[[Open Your Eyes]]
As you open your eyes, you notice something’s not quite right…You’re not your bed…In fact, you don't seem to be anywhere. You look down to where you woke up from. The floors are a deep black. So deep you’re not quite sure that the floor is actually there. The air is thick with a dark-grey haze that stretches over an empty void far and beyond the eye’s reach. You...
[[Clutch Your Teddy Bear]]
[[Look Around]]
[[Stay Put]]You gather all your remaining courage and start to walk through the void.
[[Continue to Walk->Puddle]]
(set: $hasWater to 'f')
(set: $hubViewed to 'f')
(set: $Door to 'f')
(set: $hasSeed to 'f')
(set: $hasPlanted to 'f') You stay where you are. Your father always said to stay where you were when your lost.
[[Continue to Stay]]
[[Walk->Walk]](if: $puddleViewed is not 't')[As you continue to walk, you notice a [[small puddle]]. Two small water drops are dripping rhythmically into the puddle from above.] (if: $puddleViewed is 't')[A [[small puddle]]. Two small water drops are dripping rhythmically into the puddle from above.]
(if: $hubViewed is 't') [[[Go Back->Void Hub]]] (if: $hubViewed is 'f') [[Continue to Walk->Void Hub]]A small puddle with two contant water drops coming from above. For some reason it makes you sad.
(set: $puddleViewed to 't')
[[Stop Looking->Puddle]]
(if: $hasPlanted is 't' and $hasWater is 'f') [[[Take Water->Take Water]]](if: $hasPlanted is 'f' and $Door is 'f' and $seedViewed is not 't')[While you continue to walk through the endlessly in an unknown direction, something catches your eye. It's a small patch of white soil.](if: $hasPlanted is 'f' and $Door is 'f' and $seedViewed is 't')[A small patch of pure white soil.](if: $hasPlanted is 't' and $Door is 'f')[A seed planted in shining soil. It looks thirsty.](if: $Door is 't')[A [[small plant]] with two fruits.]
(if: $Door is 'f')[[[Go to Puddle->Puddle]]] (if: $Door is 't')[<span class='gold'>[[Eat the Shining Fruit->Desert]]</span>]
(if: $hasSeed is 'f' and $hasPlanted is 'f')[[[Continue to Walk->Road to Seed]]](if: $hasSeed is 't' and $hasPlanted is 'f') [[[Plant Seed->[Plant Seed]]] (if: $hasWater is 't' and $Door is 'f') [[[Water Seed->Water Seed]]](if: $Door is 't')[<span class='silver'>[[Eat the Pale Fruit->Space]]</span>]
(set: $puddleViewed to 't')
(set: $hubViewed to 't') You cup your hands and dip them into the puddle.
[[Step Away->small puddle]]
(set: $hasWater to 't')
You eat the Shining Fruit. Your eyes become invaded with sleep as your mind drifts away.
[[Fight to Stay Awake->Stay AwakeDes]]You continue to in the same direction for what seems like hours. But as you walk a bright yellow light begins to shine in the distance.
[[Move Towards it->Seed]]You gradually get closer to the light. When you finally reach the source of the glow, you look down to what seems to be a [[seed->Seed Inspection]].
[[Pick Up the Seed]]
(set: $seedViewed to 't')A bright, glowing seed. The color reminds you of the sun.
[[Look Back->Seed]]You pick up the seed.
(set: $hasSeed to 't')
[[Return->Void Hub]] You tucked the seed under the shimmering dirt. It reminds you of the times you planted flowers in the back of your house. You decide that's the first thing to do that when you get back home.
(set: $hasPlanted to 't')
[[Stand Up->Void Hub]]You drip the water cupped in your hands onto the shimmering soil. The soils begins to vibrate.
[[Stand Back->Door]] A tiny sprout with golden leaves springs from the soil.
[[Wait]]The sprout continues to spread, its roots begin to spread upwards.
[[Continue to Wait]]The roots fan apart forming two branches. One fruit hangs from each branch.
(set: $Door to 't')
[[Step Away->Void Hub]]A small plant with two hanging fruits. You grew it yourself! One is [the color of the sun]. The other is [as pale as the moon].
[[Look Away->Void Hub]] You eat the Pale Fruit. Your eyes become invaded with sleep as your mind drifts away.
[[Fight to Stay Awake->Stay AwakeMon]]You embrace the sensation and are wisped away by sleep.
[[Open Your Eyes->Shuttle]]You fight to stay awake, but the drowsiness is overwhelming.
[[Continue to Try->Stay AwakeMon]](if: $shut is not 't')[You open your eyes to new surroundings.] You lie on a bed in what seems to be a cramped [[space shuttle]]. A vast amount of complex machinery surrounds you. a small potted plant with a <span class='grey'>[[jet-black fruit->jet-black fruit moon]]</span> sits in a glass container. A small cage sits over a [[window]]. An air-tight door leads to outside the shuttle.
[[Look at Cage]]
[[Go Outside]]You embrace the sensation and are wisped away by sleep.
[[Open Your Eyes->Desert Plaine]]You fight to stay awake, but the drowsiness is overwhelming.
[[Continue to Try->Stay AwakeDes]](if: $des is not 't')[You open your eyes to new surroundings.] A small oasis sits in the middle of a vast desert. A small tree with a <span class='grey'>[[jet-black fruit->jet-black fruit des]]</span> sits over a pond. A [[small patch of berries]] sits under the shade of the tree.
[[Walk Into the Desert]]
A jet-black fruit...
<span class='grey'>[[Eat the Fruit->Eat Void Fruit]]</span>
[[Look Away->Desert Plaine]]You eat the Jet-Black Fruit. Your eyes become invaded with sleep as your mind drifts away.
[[Fight to Stay Awake->Stay AwakeVoid]]You embrace the sensation and are wisped away by sleep.
[[Open Your Eyes->Void Hub]]You fight to stay awake, but the drowsiness is overwhelming.
[[Continue to Try->Stay AwakeVoid]](if: $helmet is not 't')[A jet-black fruit...] (if: $helmet is 't')[A jet-black fruit with wilted leaves, you could've sworn you've seen it somewhere but you can't quite remember.]
(if: $helmet is not 't')[<span class='grey'>[[Eat the Fruit->Eat Void Fruit]]</span>]
[[Look Away->Shuttle]]You walk into the desert. The sand feels oddly cold under your feet.
(set: $des to 't')
[[Continue to Walk]](if: $buddyViewed is not 't')[You continue to walk into the desert.] A [[caravan->caravan description]] can be seen close from where you are.
[[Go Back to Oasis->Desert Plaine]]
[[Travel to the Caravan->caravan]]
(if: $buddyViewed is not 't')[[[Continue to Walk->Continue to Walk 2]]] (if: $buddyViewed is 't') [[[Travel to Animal->Continue to Walk 2]]](if: $gaveBuddy is not 't')[A small caravan of two [[small robed figures]] standing over a dead animal. It's tied to the front of their cart...] (if: $gaveBuddy is 't') [A small caravan of two [[small robed figures]] on a cart. Your animal friend is tied to the cart.]
[[Walk Back->Continue to Walk]]
(if: $gaveBuddy is not 't' and $buddy is not 't')[[[Ask What is Wrong?->Ask What is Wrong?]]] (if: $gaveBuddy is not 't' and $buddy is 't') [[[Give Your Animal Friend->Give Animal]]](if: $gaveBuddy is 't')[[[Ask to Travel inside the Cart->Ask Cart]]]
Two figures no larger than a you are staring a a dead animal of some kind. They are wearing dark red robes.
[[Look Back->caravan]]You wave at the figures. They notice you. They didn't return the gesture...
(set: $waved to 't')
[[Look Away in Disappointment->caravan]] They both silently stare at you. They point to the animal that lies still on the desert floor.
[[Step Away->caravan]]
You give your new animal friend over to the figures. They tie it to the end of their cart.
(set: $gaveBuddy to 't')
[[Back->caravan]] You ask to take a ride into the cart. The figures nod.
[[Get Inside the Cart]]You ride inside the cart. While you ride, you take in the desert scenery that surrounds you.
[[Sleep->Cart Sleep]]
[[Wait Inside the Cart->Cart 1]]You lie down inside the cart and drift to sleep.
[[Open Your Eyes->Temple-Sleep]]You wait patiently in the cart.
[[Sleep->Cart Sleep]]
[[Continue to Wait->Cart 2]]As you continue to wait in the cart, you notice some shards of glass that can bee seen gleaming under the sand far in the distance.
[[Sleep->Cart Sleep]]
[[Continue to Wait->Cart 3]]As the cart continues to move forwards, the disjointed shards become more and more frequent. They look like pieces of a broken mirror.
[[Sleep->Cart Sleep]]
[[Continue to Wait->Cart 4]]Soon the pieces of glass begin to appear intact. And mirrors stand straight up as far as the eye can see.
[[Sleep->Cart Sleep]]
[[Continue to Wait->Cart 5]]
[[Travel to the Mirrors]](if: $brokenMirror is not 't')[You run up to the mirrors. The large mirrors are lined up and seem to span and endless distance.] (if: $brokenMirror is 't')[Large mirrors lined spanning and endless distance. A small gap can be spotted in the line.]
[[Go Back to Cart->Cart 4]]
(if: $brokenMirror is not 't')[[Take a Mirror]]Before you even realised, the scenery around you changes from a harsh desert, to a lush jungle full of green and the sounds of life. In the distance you can see a large stone temple, covered in moss.
[[Go to the Temple->Temple]]You press your hand againt one of the giant mirrors and push with all your might. It falls backwards and shatters.
(set: $brokenMirror to 't')
[[Pick Up a Small Piece]]
[[Step Away->Travel to the Mirrors]]You pick up a small, square piece of the mirror and put it away.
(set: $Shard to 't')
[[Step Away->Travel to the Mirrors]]A temple stands alone, hidden in the jungle. It looks ancient. the caravan drops you off at the entrance and leaves for their long journey back.
[[Go Into the Temple->Temple Entrance]]
(if: $waved2 is not 't')[[[Wave Goodbye->Wave Goodbye]]]
A small cart with two robed figures near it.
[[Look Away->Continue to Walk]](if: $buddy is not 't') [As you continue to walk through the desert, you come across a large patch of grass. It looks as though there's a large animal in the bush. It seems to be searching for food. It looks scary...](if: $buddy is 't') [A large patch of grass.]
(set: $buddyViewed to 't')
[[Go Back->Continue to Walk]]
(if: $mouse is 't' and $buddy is not 't')[[Give Mouse]]A small bush of crimson red berries.
[[Look Back->Desert Plaine]]
(if: $berry is not 't') [[Take a Berry]]You take a berry and put it away.
(set: $berry to 't')
[[Step Back->Desert Plaine]] You work up the courage and give your mouse to the animal. You...
[[Look Away]](if: $mouse is not 't')[A small mouse scuttering inside a cage. Rotten berries litter the bottom of the cage. ] (if: $mouse is 't')[An empty cage...]
(if: $berry is 't' and $mouse is not 't')[[[Give Berry->Give Berry]]](if: $helmet is not 't')[Astronauts can't go outside without their helmet...] (if: $helmet is 't')[You turn the handle to open the door to the space shuttle. You hear the hiss of air as the pressure releases.]
(if: $helmet is not 't')[[[Go Back->Shuttle]]] (if: $helmet is 't') [[[Step Outside->Outside Space]]]
(set: $shut to 't')
You place a berry at the front of the entrance to the cage. The mouse scurries to grab it. You catch the mouse while it's eating the berry.
(set: $mouse to 't')
[[Back->Look at Cage]] As you take your first step off the shuttle, you feel the weight escape from your entire body. You begin to float out into space. Galaxies twinkle at you from the distance.
[[Swim to the Galaxies->Next]]You swim towards the galaxies. <pre>
(css: "font-size: 400%;")[[[*->*]] [[*]]
[[*]] [[*]]
No matter how long you move, you never feel tired. You feel as though you could keep cutting through space endlessly if you wanted to. But something is nagging at you…
[[Clutch your Teddy Bear->Clutch]]
[[Ignore it and Continue to Swim->Continue to Swim]]You clutch the plush bear that your father made for your last birthday. What was its name again...?
[[Back->Open Your Eyes]] Nothing but darkness as far as the eye can see.
[[Back->Open Your Eyes]]In your fear you continue to stay put...
[[Continue to Stay]]
[[Walk->Walk]]A cramped space shuttle, just like the ones you read about in books. You don't understand what they mean, but the pictures were cool!
[[Back->Shuttle]] A small window to the outside. The scenery reminds you of the moon.
[[Back->Shuttle]] You watch as the large animal devours your mouse friend. Afterward, the large animal seems to be less wary of you.
(set: $buddy to 't')
[[The Circle of Life ->Continue to Walk]] You close your eyes for a moment. When you open them, the animal seems less wary of you. You close your eyes for a moment. When you open them, the animal seems less wary of you. Your mouse friend is gone...
(set: $buddy to 't')
[[You Monster->Continue to Walk]] When you open your eyes, you notice that the scenery around you has changed from a harsh desert, to a lush jungle full of green and the sounds of life. In the distance you can see a large stone temple, covered in moss.
[[Go to the Temple->Temple]](if: $waved is not 't')[You turn to face in the robed figures' direction, they begin to shrink as the distance between you grows. You wave goodbye as they fade out of sight. They didn't return the gesture...] (if: $waved is 't')[You turn to face in the robed figures' direction, they begin to shrink as the distance between you grows. You wave goodbye as they fade out of sight. Although subtle, you could've sworn that one of them waved back...]
(set: $waved2 to 't')
[[Look Back->Temple]](if: $Temp2 is not 't') [You begin the climb the massive steps up towards the temple's large entrance. Once inside you approach a corridor with large doors blocking access to the room across from the entrance. There are two corridors in either direction. A large hole can be seen in the ceiling.] (if: $Temp2 is 't')[The Temple Entrance. A large hole (if: $useRope is 't')[with a string leading down to the ground] can be seen in the ceiling.]
[[Go to Large Doors]]
[[Go Down the Right Corridor->Spider]]
[[Go Down the Left Corridor->Trap]]
(if: $rope is 't' and $useRope is not 't')[[[Use Web->Climb Rope]]] (if: $rope is 't' and $useRope is 't')[[[Climb Web->Plank Room]]]Two massive doors confront you. There seems to be a keyhole on the front of them.
(set: $Temp2 to't')
[[Back->Temple Entrance]]
(if: $key is 't')[[[Unlock->Unlock]]](if: $key is not 't')[A [[large spider]] nested in it's [[web]] blocks the path...] (if: $key is 't')[What remains of a spider's web...]
(if: $key is not 't')[[[Run to Entrance->Temple Entrance]]](if: $key is 't')[[[Go to Entrance->Temple Entrance]]]
(if: $torch is 't' and $key is not 't')[[[Run at the Spider With Your Torch->Spider Run]]
[[Burn the Spider's Web->Torch Web]]
(set: $Temp2 to't')You swing the web around in a circular motion and toss it up towards the hole in the ceiling. The sticky end of the web fastenst it down so you can safely climb up.
(set: $useRope to 't')
[[Continue->Plank Room]](if: $torch is not 't')[A large pit stands between you and a glowing light on the other side. You should find some way across.] (if: $torch is 't')[A large pit that you shuffled across. The board you walked across seems to have vanished, perhaps it fell...]
(set: $Temp2 to't')
[[Go to Entrance->Temple Entrance]]
(if: $plank is 't' and $torch is not 't')[[[Use Plank to Bridge the Gap->Torch]]]You took the Wooden Plank
(set: $plank to 't')
[[Back->Temple Entrance]]You insert the moss-covered key into the keyhole and turn. You hear a large clicking sound.
[[Step Back->Treasure Room]]You put the plank you found earlier across the pit and nervously shuffle across. After making it across the gap, you head to investigate the source of the light. At the end of the dingy corridor, a single torch rests on a moss-covered wall.
[[Pick Up Torch]]You picked up the torch.
(set: $torch to 't')
[[Travel Back to the Entrance->Temple Entrance]]You run at full sprint towards the spider with your lit torch in hand. You scream and flail the torch as you run. The spider gets startled and flees to a deeper part of the temple.
[[Continue->Key]]You go over to where the spider was nested. A large moss-covered key lays on what's left of the spider's web.
[[Pick up Key]]You hold your torch up to a tread of the spider's web. It catches fire and starts to spread. The spider gets startled and flees to a deeper part of the temple.
[[Continue->Key]]You pick up the large moss-covered key.
(set: $key to 't')
[[Travel Back to the Entrance->Temple Entrance]]Without you even having to push, the doors begin to open outwards. As they fan out to the sides, they reveal a large vault filled to the brim with treasures of all kinds. But in the middle of the pile, set atop its own pedestal, A small helmet sits bathed in moonlight from an opening above.
[[Go to Helmet]]You walk up to the helmet to take a closer look. It looks to be the same helmet that astronauts wear.
[[Take the Helmet]]You take the helmet and put it on. As soon as you wear it, your eyes become overwhelemed with drowsiness.
(set: $helmet to 't')
[[Sleep->SleepMon]]A Large web with a spider resting on it.
(if: $rope is not 't')[[[Take a Piece of the Web->Take Web]]]You carefully pluck a long, loose fiber from one of the many webs lining the corridor. The spider didn't seem to notice...
(set: $rope to 't')
[[Back->Spider]]A large spider. You hate spiders...
[[back->Spider]](if: $plank is not 't')[A wooden plank is sitting in the cramped attic of the temple...](if: $plank is 't')[An empty crawl space...]
[[Go to Entrance->Temple Entrance]]
(if: $plank is not 't')[[[Take Wooden Plank->Take Wooden Plank]]]You clutch an empty fist...what was in your hand before, again?
[[Try to Remember What it Was]]
[[Igonore Your Worries and Continue to Swim->Continue to Swim]] No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to remember what it was.
[[Who Gave it to You?]]
[[Igonore Your Worries and Continue to Swim->Continue to Swim]] You can't seem to remember who gave it to you either…What was your name again?
[[Igonore Your Worries and Continue to Swim->Continue to Swim]] You continue to swim into the endless galaxy in front of you. The constant rowing motion lulls your mind. Your eyes begin to feel heavy.
[[Close Your Eyes...->Credits]]In your confusion and fear you yell. you yell and yell but no sound escapes your mouth. Your body seems to be moving on it’s own at this point. You try as hard as you can but you can’t control your muscles!
[[Yell->Yell2]]You Yell the first thing that comes to mind.
This time sound comes out. You yell it over and over again hoping someone will hear you.
[[Wake Up]]You jolt awake. Your little brown bear lays tightly in your arms. Your father has his head laying across your legs. He’s asleep. The clock reads 4:00 AM.
[[Close Your Eyes->Credits]]Thanks for playing!
Game by Lachlan Diaz
University of California Santa Cruz.