Six months ago I graduated Basic training at the [[Super Hero Academy]]. It was a rigorous training experience, we trained hard under coach [[MegaMax]] to build up our strength, abilities, and hero know-how. I trained my hardest every day for [[two years]], up until our [[graduation day]].
The Super Hero Academy was founded by the government when the [[SUPER machine]] was first invented. The goal of the school is to train students so they have the basic knowledge, combat skills, and morals needed to become a hero.MegaMax is a retired superhero with the power to grow to up to 20 times their original size! He was at one point the 3rd highest ranked hero in the country!
I first entered into the SHA two years and six months ago. I loved my time there, I met so many great people, who have turned out to be even greater heroes! I enrolled at SHA because I had the vision of becoming a world-class super hero, ever since I was a [[child]].After completing the two-year-long basic training, students who pass the final physical exam graduate, and finally receive their powers. Powers are assigned by what has become the most important invention in all of human history, the [[SUPER machine]].
Ever since I was a [[child]] I've wanted to be a hero. To be among some of the greats like [[Windstorm]], [[The Seven Seas]], and the number one hero, [[Larry]].
I was up on the stage, in front of all my peers, family, and friends. MegaMax motioned me towards the SUPER machine. I took a deep breath and [[Stepped in]].The SUPER machine stands for Super Ultimate Power Extrapolation Resonator. It was invented by an American scientist in 20XX. The machine gives people superpowers based on what it deems suitable for them. Though it was first created to make an army of superhumans to stop crime and war across the world. At some point evil-doers got their hands on the technology and now we have the classic Superhero vs. Supervillain thing going on.I've always wanted to become a hero, I mean heck, who didn’t as a kid? There really is no cooler job than getting your own super powers! I would see these Heros on TV and in the city, and I would look on in awe at their power and heroic acts. I wanted more than anything to become like then. Plus this one time some asshole villain called [[The Dogman]] brainwashed my dog into helping him rob a convince store, after that I never saw my dog again.A supervillain with the power to telepathically control dogs. Commands an army of mind-controlled mutts to rob convenience stores and the occasional PetCo.
A Hero with the power to control winds. He flights around on gusts of air and sweeps up his foes in powerful tornadoes.A pirate-themed hero who can shoot jets of water from his feet and hands. He also wields a cutlass and a blunderbuss. They also are dressed like a badass pirate. Ironically, though, he is a good guy and doesn’t do anything remotely pirate-like such as pillaging and whatnot.The number one hero in the world. Normally the SUPER machine only assigns people one power, maybe if their lucky two, or in rare cases even three. But Larry? Dude got EIGHT powers. ''EIGHT''!!
The power of:
X-Ray Vision
Super Strength
Hypersensitive hearing
Sonic Snapping
and the power to eat really really spicy foods.As I stepped into the machine I thought hard on what I truly wanted from my power.
[[The power to dominate my enemies]]
[[The power to help others]]
[[The power to control the battlefield]]
''Editor note:'' This part of the game determines your superpower. Each power provides a different outcome to each situation. So return back here later to see the different outcomes with all the different powers!But then I stepped out of the machine, and instead of some cool power like the ability to heal others’ wounds or fly around rescuing babies from burning buildings. I got the ability to control milk with my mind, yea like a waterbender but 100 times more lame. Like, what the hell kinda power is that, most embarrassing day of my life.
So anyways, here I am 6 months later. No agency has hired me, they all just laugh at me. But I won’t let that stop me, even if I have to do it alone, I can still become a [[respected hero]]!
''//Power Get! Milk Bending//''
(set: $power to "Milk Bending")But then I stepped out of the machine, and instead of some cool power like the ability to terraform the Earth with my mind or shoot webs from my hand. I got the ability to summon wet cardboard out of thin air. WET CARDBOARD, like, what the hell kinda power is that? Most embarrassing day of my life.
So anyways, here I am six months later. No agency has hired me, they all just laugh at me. But I won’t let that stop me, even if I have to do it alone, I can still become a [[respected hero]]!
''//Power Get! Cardboardomancy//''
(set: $power to "Cardboardomancy")But then I stepped out of the machine, and instead of some cool power like super strength, or telekinesis. I got the ability to just make people really confused, like, is that even really a power? Most embarrassing day of my life.
So anyway, here I am 6 months later. No agency has hired me, most of the time they just become confused as to why I'm even there in the first place. The problem with my power is that I can't even control it, I just confuse everyone all the time. But I won’t let that stop me, even if I have to do it alone, I can still become a [[respected hero]]!
''//Power Get! Confusing Influence//''
(set: $power to "Confusing Influence")
If I'm going to become a real respected hero, then I’ll have to Increase my [[approval rating]]. Luckily, the other day at the thrift store I saw a radio transceiver on sale! So I picked it up and tuned in to some of the local [[hero request]] stations. However, with no hero agency backing me, I can't really take on any big threats, only big name heroes get those. So I'll have to start with the calls no other heroes want. They won’t increase my Approval rating much, but hey its a start.
Today as I ate my breakfast, I heard three requests small enough that other heroes likely won’t respond to.
[[A drunk man making a ruckus in the local park]]
[[Help an old lady cross the street]]
[[Someone littering on the side of the road]]
//Power: $power
Approval Rating: $AR//
(set: $AR to 0)
''EDITOR NOTE:'' Each of these paths will either have good, bad or just okay outcomes. These outcomes will affect your approval rating.In a world with superheroes, cops aren't really needed. So what used to be the police force is now more of just a criminal retrieval team, taking in the bad guys after the heroes deal with em. Now when someone’s in trouble, their request is sent out to a station all heroes can access. But because all the big cases are taken, that leaves only little ones nobody wants to deal with for me...Each hero is measured by their Approval rating, the higher the rating, the more respected you are, and the bigger cases you get. The biggest heroes have approval ratings as high as 5,000 or more!//Power: $power
Approval Rating: $AR//
When I arrive at the park, it doesn’t take me long to find the man. He appears to be having a conversation with a spruce tree or at least attempting to, the tree doesn’t seem so keen on the conversation. As I walk closer I can smell the alcohol from his breath.
"Excuse me sir, I believe this tree wants to be left alone. I think it's time you went home."
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")["Pft, why don't you come on ova' and make me [[Tough guy]]?!"]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")["What? Just who the 'ell do you think you is? Me an' my mate here are just having a civil discussion." He said, looking annoyed.
"Look guy I think you need to [[Sober up]]". ]
(if: $power is "Confusing Influence")["Ugh, wha-what mate? Are you [[talkin' to me]]?"]//Power: $power
Approval Rating: $AR//
This mission seems a bit more urgent than the other two, so I make my way to the PetCo as fast as I can. It seems like an odd place to rob though..
I burst through the doors and am caught off guard by the situation unfolding inside. The store is full of a bunch of random dogs. Some are tearing open bags of dog food, others terrorizing a few frightened birds, and the rest of them are standing behind a man. The man is dressed in black slacks, a T-shirt, and what looks to be a dog ear headband from some Halloween costume. Strapped to his belt he has a variety of dog treats in little baggies. It takes me a second but then I remember who he is, [[The Dogman]]! This dickwad stole my dog when I was a kid!
"My associates here are rather hungry, so we will be commandeering all your dog food. Oh, also hand over whatever money you have in the register." He blows a whistle that doesn’t seem to make any noise, but then several of the dogs get closer to the girl working the register.
"Hey asshat!" I yell to Dog Man.
"Who the hell are you?"
"You dognapped my pet a few years ago! You’re going to pay for that now, and let all these other dogs go too!"
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")[He starts laughing at my response.
"Look kid I've recruited a lot of dogs to my cause over the years, and frankly I don't recognize you." His response infuriates me. [[I charge up a glob of cardboard]].]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")["Are those.. bottles milk around your waist? What are you planning on doing with those?" He blows his whistle and the dogs turn towards me, [[I ready my milk]]]
(if: $power is "Confusing Influence")[["What?"]]//Power: $power
Approval Rating: $AR//
Cat stuck in a tree huh? Seems like a pretty cliché easy hero task, yea I got time for something easy like this. I'm sure it will be some sweet old lady too, maybe she will even give me a nice reward.
I head to the address the request gave, an older sort of run down house. As I walk up to the door I see a few other cats scurry away. Although the request sempt rather harmless, I can't help but feel a bit creeped out by the house.
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")[[I knock on the door]]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")[[I knock on the door]]
(if: $power is "Confusing Influence")[[I walk up to the door.]]Just then, the drunk throws a bottle straight for my head. As an impulse I quickly shoot out a burst of wet cardboard, deflecting the bottle.
"Woah.. the ell' was that?" He says with a look of confusion on his face.
"Don't make me use my powers on you man. I said it once and I'll say it again, its time for you to go home."
The drunk stumbles a little as he attempts to run. Before he can get far, I cover his feet in a pile of mushy cardboard and he falls to the ground. I coat him in another layer for good measure.
"How about I call you a cab?" I dial up the criminal retrieval force to come deal with him. After a few minutes an officer shows up.
"What did you hit this guy with? Some kinda wet paste? Hm, well anyways thanks for teaching him a lesson, this guys’ been bothering the park-goers for a few days now".
"Any time officer," I reply. The officer then loads him up and drives off to the station.
(set: $AR to it + 3)
''Success! AR up!
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]].I use my powers to draw out some milk from a bottle on my belt. (The milk has to come from somewhere, so I figure I should just carry some with me.) I shoot some of the milk straight into the drunk’s mouth.
"Ugh what... what was that? Milk? Fine ill go home, I'm done talkin to this guy anyway". He tosses his bottle at the tree and starts to walk out of the park. Although I completed my mission, I still get a few weird looks from some of the bystanders.
(set: $AR to it + 1)
''Somewhat of a Success... AR increased slightly
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]]."I said I think its time for you to leave" I say trying to be intimidating.
"Wha- where am I? Are you my AA coach?" He says back, perplexed.
"What? No I'm a hero! I'm here to stop you from bothering all these fine park goers". As I say this I realize that by talking to him I've put him under my confusing influence. So really all I have done is made a drunk man even more confused. I decide its best if I just count this as a loss and leave before I make it worse.
(set: $AR to it - 2)
''Seems like you just made it a bit worse. AR decreased.
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]].//Power: $power
Approval Rating: $AR//
The next day, I decide I should listen in for more hero requests, there are three that peak my intrest.
[[Someone stealing dog food from the PetCo]].
[[A cat stuck in a tree]].
[[A low level villan yelling nonsense in the street]].
I'm prepared for some kinda crazy cat lady to come to the door. I wait for a few seconds with no answer, so I knock again, a little louder this time. I hear some rustling, then all of a sudden the door swings open. A tall lanky man in a robe is standing in the doorway.
"Uhhh, yea I'm here about a cat stuck in a tree?" I say, a bit confused.
"Oohhhh yes yes, delightful, come right in", he motions me inside. A soon as I step in I'm hit with what smells like cat piss. Nasty, I'll just try to get the dumb cat out of the tree and get out of here ASAP. The man walks me into his backyard, and although I do spot a few cats hanging out in a tree, none of them look to be stuck.
"Hey, man is this the tree because none of these cats -". Just as I turn around the man throws off his robe revealing what looks to be a homemade cat costume.
"YOU FOOL! It is I, the //Felonus Feline!//" He shouts at me like I have any idea who he is.
"I only sent out the fake request to lure low-level heroes into my hideout. Now in an impressive display of my cat-like grace, I shall take you out. And then, after I do this a few more times, maybe the other villans will actually respect me..." Before I can say anything in return, he pounces at me in a cat-like fashion.
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")[[I conjure up a cardboard counterattack]]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")[[I hit him with my milk missile attack!]]But before I can hit him with my attack, he scratches me across the face with claws that have appeared at his fingertips.
"Witness my razor-sharp cat claws hero! What’s this.. Is this cardboard? but like mushy? What kinda power is that?" While he is momentarily distracted I shoot out a few pounds of soggy carboard at his feet.
"Eww what the hell?" Once he's stuck, I run for the fence, hopping it into the ally. Once I’m far enough away, I stop to catch my breath. The dude actually managed to get a pretty good scratch on me. I should probably go home and disinfect the cuts, I do not know where those claws have been. I shudder at the thought.
(set: $AR to it - 3)
''No cats were saved and you came out injured. AR decreased.
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].A few glasses worth of milk hit the weirdo strait in the face! He falls to the ground and I jump out of the way a little. At first, he looks a bit shocked, but then his eyes light up.
"Is this... milk? I love milk!" He then starts to lick some of the milk off of himself. I take advantage of the situation and hit the freak over the head with one of my empty milk bottles, knocking him out cold. I alert the criminal retrieval force and they come over to take him away.
"So you said he called himself the Felonus Feline? God what a looser, alright well we'll take him in. Good job kid." The officer gives me a thumbs-up as he drives off. My first villain taken down! Didn’t go exactly as I had pictured it, but hey it's a start!
(set: $AR to it + 5)
''Success! AR up!
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].I'm prepared for some kinda crazy cat lady to come to the door. I wait for a few seconds with no answer, so I knock again, a little louder this time. I hear some rustling, then all of a sudden the door swings open. A tall, lanky man in a robe is standing in the doorway.
"Uhhh, yea I'm here about a cat stuck in a tree?" As soon as I speak to the man he falls under my confusing influence, I then realize this probably wasn’t the job for my particular skill.
"The uh.. the what? Cat in a tree? No nothing like that around here I think. I'm just waiting for some heroes to show up so I can pounce on them" Just then he throws off his robe, revealing a homemade cat costume.
"I’m the.. uh.. what was that villain name I came up with again? Hey you don't happen to be a hero?" I'm not entirely sure what this guy is on about, but it seems like he was trying to set up a trap for lesser heroes. I suppose since I'm here I may as well attempt to talk him out of his plans.
"No you're not a villain, you're a... um.. gardener. Yea, no you are supposed to mow all the lawns in the neighborhood by the end of the week. And frankly, time is running out and it doesn’t look like you have done any work. You better get started or I’m going to have to fire you!" I say in my most convincing voice.
"A lawnmower? Uh... sure I guess I'll get on that then..." He looks a bit lost but retreats back into his house shutting the door.
The confusion wont last too much longer, so I alert the criminal retrieval force just in case before I leave.
(set: $AR to it + 2)
''Somewhat of a Success... AR increased slightly
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].I sling a mass of cardboard at Dog Man's head just as he's about to blow his whistle. The force of the blast knocks him to the ground.
"Agh what is this!" He tries to blow the whistle again, but now it’s jammed with cardboard.
"GET HIM!" He shouts pointing at me. It seems like he doesn’t entirely rely on the whistle to control his dogs, as a couple of the bigger ones run at me. I feel really bad but shoot out a volley of cardboard at the approaching dogs. The attack seems to knock the dogs out of whatever trance Dog Man had on them and they run out of the store.
"No come back! What are you doing to my dogs!" Now that Dog Man has had enough time to clean out his whistle, he blows it and a few more dogs come running at me. I summon up a small wave of wet cardboard, to protect me from the dogs. I manage to free the ones that were sent at me, but it appears that while I was distracted, Dog Man managed to escape with a few remaining dogs.
"Thanks for getting that guy out of here. But uh, you kinda made a mess in here.." the cashier says. I help her clean up the store for an hour after, and she thanks me again before I leave.
(set: $AR to it + 2)
''You stopped the robbery, but the criminal escaped and you made a bit of a mess... AR increased slightly
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].I shoot out a shower of milk at him and some of the dogs. However, they don't seem to be too phased by the attack.
"Is that really all you can do?" While the milk attack may not have been immediately effective, it did draw the attention of some cats, who start to lick at the puddles. This however, does not seem to be a positive outcome either, as now the dogs and the cats are running around the store, chasing each other and knocking over most of the shelves. I realize that I may not have a very useful power for the situation, so I duck out of the store amidst the chaos I caused. Luckily, as I'm leaving I see another hero arrive on the scene, their problem now I guess.
(set: $AR to it - 3)
''You really made it worse this time. AR decreased.
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]]."Your that Dog Man guy right? and by the way, your name is really dumb!" I shout angrily.
"I don't really know what you’re talking about man. I’m just here to... uh.. why am I here?" Dog Man says, looking confused. I realize that by speaking to him I've put him under my Confusing Influence. I figure I should take advantage of this state he's in.
"You're in line to buy all the dogfood your animals here have wrecked. I believe you were just about to pull out your wallet." He looks around for a second before slowly pulling out his wallet and handing a large sum of money to the cashier.
"Uh, I think this covers all the food... When did I get all these dogs in the first place? I uh, don't even remember any of their names. Are they even mine? Hey lady you should really take care of the dog problem in here..." While he is busy talking to the cashier I run up behind him and cuff his hands.
"Sir you have caused way to much trouble in this PetCo to be let off the hook, I'm afraid I gotta take you in," I call the criminal retrieval force to come pick up the bastard.
"Hey thanks for helping me out there! Man my boss woulda been pissed if I gave that guy all the money and dogfood." the cashier says graciously. I just give her a thumbs up, figure it's better if I just don’t talk as to not confuse her too.
(set: $AR to it + 5)
''PetCo saved! AR up!
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].Feeling exhausted after the last mission I just decide to head to bed. The next day I find a red envelope on my doorstep. I pick it up and flip it over. To my surprise it's my //Super Hero Status Report//!
"This got here weirdly quick," I say to myself. I sit down on my sofa with the letter. Inside is my Approval Rating report, and if It’s high enough, possibly an offer from a real hero agency!
(if: $AR > 7)[I take a deep breath and open the letter, [[Fantastic news!]]]
(else-if: $AR < 0)[I take a deep breath and open the letter, [[It's not looking so good]]]
(else:)[I take a deep breath and open the letter, [[Not great, but not bad either]]]//Power: $power
Approval Rating: $AR//
Helping an old lady cross the street is a pretty mundane task. Not sure why it was even called in as a hero task in the first place honestly. But, it should get me some easy AR. I should make an excuse to use my powers somehow, that way people can get a taste of what I can do.
I approach the elderly lady, she's standing on the street corner looking a bit worried.
"Hello ma'am, would you like some help crossing the street?" I politely offer.
"Oh yes, that would be lovely!" She smiles back at me.
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")[As we start crossing the street, a sizable [[rat]] crawls out of the sewers and heads for us!]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")["I would cross the street myself, but these [[old bones]] aren't what they used to be!"]
(if: $power is "Confusing Influence")[Just as we cross the street, I realize the old woman is [[unaffected]] by my $power]The old woman lets out a small shriek. Thinking quickly, I blast the rat with some soggy cardboard, launching it straight back into the sewer from where it came.
"Oh, my you saved me!" Before I can make a response she steps forward, unfortunately right into the small mass of mushy cardboard. She loses her balance and falls on her back.
"Oh God! I'm so sorry!" I bend over to try to help her up, Just then a man runs up and pushes me to the side. The man places his hand on the woman’s shoulder and mutters something under his breath.
"Oh my! Why my back feels better already!"
"No problem mam, I was able to fix you up thanks to my healing abilities. I’ve got it from here sport." The man walks the woman the rest of the way across the street and I walk away ashamed.
(set: $AR to it - 2)
''Seems like you just made it a bit worse. AR decreased.
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]]."Ah, but you know what’s good for keeping bones strong?" But before she can respond I take an empty glass from my belt and hold it out to her.
"Well what’s this now?" She replies inquisitively. Then I use my milk bending to levitate some milk from another bottle on my waist into her glass.
"Ohh how lovely! I do love a cold glass of milk," She smiles at me.
"Have a wonderful day mam!"
(set: $AR to it + 3)
''Success! AR up!
Approval rating: $AR''
Feeling satisfied with my work, [[I head home]].Is it possible that some people are immune to my ability? Or maybe she's just confused enough in her old age that I don't make a difference. Before I can really figure it out we've made it across the road.
"Thank you for the help son," she pinches my cheek a little and walks away down the sidewalk. Well, I suppose I finished the mission, but I wasn't really able to demonstrate my powers.
(set: $AR to it + 1)
''Somewhat of a Success... AR increased slightly
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]].Man, I really hate it when people litter. Like, how hard is it to just take your trash to the dump? Some people are just so stupid.
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")[Just as I'm approaching the reported site of the incident, a truck comes rolling past me, screeching to a stop just [[up ahead]].]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")[When I reach the reported site of the incident, I see a truck stopped on the side of the road and a man [[dumping his trash]].]
(if: $power is "Confusing Influence")[When I finally get there, I spot a man stopped on the side of the road [[lifting something out from the back of his truck]].]A scruffy man Hops out of his truck and starts to unload some trash bags from the back.
"Hey asshole! What do you think you're doing here??" I shout at him.
"Why don't you mind your own business huh? Or do I gotta teach you the hard way?" He rolls up his sleeves and steps towards me. Before he can get off a punch, I blast him in the face with a glob of carboard.
"Ah gross what the hell is your problem!?" He wipes the cardboard mess off his face and gets back into his truck. He flips me off as he drives away down the road. Well, at least he didn’t dump his trash. Unfortunately, there was already some trash here. I get to cleaning up the junk myself.
(set: $AR to it + 1)
''Somewhat of a Success... AR increased slightly
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]]."Hey asshole! What do you think you're doing here??" I shout at him.
"Why don't you mind your own business huh? Or do I gotta teach you the hard way?" He rolls up his sleeves and steps towards me. Before he can get off a punch I blast him in the face with a glass full of milk.
"What the hell? Did you just toss a glass of milk in my face?" But before I can answer he punches me right on the nose and it starts to bleed. My powers had no effect on him and I can't take him on in hand to hand combat, so I cut my losses and walk away.
"Yea that’s right! Get outa here milk boy!" He yells after me.
(set: $AR to it - 2)
''Seems like you only managed to embarrass yourself. AR decreased.
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head home]]."Hey, pal, what do you think you’re doing over here?" I ask the man as I approach his truck.
"I just dumping some of this, uh, now what was I doing over here?" He starts to look a bit confused. Now that he’s under my $power, maybe I can get him to clean up his mess.
"You were just telling me about how every weekend you drive along the road picking up litter. I gotta say I'm quite impressed, you know we really need more people around like you!" I tell him confidently.
"Oh, uh, yea of- of course. I'll just uh, start loading this trash up I guess..." The man starts to load some of the trash into his truck. I help him out a little, point him in the direction of the dump, and send him on his way.
(set: $AR to it + 3)
''Success! AR up!
Approval rating: $AR''
Feeling satisfied with my work [[I head home]].The report is actually pretty nearby, I figure I should run over before any other hero gets there. When I finally get there I spot a crazy disheveled looking man with a cheap purple villain costume that appears to be a little too small for him.
"//COME HEROES, FACE OFF AGAINST ME IF YOU DARE!!!//" He screams out to nobody in particular.
"Who are you?" I ask him.
"//I AM THE NEXT GREAT SUPER VILLAIN! THE ALMIGHTY, ALL POWERFUL, OMNIPOTENT SUPREME GREGORY THE ANNIHILATOR!!//" He shouts at me with a crazed look in his eyes. This guy is insane, I don't know if I’ll be able to take him alone.
"What's your power then?" I ask him. Without saying anything he pulls out a short length of lead pipe from seemingly nowhere and runs at me with it.
"WITNESS ME!!" This dude's not messing around, I have to act now.
(if: $power is "Cardboardomancy")[I conjure up more cardboard than I ever had before. If there's a time to [[go all out]], it's now.]
(if: $power is "Milk Bending")[Thinking quickly I shoot out a stream of milk into a [[puddle]] in front of him.]
(if: $power is "Confusing Influence")[I can't tell if my Confusing Influence has had any effect on the man. Did I confuse him that much, or is he really just that crazy? Either way he is about to mess me up with that pipe. [[I turn and run]].]I unleash a storm of cardboard upon the crazed villain. The large mass hits him like a truck, sending him flying back into a street post. It appears as if my all-out attack was super effective! Gregory appears to be trapped in a large pile of mushy cardboard. Wow, I really did it! I stopped a real villain with my powers! A few bystanders start to cheer. But then, before I can start to enjoy my victory, Gregory starts to stand up.
"//You fool... YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN MY ULTIMATE POWER!!//" He looks even more crazed than before. I remember that I haven’t actually seen him use his power yet.
"WITNESS THIS!!" He screams as he gets ready for his ultimate attack, I summon up some defensive cardboard. He leans back, looking like he is about to unleash some powerful ranged attack. But then he just throws his lead pipe at me. The pipe hits the concrete about 5 feet in front of me. He looks perplexed as to why his attack didn’t work out.
"Do you really not have any powers? Just a dumb costume and a pipe?"
"I uhh-" Before finishing his sentence he starts to run off down the road. I blast his feet with some cardboard and he falls over.
"Nice try but you’re not going anywhere" I alert the criminal retrieval force to come arrest him. By the time they get here, a small crowd has amassed, and they cheer as he's taken away. I finally did it! I took down a villain all on my own. It turns out he never had any actual powers, but still, it feels good.
(set: $AR to it + 5)
''Success! AR up!
Approval rating: $AR''
Feeling like a real hero, [[I head back home]].
My plan works! Gregory slips in the puddle, falling to the ground and dropping his weapon.
"Yea that’s right! Not so all-powerful now huh!?" I shout to him. But then before I can get to him, he stands back up and picks up his pipe. Guess I should have seen that coming.
"//YOU THINK A LITTLE MILK CAN STOP ME!!?!//" He screams. I try to draw upon my milk abilities, but I’ve used all that was in my bottles, and the puddle is too far away to pull from. As a last resort I throw one of my glass bottles at his head, but he bats it out of the air with his pipe. Just before he's about to hit me, a jet of water blasts him away and down the road. Could it be? The only person I know with that power is... [[The Seven Seas]]!
"Ayy matey, I was on my way to the local market to pick up some oranges when I noticed you could use some help" The Seven Seas says to me.
"Oh wow it’s really you! I'm a big fan! You know my power isn't too different from yours, except instead of water its milk, and I can’t actually create it I have to draw it from existing sources. So I guess it's really not that similar..." I don't really know why I'm telling him this, I'm kind of freaking out right now I've looked up to this guy since I was a kid.
"Arr yes, I saw that, um, thing you did earlier. Well keep working on it, I'm sure someday you will be able to use your powers with great success!" He winks at me.
"Now I'll deal with the crazy over here, thanks for the help." Seven Seas flies over to the villain with his water jets and proceeds to cuff him. Well, I wasn't able to stop him myself, but I helped a little.
(set: $AR to it + 2)
''I guess it counts as an assist... AR increased slightly
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].I don't know what I was thinking trying to take on a villain with no real offensive powers. I mean, sometimes my confusion works pretty well but if the person is already crazy it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. I look back and it appears like the villain seems to be catching up to me. Man, I really messed up this time. Just before he catches up to me a jet of water blasts him away and down the road. Could it be? The only person I know with that power is... [[The Seven Seas]]!
"Ayy matey, I was on my way to the local market to pick up some oranges when I noticed you could use some help" The Seven Seas says to me.
"Oh wow it's really you!" After I speak, I realize that it was a bad idea. I realize its too late when The Seven Seas starts to look a bit confused.
"I'm sorry but, do I know ye matey? What exactly is am I doing here in the first place?" He says, looking around confused. The crazed man starts to get up, and this time he rushes Seven seas.
"Seven Seas watch out!" I try to warn him.
"What?" Just then the villain hits him over the head with his pipe, sending him to the ground.
"//YES, I THE MALEVOLENT GREGORY HAVE TAKEN DOWN THE-//" Before Gregory can finish his sentence he is hit by another blast of water. It seems like the hit to the head knocked Seven Seas out of my confusing influence. I should probably just leave the rest of the fight to him, he will be fine now that he isn't confused, and I’ve done enough damage already.
(set: $AR to it - 3)
''Seems like you just made it a bit worse. AR decreased.
Approval rating: $AR''
[[I head back home]].The letter reads as follows:
//Final Approval Rating score: $AR. ''Congratulations'' You have shown excellent work in the field, and through your actions you have shown to us that you are capable of becoming a powerful hero! You have been noticed by a few hero agencies! Their offers are all enclosed in this letter, pick one that sounds suitable to you, then send it back to us and you will be official in no time!
- Best wishes, The Hero Approval Board//
''I DID IT!!'' I can't believe it! I got offers from not just one but multiple agencies! This is the greatest day of my life! Finally I'm a //''REAL HERO!''//
Thanks for playing my game! I hope you enjoyed it! Return to this passage ([[Stepped in]]), to see what outcomes you would get with other powers, or maybe try to improve your score.
- Jared Nolen//The letter reads as follows:
//Final Approval Rating score: $AR. We regret to inform you that you have not yet performed well enough to be recognized by any agencies. However, you may still have potential! Keep at it!
- Best wishes, The Hero Approval Board//
Well, not a horrible outcome, but not too good either. Although I'm a little upset, I know that one day I will be good enough! I will show the world what I'm capable of!
Thanks for playing my game! I hope you enjoyed it! Return to this passage ([[Stepped in]]), to see what outcomes you would get with other powers, or maybe try to improve your score.
- Jared Nolen//The letter reads as follows:
//Final Approval Rating score: $AR. Due to your performance in the field, we have permanently suspended your ability to perform acts of heroism legally. You are no longer permitted to use your power of $power in public. It seems like becoming a superhero isn't your forte, maybe try a different career? One that won’t put others around you in danger. Thank you for your time, have a wonderful day!
- Best wishes, The Hero Approval Board//
Well, there go all of my hopes and dreams, crushed into a thousand little pieces, and blown off into the wind.
Hm... well I tried being a hero and that didn't work out so well. If I can't use my powers for good, and It seems like I'm better at creating chaos anyways, so maybe...
Whelp looks like I’m resorting to a ''life of villainy!'' I'll show the world what I'm capable of, even if it wont be for good.
Thanks for playing my game! I hope you enjoyed it! Return to this passage ([[Stepped in]]), to see what outcomes you would get with other powers, or maybe try to improve your score.
- Jared Nolen//