give me the website."]]
[["You do it then."->Take a look at the blog]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:20
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Mad]]
"I am not trolling, is the blogger. He did not tell exactly how to get to that house, but he did took some photo along the way you want to take a look?"
[["Fucking hell, I knew I shouldn't agree to this stupid idea."]]
[["Let's take a look"]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:20
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"You do realize I earn a better grade than you in the history class right?"
"What? Without my note and exam-area reminder, you ain't going to pass this class!"
"Okay! You started it first, remember last time........"
[[(30 mins later)]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:50
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"He did not tell exactly how to get to that house, but he did took some photo along the way you want to take a look?"
[[->Go back to Las Vegas]]
[["Let's take a look"->Take a look at the blog]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"I think you are trying to start a fight?"
[["Yea, I am."->"Yea, i thought"]]
[["Just joking, let's find the way in"]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:50
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Mad AF]]
After arguing on a meaningless topic.
"Fuck it. Let stop this non sense. Are we going to find that house or not?" You yell at Tom
"More like FUCK YOU, You started it first" Tom turns his back and kicks a base ball size rock about 10 ft away. "AWwwww. my feet"
[["Alright, I am sorry then, time to find the way to get to that house"]]
[["Fuck me?"]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:50
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Mad]]
"Fine, I am sorry too, but remember you started this first..." Tom scatches his head and apologizes."Anyway, the sky is getting dark soon. Now, Which way are we going?"
[[lets see->"Let's examie which way that blogger went through."]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: --
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Mad AF]]
This completely meaningless argue continues. You and Tom both did not expect this little joke would cause such anger, but neither of you refuse to back off and apologize. You are so pissed that you walked all the way back to town, call an Uber and went back to home. Tom insist to continue this expedition. You expected to see him after the break and both of you will be friend once again. However, Tom never shows up to class anymore..
[[The End->The End 1.2]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Same here, but I don't really know which way to go exactly."
"Did the blogger show us direction to the abondon house?"
"Nope, but he did post some photos on his blog before those blogs disapper."
[["Let's take a look at those photos"->Take a look at the blog]]
[["If that's the case, I want to tell you something."->Go back to Las Vegas]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"So what's your plan now? If what you say is true, we come all the way here to waste time?" Tom says,"Come on, let's keep going."
[["Just go back to Las Vegas, find that abandon house the real waste of time."->Go back to Las Vegas]]
[["Fine, you're right."->Keep going]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:20
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Mad]]
"What do you mean? You AGREE to come, I did not force you to come. So you better stop complaining. Beside, you did not do any plannign anyway."
"You begged me to come, remember?"
"I begged you?........"
[[(30 mins later)]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Dude, take a chill pill. Why are you so mad."
"We are wasting time here in this place doing nothing. We could have drinking in L.V already but look at where we are now. "
"Stop bitching man. Suck it up, you agree to come at first hand, I did not force you to come."
[["What?????"->"Fucking hell, I knew I shouldn't agree to this stupid idea."]]
[["Aight, my bad. Let's take a look at those photos."->Take a look at the blog]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:54
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
Tom turns on his phone, instead going on to web browser, he is looking up the gallery.
"What are you doing, I told you to look at the blog, not going through your meme list.Hurry up." You urge him to open up the browser.
"Don't you remember I told you to the blog became private yesterday? Smart boy, you know the way to get a better score in a history class is to memorize everything in the text book, not going to class everyday."
"YOU!" you are pissed, but he is righ. He did have a better grade than you.
"here is the saved website."He tosses him phone to you. "Look at these photos, looks he took a photo of his boot, its full of dirt and grass on it. There is also a picture of him eating Mc.Donald on a rock and the there is a photo of the back a sign from like few meters away. Then the last photo is the Area 51 sign I talked about yesterday. Which way are we going, sir?"
[[Path with grass]]
[[Path with Mc Donald packaging.]]
[[Path with Sign]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 16:00
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Look at his boot, he must have went the path that covered with mud. We should go that way"
"OK, let's get started."
After follow the path for a about 2 hours...
"Hey Tom, when will these footprints end? These footprint is not leading us to anywhere! Should we go back and try other path?"
The sky is getting darker faster than usual, you feel a bit rain coming down.
"Dude, never give up! We are almost there!"
[[Return and go to Path with Mc Donald packaging.->Path with Mc Donald packaging.]]
[[Return and go to Path with Sign ->Path with Sign]]
[[Keep going->Get lost]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 17:00
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
After walking for a while
"You are kidding me right..." You and Tom both say it out simultaneously. A Stray dog nest appear infront of you with a bunch of trash inside it, which also included a few Big Mac box as well.
"What should we go now." Tom looks at the sky and says.
The sky is getting darker faster than usual, you feel a bit rain coming down.
[[Walk back to the path with sign ->Path with Sign]]
[["Ummm.. I want to go back to Las Vegas."->Go back to Las Vegas Again]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 19:00
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
After a super long walk, the sky become pitch black because the sky is really cloudy, you guys are lucky that there are no rain coming down from the sky. Yet, you still wondering whether going this way is a correct descion or not, maybe you not come here at all, imagine if you did not agree coming to this expedition, instead, going to Las Vegas, how nice would life be...
"We are here!" Tom tells out loud than usual, not really, it is just too quiet here.
"Quiet!" you cover his mouth. "you said this is a secret lab right, then be quiet, or we going to shot by guard?"
"Lol, if they have surveillance, we would even able get this close to here."Tom laugh,"Let's in to the house."
"Alright, alright, if what you say is true, there would not be anything remotely close to being related to area 51, since no one give a shit about this place."
"We will see." Tom starts walking toward the house
[[Get to the House entrance]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 19:00
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
Once you enter the house, this house is just an ordinary abandon house, garbage, broken ceiling, half broken wall, a big whole on the roof. This is a 2 story building with a big center hall. there is a big hole in the center of the hall connect with a stair toward the basement, this hole looks it is made out of a huge explosion.
"Which floor should we go?"
(set: $SecLeftRoom to 0)
(set: $SecRightRoom to 0)
(set: $readFile to false)
(set: $checkComputer to false)
(set: $password to false)Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Shit it's actually raining now." Tom Look at the sky and say
"I can tell, let's just go back....Where is our footprint???" You ask Tom
"Rain wash it away, Do you remember how to get back?"Tom ask you back
"Fucking hell, I did not pay attention!"
So, both of you lost in this forest, cannot find a way out, wondering inside the forest, walking deeper and deeper into the forest. From then, no one see you both anymore......
[[Ending 1.5]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Scare]](set: $mentalScare to true)
"This is looking so dangerous, think about this, why would someone blast a hole from inside in order escape. There must be something go on inside. Something unusal. This is not something we can handle anymore, we have to leave."
"What, are you scare?"
"Yes, I am. And let me tell you this, I am leaving no matter what, you can stay if you like."
"Time to leave buddy, is pretty dangerous to head into this kind of abandon house without proper informations anyway." you say
"fine..... Let go then."
Both of you went back into the car, nothing interesting happened along the way untill you guys arrived Las Vegas. You get too drunk and do something "Weird" on the street, but that's another story for other time.
[[The End ->Start]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
you head down to the basement with Tom, you guys found out that there is yet another hole on this 3 meters thick metal door, the cause of this hole looks a explosion from inside of the door, apparently you do not need passcode or any sort of identification to enter this underground structure anymore. However, you stopped infront of the hole while Tom is marching inside the door.
"What are you doing?? Get in! "Tom ask you
[["Tom, This doesn't look good. I really think we should leave."->Ending 1.3]]
[["Tom, I am going back."->Ending 1.4]]
[["Alright, I am coming."->Go In]]
(if: $tellTomMonster is true)[["Tom, This doesn't look good. I really think we should leave. There is monster inside"->Tell Tom about the monster]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
Tom walks straigth into basement, you look around see there are 3 three rooms infront of you.
[[Go to the bathroom ->FirsBathRoom]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 19:00
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [(if: $checkComputer is true)[[Scare]] (else: )[[Calm]]]
"Lets go the second floor. Then go down later" you say.
you turn on your flashlight and walk up stairs, there are two room infront of you.
(if: $SecLeftRoom is 0)[[[Go to the room on your left]]]
(else:)[[[Go to the room on your left]](you went to this))]
(if: $SecRightRoom is 0)[[[Go to the room on your right]]]
(else:)[[[Go to the room on your right]](you went to this))]
[[Go back to First floor->Location]]
Date: 12/28/2019
Time: 14:05
Location: UCSC
A teenager have been reported missing since 11/28/2019, during Thanks giving holiday. He went on a road trip to Las Vegas but his car was left behind in a forest near Death Valley National park, then vansihed. Police from both states have sent out mans to search for them but none are found..... His friend from UCSC Claim that he hear about him going to investigate some sort of abondon house which he thought it is too dangerous, soon after they arrived, this friend of him warned him not to go and return to Las Vegas as planned...... Police representative say they are currently under investigation toward this abondon house but nothing was found........
[[The End->Start]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [(if: $checkComputer or $readFile is true)[[Calm]] (else: )[[[Scare]]]
As you and Tom walk into the lab, the tunnel is pitch black, so you (if: $handRechargeableFlashlight or $flashlightBattery is true)[turn on your flash light](else:)[walk in the darkness beacuse none of you have a flash light]. This turn seems never ending, you both just keep walking and walking for like 30 mins, making numbers of turn, still not seeing anything. You (if: $NoteBooknPen is true)[write down the path and turns in order to rember where to head out.](else:)[have to memorize every single turn you made.(set: $rmbPath to true)] All the sudden, you and Tom hear a low grunt. [(if: $handRechargeableFlashlight or $flashlightBattery >0 and $checkComputer or $readFileis true)[point your light toward the sound source.](else-if: $checkComputer or $readFileis is true)[you barely see a shape of a monster that looks like the report.](else:)[you barely see a shape of a monster, so you freaked out.]]
[(if: $checkComputer or $readFile is true)[["Don't make too much noise!"->Slowly Walk away]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Scare]]
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Both of you yell like a dying pig, running mindlessly in this underground lab.
"What is THINGGGGGG" Tom Screaming, "that beast is running pretty fast, but not super fast. I can still out run it!"
[(if: $checkComputer is true)["Dude, it is a mutant, those lab create it"] (else: )["I don't fucking know!" You yell, "Just keep running!"]]
[["Don't stop!Keep Going!" ]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Scare]]
You and Tom start to move slowly away from that [(if: $flashlightBattery or $handRechargeableFlashlight is true)[monster.] (else: )[thing in the dark.]]. "Please don't follow, please don't follow."You pray inside your mind. However, after you and Tom slowly walked out for a few meters, it roars out loudly and start running toward you guys.
[["Go to the room to the right!"->Monster After you Room 1.1]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"To be honest, I would like to go back to Las Vegas"
[["Show me those photos, and I will show you the way."->Take a look at the blog]]
[["I think I am going back to LV, but I am not going to stop you from this expedition."->Yourself]]
[["Let's go LV and enjoy the holiday, together."->With Tom]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
[[->"Let's examie which way that blogger went through."]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 17:30
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
So you walked back to the car, nothing is going to stop,you were expecting Tom to follow you out and go to Las Vegas with you. Sadly, it doesn't happen, so you walked all the way back to the main road and call uber back to Las Vegas. You were thinking to see him next week anyway. However, since that day, no one see him anymore.
[[Ending 1.4]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Time to leave buddy, is pretty dangerous to head into this kind of forest without proper informations anyway." you say
"fine..... Let go then."
Both of you went back into the car, nothing interesting happened along the way untill you guys arrived Las Vegas. You get too drunk and do something "Weird" on the street, but that's another story for other time.
[[TheEnd->Start]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 15:22
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
you open the browser, enter the web address he gives you.
"No Interenet"
"Ummm...." you look at your phone. and you look at Tom."Let's take a look at your phone"
"You sure?" He is about to laugh at you, you can tell.
"Yes." You pretend to be calm and chill.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" That's the loudest laugh on earth
[["Let's take a look at your phone!!!"->Take a look at the blog]]Date: 12/28/2019
Time: 14:05
Location: UCSC
two teenagers has been reported missing since 11/28/2019, during Thanks giving holiday. He went on a road trip to Las Vegas but his car was left behind in a forest near Death Valley National park, then vansihed. Police from both states have sent out mans to search for him but none are found..... No one from UCSC claim that he had no idea where he goes....
[[The End->Start]]Date: 11/28/2019
Time: 17:30
Location: Forest Near Death Valley
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Where?"Tom asks.
"To be honest, I would like to go back to Las Vegas"
"What?" Tom says,"Now?"
[["I think I am going back to LV, but I am not going to stop you from this expedition."->Yourself]]
[["Let's go LV and enjoy the holiday, together."->With Tom]]
[["Shit, let's go the other way." ->Path with Sign]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
There are nothing in this room except a desk and piece of paper, you pick it up and read it.
"A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened. A club member knocked on the door and the doorman said, "twelve." The member replied, "six " and was let in. A second member came to the door and the doorman said, "six." The member replied, "three" and was let in. The man thought he had heard enough and walked up to the door. The doorman said ,"ten" and the man replied, "five." But he was not let in. What should have he said?"(set: $password to true) (set: $SecRightRoom to 1)
[[Exit this room ->Secondfloor]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: (if: $checkComputer is true)[[[Scare]]] (else: )[[[Calm]]]
(set: $SecLeftRoom to 1)
After you enter the room, there are not much things in this room, files scatter around, broken monitor that hooked up with computer on a desk located right corner of the room. The chair is scattered into 3 big pieces, you can't help but wonder what happened to this poor chair.
(if: $readFile is false)[[[Read those files]]]
(else:)[[[Read those files]](you read this)]
(if: $checkComputer is false)[[[check out those computers]]]
(else:)[ [[check out those computers]](you check this)]
[[Exit this room->Secondfloor]][[Basement]]
[[Talk to Tom]]
(if: $tellTomMonster is true)[[Tell Tom about the monster]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
Trial 1.3
Subject No.3
Subject.Name: -Erased-
Subject.Age: 30
Subject.Sex: Male
Subject.Prescription: A.C.B.B. Ver 3
Subject.Prescription.ReactPeriod: 1hours 3minutes 43seconds
Subject.Prescription.AfterReactPeriod: Stablized for 5 hours 58 minutes 50seconds
Subject.Prescription.AfterReactLifeSpan:5 hours 58 minutes 51seconds
Appearance changed, subject's body#$%^&*()_@#$%^& --Data Corrupted--
*8nse%sit)ve t0 No*s
I.Q.T. Ver 3 shows low value
body dissolved within 1 second
No Remain
(set: $readFile to true)
[[Finish reading->Go to the room on your left]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
4 digit Password require
Pass: 9 5 7 _
(if: $password is true and $SecRightRoom is 1)[[[type: 3->Access Granted]]]
(else-if:$password is false and $SecRightRoom is 0)[[[Enter passcode]]]
(set: $checkComputer to true)
[[Finish->Go to the room on your left]]
Your mental is not stable, you might make decision that look stupid afterward.Double-click this passage to edit it.Trial 1.3
Subject No.3
Subject.Name: Tsoi Chun Yin
Subject.Age: 30
Subject.Sex: Male
Subject.Prescription: A.C.B.B. Ver 3
Subject.Prescription.ReactPeriod: 1hours 3minutes 43seconds
Subject.Prescription.AfterReactPeriod: Stablized for 5 hours 58 minutes 50seconds
Subject.Prescription.AfterReactLifeSpan:5 hours 58 minutes 51seconds
Medium speed. Slow reaction time. Appearance changed, subject's hand deformed, nail harden and length increased, bone extend pierce through skin formed a sharp end. Insensitive to Noise. Force team tasked to terminate it. 3 shots on chest of the subject required to immobilize and 1 shot in the head to terminate
Subject.WeaponizePotential: Low
I.Q.T. Ver 3 shows low value
body dissolved within 1 second
No Remains
<img src="" width="360"height="450">
Side Note: trial 1.4 is in preparation.
[[Finish reading->Go to the room on your left]] (set: $tellTomMonster to true)Double-click this passage to edit it.Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Can we just down to the lab now?" Tom says."I went back from the basement see the door is wide open now."
[["Tom, I need to tell you something."->Tell Tom about the monster]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Scare]]
"Tom, there is monster in this lab, we have to go. NOW."
"Wow, that's so cool."Tom looks very intrigue
"Dude, this is serious. We have to leave. NOW." you say.
"What, are you scare?"
"Yes, I am. And let me tell you this, I am leaving no matter what, you can stay if you like."
"Time to leave buddy, is pretty dangerous to head into this kind of abandon house without proper informations anyway." you say
[[Drag him out of this place]]
[[Leave by yourself]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Scare]](set: $mentalScare to true)
"This is looking so dangerous, think about this, why would someone blast a hole from inside in order escape. There must be something go on inside. Something unusal. This is not something we can handle anymore, we have to leave."
"What, are you scare?"
"Yes, I am. And let me tell you this, I am leaving no matter what, you can stay if you like."
"Time to leave buddy, is pretty dangerous to head into this kind of abandon house without proper informations anyway." you say
"fine..... Let go then."
Both of you went back into the car, nothing interesting happened along the way untill you guys arrived Las Vegas. You get too drunk and do something "Weird" on the street, but that's another story for other time.
[[The End ->Start]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Scare]](set: $mentalScare to true)
"Fine, I am leaving. Good luck to you and we will see each other next week."
[[The End ->The End 1.2]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: Good
- Mental: [[Calm]]
You use the bathroom, not going to lie, you held it for a really long time. What a relief!
Sadly, there are no water for you to wash your hand. But is totally fine, not like you will tell Tom you did not wash your hand, right?
[[Exit Bathroom->Firstfloor]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
After 5 minutes
"I can't run anymore, I am tired." Tom stop while the monster is still charing toward us
[[Keep running]]
[(if: $swissArmyKnife or $climingAxe is 1)[[fight back]]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental:[[Scare]]
"What the fuck, that fucking report is a lie" you tell that to Tom while blocking up the door. Seems like that monster doesn't not have the strength to bust open this barricade
"What report?"
"There is a report up stair saying that thing is sensitive to sound only, why the fuck is that thing after our ass."
"I think that one might be little bit outdated then. Time to find another way out of here."Tom gives me a smirk."I am kinda tired, any food or water?"
Look around this room, there are few ways out of this room, the door you just walk in, a vent 3 meters up on the ceiling and draining hole on the floor.
(if: $Water > 0 )[[Drink Some water->Water.EatRoom1.1]]
(if: $EnergyBar > 0 )[[Eat Energy Bar->EnergyBar.EatRoom1.1]]
(if: $Cupnoodles > 0 )[[Eat Cupnoodle->Cupnoodle.EatRoom1.1]]
[[Draining Hole]]
[[Exit this room]]You are tired, you need food to retore stamina
Your decision is good.Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
This vent is too high up, you don't have the tool to reach it.
[[Look at other->Monster After you Room 1.1]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
Draining hole is too small to fit a person.
[[Look at other->Monster After you Room 1.1]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health:[(if: $eat is true)[[Good]] (else: )[[exhausted]]]
- Mental:[(if: $eat is true)[[Calm]] (else: )[[Scare]]]
"I guess there are no way out of this."you tell Tom
"looks like it."
[[Exit the room->Run 1.2]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[Good]]
- Mental:[[Calm]]
(Set: $Water to 0)
"I have 2 bottle of water"
"Let me drink some"
Look around this room, there are few ways out of this room, the door you just walk in, a vent 3 meters up on the ceiling and draining hole on the floor.
[[Draining Hole->Water.Draining]]
[[Exit this room]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[Good]]
- Mental:[[Calm]]
(set: $EnergyBar to 0)
"I have some energy bar in my backpack"
"Thank god you packed some food. Let me have some of you energy bar"
Look around this room, there are few ways out of this room, the door you just walk in, a vent 3 meters up on the ceiling and draining hole on the floor.
[[Draining Hole->EnergyBar.Draining]]
[[Exit this room]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental:[[Scare]]
(set: $Cupnoodles to 0)
Look around this room, there are few ways out of this room, the door you just walk in, a vent 3 meters up on the ceiling and draining hole on the floor.
[[Draining Hole->Cupnoodle.Draining]]
[[Exit this room]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
This vent is too high up, you don't have the tool to reach it.Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
Draining hole is too small to fit a person.
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
This vent is too high up, you don't have the tool to reach it.Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
Draining hole is too small to fit a person.
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
This vent is too high up, you don't have the tool to reach it.Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
Draining hole is too small to fit a person.
You can keep running, No need food, for nowDate: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
You are too tired and you left Tom behind. You did not have time to eat or drink so you faint out. The last thing you see before you faint, is a bloody monster approaching you with a human hand in his mouth....
[[The End->Ending 1.5]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
You are too tired but you can't left Tom behind. You did not have time to eat or drink so you are force to fight back. You pull out the only weapon you have and charge back to the monster. The last thing you remember before you faint, is a bloody monster approaching you with a human hand in his mouth....That hand is holding a weapon you were using.
[[The End->Ending 1.5]]
Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[Good]]
- Mental: [[Calm]]
The momement you guys exit the room, the loud roar from the end of hallway. You can clearly hear something is running toward you guys. "What should we do now?"Tom ask
(if: $NoteBooknPen is true)[[Run to exit]]
[(if: $swissArmyKnife or $climingAxe is 1)[[fight]]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[exhausted]]
- Mental: [[Scare]]
You are scare but you know running is not going to solve the problem, so you are force to fight back. You pull out the only weapon you have and charge back to the monster. When the monster close in, you side step to right side and stab it as hard as possible, it scream in pain and swing it's arm and slam you onto the wall. you stand up in pain and prepare for another strike, something is not right, you feel light headed and your body is heating up, you about to trip over, you try to use your right hand support your body but you still fall on the ground. Hit your head real hard. The last thing you remember before you faint, is a bloody monster approaching you with a human hand in his mouth....That hand is holding a weapon you were using.
[[The End->Ending 1.5]]Date: 11/28/2019
Location: Abondon House
- Health: [[Good]]
- Mental: [[Calm]]
"Run! Look at the map I drew, We can make it back to the exit" You pull out the note book from your backpack. "I gotta tell you now, I will never ever go in to any other abandoned house anymore in my life. I swear to God!"
"Talk about that later! Time to run"
This might not seem dramatic at all, but both you did not choose to fight back, instead, you guys run away. Followed the map, you guys walk out of this basement alive, you guys rush back into your car and drive away.
[[The End->Start]]