Ever since the introduction of resonating valence bond states by P.\
W.\ Anderson in 1970s, the search for exotic many--body quantum
behavior in peculiar states of matter known as quantum spin liquids
has been a central challenge in the field of condensed matter
physics. An important searching ground for such \emph{quantum--ness}
is the low energy physics of frustrated magnets. In a quantum
system, frustration---the inability of a physical system to achieve
a global state that consistently minimizes its energy
locally---enables the unavoidable quantum fluctuations to hybridize
an extensive number of classical states into highly entangled
quantum states at low temperatures. It can be argued that this is
the most practical approach to achieve genuine many--body quantum
behavior at large scales.
The fundamental source of frustration in many physical systems, is
the existence of local non--commuting terms. In the case of
antiferromagnet spin theories the simplest examples are triangles of
nearest--neighboring sites. Consequently, lattices with triangles as
building blocks have long been studied in hopes of discovering spin
liquids physics. In particular the kagome lattice, which is composed
of corner--sharing triangles, has been the center of at least four
decades of spin liquid research. This is due to the underconstrained
nature of system made out of corner--sharing triangles.
After the first three chapters, introduction in
chapter~\ref{chap:intro}, preliminary physics in
chapter~\ref{chap:prelim}, and a brief introduction to spin--liquids
in chapter~\ref{chap:QSLs}, in chapter~\ref{chap:kagome} I tackle a
simpler version of the long-standing problem of spin--$1/2$
Heisenberg antiferromagnets by considering a quasi--1D lattice
consisting entirely of corner--sharing triangles, \emph{kagome
strip}. I illustrate that the standard Heisenberg antiferromagnet
Hamiltonian over kagome strip is an extended gapless quantum phase,
that is well characterized by two fermionic/bosonic gapless modes
and power--law decaying spin and bond--energy correlations. I also
demonstrate that the correlation functions oscillate at tunably
incommensurate wave vectors. It turns out that this phase can be
identified by a particular marginal instability of a two-band spinon
Fermi surface coupled to an emergent U(1) gauge field. This
interpretation is supported by analytic Abelian bosonization and
with extensive numerical large--scale density matrix renormalization
group study as well as variational Monte Carlo calculations on
Gutzwiller ans\"atz wave functions. This intriguing result is the
first numerical demonstration of emergent fermionic spinons in a
simple SU(2) invariant nearest-neighbor Heisenberg model beyond the
strictly 1D (Bethe chain) limit.
The unexpected success of the fermionic spinons in describing the low
energy physics of kagome antiferromagnet, reintroduces the
questions about the validity of spinon physics as an effective
theory of quantum spin liquids. However, numerical methods are still
far behind the theoretical advances. And still even today, an
accurate description of the quantum spin liquid states using tensor
network methods is notoriously challenging. It is known that for
large quasi-1D systems, the density matrix renormalization group and
related methods usually require significant computational resources
and sometimes fail to converge to a satisfactory state. On the other
hand, variational wavefunctions acquired from the Gutzwiller
projection of gaussian fermionic theories have long served as both a
theoretical starting point for the construction of such spin liquid
states and as an inspiration for numerical variational Monte Carlo
(VMC) to calculate observables of interest. Noting this observation
I examine a different method by exploring the possibility of
constructing a matrix product state (MPS) representation for a
Gutzwiller--projected state from two given MPS representations of
gaussian fermionic theories in the \ref{chap:gutz} chapter.
I investigate the complexity of different approaches to achieve
Gutzwiller projection for MPSs and introduce the novel algorithm
which we call the Guzwiller zipper method. The performance of the
algorithm is tested against two copies of a single half-filled band
of spin-1/2 fermionic spinons. In a successful attempt to describe
the nature of spin liquid states on quasi-1D strips of triangular
and kagome-like lattices, I apply this method to two MPS of
multi-band fermionic spinon theories and compare with the complexity
of the traditional VMC approach. In particular, we methodically
disprove the conjecture of a spinon fermi surface spin liquid for
the triangular lattice.
Finally, I conclude this thesis by laying out a bird's eye view of the
current and future of spin liquid physics in kagome and triangular
lattices and pointing out numerous possible applications of the
novel Gutzwiller zipper method. In addition, I would also discuss its
possible extensions to more complicated tensor networks as well as
versions for higher spatial dimensions.