(transition: "dissolve")["This town... There's definitely something (link-reveal: "wrong with it...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[For the past eight weeks, someone has gone missing. One person completely disappears per week. Without a trace. Nobody knows a single thing about (link-reveal: "where they go.")[
(transition: "dissolve")[Last week's missing person was (link-reveal: "the worst...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[It was... [[my sister...|intro2]]" ]]]]]]]
"The last time I saw her...
She was getting ready for work, a waitress at that one restaurant by (link-reveal: "the dock...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[Yes... the one right past the (link-reveal: "line of yachts...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(transition-time: 35s)[[Wyman's Diner|welcome]]." ]]]](text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Oh, you must be the new bus boy. Hello! I'm the manager and owner of this fine establishment,// (link-reveal: "//Lloyd Wyman.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Here's a rundown of your job, although it should be fairly simple. You're to bus tables. That's it. All the tips customers leave are yours to keep. (text-style: "strike")[It's not like we're paying you much anyways.] You'll be working five days a week, from Monday to Friday. When you feel as though you are done for the day, you may clock out. Just make sure you do your job,// (link-reveal: "//bussing tables.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Oh, and one more thing. Whatever you do, DO NOT enter the kitchen. Only myself and kitchen staff are allowed in there. No ifs, ands, or buts. It's for...// (link-reveal: "//safety reasons...//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Well,// (link-reveal: "//with that being said...//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Welcome to the Wyman's Diner family!//
It's time for your first day at [[work|monday]]. ]]]]]]]]''Monday''
You look around the diner.
(if: $t1 is 0)[A couple is at [[table 1|m1]].] (if: $t2 is 0)[A group of teenagers are at [[table 2|m2]].] (if: $t3 is 0)[A creepy dude is at [[table 3|m3]].] (if: $t1 is 1 and $t2 is 1 and $t3 is 1)[All the tables are clear.]
The manager is standing by the entrance to the [[kitchen|kitchen]].
[[[Clock out|leaving 1]] for the day.]
Money: (print: $money)
(set: $monday to 1)There's a couple sitting accross from each other. They seem to be calling you over.
[[Bus the table|m1-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|monday]].A group of teens are throwing food at each other. They seem to have also made a mystery drink of their own creation.
[[Bus the table|m2-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|monday]].
There's a creepy dude fidgeting in his seat. He's repeating something to himself really fast under his breath. Every so often, he looks around the diner, as if he's trying to hide from someone.
[[Bus the table|m3-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|monday]].
(if: $distraction is 0)[(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //You're not allowed in here, get back to work.//] (if: $distraction is 1 and $clue <= 2)[The kitchen is small, almost cozy.
The [[cook|cook 1]] is at the grilling station.
In the back, there lies a walk-in [[freezer|freezer 1]].] (if: $distraction is 1 and $clue is 3)[The kitchen is small, almost cozy.
The [[cook|cook 1]] is at the grilling station.
In the back, there lies a walk-in [[freezer|freezer 2]].]
(if: $monday is 1)[Go back to the [[counter|monday]]. ] (if: $tuesday is 1 and $distraction is 0)[Go back to the [[counter|tuesday]]. ] (if: $tuesday is 1 and $distraction is 1)[Go back to the [[counter|caught - tu]]. ] (if: $wednesday is 1)[Go back to the [[counter|wednesday]]. ](if: $thursday is 1)[Go back to the [[counter|thursday]]. ] (if: $friday is 1 and $distraction is 0)[Go back to the [[counter|friday]]. ] (if: $friday is 1 and $distraction is 1)[Go back to the [[counter|caught - f]]. ] (text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Get some rest. I'll see you [[tomorrow|next day 1]].//
(set: $t1 to 0) (set: $t2 to 0) (set: $t3 to 0) (set: $monday to 0)''Tuesday''
You look around the diner.
(if: $t1 is 0)[A young woman is at [[table 1|tu1]].] (if: $t2 is 0)[An old lady is at [[table 2|tu2]].] (if: $t3 is 0)[A man reading the bible is at [[table 3|tu3]].] (if: $t3 is 1 and $distraction is 1)[The manager is at table 3.] (if: $t1 is 1 and $t2 is 1 and $t3 is 1 and $distraction is 0)[All the tables are clear.]
(if: $distraction is 0)[The manager is standing by the entrance to the [[kitchen]].] (if: $distraction is 1)[There is nobody by the [[kitchen]].]
[[[Clock out|leaving 2]] for the day.]
Money: (print: $money)
(set: $tuesday to 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Woman*]: //Hi! We were hoping to get our table cleared?//
"(link-reveal: "Yes, absolutely.")["
(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "underline")[*Man*]: //The food was delicious, thank you so much!//
[[Collect tip|monday]]. ]]
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t1 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Teen A*]: //Bruh, this food sucks!//
(text-style: "underline")[*Teen B*]: //Yeah!//
(text-style: "underline")[*Teen C*]: //I know, right! Somethings wrong with this place. C'mon bus boi, clean up this shit.//
"(link-reveal: "Teenagers...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[As the teens leave, one of them stays back for a little bit.
(text-style: "underline")[*Teen D*]: //I'm sorry about them, and the mess we made. Here, take this for your troubles.//
[[Collect tip|monday]]. ]]
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t2 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)// (text-style: "underline")[*Creepy Dude*]: Hey kid, I don't have time for questions, so just listen. I know you're lookin' for your sissy. How? I'm what you call an information broker. I know just about anything about everything about everyone. Or, I can certainly find out about it. Right now, I've got a bit of info on thet sissy of yours.
This info's gonna cost ya 5 bucks, kid. //
(if: $money < 5)[You check all your pockets. You don't seem to have enough. Maybe if you collected more tips...
"Sorry, [[I don't have enough money|goodbye]]." ] (if: $money >= 5)["Uhh... sure, I'll take [[the info|info 1]]."
"Sorry, [[I don't have time|goodbye]]."]
(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: //Alright, kid. Here's what I got. Y'know how employees other, than kitchen staff, aren't allowed in kitchen?//
"(link-reveal: "Yeah...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Well, word on the street's that it's your very own sissy's fault.//
"(link-reveal: "Okay...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//I don't know what she actually did though, but I am confident it's her doin'. Maybe slipped somethin' in the food when nobody's lookin'.//
"(link-reveal: "Anything else?")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Nope! That's all I got, kid.//
(if: $monday is 1)[ "[[Alright, thanks|goodbye]]." ] (if: $wednesday is 1)[ "[[Alright, thanks|goodbye2]]." ] (if: $friday is 1)[ "[[Alright, thanks|goodbye3]]." ] ]]]]]]
(set: $money to it - 5) (set: $clue to it + 1) (text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: //Well kid, looks like my time's up. A guy like me can't stay in one spot for too long, now. I'll be back Wednesday, kid.
Until then!//
Go back to the [[counter|monday]].
(set: $t3 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $broker to 1)(link-reveal: "*alarm")[
New day, another day at [[work|tuesday]]...]The young woman is sitting down by the window, clutching her stomach. She seems to be in pain.
[[Bus the table|tu1-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|tuesday]]. There's an old lady gingerly sipping on a cup of hot coffee. She's bundled up in a lot of warm clothes, even though it's a comfortable 72 degrees.
[[Bus the table|tu2-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|tuesday]]. There's is a man reading the bible. He seems to be bookmarking pages, possibly preparing for a speech.
[[Bus the table|tu3-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|tuesday]]. (text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Get some rest. I'll see you [[tomorrow|next day 2]].//
(set: $t1 to 0) (set: $t2 to 0) (set: $t3 to 0) (set: $tuesday to 0) (set: $distraction to 0)(link-reveal: "*alarm")[
New day, another day at [[work|wednesday]]...]You ask her if she is feeling alright.
(text-style: "underline")[*Young Woman*]: //Oh, I'm alright. Just a little tummy ache. Ow. Might've been something I ate. Thank you for your concern.//
"No worries. Hope you (link-reveal: "feel better.")["
(transition: "dissolve")[The young woman's face starts to contort with pain.
(text-style: "underline")[*Young Woman*]: //Thank you very, ow, much!//
[[Collect tip|tuesday]]. ]]
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t1 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $distraction to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Oh, why, thank you young man. You are so, so kind. Hey, do you know what? You look just like my grandson. Almost to a tee! Oh my goodness, I have to tell you about him. Would you do this poor old lady a favor and lend your ear for a bit? //
Sure, [[lay it on me|story 1]].
Sorry, [[I dont have time|ok boomer]].After you clear his plates, seemingly out of the blue, he begins to preach to the entire restaurant.
(text-style: "underline")[*Preacher*]: //PEOPLE OF WYMAN'S DINER! You are all sinners. Each and everyone of you. Save your soul! Put faith in our lord and savior, Jesus Christ!...//
He continues to shout, causing a ruckus within the diner.
[[Call the manager|distraction 1]].
[[Leave him be|tu3-3]].''Wednesday''
You look around the diner.
(if: $t1 is 0 and $broker is 1)[The information broker is at [[table 1|w1]].] (if: $t1 is 0 and $broker is 0)[A creepy dude is at [[table 1|w1]].] (if: $t2 is 0)[A woman dressed as cinderella at [[table 2|w2]].] (if: $t3 is 0)[A young family of three is at [[table 3|w3]].] (if: $t1 is 1 and $t2 is 1 and $t3 is 1)[All the tables are clear.]
The manager is standing by the entrance to the [[kitchen]].
[[[Clock out|leaving 3]] for the day.]
Money: (print: $money)
(set: $wednesday to 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Well, believe it or not, my grandson is just the best at playing the Fortnite. Oh, he tells me so much about it! One time, he told me he got a// (link-reveal: "//21 kills game.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//I told him killing was bad, but he explained that getting kills was the point of the game and it's how you get the// (link-reveal: "//Victory Royale.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//He says he's the best in the world, and I believe him because he has never, ever, ever lied to me. He always tells the truth, like all good boys do. I remember one time when he was super duper young, he accidentilly tipped over a flower vase.// (link-reveal: "//Oh boy did he cry!//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//But he didn't lie to me, oh no he did not! He came up to me, apologized, and said he would clean it up. Of course, cleaning up broken glass is very, very dangerous, so I instead// (link-reveal: "//cleaned it up for him.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//I couldn't have him cutting his cute little hands! And boy oh boy am I glad he didn't injure his hands, because when he was in the fifth grade, he made the most beautiful ceramic pot// (link-reveal: "//I had ever seen.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Okay, okay, it wasn't the prettiest, and he was super embarassed when he brought it home to show the whole family, but I knew he worked really, really hard on it to just make it// (link-reveal: "//absolutely perfect.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//It was super funny seeing him blush like that. Speaking of funny, oh my goodness, my grandson showed me the funniest video on the YouTubes// (link-reveal: "//the other day.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//You wouldn't believe what happened! It was from his most favorite cartoon show. This guy with white hair – and I kid you not – turned himself into none other than// (link-reveal: "//a pickle!//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Oh my goodness, I could not stop laughing. My grandson is so, so funny, isn't he! Isn't he just wonderful!//
"[[Yes, splendid, even.|big tip]]." ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]](text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Oh, thats too bad. Well, thank you again. You're such a nice, young boy. I'll leave this mint here with your tip. You have yourself a wonderful day! //
[[Collect tip|tuesday]].
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t2 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $distraction to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Well, thank you for listening to what this poor old lady has to say. You're such a nice, young boy. Just like my grandson! I put a little extra in your tip as a thank you. You have yourself a wonderful day! //
[[Collect tip|tuesday]].
(set: $money to it + 15) (set: $t2 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $distraction to 0)(if: $broker is 0)[There's a creepy dude fidgeting in his seat. He's repeating something to himself really fast under his breath. Every so often, he looks around the diner, as if he's trying to hide from someone. ] (if: $broker is 1)[The information broker is fidgeting in his seat. He's repeating whatever new information he's gathered under his breath. Every so often, he looks around the diner, as if he's trying to hide from someone. ]
[[Bus the table|w1-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|wednesday]]. A person cosplaying Cinderella is seated at table 2. She's even missing a glass slipper.
[[Bus the table|w2-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|wednesday]]. There's a baby flinging food at their parents. The mother looks absolutely fuming.
[[Bus the table|w3-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|wednesday]]. (text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Get some rest. I'll see you [[tomorrow|next day 3]].//
(set: $t1 to 0) (set: $t2 to 0) (set: $t3 to 0) (set: $wednesday to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: //Well kid, looks like my time's up. A guy like me can't stay in one spot for too long, now. I'll be back Friday, kid.
Until then!//
Go back to the [[counter|wednesday]].
(set: $t1 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $broker to it + 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: //Well kid, looks like my time's up. A guy like me can't stay in one spot for too long, now. I've been in this town for far too long. People are startin' to notice me...
Kid, it's been good doin' business with you. If you wanna find me, I'll be in the next town over.
But if I don't see you again, best of luck in findin' your sissy.
So long, kid!//
Go back to the [[counter|friday]].
(set: $t3 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $distraction to 0)// (if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 0)[(text-style: "underline")[*Creepy Dude*]: Hey kid, I don't have time for questions so just listen. I know you're lookin' for your sissy. How? I'm what you call an information broker. I know just about anything about everything about everyone. Or, I can certainly find out about it. Right now, I've got a bit of info on thet sissy of yours.] (if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 1)[(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: Hey kid, I still got that info on that sis of yours.] (if: $clue is 1)[(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: Hey kid, I got some brand spankin' new info on your sissy.]
(if: $clue is 0)[Interested?] (if: $clue is 1)[Interested?]
(if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 0)[This info's gonna cost ya 5 bucks, kid.] (if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 1)[The rate's still 5 bucks. Whaddya say?] (if: $clue is 1)[This is gona cost ya a pretty penny. 20 bucks?] //
(if: $clue is 0 and $money < 5)[You check all your pockets. You don't seem to have enough. Maybe if you collected more tips...
"Sorry, [[I don't have enough money|goodbye2]]." ] (if: $clue is 1 and $money < 20)[You check all your pockets. You don't seem to have enough. Maybe if you collected more tips...
"Sorry, [[I don't have enough money|goodbye2]]." ](if: $clue is 0 and $money >= 5)["Uhh... sure, I'll take [[the info|info 1]]." ] (if: $clue is 1 and $money >= 20)["Uhh... sure, I'll take [[the info|info 2]]." ]
(if: $clue is 0 and $money >= 5)["Sorry, [[I don't have time|goodbye2]]."] (if: $clue is 1 and $money >= 20)["Sorry, [[I don't have time|goodbye2]]."]
(text-style: "underline")[*Cinderella*]: //My, oh, my what a handsome prince you'd make! I don't suppose you could escort me to the ball?//
"Sorry, I'm a little (link-reveal: "busy with work...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Ughh... Well shit... I was hoping you could be my ride to the convention...//
"(link-reveal: "You're breaking character...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//It's whatever. Well, I guess it's time for me to hitch a ride. Thanks anyway.//
[[Collect tip|wednesday]]. ]]]]
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t2 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)A piece of flying meat crashes into the mother's forehead.
(text-style: "underline")[*Mother*]: //THANK. YOU. VERY. MUCH. SIR.//
"(link-reveal: "You're welcome...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[Another piece of meat goes flying, this time straight at you.
(text-style: "underline")[*Baby*]: //*giggles//
(text-style: "underline")[*Father*]: //I'm so sorry. It's been a while since we've been here. Our kid liked the food here before, but I guess now he doesn't. The meat does taste a little... different, though. Is it a new recipe?//
"I'm sorry, but I don't know. (link-reveal: "I was only hired a few days ago.")["
(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "underline")[*Father*]: //No worries. Well, thank you very much, and sorry about the mess!//
(text-style: "underline")[*Mother*]: //THANK. YOU.//
[[Collect tip|wednesday]]. ]]]]
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t3 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: //Alright, kid. Here's what I got. Remember I told you how your sissy made it so you employees can't go into the kitchen?//
"(link-reveal: "Yeah...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Well, word on the street's that she peeped into the freezer!//
"(link-reveal: "Okay...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//I got no clue what's in there though. Maybe this place is servin some wierd animal's meat, kinda how like that one Mexican place does. It's uhh... what-cha-ma-call-it... Chipoodle?//
"(link-reveal: "Anything else?")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Nope! That's all I got, kid.//
(if: $wednesday is 1)[ "[[Alright, thanks|goodbye2]]." ] (if: $friday is 1)[ "[[Alright, thanks|goodbye3]]." ] ]]]]]]
(set: $money to it - 20) (set: $clue to it + 1) ''Thursday''
You look around the diner.
A man on his Game Boy is at [[table 1|th1]]. (if: $t2 is 0)[A happy looking couple is at [[table 2|th2]].] (if: $t3 is 0)[A person dressed as the Easter Bunny is at [[table 3|th3]].]
The manager is standing by the entrance to the [[kitchen]].
[[[Clock out|leaving 4]] for the day.] (if: $knife is 1)[
You have a knife.]
Money: (print: $money)
(set: $thursday to 1)''Friday''
You look around the diner.
(if: $t1 is 0)[An old lady is at [[table 1|f1]].] (if: $t2 is 0)[A suspicious looking man is at [[table 2|f2]].] (if: $t2 is 1 and $distraction is 1)[The manager is at table 2.] (if: $t3 is 0 and $broker >= 1)[The information broker is at [[table 3|f3]].] (if: $t3 is 0 and $broker is 0)[A creepy dude is at [[table 3|f3]].] (if: $t1 is 1 and $t2 is 1 and $t3 is 1 and $distraction is 0)[All the tables are clear.]
(if: $distraction is 0)[The manager is standing by the entrance to the [[kitchen]].] (if: $distraction is 1)[There is nobody by the [[kitchen]]. ]
[[[Clock out|leaving 5]] for the day.](if: $knife is 1)[
You have a knife.]
Money: (print: $money)
(set: $friday to 1)(link-reveal: "*alarm")[
New day, another day at [[work|thursday]]...](text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Get some rest. I'll see you [[tomorrow|next day 4]].//
(set: $t1 to 0) (set: $t2 to 0) (set: $t3 to 0) (set: $thursday to 0)(if: $t1 is 0)[The man seems engrossed in his Game Boy. It looks as though he hasn't touched his food yet.
[[Bus the table|th1-2]].] (if: $t1 is 1 and $knife is 0)[The man is happily eating whatever it is he ordered. Really? Sriracha Cream Cheese? Whatever floats his boat.] (if: $t1 is 1 and $knife is 1)[The man looks sad as he continues to play on his Game Boy. He looks really hungry too.
[[Give him knife|knife 3-1]].]
Go back to the [[counter|thursday]]. The happy couple just finished the mean they had been sharing. For some reason, you feel slightly jealous.
[[Bus the table|th2-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|thursday]]. At table 3, there's a guy dressed as the Easter Bunny? It seems as though he picked out only the carrots from his garden salad.
[[Bus the table|th3-2]].
Go back to the [[counter|thursday]]. There's an old lady reading a vintage book. She seems to be struggling, however, as she's squinting with the book right in front of her face.
[[Bus the table|f1-2]]
Go back to the [[counter|friday]]. There is a suspicious man in a tranch coat sitting down. He is looking straight down, muttering something to himself.
[[Bus the table|f2-2]]
Go back to the [[counter|friday]]. (if: $broker is 0)[There's a creepy dude fidgeting in his seat. He's repeating something to himself really fast under his breath. Every so often, he looks around the diner, as if he's trying to hide from someone. ] (if: $broker >= 1)[The information broker is fidgeting in his seat. He's repeating whatever new information he's gathered under his breath. Every so often, he looks around the diner, as if he's trying to hide from someone. ]
[[Bus the table|f3-2]]
Go back to the [[counter|friday]]. (text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Get some rest. I'll see you [[next week|ending 1/2]].//
(set: $t1 to 0) (set: $t2 to 0) (set: $t3 to 0) (set: $friday to 0)(link-reveal: "*alarm")[
New day, another day at [[work|friday]]...](if: $duty >= 10)[You finish your first week on the job, and get very high praise from the manager. But since the information broker will no longer be able to come to the diner, the mystery behind the dissapearance of your sister remains unknown. Maybe if you were able to explore the resturant more... Well, it's no use worrying about it now. Let's aim to become employee of the month!] (if: $duty < 10)[You finished your first week on the job! Buuuuut... you neglected to do most of your duties as a bus boy. You got fired. And they don't want you back. Ever. I guess it's time to move on. Your sister's gone, that's just reality. No use worrying about it now...]
The End. (if: $duty >= 10)[(2/5)] (if: $duty < 10)[(1/5)]
(link: "Play Again?")[(reload:)](text-style: "underline")[*Game Boy Guy*]: //Excuse me, sir. I'm not actually finished eating, rather I haven't even started.
Could I ask you for a knife? There wasn't a knife on the table when I got here.//
"I'll go ask for a knife from the [[kitchen|knife 1]]."(text-style: "underline")[*Woman*]: //Thank you very much. The food was... different... but still very much delicious!//
"What do you mean by (link-reveal: "different?")["
(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "underline")[*Man*]: //It didn't taste like any beef we'd had before. It was unique... But in a very good way. Props to the chef for preparing such a delicious meal.//
(text-style: "underline")[*Woman*]: //Well, we'd better be off. Our honeymoon isn't gonna last forever!//
[[Collect tip|thursday]]. ]]
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t2 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Easter Bunny*]: //Thanks a lot. Here, take an easter egg.//
"(link-reveal: "It's not Easter...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Don't worry about it. This is just a freebie. Most people like you really have to hunt for things like this. //
"(link-reveal: "I don't hunt for eggs anymore...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//No, not you. You.//
"(link-reveal: "...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Nevermind. Your tips inside the egg. I'll see you next year.//
[[Collect tip|thursday]] from the easter egg. ]]]]]]
(set: $money to it + 15) (set: $t3 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)You ask the manager for a knife.
(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //A customer needs a knife?
Sure, no problem!!
Here, take this over to him, will ya?//
"[[Yes sir|knife 2]]."You walk back over to table 1.
(text-style: "underline")[*Game Boy Guy*]: //Hey, did you get that knife for me?//
[[Give him knife|knife 3-1]].
[[Lie to him|knife 3-2]] about the knife.(text-style: "underline")[*Game Boy Guy*]: //Thanks, man! I appreciate it! Now I can finally eat my corned beef hash with sriracha mustard and cream cheese!//
(set: $t1 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $knife to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Game Boy Guy*]: //Aww man... that sucks... If you find one, let me know. Thanks!//
[[No worries|thursday]].
(set: $t1 to 1) (set: $knife to 1)(text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Oh, why, thank you young man. You are so, so kind. Hey, do you know what? I think you would absolutely LOVE my granddaughter. You guys would make such a good couple! Oh my goodness, I have to tell you about her. Would you do this poor old lady a favor and lend your ear for a bit? //
Sure, [[lay it on me|story 2]].
Sorry, [[I dont have time|ok boomer 2]].
(set: $distraction to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Well, first of all, my granddaughter is simply the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. Did you know that she was entered into a// (link-reveal: "//beauty pageant?//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Oh, she was simply gorgeous in that red dress. Quite frankly, I think she looks beautiful in just about// (link-reveal: "//anything!//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//The other day, she went to the beach with her friends. Oh, all the pictures of her and her friends that were posted on the Facebook! She wore this beautiful pink floral bikini and boy, oh, boy, let me tell you. If I were a boy, I'd be// (link-reveal: "//ogling over her!//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Her boobies were simply magnificent! Come to think of it, I think her boobies grew. Before, she told me that she was a B cup. However, the other day, I believe she told me she was a// (link-reveal: "//C cup.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Anyways, if that doesn't sell her to you, then how about this. She is absolutely in love, and I mean IN LOVE, with this so-called Netflix thing. She's // (link-reveal: "//absolutely hooked to it!//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//She watches all kinds of television programs on that laptop computer of hers. The other day, I watched this television drama program with her on the Netflix. But I couldn't understand one word of it because it was all in// (link-reveal: "//a different language. //")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Oh, what was it called... Airplane Crash with You? Oh, I forget. But it was absolutely amazing! It was nothing like the usual// (link-reveal: "//soap operas I watch.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//But what was even better was the fact that she could sing the songs in the Netflix program. I didn't know my own granddaughter could speak the Korean, let alone // (link-reveal: "//sing in it.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Oh my goodness, her voice is absolutely spectacular. You should hear her sing sometime! See, isn't she just the greatest!//
"[[She sounds nice, yes|big tip 2]]." ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]](text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Oh, thats too bad. Well, thank you again. You're such a nice, young boy. I wish you and that cute butt of yours to have a wonderful day! //
[[Collect tip|friday]].
(set: $money to it + 5) (set: $t1 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $distraction to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Old Lady*]: //Well, thank you for listening to what this poor old lady has to say. You're such a nice, young boy, just perfect for my granddaughter! I put a little extra in your tip as a thank you. You and that cute butt of yours have a wonderful day! //
[[Collect tip|friday]].
(set: $money to it + 15) (set: $t1 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $distraction to 0)//(if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 0)[(text-style: "underline")[*Creepy Dude*]: Hey kid, I don't have time for questions so just listen. I know you're lookin' for your sissy. How? I'm what you call an information broker. I know just about anything about everything about everyone. Or, I can certainly find out about it. Right now, I've got a bit of info on thet sissy of yours.] (if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 1)[(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: Hey kid, I still got that info on that sis of yours.] (if: $clue is 1 and $broker is 1)[(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: Hey kid, I got some brand spankin' new info on your sissy.](if: $clue <= 1 and $broker is 2)[(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: Hey kid, I still got that info on that sis of yours.] (if: $clue is 2)[(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: Hey kid, I got some brand spankin' new info on your sissy.]
(if: $clue is 0)[Interested?] (if: $clue is 1)[Interested?] (if: $clue is 2)[Interested?]
(if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 0)[This info's gonna cost ya 5 bucks, kid.] (if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 1)[The rate's still 5 bucks. Whaddya say?](if: $clue is 0 and $broker is 2)[The rate's still 5 bucks. Whaddya say?] (if: $clue is 1 and $broker is 1)[This info's gonna cost ya 20 bucks, kid.] (if: $clue is 1 and $broker is 2)[The rate's still 20 bucks. Whaddya say?] (if: $clue is 2)[This is gona cost ya a pretty penny. 35 bucks?] //
(if: $clue is 0 and $money < 5)[You check all your pockets. You don't seem to have enough. Maybe if you collected more tips...
"Sorry, [[I don't have enough money|goodbye3]]." ] (if: $clue is 1 and $money < 20)[You check all your pockets. You don't seem to have enough. Maybe if you collected more tips...
"Sorry, [[I don't have enough money|goodbye3]]." ] (if: $clue is 2 and $money < 35)[You check all your pockets. You don't seem to have enough. Maybe if you collected more tips...
"Sorry, [[I don't have enough money|goodbye3]]." ] (if: $clue is 0 and $money >= 5)[ "Uhh... sure, I'll take [[the info|info 1]]." ] (if: $clue is 1 and $money >= 20)["Uhh... sure, I'll take [[the info|info 2]]." ] (if: $clue is 2 and $money >= 35)["Uhh... sure, I'll take [[the info|info 3]]." ]
(if: $clue is 0 and $money >= 5)["Sorry, [[I don't have time|goodbye3]]."] (if: $clue is 1 and $money >= 20)["Sorry, [[I don't have time|goodbye3]]."](if: $clue is 2 and $money >= 35)["Sorry, [[I don't have time|goodbye3]]."]
(set: $distraction to 0)(text-style: "underline")[*Broker*]: //Alright, kid. Here's what I got. The last time you saw her was the mornin before work, right?//
"(link-reveal: "Yeah...")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Well, word on the street's that the very last moment she was seen was in this very diner!//
"(link-reveal: "What...?")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Yes, yes! Seems like nobody saw her leave. Maybe she was the closin' shift or somethin', workin' a ton of overtime. I don't know...//
"(link-reveal: "Anything else?")["
(transition: "dissolve")[//Nope! That's all I got, kid.//
"[[Alright, thanks|goodbye3]]." ]]]]]]
(set: $money to it - 35) (set: $clue to it + 1) As you get closer, you can start to make out what he is saying.
(text-style: "underline")[*Suspicious Man*]: //I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. I'm gonna flash the entire place. //
His muttering continuously get louder, and is causing some customers to feel very uncomfortable.
[[Call the manager.|distraction 2]]
[[Leave him be.|f2-3]]You ask the manager to confront the suspicious person.
(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Alright... I'll take care of it. Watch the counter for me, will ya?//
Go back to the [[counter|friday]].
(set: $distraction to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $t2 to 1)Leaving him be seemed a bit dangerous. However, when he finally found the courage to stand up, opened his trench coat and pulled out a DSLR camera from underneath, and started to take candid photos of people within the diner. After 20 or so photos, he quickly left feeling embarrassed.
Looks like he wasn't a pervert, but rather a man with a poor choice of words.
Go back to the [[counter|friday]].
(set: $t2 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)Before you leave, you are greeted by the manager.
(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Hey! Whattya think you're doing in here??
If I catch you in there again, you're done. Finished!
Now, get back to work.//
"[[Yes sir|friday]]."
(set: $distraction to 0) (set: $t2 to 1)You notice a malodorous smell coming from the freezer. Yuck. How old is the meat in there?
You can hear the manager getting ready to come back.
Back to [[kitchen]].You notice a malodorous smell coming from the freezer. Yuck. What's in there?
You can hear the manager getting ready to come back.
Investigate the [[freezer|bodies]].
Back to [[kitchen|kitchen]].When you open the door, you're almost knocked off your feet by the smell. It's dark, and you can (link-reveal: "barely see a thing.")[
(transition: "dissolve")[You walk further in, to get a better look. Intantly, you fall to the cool ground. Fear soars (link-reveal: "throughout your body.")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "Body parts...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[ [[Human body parts...|bodies 2]] ]]]]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[(link-reveal: "...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[ "[[... Alice?|bodies 4]]" ]]]]]]](text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Oh dear, oh dear... Look what you've gone and done...
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "Yes, that's her...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "Your sister...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: " ''Butchered, with the 7 others before her...'' ")[
(transition: "dissolve")[It's a shame, innit? You were such a good, good, good, worker...
(link-reveal: "But now...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "I can fashion you a little 'sibling reunion'...")[
[[Isn't that what you want??|escape 1]] ]]]]]]]]]] //The manager approaches with a murdurous glare.
He pins you to the floor. His firm, muscular fingers wrap tightly around your throat. Chills quickly shoot throughout your body. Panic fills your eyes.
(if: $knife is 1)[You squirm your body frantically, trying to free yourself from the clutches of the manager.
The [[knife|escape 2]] you've been holding onto slides from your waist.] (if: $knife is 0)[(text-style: "shudder")[ (link-reveal: "No...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (text-style: "shudder")[ (link-reveal: "No...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ (text-style: "shudder")[ [[''NO...''|ending 3]] ]]]]]]]]]]
(text-style: "underline")[*Insert Name*]:
(text-style: "shudder")[
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[
(transition: "dissolve")[
(link-reveal: "text")[
The managers cold hands wrap tighter around your throat. You struggle and squirm to no avail. You look up, only to see the manager's menacing grin as he strangles you to death. Your eyelids feel heavy, your limbs fall flat. With no way to protect yourself, you slowly lose consciousness.
(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Looks like we'll have next weeks "special" ready tonight.//
The End. (3/5)
(link: "Play Again?")[(reload:)](text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: (link-reveal: "//You son of a bit–//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[The manager releases you from his clutches, grimacing in pain. Free, you sprint out of the freezer.
You look back, finding the manager clutching his abdomen. He is slowly crawling towards you, leaving a tail of bright red fluid. His leer is piercing.
Close the [[freezer door|lock 1]].
[[Run away|timeskip 1-1]].]]
(set: $knife to 0)In a full sprint, you run faster than you ever have before. Out the door, through the parking lot, and past the long line of yachts.
As you run, you can hear the sounds of screaming customers slowly fade, merging with the sound of waves hitting the [[dock|timeskip 1-2]].
[[One month later...|ending 4]]You quickly close the freezer door, hearing the muffled curses of the manager inside.
For some reason, you can still feel the murdurous aura of Manager Wyman. Even with the door closed, you still have doubts about your (link-reveal: "safety.")[
(transition: "dissolve")[On the door handle, an open brass key lock dangles.
[[Lock the door|lock 2]].
[[Run away|timeskip 1-1]].]]
(text-style: "underline")[*Funeral Celebrant*]: //We are gathered here today to celebrate and honor the memory of// (link-reveal: "//Alice...//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[After the secret was revealed behind Wyman's Diner, it was shut down by local police. However, Manager Lloyd Wyman was nowhere to be found. He was simply gone, leaving not a single trace of his whereabouts.
As you celebrate the life of your beloved sister, you experience a feeling that feels eerily familiar, almost as if someone were maliciously staring at you from a distance...
The End. (4/5)
(link: "Play Again?")[(reload:)] ]]You hastily place the lock on the door. You feel a slight sense of relief, until you hear the sound of approaching footsteps behind you.
(text-style: "underline")[*Cook*]: //Did you just lock the boss in the freezer?
Now, now...
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET MY// (link-reveal: "//MONEY?!?!//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[The cook glares at you with the same malicious intent as the manager. He slowly approaches you, butcher knife in hand.
[[Run away|timeskip 1-1]].
(if: $idea is 1 and $money >= 15)[ [[Bribe the cook|timeskip 2-1]].]]]You speak to the cook, who seems off in his own world flipping burgers.
(text-style: "underline")[*Cook*]: //Man I love my job! Why? Because the boss gives me money!! I'll cook whatever he wants, because money!
(sighs) Money...
I'll do whatever for money...
Anyways, aren't you not supposed to be back here. I suggest getting back to work, or else you might not get any money!//
(set: $idea to 1)You ask the manager to confront the preacher.
(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Alright... I'll take care of it. Watch the counter for me, will ya?//
Go back to the [[counter|tuesday]].
(set: $distraction to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1) (set: $t3 to 1)Leaving him be seemed to be okay. He continued to preach until the moment he walked out the door.
To your surprise, the many customers that found him a nuiscance in the beginning later found him as a leader. Whatever he said, it worked. This was okay, right?
Go back to the [[counter|tuesday]].
(set: $t3 to 1) (set: $duty to it + 1)Before you leave, you are greeted by the manager.
(text-style: "underline")[*Manager*]: //Were you in the kitchen?
You know you're not supposed to be in there, right?
This is a warning. Don't go in there again.//
"[[Yes sir|tuesday]]."
(set: $distraction to 0) (set: $t3 to 1)You offer the cook a measly 15 dollars to spare your (link-reveal: "life...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "underline")[*Cook*]: //Y-You...// (link-reveal: "//You...//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "//You're giving me money?//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[//Well... alright then...//
(link-reveal: "//I'll let you go.//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "strike")[//It's more than what the boss gives me anyway...//]
The cook drops the knife, and softly smiles at the money you gave him. Before he can change his mind, [[you flee the diner|timeskip 2-2]].]]]]]]]][[One month later...|ending 5-1]](text-style: "underline")[*Funeral Celebrant*]: //We are gathered here today to celebrate and honor the memory of// (link-reveal: "//Alice...//")[
(transition: "dissolve")[You reported the diner and their practices to the local authorities. Lloyd Wyman was sent to prison, sentanced to life for the murder of 8 people.
As you celebrate the life of your beloved sister, you experience a feeling that feels (link-reveal: "eerily familiar.")[
(transition: "dissolve")[''The warmth of your late'' (link-reveal: "''sister's embrace.''")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(transition-time: 35s)[["Rest easy, Alice..."| ending 5-2]] ]]]]]]
The End.
Thank you for playing.Some arms, legs, fingers, (link-reveal: "a torso...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[And (link-reveal: "looking right at you...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "A head...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(text-style: "shudder")["(link-reveal: "Is that?...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-reveal: "No...")[
(transition: "dissolve")[[[It can't be...|bodies 3]]" ]]]]]]]]]]]