Humans and many animals make frequent saccades requiring coordinated movements of the eyes. When landing on the new fixation point, the eyes must converge accurately or double images will be perceived. We asked whether the visual system uses statistical regularities in the natural environment to aid eye alignment at the end of saccades. We measured the distribution of naturally occurring disparities in different parts of the visual field. The central tendency of the distributions was crossed (nearer than fixation) in the lower field and uncrossed (farther) in the upper field in male and female participants. It was uncrossed in the left and right fields. We also measured horizontal vergence after completion of vertical, horizontal, and oblique saccades. When the eyes first landed near the eccentric target, vergence was quite consistent with the natural-disparity distribution. For example, when making an upward saccade, the eyes diverged to be aligned with the most probable uncrossed disparity in that part of the visual field. Likewise, when making a downward saccade, the eyes converged to enable alignment with crossed disparity in that part of the field. Our results show that rapid binocular eye movements are adapted to the statistics of the 3D environment, minimizing the need for large corrective vergence movements at the end of saccades. The results are relevant to the debate about whether eye movements are derived from separate saccadic and vergence neural commands that control both eyes or from separate monocular commands that control the eyes independently.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We show that the human visual system incorporates statistical regularities in the visual environment to enable efficient binocular eye movements. We define the oculomotor horopter: the surface of 3D positions to which the eyes initially move when stimulated by eccentric targets. The observed movements maximize the probability of accurate fixation as the eyes move from one position to another. This is the first study to show quantitatively that binocular eye movements conform to 3D scene statistics, thereby enabling efficient processing. The results provide greater insight into the neural mechanisms underlying the planning and execution of saccadic eye movements.