Large, severe wildfires continue to burn in frequent-fire adapted forests but the mechanisms that contribute to them and their predictability are important questions. Using a combination of ground based and remotely sensed data we analyzed the behavior and patterns of the 2020 Creek Fire where drought and bark beetles had previously created substantial levels of tree mortality in the southern Sierra Nevada. We found that dead biomass and live tree densities were the most important variables predicting fire severity; high severity fire encompassed 41% of the area and the largest high severity patch (19,592 ha) comprised 13% of total area burned. Areas with the highest amounts of dead biomass and live tree densities were also positively related to high severity fire patch size indicating that larger, more homogenous conditions of this forest characteristic resulted in adverse, landscape-scale fire effects. The first two days of the Creek Fire were abnormally hot and dry but weather during the days of the greatest fire growth was largely within the normal range of variation for that time of year with one day with lower windspeeds. From September 5 to 8th the fire burned almost 50% of its entire area and fire intensity patterns inferred from remotely sensed brightness-temperature data were typical except on September 6th when heat increased towards the interior of the fire. Not only was the greatest heat concentrated away from the fire perimeter, but a significant amount of heat was still being generated within the fire perimeter from the previous day. This is a classic pattern for a mass fire and the high amount of dead biomass created from the drought and bark beetles along with high live tree densities were critical factors in developing mass fire behavior. Operational fire behavior models were not able to predict this behavior largely because they do not include post-frontal combustion and fire-atmosphere interactions. An important question regarding this mass fire is if the tree mortality event that preceded it could have been avoided or reduced or was it within the natural range of variation for these forests? We found that the mortality episode was outside of historical analogs and was exacerbated by past management decisions. The Creek Fire shows us how vulnerable of our current frequent-fire forest conditions are to suffering high tree mortality and offering fuel conditions capable of generating mass fires from which future forest recovery is questionable because of type conversion and probable reoccurring high severity fire.