to Predict Behavioral Outcomes
Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
University of California, Berkeley
Professor Silvia Bunge, Chair
The emerging field of “neuroprediction” or “predictive analytics” in mental health has promise
for revolutionizing clinical practice by moving towards personalized or precision medicine. The
core idea is that brain measures at a given time may predict individual future behavioral
outcomes, presumably because specific structural or functional brain characteristics constrain the
trajectories of evolving behavior over time. For basic science, discovery of such brain measures
identifies particular neural circuits that constrain specific future behaviors. For clinical science,
such brain measures may support identification of vulnerabilities that could be treated
preventively to minimize poor mental health outcomes.
In this thesis, I first provide an overview of the key questions and challenges in the field
of predictive analytics, aiming to (1) propose general guidelines for predictive analytics projects
in psychiatry, (2) provide a conceptual introduction to core aspects of predictive modeling
technology, and (3) foster a broad and informed discussion involving all stakeholders including
researchers, clinicians, patients, funding bodies and policymakers. Next, I discuss two strategies
for identifying, in a developmental context with children, brain vulnerabilities for future mental
health difficulties. First, I used resting state functional connectivity, measured via functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to discover whether children without depression but with
heightened familial risk for major depression disorder (MDD) had brain differences indicative of
risk for depression. At-risk children, compared to children not at familial risk, exhibited
significant differences in functional brain connectivity in three brain networks. Classification
between at-risk versus control children based on resting-state connectivity yielded high accuracy
with high sensitivity and specificity that was superior to traditional clinical rating scales.
Second, I examined whether variation in functional connectivity could predict the trajectory of
clinical symptomology over the ensuing four years in a longitudinal study with a normative child
sample. Variation at age 7 in specific networks predicted individual children’s developmental
trajectories at age 11 towards attentional problems characteristic of Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or internalizing problems characteristic of MDD. The predictive
network for internalizing problems was one of the networks that had been atypical in children at
familial risk for MDD. These studies identify variation in brain networks indicative of risk for
two of the most common disorders of adolescent mental health, and suggest that such measures
may support targeted early and preventive interventions. The conclusion of the thesis provides a
discussion of these findings, future directions, theoretical implications, clinical applications and
ethical considerations.