Both the degree to which the left-hemisphere is specialized
for language and the relative ability of the right-hemisphere
to subserve language function are underspecified. The
present study sought to identify whether the right-frontal
fMRI activation seen in a number of case studies in patients
with left-sided brain lesions exists as a group-level trend in
patients with left-frontal tumors. It also sought to examine
the possible compensatory nature of this activation. Thus, a
retrospective analysis of 197 brain tumor patients who had
undergone pre-surgical fMRI language mapping was
conducted. Patients with left-frontal tumors were found to
be more likely to show right- or co-dominant fMRI
activation during language mapping tasks compared to
patients who had tumors elsewhere in the brain. Further,
patients with left-frontal tumors who were identified as
right- or co-dominant for language were found to possess
more intact language function as measured by the Boston
Naming Test.