Researchers have recently found that 3-month-old infants are
capable of using analogical abstraction to learn the same or
different relation, given the right conditions (Anderson et al.
2018). Surprisingly, seeing fewer distinct examples led to
more successful learning than seeing more distinct examples.
This runs contrary to the prediction of standard learning
theories, which hold that a wider range of examples leads to
better generalization and transfer, but is compatible with other
findings in infant research (Casasola 2005; Maguire et al.
2008). Anderson et al. (2018) propose that this is due to
interactions between encoding and analogical learning. This
paper explores that proposal through the lens of cognitive
simulation, using automatically encoded visual stimuli and a
cognitive model of analogical learning. The simulation results
are compatible with the original findings, thereby providing
evidence for this explanation. The assumptions underlying the
simulation are delineated and some alternatives are discussed.