We explore novel approaches for solving nonlinear optimization problems with unrelaxable bound constraints, which must be satisfied before the objective function can be evaluated. Our method reformulates the unrelaxable bound-constrained problem as an unconstrained optimization problem that is amenable to existing unconstrained optimization methods. The reformulation relies on a domain warping to form a merit function; the choice of the warping determines the level of exactness with which the unconstrained problem can be used to find solutions to the bound-constrained problem, as well as key properties of the unconstrained formulation such as smoothness. We develop theory when the domain warping is a multioutput sigmoidal warping, and we explore the practical elements of applying unconstrained optimization methods to the formulation. We develop an algorithm that exploits the structure of the sigmoidal warping to guarantee that unconstrained optimization algorithms applied to the merit function will find a stationary point to the desired tolerance.