In this paper, an EnergyPlus model was used to simulate the operation of a novel integrated HVAC system. This system combines an underfloor air distribution system with a cooled radiant ceiling slab. A cooling tower supplies water to pre-cool the structural slabs during the night and early morning period. The paper compares the performance of this system to both a typical overhead system and a typical UFAD system in the cooling season for the Sacramento, California climate. When compared to the overhead system, the integrated UFAD/Radiant system shows a 22–23% reduction in total energy consumption during the peak cooling months (June to August) and a 31% reduction in peak hourly electricity demand. When compared to the UFAD system, these reductions are 21–22% and 24% respectively. An investigation of the simulation results showed that the integrated UFAD/Radiant system also improves occupant thermal comfort and reduces thermal decay issues in the underfloor plenum.