You are a captive, along with many others, on an intergalactic transport of unknown origin. You wake up from cryo-freeze early and find yourself to be the only prisoner to be awake. You are in the middle of a long hallway.
Go [[Left]] or [[Right]].You jump out of your pod and head left. In the middle of the hallway there is a wrench and you pick it up. You peek around the corner and see a man facing you in the middle of the ship.
[[Approach|Approach Left]] him or [[turn around]]You head to the right down the hall. You peek around the corner and see the back of a man's head standing in the middle of the ship.
[[Approach|Approach Right]] or [[Subdue]].You turn around and head down the other way. Unfortunately, you end up in the exactly same place and with a closer look the man seems to be a guard. But hey, he isn't looking your way and you have a fancy new wrench...
[[Kill]] or [[Subdue]].You sneak up and perform your gnarliest headlock and choke him out. He initially struggled then lay motionless after a few seconds. You're sure his is human but something about him was different. You frantically search him for anything useful, but all he was wearing was a standard issue jumpsuit. Just before you check up his sleeves, you notice a strange marking on his palm.
[[Check it Out]] or [[Hide the Body]]Screw morals, you bop the guard on the top of his head with your wrench and he either has serious brain damage or is dead. You grab the guards communicator and make a decision where to go next.
[[Forward]] or [[Backward]]Go through the door closest to the bridge and you find yourself face to face with a majority of the ships guards. They look just like the last guard you encountered, but bigger and with even less life to them. You are shot, tackled, and mind-warped on sight.
[[THE END]].You decide that heading toward the bridge probably isn't a good idea. Just as you are about to head away you get a message from your communicator:
"Oi, it's Captn JC with the Space Raiders. I need you to help me out. Open pod #213 and take him with you. I'm hiding in the nearby astroid belt and I'll help you get off this shithole."
[[Help]] or [[Go Solo]].You tell the pirate to screw himself and hang up. You have better things to [[do]].You violently rush the generator engineer with baby in hand and your wrench in the other. Unfortunately before you even get to him, the baby begins crying due to the unexpected turbulence. The engineer notices and scrables for his gun.
You yell "WAIT, I KHOW-" as you place the baby down safely and raise your hands above your head.
The engineer closes his eyes as if he had never used his gun before and pulls the trigger. The last thing you see is a bolt of electricy heading toward you as your vision fades to black.
[[THE END]]Down the ladder you find a series of [[escape]] pods! You both use them and blast away from the transport.
YOU WIN! (sneaky escape)
[[restart?|THE END]] After going thorugh the door you come across the generator room. The only problem, is there is someone in it.
[[Rush]]You violently rush the generator engineer with your bloody wrench. Before you even get to him, he was out cold from shock. While searching around for anything useful, you find a [[small ladder]] going down. Down the ladder you find a series of escape pods-- you're free!!
You enthusiastically enter one [[launch]].With the click of a button you are launched straight into the ships shield, dying almost instantly.
[[THE END]].You walk up to the man. As you draw closer, you begin to notice things about him. He is not moving like a normal person. In fact, he is not moving at all. He is completely frozen in place. His skin has almost no life to it and is closer to grey than anything else. You approach him, but before you could even get in arms length he turns toward you and stares you down-- his eyes are glowing a faint blue. You lock eyes with him and being to feel extremely cold. Whatever is controling this guy is also entering you, but you can't seem to look away. The cold begins to feel nice and you stop all resistance. Your vision fades to black.
[[THE END]]You walk up to the man. As you draw closer, you begin to notice things about him. His eyes, hazed and unfocused, look as if there is no mind within the shell of his body. Because of your nonchalant approach, you are instantly noticed and from a almost motionless state he dashes at you and throws you to the ground. You lock eyes with him and being to feel extremely cold. Whatever is controling this guy is also entering you, but you can't seem to look away. The cold begins to feel nice. Your vision fades to black.
[[THE END]]Heck yes, you check it out!
Those look like some secret powers waiting to be unleshed. You touch the palm of his hand and it begins to glow a dark purple. Dark energy courses through your body. Your favorite hand begins to burn and you notice the same symbol being burned onto your palm. You have new senses. You can see things that you couldn't see before. There are other people on this ship like you and they're coming.
[[Block the Door]] or [[Hide]]Screw him and his stupid tattoo, you don't have time for that!
Immediately after subduing the guard you pick him up, take his communicator, and hide him in your old cryo-pod. After you close the door he instantly freezes over.
Now that your free of the guard you have two options:
[[Head Forward|Forward]] or [[Head Backward|Backward]]On the ground you find a small pipe and jam it between the two door handles. A couple seconds later there's hard banging on the doors. Your new found abilities are powerful but you haven't had a chance to practice with them. A voice in your head is urging you to accept them, but it's hard to tell if that is voice is you or something else. Either way, that pipe isn't going to last long.
[[Fight it]] or [[Accept it]].Maybe if you just hide in you pod again they won't suspect a thing. Before anyone sees you, you run back into your pod to hide. Unfortunately for you, closing the door re-enables cyro-freeze. You refreeze and spend the rest of your life in space prison wishing you hadn't been such an idiot.
[[THE END]] You fight against the dark energy within you and suppress it for the time being. The others are going to break through any moment. You need to create a [[Distraction]].You accept the dark energy and you completely lose control. The rest of the crew burst through the door. You try to use you powers.
[[Crush|Mind Control]] or [[Mind Control|Crush]]Out of pure panic, you open everyone elses pods as a distraction. Just as all of the prisoners had regained conciousness, the entire ships crew bursts through the once baracaded door and a brawl beings. Time to test out your powers.
[[Mind Control|power1]]
[[Crush|power2]]You accept the deal and open the pod as instructed and inside you find a baby boy. Another message comes through your communicator:
"Okay, now go to the back of the ship and disable to [[shield generator]]. Also, if anything happens to him your dead."After going through the door you come across the generator room. The only problem, is there is someone in it.
[[Attack]] or [[Scope out the situation]]With further inspection, the person in the generator room is not like the guard. He is wearing a white lab coat and is head down in work. Is he safe to talk to?
[[Attack]] or [[Approach|Approach Sci.]]You yell wisper to get the engineer's attention. He quickly inhales and immediately stands up looking where the sound came from.
"I-I don't want any trouble. I'm doing exactly what you told me to do." he replied "Who-Who's there?"
You [[come out from hiding]].The engineer tries his best to hide a scream, but with a baby in your arms it's clear that you're no threat to him.
"Look" you explain "I can get us off of here, but I need your help. I need you to disable the shield generator."
"Won't they notice?" he replies "You don't know what they do to people on here."
[["Trust me it'll be quick! We'll be out before they even notice."|convince]]
[["This baby has an accociation with the Space Raiders. Do you really want to mess with them?"]]"Okay fine, so what's the plan?"
"That's a good questionnn." you remark, talking to the captain over your communicator.
"Right right ye impatient bawsterds. Behind the generator be a hidden ladder under the floorboards. [[Go down]] and there be a secret escape pod. Disable the shields before or else you'll be blown to smithereens!The engineer shuts down the shields and you head down the hidden [[ladder]] you found under a floor panel."THE SPACE RAIDERS!! How are they any better than these guys??"
[["I have a hunch it's the captains son. Maybe pirates can love after all. :)|convince]]You attempt to mind-control the enemies, but you miscast and use crush! You not only crush their guns, but them and the entire ship as well!
[[THE END]].You attempt to crush the enemies, but you miscast and use mind-control! Lucky for you, it worked! The guards now submit to your every command, but it's beginning to feel like your not the one making the decisions. You mind control the rest of the people on the ship and completely lose touch with your old self. You land the ship on a near by planet and soon enough you become the first hivemind.
You win? (hivemind ending?)
[[restart?|THE END]]You attempt to mind control the enemies, but they are too powerful for a beginner like you and easily deflect your attack.
[[Crush|power2]]You try to crush the guards, but your are only strong enough to crush their guns. Despite this, your actions definitely helped in the effort to defeat the lifeless enemy crew. With only a few prisoners killed and the guards defeated, you deem that battle a [[success]]!You lead the prisoners toward the bridge and grab a couple guns from the armoury while you're at it. You storm the bridge and blast the alien mind controling all of the humans!
YOU WIN! (action ending)
[[restart?|THE END]]